JQuery :: Join Element Sets?
Oct 14, 2009
I have two element sets: $(".contentBox") and $(".referencesImage"). How can I join the elements in this sets? I would like to join the sets, since I'm adding the exact same hover function on both element
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Oct 29, 2011
I don't understand ..
$("#form-dialog-join").dialog() is a valid function which I copied from Jquery demo. What's wrong with it?
btw, all the jquery library is loaded correctly.
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May 4, 2009
How can you join two numbers together in javascript, like you would join two strings?For example, if you have two variables, with 1 stored in each, how can I join them together, so I get 11, instead of 2?
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Jun 11, 2011
What the join() method really does... I didn't quite get it. It said that it joins the array elements into a string, but isn't it already strings? how would you use this method...
var fruits = ["banana", "apple", "pear"];
What did that do, how do use this method.
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Dec 2, 2003
I would like to go to a url based on what the user selects from three seperate pull down menus.
Example user selects a product. Then selects a month and Selects a year.
month and year would join together Then create a path
<a href="product/month_year/DEFAULT.HTM">
I this possible with javascript.
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May 16, 2009
i want an html code or javascript equivalent for this particular case.i want to put two input values into one.in other words, join them together..example:
<input name="name" value="William"/>
<input name="surname" value="Shakespeare"/>
and then the next input would be the the combination of the first two input .example:
input name="completename" value="(name + surname)"
to yield and input value of value="William Shakespeare"
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Aug 27, 2009
I am working on a project which requires a method to join or split multidimensional arrays according to its arguments, which would be string delimiters for the various dimensions of the array.
An example of the join function might be:
The split function:
This would turn 'str' into an array like this:
I think I may have found the problem (but not the solution) - it looks as though javascript won't perform a method on an array which is part of another array. Firefox error console gives me "arr[0].join is not a function".
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Jan 23, 2011
I developed a plugin which loads some content via AJAX. Every time the content is loaded I need to bind to certain elements ( let's say the elements with 'bar' as classname ) the mouseover and mouseout elements. I achieved it by using the ' live() ' instruction.Now my problem comes when I need to scan every element which has 'bar' as classname and do some calulcations on it (they are over 600). I tried to do like this
$container.find('.bar').live('customevent', function()
// do some stuff
then, once the contents is loaded
but this will cause the browser to carsh ( I think because jQuery is scanning over than 600 elements)
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Feb 5, 2009
I'm using Minitabs plugin. It works great for me, but I just can't have multiple tab sets on the same page. This is the JS:
jQuery.fn.tabs = function(speed,effect) {
id = "#" + this.attr('id')
$(id + ">DIV:gt(0)").hide();
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Sep 4, 2009
what i'm trying to do is have it when once a user clicks on a banner the join raffle button will show after clicking on the banner, along with opening up a new window to the link the banner had. I've been trying to set up a onclick event to do this but haven't had success This is the code ive tried using.
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Oct 22, 2011
I need to capitalize user input from a text field by passing the data to an array and using the split() method, then then join() method and of course toUpperCase. I need to accomplish this with a loop. I only have a crappy ebook and haven't ever been in a java classroom.
Here's what I have which is not at all sufficient. I learn best from examples, so here I am...
Enter lower case text
The following lines of code are just my attempts at guessing javascript logic/syntax
function arrays(){
for (var i=0; i<secondarray.length; ++i)}
var secondarray =firstarray.split(separator[" ", 40]).toUpperCase();
/var secondarray.join([""])
<INPUT TYPE=BUTTON VALUE="Convert to Upper Case"
onclick="document.strn.txt2.value = document.strn.txt1.value.toUpperCase()"
<input type = "text" NAME=txt2 size=20/>
I know this much .array = string.split(separator[, limit]);.
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May 9, 2011
I am trying to cycle through a set of tables within divs this works fine in firefox, but I cannot understand why it is not working in webkit broswers an example of what I'd like to cycle through:[code]do I need to somehow define that 'roundabound' id is what i'd like to cycle through?
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Feb 15, 2009
I have a situation where within my form I establish two different sets of radio button groups. The real world example field group names are "Mens" and "Womens".
Everything works fine with my form until the user submits the form but then selects their browsers "back" button. When they are returned back to their product page from their cart their previous selection remains active. If the user then selects an option from the second set of radio buttons their submission contains both selections which I do not want.
I can clear all of the radio button states with the following function just after the form is submitted:
Code JavaScript:
$(".cart input:radio").click(function(){
this.checked = false;
But I think it would be much more graceful to inject some logic; e.g. if the clicked buttons group name is "Mens" make sure clear the state of any selected button in the "Womens" group. But I guess for me this is easier said than done.
If it does make more sense would I define the condition in my click function? (here is me hacking away at this logic - I realize my sytax is probably messed up)
Code JavaScript:
$(".cart input:radio").click(function(){
$(radio[name@Womens]).checked = false;
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Sep 2, 2007
A group of select inputs with identical options When an option is selected from 1 dropdown it is removed from the others (unless its a blank one)
Now I'm reusing the script in another application that has multiple sets of dropdowns (but only 1 that the script needs to apply to) It works fine except, all the options get jumbled up - in all the dropdowns.
The script is a little beyond my level of javascript - I think largely because it doesn't use 'sensible' variable names so its quite hard to follow. How can I modify the script to not mess up the order (most importantly of the other dropdowns that aren't having elements removed and added) Code:
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm not sure if this is a style sheet issue or a Javascript issue.
I'm trying to work out a new design for my software's control panel.
The idea is that there are images on the left that you click and that
as you do, DIVs with option links appear and disappear on the right.
Because I want each of the DIVS to appear in the same place, I use
Javascript to set their padding and their height to 0px when they are
invisible. This is working the way I wish in Netscape 7.1 but it is
not working the way I want in IE. Can anyone give me a hint about why?
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Jan 20, 2005
Basically, if a value is a member of all the arrays passed to the function, this function will add that value to a response array. The function returns the response array.
* Return an array of members existing in all argument arrays.
* @param aSet(n) JSArray.
function getSetIntersection(aSet1, aSet2) {
var temp = [];
var offset = arguments.length - 1;
var response = [];
for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) {
temp = temp.concat(arguments[i]);
* The goal is to find an ordered sequence of n identical members of temp,
* where n = arguments.length. For this, we just need to check the start
* and end points of the sequence, and if they match, push them on to the
* response array.
for (var i = 0; i < temp.length - offset; i++) {
if (temp[i] == temp[i + offset]) {
i += offset;
return response;
The assumption is that no member of the original arrays is repeated. I'd welcome a sanity check for that.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've been trying to create two different sets of required fields in
one form and to use a
radiobutton as sort of a switcher between these sets.
In my HTML form there are two radiobuttons with values 'Via Email' and
'Printed Brochure'.
If a user checks 'Via Email' radiobutton, he/she has to fill out Email
and Name fields
only, if it's radiobutton 'Printed Brochure' is checked, a user has to
fill Email, Name
and ALSO Address field.
I use this script below, but it doesn't seem to work, and I can't get
it why.... Code:
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Nov 5, 2007
I have a table I am populating with data from a DB, and have it
sortable on the client side. When the table exceeds around 300 rows,
I start running into problems with rendering and sorting it. I
started out using Prototype to help with the sorting, but it appears
that this results in a lot of calls to _getElementsByXPath, which are
taking up a large percentage of the rendering time. I believe this
call is occurring as the DOM is being parsed.
What is the general/most accepted manner of dealing with large data
sets (I am expecting some to grow into the thousands) in a table so
that it can be sorted client side? I am thinking of building a
javascript (JSON) object containing the data, and sorting based on
this. Anybody have any thoughts on this approach, or any suggestions
for other ways to approach this?
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Jul 26, 2009
I am having trouble getting values from multiple radio sets. I know it is probably elementary, but this is the code I am using:
Radio Set 1
<input type="radio" name="radSafe1" value="AR" id="radSafe1" onClick="SetFocus('1_1')"/> </label> <label>
Well, I am using the alert function to test the values, but no matter what is checked, even if none are, the values for both of them are always "AR".
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May 3, 2010
have been trying to get the rotating pictures to work. I am using dreamweaver 8. If I put one rotator on the page it works fine but when I add the second they both don't work. here is my page code
[<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
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Apr 29, 2011
When the return value of a function is another function like:
The normal method I've seen to invoke the returned function is:
In, JavaScript closure for dummies, in the 6th example the returned function is invoked using double brackets like:
This is working perfectly in firefox. This is the 1st time I'm seeing a function call like this.
Does this work in all browsers?
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Jul 6, 2011
I am in the process of creating a site for real estate listings optimized for a mobile environment. One of the features that is desired would be a google map that loads listings as the user drags. One of the catches to this is that very few listings have included latitude and longitude values. Therefore, every time I need to add a listing to the map I first need to geocode it. Now with a few listings this is not really a big deal. However, the end goal would be to show all listings within the current bounds.Which depending on the zoom level could be anywhere from a hand full to several hundred.owever, when I attempt to load say 100 listings to the map it pretty much freezes and is fairly buggy after wards.
That said I was wondering if there is a better way to handle this. Perhaps submitting the listings as places with a CRON and having markers generated automatically? I am just trying to think how I can achieve this in a way which doesn't kill a mobile phone because it seems impossible considering there could be over 5000 listings in bounds of the map area. The only real solution I have is to only show say 30 or so and use pagination for the next 30 and so one within bounds.The ultimate goals is when the map bounds change ALL listings will show up within that bounds. The way I have currently approached this is that when the user stop dragging the map a asynchronous request pulls in ALL listings within bounds as an XML those full addresses are geocoded and added to the map. However, this is wrecking havok on the browser and I am not even going to try it in a mobile environment considering its dragging a desk top down. I'm thinking this is less and practical and pagination has to be used but perhaps someone out there has dealt with a similar objective.
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Jul 23, 2005
For instance, one set is:
<body onload="blinking_header()" onunload="stoptimer()">
Another set is:
<body onload="writemsg()" onunload="stoptimer()">
They represent two functions. How to place them in the <body> tag?
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Mar 25, 2009
I have 3 radio buttons and based on which is clicked I want to write html to a div. So far nothing is happening and it seems that the onclick is not being done at all or tried.
This is what I have:
<script type="text/javascript">
function getAmt(ss){
if(ss == "fy"){
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Jul 11, 2011
I need another few more sets of the triple drop down menu same as the below script... (Scenario: creating like a online shopping order form, where customers can have multiple orders.)
<script type="text/javascript">
Triple Combo Script Credit
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Jun 5, 2011
How can I make it so that when I click a link, my input box now has a cursor / focus set?
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