JQuery :: Loading Puzzle - Lost Functionality On Several Function

Jan 9, 2011

I was having no problems at all testing at home (FF, in private mode to keep cache clear, and error console to check... also Opera and Safari) when I suddenly lost functionality on several jQuery functions, all of them similarly structured. Couldn't find the problem; updated jQuery; stripped the codes back to one particular function; still no clue.

So: now the puzzle isonline.
The calls to load the elements in the page are in the <body> tag.
These capabilities work correctly: resizing, scrolling with arrows, popup from underlined link, dragging. What doesn't work is what should happen when you hover on any of the six-line figures: You should see a number underneath and on click, a change of color, and new text on the left.

Script file: hover is at line 100; the click function at line 78. The calls for the click function are here:
Testing again online, Opera (mac) now functions correctly. So, I think it may be something to do loading. I've put a delay to make sure the elements to be operated on are loaded before the functions which do the operating. Still no dice. It also seems to load really slowly, but that's minor at this point.

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Table Row OnClick Functionality Lost

Nov 6, 2010

I have been using a tr onclick function in my tables to change the color of the most recently clicked row, it works fine. I have recently added sorttable [URL] to my table with the simple
<table class="sortable">
Making the table sortable has overwritten my tr onclick functions, which are now dead.

Heres a quick sample of what it looks like:
<table class="sortable">
<thead><th scope="col">Header 1</th>
<th scope="col">Header 2</th></thead>
<tr onclick="doSomething(this);"><td>Some data</td><td>Some more</td></tr>

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'Lost' Function Return Value: What Am I Doing Wrong?

Jan 9, 2006

I am relatively new to js, but I did think I was starting to get the
hang of it. Then this happened...

I have a form with an onsubmit event handler:
<form id="uploadForm" method="post" action="..."

The event handler does some minor validation, then returns true or

function checkDates(y, m, d) {

if (endDate.getTime() >= startDate.getTime())
return true;

alert("Start date must precede end date");
return false;

(The arguments to the function are used when it is called elsewhere,
not as onsubmit.)

I also have a library class which needs to process the form submit, so
it hooks onsubmit like this:
MyClass.setOnSubmit = function(listId) {
var list = document.getElementById(listId);
var form = list.form;

var f = form.onsubmit;
if (typeof f == "function") {
form.oldOnSubmit = f;
form.onsubmit = function(){
var ok = this.oldOnSubmit();
if (ok)
return MyClass.onsubmit(listId);
return false;
form.onsubmit = function(){MyClass.onsubmit(listId);};

My problem is that the value returned from oldOnSubmit and stored in ok
appears as 'void'. This happens in IE 6 and in FireFox 1.07. Can anyone
explain what's happening?

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Iframe OnLoad Function Lost With Replace() Method?

May 27, 2009

I've been using a hidden iframe for remote server scripting - how i've been doing it is that a load(); function changes the src component of the iframe with $_GET variables to pass to PHP:

this.load = function () {
this.iframe.src = this.file + "?action=load&gid=" + this.gid + "&last_modified=" + this.last_modified;

The frame itself then has an "onload" function that calls a doLoad(); function that handles receipt of any information back from the server. declared this way:

<iframe id="loader" onload="loader.doLoad();" style="width:0px;height:0px;border:none;"></iframe>

The trouble with this as you may guess is that the page was reloading every time src was changed and the history list of the browser was messed up. So I did some research and came up with this method that solves that problem:

this.load = function () {
//this.iframe.src = '';
this.iframe.contentWindow.document.location.replace(this.file + "?action=load&gid=" + this.gid + "&last_modified=" + this.last_modified);

Which is great, but now onload doesn't call!

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JQuery :: Keyup Function Loses Functionality On Ajax Page Update?

Mar 16, 2010

Im using keyup function to track text typed in input box. The idea is to perform incremental search in db. This works fine. After this I update the html dynamically to display the filtered resuts and at the same time I must dynamically rewrite the html for input box code. After this the keyup function is not working anymore, allthough the id tag is the same? How should I get around this?

$('#filterBox').keyup(function() {
if (this.value.length > 2) {

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Way To Creat Puzzle Game

Jan 4, 2010

How to empty one of the cells and identify the adjacent cells (the ones with which the empty cell could swap on the first move.) code...

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Adding Functionality To Countdown Function

Oct 26, 2005

I've got the following JS function that does a basic countdown to a specific date. I have a series of dates, and rather than change the date manually each time the previous one has passed, I'd like to automate it a bit and have it just read the date from an array, and use that date for the countdown. The check would be if the countdown'd date has already passed. Here's what I currently have:

<script language="javascript">
// date/countdown

function showDate () {
var now = new Date();
var date = now.getDate();
var month = now.getMonth() + 1;
var year = now.getYear();

currentDate = now.getMonth() + 1;
window.status = month + "/" + date + "/" + year + " thisdomain.com ";

var roundCDiv = document.getElementById('roundC');
var showDate = month + "/" + date + "/" + year;
//roundCDiv.innerHTML = showDate;

// countdown
var nextDateB = new Date("October 30, 2005");
var diffB = nextDateB.getTime() - now.getTime();
var daysLeftB = Math.ceil(diffB / (1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var roundBDiv = document.getElementById('countdown');
//roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB + " days until ...;
roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB;
roundBDiv.innerHTML = daysLeftB + " ";


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15 Puzzle Game / Create A Table (4x4) That Has One Empty Space?

Mar 8, 2010

I have to create the 15 puzzle game and im having a difficult time getting started. i need to create a table (4x4) that has one empty space. All the other spaces must have a random generated value between 1 and 15. All i got so far is a onclick image swapping function.

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Rocky N Bullwinkle In: Not A Function OR Alert For Functionality

Jul 5, 2011

I'm getting weird behaviour in my JavaScript class definition.

JavaScript Code:
- JavaScript Code
/*LINE 66*/for(var glyph in glyphs){
/*LINE 67*/path = glyphs[glyph].getPath();
/*LINE 68*/columnDiv.appendChild(GlyphsCreateImageNode(path), 'glyphs_level_' + glyphsLevel);
/*LINE 69*/alert(glyphs[glyph].getPath());
/*LINE 70*/}

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JQuery :: Check If Connection To Site Is Lost ?

Aug 2, 2010

I want to have a popup that shows up if the user loses connection to my website, i would prefer it to be in jQuery as that's what I'm using, and it seems more light weight on the page

I have this code, but it doesn't seem to work... it should check on document ready then keep trying every 5 seconds

PHP Code:

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JQuery :: Loading Function After RSS Loads?

Feb 5, 2010

I'm currently working on a site where we pull in information from an RSS feed and then use a script to rotate them. The problem that I'm coming up against is if the RSS takes a while to load the script is throwing an error.

The RSS feed is being pumped out as list items so if the li isn't found that's when I receive the error. I thought a while loop maybe the answer to this but I'm unsure about how to implement it. I've attached the function below.

$(window).bind('load', function() {
$(function() {
vertical: true,


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Jquery :: Loading Function Via Onload

Dec 31, 2009

I have a bunch of jquery code that animates survey results. It starts by clicking on a css designed 'submit button' (see below). My question is to get the following, which works once the button is submitted, to activate instantly upon page load...for reference, here is what I am working with currently:


Then a css enabled 'pop up window' appears due to a CSS effect:


Question is: How do I do this without clicking on a button. Rather, have this work, as it does now, by page onload? It'd save me a ton of time and finally let me wrap up a project where the creator parted ways.

I know one might want to ask "Why does it have to activate on onload? Take my word, having a pop up with querystring makes all the difference for reasons I won't get into.

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JQuery :: Event Binding Lost After HTML Insert?

Nov 2, 2010

I am not sure - I made ajax call through jquery form plugin, return response is HTML fragments, and inserted to a <div> place holder, work as expected.However, previous HTML segments have binding events (such as click) seems lost after the insertion ... is this expected behavior? and what are the proper way to re-instate those events?

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JQuery :: CSS Styles Being Lost In IE After Ajax Form Submission

Jun 5, 2007

I am getting a strange behavior in IE 6 and 7 where not only do I lose my CSS styling in the replaced DIV but some of the jQuery swap classes code no longer works after an ajax form is submitted. I am using jQuery Forms to post the data and use the exact same approach on the same page with a different form with no trouble.

Works fine in Safari, and FF, though I do see my styled Form submit button do a little hop in FF when the div is refreshed (this does not happen in my other successful form post.)

Best to see by example I guess:

1. Goto [url]

2. Click Level1Page1 in the first Nav Window you see

3. Click on 'Edit' when it appears

4. In the following pop-up, under the Page Settings tab (the default), make some changes and press update - this should work with no problem.

5. Now click on the second tab in the pop-up labeled Page Design

6. Make some changes and click update - You should see the problem here. The styling will disappear in the form and you will no longer be able to select a page layout.

The code that is spit back is the identical server side code that generates the form in the first place. There should be no difference between the pre-post state and the post-post state except for the data itself.

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JQuery :: Lost Page State After Pressing Back Button?

May 22, 2010

I have a page where a user can progressively download more thumbnail images. New thumbnails are loaded using '$.get' followed by an 'append' to the main thumbnail container. If a user clicks on a thumbnail then they link to another page to see the full size image. If the user then presses the back button, the page of thumbnails has returned to its initial state. I was hoping that all the additionally downloaded thumbnails would remain in memory! Is there a way around this? Keeping track of any additional thumbnails that have been downloaded when navigating the to the full size image page and then re-loading them when the user returns to the thumbnails page is not really an option as I don't want the user having to wait for this. This is what facebook appears to do after one has loaded lots of additional items on their news feed - if one links to another page and hits the back button, my suspicion is that all the items are re-loaded - they're not just re-displayed from memory.

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JQuery :: Tooltip Loading Image And Executing Function?

Jul 31, 2010

I am trying to load image and display other stuff dynamically, but I am having a hard time with it.How can I find out "span class" on the code below?what exactly defines "this"? and how can I access its contents?

<span class="PY4AAA">
<a title="" target="_blank" class="callsign" href="/qrz/PY4AQ">
<img src="/img/f/br.gif"> PY4AAA</a>


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JQuery :: Context Lost When Using $.post Inside A Delegated Event Handler?

Jun 26, 2010

I have some code that's a more involved version of this:

$('#container_div').delegate('.trigger_button', 'click', function() {
{ id: $(this).siblings('.item_id').val() },
function(data) {


Normally, when I use .post in an event handler, "this" refers to the object that triggered the event. That doesn't happen in this case. When I use "this" the first time, to pull data parameters, it refers to the .trigger_button. But inside the .post callback, it refers to the AJAX call object instead. I don't think that's how it's supposed to work, is it? Is this a bug?

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JQuery :: Autocomplete Function Loading Before The Page / DOM Has Fully Loaded

Oct 23, 2009

I am trying to insert the following call into my page;


It works fine in all browsers except ie(6,7,8) Internet Explorer can not open website. Operation Aborted. I understand it is caused by the jquery autocomplete function loading before the page / DOM has fully loaded. I tried adding Defer="true" to the script however this doesn't seem to work.

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JQuery :: Animate() & Google Chrome - Call Goes To The Element Which Lost The Focus, With An Opacity Value Of 0.2?

Mar 18, 2010

I recently wrote some code, which involves a list. Elements can be picked by up/down arrow keys.To highlight the elements, I'm using a similar call to objects[focus]stop (true,true).animate({'opacity': 1}, 200);(As you can see, all DOM elements are cached)the same call goes to the element which lost the focus, with an opacity value of 0.2.Whatsoever, I noticed on testing that the performance is just fine on firefox 2/3, IE 7/8, even Safari has good results.Only exception so far is Chrome, it's terribly slow on those calls with a CPU load of 40-50%.I didn't further investigate that behavior since it still works "OK" on Chrome, but SIGNIFICANT slower.

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JQuery :: The Icon Gets Bigger Without Moving Scrollbar Down And When Move To Bottom, Or Scroll, The Effects Lost?

Jan 28, 2011

I am trying to include Dock MAC style Menu in my page which is floating.Here I am facing a problem is, when we hover on menu icon, without scrolling page at bottom, the menu iconsare not getting bigger in size, as it should be.And when you reached at bottom, moving scrollbar down, those icon gets bigger when we hoverI have placed the script just before the end of body tag. I also tried placing the code in starting of body tag, then the reverse thing happen. The icon gets bigger without moving scrollbar down and when we move to bottom, or scroll, the effects lost.

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JQuery :: CYLCE - Loading Text Portions + Defining A Loop + Function Call On The Specific Slide?

Feb 19, 2011

1.In ZZZ.html i have a long list of text items formated like this:

<span > <h3 >AAA</h3><h4>BBB</h4></span>
<span > <h3 >CCC</h3><h4>DDD</h4></span>


In another document i made some buttons to change slideshow content by loading sections id to

<div id="cyc" class="slide"></div>
using function:
$('#cyc').load("ZZZ.html #part1");

Text loaded, but the slideshow didn`t work

2.How can i loop specific range of slides ( and make it modifiable with some "range selector" in browser) ?

3.Is it possible to trigger some event on the desired slide number ?for example:

on slide 3 - play sound
on slide 6 - display message
on slide 15 - go through slides 10-15 four times


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Lost In Calculations

Sep 11, 2003

I have a wapper here, and I'm going crossed eyed trying to figure this one out. I have a form with Radio Buttons for my customers to purchase a customizable club program. I have 5 sections each of which cost a certain amount. Then I have another section that lets the user pick what duration they would like, 3, 6, 9 and 12 months. Each option has a certain % taken off the retail price. 5%, 10%, 15%, 20% depending on the duration option. All calculations are done on the fly as customers click the radio buttons. I do have it set up and working, only I have the duration listed as many times as my sections. I would like to have only one duration section. I'm not sure if this is done in java or HTML....

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Multiple Xmlhttprequests Getting Lost

Mar 7, 2007

I've got multiple xmlhttprequests which are in a loop. So this is the
loop I have so far, with the closure given to me in a previous post:

for (i=0; i<data.length; i++) {
httpRequest[i] = false;
httpRequest[i] = new XMLHttpRequest();
httpRequest[i].onreadystatechange = function(index) {
return function () {
if (httpRequest[index].readyState == 4) {
if (httpRequest[index].status == 200) {
var stats = getStats(httpRequest[index].responseText,
updateStats(statsTable.rows[index], stats);
httpRequest[i].open('GET', URL, true);


So basically, the getStats method parses the response to get the info
I need for that particular request and then updates the html of the
current page accordingly. This works fine for 1, 2, or 3 data
requests. But if I have more, some of the httprequests get lost and
not all parts of my page are updated. But, if I throw in an alert in
each loop, all page data or at least more of them are updated, once
per time after each loop. It's like the alerts slow the loop down and
allow the requests and updates to catch up to the loop processing.

So, I'm not sure what's happening when the alerts aren't there. Are
some of the requests getting clobbered somehow? Are the httprequests
fine, and maybe the original document can only be updated once at a

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JQuery :: Accordion-like Functionality ?

Jul 21, 2009

I'm trying to accomplish an accordion-like function, but instead of dropping down the section below, the content just lays over the other options.

For example, take a look at the Accordion example here: [url]

Notice how when section 2 is clicked, section 1 rolls up. I'm trying to achieve something where with section 1 open, the user would need to click on section 1 to close it and then could select section 2 which would overlay its content below, rather than pushing section 3 down.

Is there an option on accordion that I'm missing or can this be accomplished using another widget or plugin?

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JQuery :: Add Functionality From Dialog Box

Aug 17, 2011

I want to make the add functionality in the jquery, where i can add successfully but i also want that when after add, my dialog closes, the div on parent should get refreshed and show me added entry, all is working but i have to reloadthe whole page to make it work

Here is my code!

So on close it should refresh my div or may be it should rerun my query to fetch final records from the db

Do not how, but how it will work!

Close the dialog this is where i tink needs some change, should it be edited enough that onclose it should refresh parent div and requery my query.

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Links Lost After Putting My Anchors

Jul 23, 2005

I implemented some code to perform highlighting and specific anchors are used for the searched words. The problem is when the searched words are inside <a href> tags, the links are lost after putting my anchors.For example:

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