JQuery :: Modifying Page Links That Is On Secure Server

Feb 26, 2010

I have a page that is on a secure server, lets say https://server.com and I have a link on a page /somelink.html. I am trying to use jQuery to change the link to http://server.com/somelink.html

Here is the code I have come up with:
$(document).ready(function() {
this.href = this.href.replace(/^https://server.com/,"http://www.server.co");
this.href = this.href.replace(/^//,

However, my code only seems to work in Firebug after everything has rendered. I assume that the links are changes when the Document is Ready but before the server address is attached to the links.

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JQuery :: Secure Login - Send The Username And Password To The Server In A Secure Way?

Oct 22, 2009

I would like to implement a login functionality to my website.

I've written a login form like this:

The problem is: how can I send the username and password to the server in a securely way? I mean, if the server sends the whole page in HTTP then the user wants to log in, he would not be able to send it in HTTPS, unless the server sends the login page to the user in HTTPS. But I would like this thing to happen with no full page refresh.

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JQuery :: Identify If User Chose To See Secure Only Or Secure And Nonsecure Items?

Aug 11, 2009

My site is secure but also contain non secure items from google adsense. users have the options to view secure only or secure and non- secure item. I would like to be able to identify what that user chose so I can show some other things if they choose to only see secure items.

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JQuery :: Login Script - Replace, The ?secure-page Part With The File Name Of The Page?

May 10, 2010

I am using a Jquery/PHP/MySQL login script which is supposed to display an error or success message when the user enters their username/password and also if the username/pw is successfull go to a secure page. Right now as I have it coded, this isn't working properly. Basically nothing is displayed either way.Also,wasn't sure if I just needed to replace, the ?secure-page part with the file name of the page I want to go to if successful?Here is the code as I have it now.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"

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Resolve Relative Server Links When HTML Source Is Not On Server

Feb 10, 2010

I would like to open an html file locally (not fetch it from a server) and somehow use javascript to fetch the relative resources from the server. One solution would be to convert all of the relative links to absolute links. I can convert the html source file anyway I wish, but ideally I would like to modify the html source as little as possible, for example insert a function that modifies the result of the src attribute. How would I go about this? Is there any trick I can use to define where the relative home is? Am I going to get into any scripting security gotchas?

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Parsing A Secure Page For Data

Aug 23, 2007

The data that needs to parsed is on an asp page secured by a login
form. I have access to the site, but I was wondering how one would go
about writing a script that would automatically access the page and
grab the HTML.

Garbing the HTML then parsing the information I understand. I just
don't know if its possible to access the data through an external
script (run from another server) even though we have access rights to
the page requiring login that is situated on another server.

The reason for this is because we don't have direct access to the

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Warning - This Page Contains Both Secure And Nonsecure Items

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to get rid of this warning over and over.

My pages are located in directory WEBSERVERAPPLICATIONSWC


CSS and Javsasripts are in WEBSERVER

And in css I have background:url no-repeat right top;

Dont know even though the image gets accessed by Https. why it is still giving that warning.

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Warning Over And Over - This Page Contains Both Secure And Nonsecure Items

Jul 30, 2010

I am trying to get rid of this warning over and over.

My pages are located in directory WEBSERVERAPPLICATIONSWC


CSS and Javsasripts are in WEBSERVER

And in css I have background:url no-repeat right top;

Dont know even though the image gets accessed by Https. why it is still giving that warning.

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Calling A Secure Script From An Unsecure Page

Oct 4, 2010

My Google-fu is apparently pretty weak today. I'm unable to find a good reference for this problem I'm having on a client's site.

They have a script on their remote, secure server and our pages (some of which are secure and some which are not) call it.

The problem appears to be on the unsecure pages calling the client's remote, secure JS file. I'm told that on FireFox and Chrome, it times out and produces an error on our back-end.

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JQuery :: Modifying Elements Before Page Loads

Jul 21, 2011

I'm using Chrome and it's JSShell extension I remove the <emb> and some <iframe> tags from a lot of different sites because their annoying ads.

The I use code for most sites looks like this:

It doesn't do anything. If I don't use $(document).ready() it removes all the ads. Is there a way to do that before loading the document or am I doing something wrong.

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JQuery :: Consideration That Should Be Taken Before Modifying Element On A Page

Jan 12, 2011

I have been trying to learn JavaScript and most recently jQuery. After playing with some cool stuff like hiding, showing, animating etc... html elements I started wondering if when doing this you should do it thinking about how your layout and be careful not to break it since I noticed that when for instance if you hide a div it actually takes it out of the normal flow and if this div is part of the layout structure it could potentially break it.

Is it a common practice to think about the layout when using JavaScript/jQuery to play with elements or objects on a page?

Is this the first think before making any modification to any element that could affect the layout or is there something that I'm not aware of to prevent from taken these elements out of the normal flow?

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Show Pdf Files From A Server Location As Links On A Webpage?

Oct 2, 2009

I am looking for a javascript code to display pdf files/links which are on a server onto a webpage. We are using an Oracle application and a javascript code can be embedded in it.

These pdf files will be generated everyday and going forward we will have almost 300+ files in a year. I tried using <a href="res/folderA/folderB/filename.pdf">Report for 10/01/2009</a> and it works fine. I could create 300+ links but most of the links would be dead since the pdf has not been generated for future dates and I don�t want to show dead links.

Can I show the pdf links/files dynamically? Like show only those files with links which are there on the server? The pdf files will be generated Mon-Fri and the naming convention for the PDF file would be MM-DD-YYYY-filename.pdf. Would it be possible to show the reports grouped by months? Getting the month from the file name and when someone clicks on that month then it shows only those files which have been generated in that month.

I tried using below code to get file names from a folder. It works fine on my local but doesn�t work on the server. But then it�s supposed to show only file names and not links :(

<script type="text/javascript">
var fso = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var f = fso.GetFolder("res\folderA\folderB");
var fc = new Enumerator(f.files);


Also one more trivial question, I looked at the source code of the application and then saw that images used in that application are being called using href and location is under /res folder, where in the code is this specified? Pointer to that folder? What if I want to show some files/images which are not under /Res folder, where do I specify the location?

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Get Images From Folders On Server Instead Of List Of Image Links?

Jul 13, 2010

I have created a photography website myself and coded it all in dreamweaver cs4. Now i have created it using html, as i didnt want to limit it to flash users and loading times etc etc. So today i found myself a nice simple slideshow tool that uses html and javascript. i created it using a site online (which i will not post as i dont think we are allowed to post to online sites).

The slideshow loads images up in the background, and it plays them in a random order.

Now i am able to define individual image links to either a url of the an image, or point it to individual images, listing them one by one in my coding, which as a photographer having differet galleries is goign to be a royal pain when i want to have new images showing up.

So my idea is to replace the code that retrieves in dividual images from url's, to replace it with a piece of code that will display an image from a list of about 7 or 8 folders on my server all containing images....

i.e. displays an image from the folder .../images/models/pic01.jpg then it brings up an iamge from a different folder .../images/portrait/pic08.jpg.

Is there a way to do this and how can i go about it?

this is the code i currently have:

<!-- configurable script -->
<script type="text/javascript">
theimage = new Array();
// The dimensions of ALL the images should be the same or some of them may look stretched or reduced in Netscape 4.


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Modifying Text After The Page Is Displayed By A Browser

Aug 10, 2011

I'm using a Volusion shopping cart and it uses JavaScript to insert code into DIVs with specific IDs. The code that it inserts can't be changed from the backend, so I'm wondering if there is a way to replace it with JavaScript after it's rendered.

Here is my problem specifically: I'm trying to change the wording "Find by Type" to "Sort by Type", but I can't modify it since it's being added in later by JavaScript. The tag I have in my template file is:

<div id="search_refinement_filters"></div>
but when rendered, Volusion turns it into:


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Show Hide Navigation Links Based On Server Names

Jul 23, 2005

I was wondering if anyone has any idea how this can be done. I am
trying to show/hide navigation links based on server names or ip
addresses. So if, someone visits a particular url/ip address he/she
sees only a particular set of navigation links. I am sure this can be
done using some kind of Java script or VB script, just not sure how.
I have two servers with different server names and IP addresses. Based
on user's input I need to display the hyperlinks which then directs the
user to other utilities. For this I need to create a script which takes
the user input and show/hide those link based on server name or ip

for example -if the user types in- http://wxyz.com or 166.xx.xx.01 then
only two hyperlinks will be shown but if the user inputs-
http://uvwx.com or 166.xx.xx.02 then we want to show all the

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LavaLamp - Modifying JS For Single-page Site - Subtle Animated Effect ?

Jun 27, 2010

I'm using LavaLamp [url] for the main navigation on a site I'm building, for a subtle animated effect.

The site itself is a single-page portfolio site with 3 sections organized vertically, "Home," "About," and "Work."

The problem I'm having is that the clicked navigation does not return to its original position on each panel if I double back on it.

For example, if I'm on the Home panel, and I want to get to About, I'll want to select "About." The LavaLamp animation will ease over to the "About" link on hover, and I'll click it, then the page will scroll to the About panel, where "About" in the navigation is being shown as selected (LavaLamp has a "current" class you can apply to whatever you want to start off as being selected)...

And that's great, BUT, say I want to get back to the Home panel. I click "Home" in the nav, and I'm transported back to the Home panel - but when I was there before, I'd selected "About", and since it's all on the same page, the link is focused on "About," even though I'm on the Home panel. Make sense?

I'm not good enough at JS or jQuery to figure out how to fix this. I think what I want to happen is for every link on each panel to STAY where it was originally assigned ("Home" link will stay on Home, "About" link will stay on About, etc.), but animate on hover only.

Is there a way to write something into the LavaLamp JS to make it so the animation works only on hover, and not on active, focus, or visited?

Here's the code, can't provide a demo page, I don't have anywhere to upload it at the moment...

index.htm with an example of what each panel looks like:


And last but not least, the LavaLamp CSS:

Forgot to add the page js:

EDITED ALSO TO ADD: Could it have something to do with this:

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JQuery :: Ensure Links In A Page(a Page From Any Possible Website) To Open In A New Tab?

Jan 8, 2012

I want to develop a multi-tab browser plugin, which requires all links in a page could open in new tabs within this multi-tab browser plugin. It's very similar to Multi-Tab functions of Firefox/IE, when opening a page in one tab, then any links in that Tab will open in another new tab(after setup from pref), i want to know this principle(how to implement this). I am thinking try this:$('a').click(...), while i am not sure whether it's good/enough.

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JQuery :: Secure A Link With A Password

Dec 12, 2011

I would like to secure a link with a password.

Upon entry into the link(selected) appeared to pop up a password.

After entering the incorrect order were moving to the home page .

If true, would redirect to the example thread.

I would also like to not be able to type a password time to look into the source of the page.

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JQuery :: Page Links Not Showing?

Jul 5, 2011

For some reason it's not displaying any of the page links and I don't know why.

(function($) {
tablesorterPager: new function() {
function updatePageDisplay(c) {


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JQuery :: Parse XML Returned From Page On Server Using Ajax

Jun 1, 2011

I am getting following data from the server Collapse:
allstudents> <
student> <
/rollno> <
/name> <
/student> <
student> <
/rollno> <
/name> <
/student> <

I have html page containing div with id 'dvtbl' now I want to generate the following table inside of dvtbl Collapse
table> <
tr> <
input type="
/td> <
/td> <
/tr> <
tr> <
input type="
/td> <
/td> <
/tr> <
/table> h
How do I do it using jquery? In the callback function of $.ajax?

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JQuery :: Append A Variable To All Links On A Page?

Jul 29, 2010

I need to append a session variable to all of the links on a page. Instead of manually going into each link, can jquery do this?

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JQuery :: Select Internal Links In A Page?

Jun 11, 2010

wanted to know how can i select internal links in a webpage like[URL]and add a particular class to them.

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JQuery :: Dynamic Underlining For Links On A Page?

May 9, 2009

probably a simple question but I can't for the life of mefigure out how to do this:I have a page that has information on various # anchors, a list ofthem are at the top and once clicked I need the one clicked to becomeunderlined and remain underlined untiled a different # is clicked.How on earth do I do this? I've managed to use jquery toggle to turnon an underline once it is clicked, but i have to click the same linkagain to turn it off, which is not what I want, I need it toautomatically turn off once a different link is clicked

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JQuery :: Replace Part Of All The Links On A Page?

Jul 12, 2010

I tried finding a similar situation in the forums, but was unable to discover anything sepcific. I think I may be way off here, and or trying to do something bizarre, but what I am trying to do is change only part of the the url for all of the links on a page. So say I want to change:




I think I need to use each() in combination with attr but I am not exactly sure how. This is what I have so far (with no luck):

$('a').each( {

I've successfully changed part of a single link based of it's enclosing div id, but if there is more than one link in the div, it replaces the entire href of all the other links in that div to be the same as the first one. So that's why I think I need to use each(). But again, I'm not sure how to do this properly in this case.

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JQuery :: Import Data From Excel To SQL Server Web Page Without Uploading?

Jun 23, 2010

Wantto import data from excel to SQL server from a web page, but wonder whether it is possible to do it without uploading the excel file from client's machine to server first.

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JQuery :: Change Image In A Div Through Clicking Links On A Page?

Dec 19, 2010

I'm relatively new to jQuery, and I'm trying to figure out how to create a restaurant menu, that when you click on an item on this menu, an image and description will show on the page. [URL]I've looked through several plugins but cannot find this exact solution. Can anyone please point me in the right direction?

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