I tried assigning 2 error classes to an error message (as a span), but when the empty field was fixed, the error message wouldn't disappear.
$ ( "#testForm" ) .
With 1 error class it works fine, but adding a second one makes it fail. Here are some links, just hit the submit button a few times on each one to see what I mean
I'm trying to build a slideshow page in Javascript. It's dynamically built and all of that is working, but the Javascript timing is giving me trouble. First, a PHP script builds an array of Image objects to preloads. I have a 'Loading pictures....' message appear in the foreground of the page. This message should disappear after the final image has been preloaded.
I'm using Javascript's onLoad() event of the last image to change the message's CSS div display property to hidden, but it always executes immediately, even though the browser is obviously still working. Is there a way just to tell Javascript "do not proceed with the rest of the code until this task has finished"?
I need to get something fun! with setTimeout function!I am n00b! :D so be patent please.I need when <body onload="Myfunc();"> fires, that function should show "Please wait...!" or "Loading...". for , say 5 seconds!. then it disappear.I used setTimeout with that but it didn't do what I wanted!here is my code:
function Myfunc(){ document.getElementById("ss2").innerHTML = "Loading..."; setTimeout("Myfunc();", 5000);
i found a script that starts counting seconds from 0 till x. i wanted it to display the seconds in mm:ss (minutes : seconds) .. now i only get "NaN:0" (NaN for minutes and 0 for seconds). this is how i ended up : [URL]
So, I have a content div and a floating sidebar (that's draggable). When I click on the content div, I want another div (with id #formatting) to appear inside the sidebar. This is already working.When I click outside the content div I want the #formatting div to disappear — but if I click inside the #formatting div it also disappears. How can I get it to stay there when I click inside the sidebar?Should I use an if statement, or are there other options?
I have a problem with my draggables disappearing. They behave properly, correctly firing their function when the drop and correctly highlighting their droppable when they are dragged in. They are just not visible when they cross the Div dividing line.
I have a nav bar, each link in it activates/triggers a megamenu (each link has its own megamenu). I need a way to have each link activate its own megamenu, the megamenu should close when: 1. The user clicks on another item in the nav bar. 2. The user clicks on the same item in the nav bar. 3. The user clicks on a 'close button' (X) graphic inside the megamenu (not shown in the HTML for simplicity sake).
I've seen the script of 'Sexy Drop Down Menu' but the problem is that it closes the menu triggered by the click on hover, and as I said, I'm new to jQuery and I can't figure out a way to adapt it to what I need. [URL]
the code work good templ fill textfield but the text style is disappear, I try to refresh the list but still the same problem, hope you have way to fix this problem
I have this bug which i have spent ages to fix it but i still cannot understand why it happens... this is the html code,
the bug is at the third level of this drop down menu. sometimes u can see the third level menu and sometimes u see all of the third menus at once. sometimes u can select the item in the third menu easily sometimes these third menus just disappear... if u dont know what i m trying to explain above, here is the link, [URL] if u hover on the Work then go down to one of the drop down items, then u will see the third level menu. if u do the hover a few times, then u will see the bug...
I am trying to get menu to disappear. I have a menu on the page [URL]. When the level 1 menu is hovered on it brings up level2. However, if you hover over level 1 and then mouseout, it doesn't disappear. I tried this: $('.menu ul li a').mouseout(function(){ $('.menu ul li ul').fadeOut('slow'); }); However, that is then making level 2 disappear no matter what. How I can do this?
i want to hide some elements on my site, but don't want to makethese inaccessible for users without javascript enabled. Some usersare complaining about being able to see that element for a splitsecond before the page has finished loading and the element is hidden.Is there a way in which I can hide the elements right from the start,
here is my complete code when i mouse over on popupcontact div it show the divtoshow div over it and it has one link of name rahul when i mouse over the link it hide the div name divtoshow.my div should hide when i mouseout not when i mouseover the link.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" dir="ltr">
I'm running into an interesting problem. I'm constructing a form that will allow a person to enter text into a textarea and then preview it. Currently, the person has to click preview, look at the text and then use the back button, which causes problems with losing changes/the entire block of text. So my next thought was to allow for a UI dialog box to pop up and to submit the form values via a .load call to my PHP script. This works really well, but I notice if I preview and close the window (either with the X or with escape) more than three times, I start getting a blank window.
My code is as follows: <script type="text/javascript"> function preview(){ $('body').append('<div id="preview" title="Preview" style="display:none;"></div>'); $('#preview').dialog({ bgiframe: true, modal: true, resizable: false, height: '600', width: '80%', open:function(){ $('#preview').load('page.inc.php', {Submit:'Preview', highlights: document.getElementById("Highlights").value, }); }, close:function() { $("#preview").dialog("destroy"); $('body').remove('#preview'); }, cancel:function() { $("#preview").dialog("destroy"); $('body').remove('#preview'); } });} </script> The PHP side just echos the text right now, so nothing crazy going on there. I also find that unless I hide the preview div, after the second preview the div starts appearing in the page, as well as in the dialog box, so I'm not sure if that's standard or not.
I implemented the superfish dropdown on a website I've built. However, when I've integrated other scripts into pages with the script, the arrows on the superfish dropdown that indicate the dropdown navigation disappear. The dropdown quits working completely in IE6. The two scripts I've implemented are a script from visuallightbox.com for a photo gallery and a form validation script. What is the fastest way to debug this issue for a beginner like me. I am mostly an html and css guy but am trying to learn scripting.
I've got 4 subnav buttons; each has at least a sub menu; some subs have a subsub menu. My problem is, if I mouseover one of the four main subnav buttons, and then DO NOT choose a sub menu option, but instead mouseover (say) the next of the four buttons, the first sub menu stays displayed.
This only happens if I'm mousing horizontally across the buttons -- i.e., if I mouseover a button, move the mouse pointer above the button, the menu will disappear as it should and it all works correctly.
I've attached a screenshot illustrating how all 4 menus can be open at once.
This is a snippet of the relevant navigation html (2 buttons only):
so there might be a simple solution to my problem, but here is my question: I have a box:
====html==== <div id="box"> <div id="innerbox"> <a href="" id="toggle"></a> There is some text inside this box. It spans the entire width blah blah blah. </div> </div> [Code]....
I've thought of placing divs with a higher z-index next the main box but this isn't really an option, since it would make the website too large.
'm new with JQuery and more especially withthe validation plugin. and implementedthe validation plugin for the newsletter formIf you look at the bottom right corner, you can try to enter a datainto the input field.... but as soon as you type one character afterthe "." (that follows the domain) the whole page disappear...I can't understand what's happening
I have a list for example <ul id="applications"> <li id="id-1" class="util"></li> <li id="id-1" class="app"></li> <li id="id-1" class="util"></li> <li id="id-1" class="app"></li> </ul>
Then I want a select some of the list with some animate effect, first the all of the elements would disappear, then the elements that I wanted would display one by one the code: $('#applications li').each(function (index) { setTimeout(function (e) { e.hide("slow"); }, index * 100, $(this)); }); $('#applications li[class="app"]').each(function (index) { setTimeout(function (e) { e.fadeIn("fast"); }, index * 100, $(this)); });
The final effect is that all the elements would disappear first but the element I wanted would not display? Then I think about the queue,before I use it I change a little about the code: $('#applications li').each(function (index) { setTimeout(function (e) { e.hide("slow"); }, index * 100, $(this)); }); $('#applications li') .each(function (index) { setTimeout(function (e) { e.fadeIn("fast"); }, index * 100, $(this)); });
The yellow part is the different from the former one, the effect is that all the elements would disappear first, then all the would display again without any problem!
I successfully inserted date picker with trigger calendar in my form. I want to use this form for an other website I built. So I simply saved form under different domain name, it is not working.the image calendar.gif does not appear in my new document.I compared code HTML from both form and it is identical though.
I am trying to create a fixed crest at the top of my site that changes depending on where the viewer of the site scrolls to.
I found the following script/plugin on StackOverflow that works well for making one element fade in and fade out.
function isScrolledIntoView(elem) { var docViewTop = $(window).scrollTop(); var docViewBottom = docViewTop + $(window).height(); var elemTop = $(elem).offset().top;
I then duplicated part two and changed the variables to make a different div appear in this position depending on where the viewer was in the site but it did not work past the first transition. see the following link to get a better idea what I am trying to achieve.
Is there any way I can adjust the script to make it work with multiple transitions?
i implement jquery tab in my new website but i have problem while page loading, when i first time open page it display random data without css for 2-3 second and then everything is ok, if anyone know the problem let me know[URL]...
I'm looking to modify this code in order to have my content auto fade in after about 1-2 seconds. currently, it only fades in when you move the mouse cursor over the content.
Once a button is clicked i would like to disable it for x seconds. The button adds a div to the page and testing has shown excessive clicking can cause issues and halt the script, which is why i want to disable it.
I'm using this plugin to dynamycally slide through some li's every 10 seconds. Alternatively, the user can click on a link to go to the desired tab. Problem is, if there's 1 second remaining and the user clicks, the tab will only be visible for a second and then change. I need to find a way to reset the timer on click, but haven't have luck.
Here's the code: $("#slider .tabs li a").live('click', function() { ... some function ... }); /* Automating */ $("#slider").everyTime(10000,function(i) { ... some function ... }); Is there an easy way to reset the counter of the second function when the first function is called?