JQuery :: Loading Css Files Synchronously?
May 4, 2011
now im loading css files in that way:
$('head').append('<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="' + file + '">');
after i need to work with values from this css file.
For example i need to get the width and height of one of element and to put it in another:
width: $('#anotherContainer').width(),
height: $('#anotherContainer').height(),
so...the problem is that my javascript code is executed before the new css file are successfully loaded...and script goes to get wrong values
is it possible to fix?...or exists another ways to load css filessyncronously???
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Jul 23, 2005
I am using the following code in the button_click event in xxxxx.htm
page which is URL for the showModalDialog window.
function btnAddComment_Onclick()
var user_info = new ActiveXObject("Msxml2.DOMDocument");
user_info.async = false; *****causing the error.
user_info.asyc = false is throwing the error (Object doesnt support the
method or property. Do you want to debug?) This is happening only on
the production region and after I choose not to debug and click on the
button once again it is working fine.
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Nov 17, 2011
The application I'm debugging is throwing a very general jquery error (H is undefined) based on my obfuscated js file. There are jquery methods in this file. The file has been tested and is used successfully in other applications. I noticed the application that throws the error is loading two versions of jquery:
jquery-1.4.2.js and jquery-obf-1.4.2.cache.js
Typically our applications only load the obfuscated version of jquery. if loading 2 versions of JQuery into a page could cause the confliction I'm seeing?
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Feb 15, 2010
I'm starting to use JQuery ajax and am seeing a second-2 delay in the loading of a line of text when I click on the link.
Here is the JQuery code
Content should load when the slideUp is done but it normally doesn't change the content till halfway through the slide down because of the delay.
I've tried without the slideup/down but it still has this delay.
The content to load is at most 8 words.
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May 23, 2011
for example:
functionfirstLoad() {
and the code which is executing:
maybe exists another ways to load and execute the loaded functions before another syncronous request is started?
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Feb 6, 2010
I came up with some code to load javascript files dynamically. But I've got problems..
When the script element is dynamically added to the head section of html, i think that the document.ready event fires once again and therefore the code sort of runs twice.
In the html page I call this method:
In the script test.js I have the function SayHi():
The SayHi method never gets called and alert('begin') & alert('getScript') get called twice in this sequence:begin begin getScript getScript.
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Feb 5, 2008
is it possible to load .js files conditionally? suppose i have a.js b.js c.js
and then inside a table y have a drop down box that has A B C
I want to be able to load a.js if I select A, b.js if I select B and c.js if I select C.
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Jan 20, 2011
I'm using the asynchronous example from [URL] to load a backup jQuery CDN if the main Google fails or goes undefined for some reason. The default script loads the backup (ASPNET CDN) but if I want to add a local copy backup to the ASPNET CDN, it will not load if the ASPNET CDN is down. I tried different variations with no success. Here is the code:
Code JavaScript:
// Setup backups
var jqbackup1 = '//ajax.aspnetcdn.com/ajax/jQuery/jquery-1.4.4.min.js';
var jqbackup2 = '/js/jquery-1.4.4.min.js';
// Setup getScript function
function getScript(url, success) {
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May 15, 2010
I'm actually doing a firefox extension in which i would like to implement the jWebsocket API in order to build a small chat. I got my main script file, named test.js, and the jWebsocket lib into a js folder. Just for you to know, this is my first firefox extension ever. So in my XUL file I got this :
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Feb 1, 2011
I'm working at a college in Michigan and we have an issue with the files not loading correctly for our website. The issue appears to be a javascript problem. When I try to access a page, it will load, but the javascript functions for instance will show up on the page as if it is just html text. So I right-clicked the page, clicked "view source" and when the source code for the file opens up it shows the javascript portion in the head section as:
<disabled-script type="disabled-text/javascript">
function somefunction(){}
However, the code I have in the file of course is written as:
<script type="text/javascript">
function somefunction() {}
I do not have javascript disabled on my browser or anything, so that is not the issue. For some reason it appears it is getting disabled though on page load.
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Apr 14, 2006
I have been struggling with a cross browser solution to loading
external javascript files on the fly.
I have been successful using the following code in IE6:
var newScr = document.createElement("SCRIPT");
newScr.src = "newScr.js";
I believe the reason is that IE is loading the external file
syncronously while Firefox is not. Is there an onload event for
creating an element (if so I do not see it in Venkman). I have seen the
solution of using XMLHTTP to load the script but I am trying to get
around any dependency (atleast at this stage of the library) on
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Apr 28, 2011
Here's what I'd like to do using pure JavaScript and HTML (no Ajax or PHP): My website loads different JavaScript files dynamically which contain a bunch of data, that I will display on the website. The dynamical loading function is placed in the <HEAD> and looks like that:
function loadJsFile(filename){
console.log("loading js file")
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
fileref.onload = dataIsLoaded;
if (typeof fileref!="undefined"){
The dataIsLoaded method in there is a callback that is triggered when the JavaScript file has been loaded:
function dataIsLoaded(){
console.log("loading js file done")
dataLoaded = true;
data = new Data();
DataLoaded is simply a global boolean that is per default false and the 'data' variable contains all the data I want to display on my site. While the JavaScript file is being loaded, the browser continues building the site. When it gets to the <body> that wants to access some information from the data variable, I get the unsurprising error that 'data' is undefined. I looked for a way to wait until 'data' is defined and then continue with building the <body> but couldn't find a solution.
Alternatively I wanted to reload the divs in the <body> when the 'data' is available:
function reloadDivs(){
console.log("data available, reloading divs");
document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML = document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML
console.log("data is not yet available");
setTimeout('loadReportData();', 500);
This does not work, I get a blank div when I do that.
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May 30, 2007
i'm using a little "ajax" loader script to dynamically load files into
different "div" tags on my main site. the code for this part looks
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Aug 27, 2010
In my quest to implement ajax for the first time i've hit a brick wall. i've been searching for hours for a solution but with no success. Here is the problem.
why is it not working? my PHP code is outputting the contents of the xml document.
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Apr 1, 2010
I am familiar with the user built addEvent function used to load multiple functions in the window.onload property. However, I am curious as to the best way to do this across multiple JavaScript files. I thought I had seen somewhere code similar to the addEvent function was native to JavaScript now but I can't seem to find that anywhere.
Just to clarify, suppose I have 3 JavaScript files:
function foo() {
// do something here
note that it is not feasible to combine those functions into one file as they aren't always loaded together. What's the best way to load them all as a window.load?
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Aug 16, 2010
I have designed a mail service in java.In my compose page,i want to attach some excel files of text files and to send it.After sending i want to store it my database.Then how can i download or open that file after opening that recipient mail inbox.
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Oct 2, 2010
I have the following JavaScript (see below). The script requests an XML file from the server and displays it on the page.The script works fine when the requested XML file is stored on the same server as the script.The problem is when I try requesting an XML file from an external server such as the National Weather Service. I get an error. If I take the XML file from the National Weather Service and save it to my server it works. Why can't I use my script to request XML files stored on external servers?
Javascript Code
window.onload = initAll;
var xhr = false;
function initAll() {
document.getElementById("makeTextRequest").onclick = getNewFile;
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Sep 5, 2008
I want to write a javascript to list of all files in a folder including files in the subfolders. This is for the scorm purpose to list all the files. some examples are listing files but not listing the files inside the subdirectories. I want the file's full path like C:Documentsjavascriptwilson.js like this.
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Jan 15, 2010
I have four folders and each folder has one images, let say ( images-one.jpg, images-two.jpg, images-three.jpg, images-four.jpg). now,in index.php page there are four buttons, each buttons for each images. if i clicked button numer two for images-two.jpg, and then it will show that images name from that folder in index.php page. and then if i reload same index.php page or refreshed same page, i want to show SAME images that I clicked before which is images-two.jpg. how can i write that code to show images from four files, each files are in each folder.
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Oct 21, 2009
I have a site that is very jQuery and image heavy. The main sections of the site link to sections that are built with several Tabs, and as it loads, you briefly see all the content load and then it is hidden by the Tabs code.
The plan is to have a full window DIV that sits above all the content with a loading icon that plays until the entire page loads, and then it fades down.
After some hair pulling and research I have code in place that does exactly as I ask, however it does not seem to work in IE6+7. It works in all other browsers.
The current code is:
CSS for the loading DIV is:
A working link is [url]
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Jul 27, 2009
I have this loading.gif image that is 750px, when it should be 32px. The reason it's huge now is because my original solution was displaying two images: one 750px version of the loading.gif image and one 32px version (in the center of the 750px) of the same image. Now I'm at least down to one image, even if it's the wrong version.Click any of the thumbnail images here, and then again on the thumbnail at the top of that popup product gallery to see what I mean: need that huge loading.gif to be 32px like it should be, and then expand to 750px once the image is loaded. I've tried a bunch of solutions, but nothing has solved the problem.This is the code I have at the moment, although I'm working on the issue now so it may change.
$('#inline .thumbGrid img').click(function(){
var strLargeImg = document.getElementById('OBOEsac');
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Jan 9, 2011
What is the correct way to work with multiple language JavaScript files? So how to use your PHP language variables in your JavaScript files? The way I do it now is create JavaScript files like 'script_js.php' like this:
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Jun 8, 2011
I have only started to learn HTML, CSS, and Javascript (roughly 2 weeks now). I am having a issues regarding when I submit form data to the server. I want to temporarily disable the 'submit' button while the browser is loading and then reactivate it once everything has finished loading. This was my attempt at doing this.
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Aug 26, 2010
Im trying to add some simple display features to a web application and am running into some unexpected IE8 behavior. Basically, the app runs some database retrieval from the server using Ajax techniques, and during that time (say, 30 seconds), I want to just give the user a clue as to whats going on. It could be as simple as a wait cursor. More interesting, I prefer to unhide a div with an animated loading icon, then hide it again when loading is complete.
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Mar 19, 2010
I have a lot of javascript functions that request information from an iframe hidden on the page. I see other sites do this, but their browser does not do the loading action (like the processing circle in Firefox). When I do it on my site, each browser shows the loading icon, as if a page was loading. Is it possible to not have this?
That is a sample link. Go down right side of page where you see three buttons: Trailers Featurettes Clips.Those return iframe information to work.
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Sep 14, 2009
It's the Coda Slider script on here: [url]
If you scroll to the bottom, and click: "See what our users have to say" and you can see the sliders.
It's working in all browsers but Safari, the script just doesn't seem to be loading, I get the loading scroller bars but they don't fully load. What is the best way to debug JS - is that the right term?
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