JQuery :: Regex To Accept Float Number In A Textbox?
Jan 12, 2011
I need to restrict a range of values to a textbox. I have already the minimum and maximum value allowed in the textbox, but is missing me intermediate values.
An example: From the minimum value -2,00 to maximum value 0,00 it accepts: -2,00 | -1,75 | -1,50 | -1,25 | -1,00 | -0,75 | -0,5 | -0,25 | 0,00 From the minimum value 0,00 to maximum value 1,00 it accepts: 0,00 | 0,25 | 0,50 | 0,75 | 1,00
I have a JS function which checks whether the directory field value entered starts with an alphabet or number only. Following is the code using regular expression.
function testpw() { var un = document.getElementById("dir").value; if (/^[^A-Za-z0-9]/.test(un)) { // only a-z0-9 allowed as first character
method which only accepts "/ktp/knas/" as the starting value and anything after that. ie it should accept /ktp/knas/*, rest everything is not accepted.
I have been presented with: Draw a flowchart and write a javascript program which will accept two numbers from a user and will determine whether the second number is a factor of the first. This is determined by dividing the first number by the second and checking if the remainder is 0. This is made easier if you find out what the operator does. The output should be in the form 4 is not a factor of 6 and 3 is a factor of 6. I have tried a few attemps and yet still not sure what the problem is :confused:
I have a function below where every time a question is submitted, it will add a new row in the table with a textbox which allows numbers entry only. My question is that I don't know how to code these features in this function:
I want the text box to be between 0 and 100, so if text box contains a number which is above 100, it will automatically change the number to the maximum number which is 100.
Does any one know how to code this in my function below in javascript:
I have a piece of Javascript which i'm using to count the number of words in a textbox, which works nicely.
However the text called into that textbox is called dynamically from a database and the amount of words called into that box is ONLY shown when the user clicks on the textbox using onkeyup or I can create it when I use onClick.
is there anyway you can say on page load or something similar rather than having to click a box using onkeyup or onClick?
Awhile back I posted a script that was working fine in IE but not in Firefox. This is again my dillema with another piece of code.It is supposed to limit the number of characters accepted by a textbox.Here's the JS:
<script type="text/javascript"> function textCounter(field,cntfield,maxlimit) { // if too long...trim it!
After retrieving a record from the database and displaying one of its text field in an input-type textbox, I click on a word and it'll store or show the current position of cursor in a variable. I have no success with IE's caretPos.
I have the Validation plugin working fine other than the accept method. I can't seem to get it to fire. I have looked at the demos on the site but still can't get it to work. All the other fields with the class of 'required' get caught (when blank) and even the file gets caught (when blank) too, just not the file type.
I have searched the internet and couldn't find a problem regarding this issue. The thing I want to do is simply validate a text input so when you enter a number in it, it won't validate and give you an error message. This is the code:
I was searching to float a image to whole page, like I am having butterfly image (.gif) now I want to fly it in my whole document which is already populated with sorts of data. So is it possible with jQuery or I have to use Flash..
I have a jQuery object upon which I am setting the 'top' value using the .css() method. The value is to Float accuracy:
$('#example').css('top', 13.857759); Setting the value works fine, and the result in the DOM is: <div id="example" style="top: 13.857759px;">...</div>
However, when I go to retrieve the value using the .css() method, the value is returned as an integer: alert($('#example').css('top')) // alerts "13px" Is this an intentional quirk of jQuery, or considered to be a bug?
Below is the script and form fields I am working with. What I want to do is sum the two textbox fields and have the result show in the total textbox. The code works fine and the total textbox is updated with the value of form1.basic. The problem occurs when I add the "+ parseInt(document.form2.supporter.value)" code in the script section.
I was searching to float a image to whole page, suppose I am having a butterfly image (.gif) now I want to fly it in my whole page, this page already contains lots of data or HTML elements, so that image should fly in above of all this data / element. So i was wandering that is it possible with jQuery.
All I can find is about style:float which is not what I want. I would like to animate an image randomly around the screen. So, it could slowly float across the screen, and would randomly choose its motion.
I found tablesorter plugin failed to sort the float if the float is in scientific notation? Eg. the tablesorter asc sorted result of float list is : [ 7e-06,4e-05,0.051116,0.00518,0.0].
the user enters his values in 4, 5,25,6,00 or 6,05 etc.(using the , sign)and the max validation only takes integers. How can I still make the max validation with the , sign and float values? The users isn't allowed to submit the form if the value is greater than the max value specifyed.