JQuery :: Validate Plugin - Error Message Doesn't Disappear When 2 Classes Are Assigned
May 24, 2010
I tried assigning 2 error classes to an error message (as a span), but when the empty field was fixed, the error message wouldn't disappear.
With 1 error class it works fine, but adding a second one makes it fail. Here are some links, just hit the submit button a few times on each one to see what I mean
2 classes: [URL]
1 class: [URL]
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Nov 16, 2010
I am using JQuery Validate Plugin and it working perfectly but the problem is for error place when error message come it make my form display look bad due to error.
I will explain you howThis is my screen when the page is load
Now when I press the Add New Company Button
You can see that look is getting bad. What is the solution for this. how can I stop this.
I am using DIV for each label and text.
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Jul 14, 2010
I'm using this great plugin, but the prob for me is that all error messages have the same class added to them. due to the layout of my form, i need to be able to move some of the error messages around in diff ways. there is a way to add a diff error class to elements based on their id or class or whatever, but not sure how to do so.
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Jul 30, 2010
just started using jQuery Validate, and am not very familiar with jQuery at all (it's on my todo list). Either way, I picked up the validate form and like it, aside from the fact that I HATE that it imposes a label onto you.In my case, where it says "Enter your name", for example, I'd like that to get replaced with "Required field" when someone doesn't input it. I've dug through the code but between a language I don't know (using lots of methods I don't know of), and other people's code, I just can't wrap my brain around where to edit so that the error message is appended (well, deletes that div then appends the message) to a specific div instead of creating a brandy-new label.
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Apr 2, 2011
I am calling a custom method to validate adate input element (this element is an array ). Upon validation, a message is displayed against each date input element, even if the others are valid. If one date element is invalid, all other valid date elements too show the message. How do I make sure that the error message is displayed only for the invalid element?
My formelement is defined as such:
<input name="order_date[ ]" size="10" type="text">
Here's the script:
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jul 16, 2009
I want to display a promotional message when the user clicks the submit button and before it goes to the server. The user must meet certain criteria in order to do this which is their postcode and I have written a regex for this -
/[TA]{2}[1-18|22|24]{2}/ I'm not sure how to incorporate this into my script. I have this so far.
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Dec 23, 2009
This is a solution:
errorElement is the HTML tag where the error message is placed in.
In your code, you'll create <div.inputrightdiv>-tags...
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May 17, 2011
Is there a way to force Fancybox to re-size after the Validation plugin returns an error message?
I have been trying to insert this into the process, but I cannot seem to get it work.
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Jun 29, 2009
The jquery.validate.pack.js file found on [url] causes an error when run in IE6. I re-ran the packing process with the perl port of Dean Edwards' Packer found here [url] and the problem no longer persists.
Here is the command I ran on cygwin:
These are the safest settings I've found with jsPacker.pl. The packed file lost 2kb (.1kb gzipped) of savings, but it works now!
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Jul 21, 2011
I'm new to using jquery and I have a question regarding the validate plugin. How can I make the error messages appear where I want them? Right now they appear to the right of the input field but I'd like them to appear below it or wherever i'd like
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Aug 17, 2009
I've been banging my head against the wall for about a week now. Everything in the code below works as expected. How I can make the error appear in the last <td> in my table below? It currently appears in <td> 4 along with the first input, but I need it in <td>7.
jQuery.extend(jQuery.validator.messages, {
required: "?"
$(document).ready(function() {
Table that prints out multiple sets of Radio Buttons
<td>4<input type='radio' name='".$row['name_id']."' value=$value1 class='required' >$value1</td>";
<td>6<input type='radio' name='".$row['name_id']."' value='$value2 class='required' >$value2</td>";
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Aug 19, 2009
I am using the jquery form validation plugin [URL] to get some simple validation done on my form. It's working perfect so far. When I set a particular form field to have the class "required" that makes it so that it can't be blank and when the user tries to submit the form, JQuery displays a "This field is required." text beside the field and focuses on it. The text generally appears right beside the input element. I was wondering whether it is possible to actually control where the error text appears? Say like I set an element div element which I want the error to appear. Is there a way to make it the error text appear in that div element?
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Jun 18, 2010
I have added a rule to my form but I can't understand why it does not work! [URL]. This is an example page: the rules is that the check box must be checked and there must be a valid date. From firefox console I can see it returns true or false as I need but the validation does not get triggered. Why is that?
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Nov 29, 2010
how to let a message disappear after x seconds? It does work, but disappears almost immediately and then trows an error :(
This is what I have for now:
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Nov 19, 2010
The following script sets values for various input elements and I want exactly the same function to run for the on blur event of at least two fields. The first half of the script works fine - however when I take the $('#prod_id2unit_price').blur(function() and script it as a separate function and then call it from
it all stops working -
<script language="JavaScript" >
unitprice0 = $('#prod_id0unit_price').val();
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May 12, 2009
'm new with JQuery and more especially withthe validation plugin. and implementedthe validation plugin for the newsletter formIf you look at the bottom right corner, you can try to enter a datainto the input field.... but as soon as you type one character afterthe "." (that follows the domain) the whole page disappear...I can't understand what's happening
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Oct 17, 2011
I'm validating a form using jQuery validation. or that I only add an specific class to the fields ("required","email",etc..). Ex: <input id="form_linom" class="required" type="text" value="" name="form_linom" size="50"> Since is a big and dynamic form (selections in some fields hide or show other fields) I have problems when submitting the form since validator doesn't permit send the data to the server because is validating also the hidden fields. The way I add the class to each field is making an array in PHP of all the required fields and then if the field is in that array the class is added. The only other thing that I put was this in the header:
I posted code in [URL].. look that the email field is hidden but prevent the form to be sent. I need a general rule that collect all the required fields that are hidden, not only the e-mail field as in the example (In my real form I have 54 fields).
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Jun 3, 2011
I'm using the validation plugin [url]
I must be missing something, is there not an easy way to validate inline?
For example, I have a required text input that is given focus on page load, I would like for it to throw an error if the user moves to the next field w/o entering any data.
Right now, it only checks for errors on 'submit'.
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Dec 19, 2010
I'm trying to build a slideshow page in Javascript. It's dynamically built and all of that is working, but the Javascript timing is giving me trouble. First, a PHP script builds an array of Image objects to preloads. I have a 'Loading pictures....' message appear in the foreground of the page. This message should disappear after the final image has been preloaded.
I'm using Javascript's onLoad() event of the last image to change the message's CSS div display property to hidden, but it always executes immediately, even though the browser is obviously still working. Is there a way just to tell Javascript "do not proceed with the rest of the code until this task has finished"?
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Aug 20, 2010
I have a form (form1) to register with the fields: user, email, password being validated normally.
Have a second form (Form2) to the user update the data registered in form1, and the fields user, email, password is already populated with data from the database, the email field I use the remote validation, and as the field already has been completed and read always says that this email already exists, how do I create a rule or method so that when the field is already filled it not do so validating and validate if it is filled with a new email. Email2 have a hidden field in order to do a test type.
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Jun 14, 2011
I'm working under certain constraints wherein,at a certain point outside my direct control,validate is called with no arguments, but after that I want to set a custom validation function on a form field. I figure there's got to be a way to manipulate validate's internal data structure to add the function, but I don't have a clue as to how.
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Dec 22, 2010
I have a section of a form containing elements that are not visible, currently just in a hidden div. Some of these elements have validation on them so when the form is submitted it fails on this validation.What I am after is a way to stop the validation firing for any hidden elements. I have tried setting them to 'display: none' and 'visibility: hidden' but this does not have any affect.
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May 26, 2009
I need to localize my validation plugin in general. Hence I thought I have to override the default code with this one:
But it's not working. Another problem is, that I can't access input names like this > name="xyz[1]" Is there a way to do so?
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Jan 20, 2010
im using the validate plugin with the meta data plugin
jQuery("#com-createForm").validate({ meta: "rules" } );
and then in the html i have for example
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Oct 5, 2011
I have 3 fields in a form:
I need Name to be always compiled and at least Telephone or Email. Here you can find a sample page: test If I submit without compiling it gives me the warnings. If I compile Name, the relative warning disappears in real time. If I compile, for example, Telephone, the relative warning disappears in real time, but not the Email one. Th Email one disappears only if I press the submit button that will correctly submit the page because there are no more exceptions. Is there any way to make the dependent warnings of Telephone and Email disappear in real time when at least one is compiled?
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Dec 9, 2009
Have a jsp page that contains a button (<input type="submit" name="doThis" onClick="someFunction(field, arg2)"/>, when clicked it passes to params to a function that looks like this:
function somefunction(field, arg2) {
for (i = 0; i < field.length; i++) {
if (field[i].checked) {
How can I change this so that the alert message is shown in the browser (no pop-up) using jquery?
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