JQuery :: JSONP Ajax Call Never Returns?

Jul 28, 2011

I'm trying to use $.ajax to make a JSONP call, but the callback function is never executed.I have debugging code in my server that acknowledges that a request is received, but that never runs.The same URL works fine if I paste it into the address bar of my browser.


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JQuery :: Ajax Call Doesn't Get Jsonp It Expects?

Sep 30, 2011

I have jQuery 1.5.1 client-side that is making an .ajax() call to an ASP.Net MVC controller method - expecting a jsonp packaged response. In normal cases, the server packages up a response of typeapplication/json and that works fine. The problem is when the session on the server times out, the server will respond to the ajax call with the server's login page, which obviously isn't valid json and the error handler on the ajax call fires with a parseerror. Similarly, if there's an exception server-side, the site redirects to a custom error page, which again isn't valid json, and: barf. I have no information client-side what went wrong when in the .ajax error handler. The xhr just says parseerror with no further info. Is there any way I can see what the server responded with so I can handle this more intelligently? I've tried change the client-side dataType to "json text" hoping that it would try to interpret the server response as text, if the json fails, but it just goes to the error handler.

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JQuery :: Jsonp (firebug)returns Missing ; Before Statement?

Mar 30, 2011

Here's my code:

$( document ).ready( function(){
$('#get_metars').click( function(){
//var icao = $('#icaos').val();


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JQuery :: Ajax Call Returns Some Internal Function

Jun 29, 2011

Clearly I am invoking this wrong.


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JQuery :: Passing Arguments To An Ajax Call That Returns Automatically?

Oct 2, 2009

<div>I have a bunch of ajax events that are fired one after an other to fill different spots on the page.Hence it's important that I know which dom element each on of the resulting data is supposed to belong to.</div> <div> </div><div>I was wondering if there is a way I can pass the id of each element into the call so that it gets returned automagically without any intervention by the server?</div><div> </div><div>In YUI I can pass any number of arguments to an axax call and these areguments are available as part of the response.</div>


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AJAX :: Mysql_query() Call Returns 'access Denied' Using XML HTTP Req Object

Aug 31, 2010

I am getting an error to a mysql_query() call: Access denied for user 'SYSTEM'@'localhost' (using password: NO)' in path 'C:PHPClassesMySQLDbClass.php' at line 1078 This is coming from using a XML HTTP Request object (AJAX) to send form data to the server requesting my DB records interface script page, ajaxRecordsInterface.php. In using PHP sessions, I have no problem going from a logged-in-select-activity PHP document to an activity controlled by a PHP document that does records interface. But apparently an XML HTTP Request object has a different session than a PHPdoc-2-PHPdoc session. Is that so?

Here is MORE DETAIL: I am building first a version of a web-based database interaction using MySQL that does not use page reloads, so that means I am using Ajax/XML HTTP request object/Javascript (later I build the version that does script-free page reloads to show db updates/refreshes). I have no problem with login whose first PHP document gets user information and presents it, as well as a menu of links to how to interact with the DB. One of the options is to add/edit/delete student records.

In the PHP document which is the DB records interface, I have a scrollable HTML table at the document top with one table row for each record. Below it is an empty form, whose fields get populated when the user clicking on a record in a table row. Note that all fields for the records in the table rows were delivered as a Javascript array with a maximum of 50 or a 100 contiguous records in the MySQL table. (More optimizations may be done later, such as creating a Javascript array as a "cache" of the last 20 or so selected records.) I don't have problems making mysql_query() calls in a series of PHP document requests. I call session_start() to get session variables, one of which is a serialized MySQLDatabase class object which I unserialize to get the object again. The problem is the XML HTTP Request to a PHP document designed to interact with it is a different PHP session from a page-to-page session.

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JQuery :: .ajax() With DataType: 'jsonp' Will Not Use Error Callback If Request Fails?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm using an .ajax() call to do a jsonp request to another domain. When the user is not logged in, however, the server will return a 401 error. Unfortunately, this causes my .ajax() call to fail _without_ calling the error callback. Is this a known bug? Here is my code:


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JQuery :: Using .ajax() To Access Cross-domain Data Using JSONP - Able To Cache The Data

Jun 27, 2011

I am using .ajax() to access cross-domain data using JSONP. Because I need to be able to cache the data I want to use a static name for thejsonpCallback function, so I have set the jsonpCallback option in the .ajax() request. However that appears to requires a global function whereas the auto generated function didn't (well maybe it did but that was all hidden from me).

I definitely need to be able to cache the results. Ideally I wouldn't have a global function handling the data. Is there another way to do this? If not what is the best practice way to go about using a global function these days and how do I provide it with the context of the object/module it was called from - which is where the data is needed?

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JQuery :: Get And Ajax Function Returns Empty Response?

Sep 27, 2010

The goal is to change the source on the fly (as with a firefox extension webdev or another or even Greasemonkey) to add a link. Until then, easy does it work well. This link launches an application ajax jquery like:
$.get(...) or even $.ajax(...)

If I'm on [URL], added my link, I click and it works, I see the ajax request and pass my "alert ()" gives me the return of application. Great! But if I'm on a site other than mine (the url of the ajax request is [URL] while I'm at [URL] for example), the return of the ajax request is empty.

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JQuery :: AJAX Request Trought Yahoo Pipes Returns Null

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to retrieve some data trough yahoo pipes, but it always returns null. However if i go to my yahoo pipe's site and i launch it, the pipe works perfectly.[code]

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JQuery :: Ajax Returns Data On Ie Safari And Chrome But Not Firefox / Sort It?

Apr 13, 2009

Can somebody take a look at this...

The white my notes section on the bottom left is a div area that is loaded with an Jquery Ajax call just like 2 other areas on the page. This works fine in IE, Safari (PC), Chrome but not in Firefox. It just shows blank white.

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JQuery :: Validate: Regex That Returns True Elsewhere Returns False Inside Validator Method

Oct 8, 2009

Either I'm having a really dim Friday, or something strange is going on. I'm trying to add a method to the Validator plugin, using the following regex:


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AJAX :: Data Returns Out Of Sequence

Jan 3, 2011

I'm building an application that uses calendars extensively, I have single calendars returning nicely but I working on a section that can return multiple calendars (eg. yearly overview) between certain date range ranges. It's working fine but the calendars are appended to the div when the server responds and not in the sequence they are called.

Here's the code I'm using:


function displayMultiCalendars(date1,date2,a)
$.get("<?=base_url();?>cal_center/get_date_range_total/"+date1+"/"+date2, function(data) {


So, is there any way of making sure that they return in sequence? I'm sure there's another/better way of looping but I'm not the best with the js/jquery.

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AJAX :: Call Based On Results Of A Previous Call

Dec 14, 2010

The general framework is a simple user login function. The user name is selected and a password entered as usual. The function grabs the element values and passes them to a php page that queries the database. An AJAX call returns the password to the function and then I want the innerHTML to be a choice of two web pages, depending on success or failure of validation. There are existing AJAX functions available on the internet but they are overly complicated for what I think should be a simple, quick to load function.

Where I am stuck is that the standard procedure to make an AJAX call is the browser window event. How do you make the call from within the function? I have tried creating two new variables, "success" and "again" to replace xmlhttp, but still stumble on the event to assign a value. I left the blank password protection (if statement) with that variable to demonstrate what I mean.

I've put in my code below, which is in development and successfully alters the innerHTML text depending on user input but I can't figure out how to insert the relevant php page. I have '// out' the testing bits, but left them for info. (I have tried full 'scripting' as the innerHTML, but it's messy.)

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Call Function In Script And Pass One Parameter To Function And Its Returns String Value?

Feb 15, 2012

I want to call java function in javascript.In which we pass one parameter to function and its returns String value which I want to display in alert message.

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Double Ajax Calls, Using $F The Second Time Returns Null

Feb 11, 2006

I'm using the $F of the prototype library to send data through the Ajax
Request. I'm having problems using the $F to reference fields sent
back through an original Request. My first request sends a form back
to the user in the type such as <input text name=foo> and at the bottom
of the returned form I have a second ajax call to send the fresh data
to the another script. The problem is that the new data in the form
cannot be referenced from $F. My question is how can I pass the new
data in the javascript to another Ajax call either by $F or by other

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Ajax :: Script To Get Results From Database Returns Undefined

Aug 15, 2009

I'm new to ajax. I've made a script that should return results from database but it keeps telling me just undefined. Code what I have:

var ajax = null;
function showRes(wut) {
if(wut.length == 0) {
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = "";
} if(window.XMLHttpRequest) {
// IE7+, ff, chrome, opera, safari
ajax = new XMLHttpRequest();
}else if(window.ActiveXObject) {
// retards
ajax = new ActiveXObject("Microsoft.XMLHTTP");
} else {
alert("Your "browser" does not support AJAX!");
} var url = "search.php?q=" + wut;
url = url + "&sid=" + Math.random();
ajax.open("GET", url, true);
document.getElementById("results").innerHTML = ajax.reponseText;

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JQuery :: Jsonp To A Static Remote File?

May 12, 2009

Currently I was able to load remote JSON (php) file using JSONP protocol. However, how to do if my remote file is static? In the doc, it said: you can load JSON data located on another domain if you specify a JSONP callback, which can be done like so: "myurl?callback=?". But since my remote file is a static text file, how can I specify the callback in the output dynamically? In fact, I also wonder if it is possible to control the random callback name by modifying jquery source code...

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JQuery :: Classic ASP And JSONP Output - Return Data

Jun 25, 2011

I found this post: [URL] It explains exactly what I want to do. The person who had the problem seemed to have sorted it out but as my knowledge is not to great I am not to sure what he is getting at. I tried various things but to no avail. All I want to do is return data to a calling javascript using type get and datatype jsonp. If I simply Response.Write "[(""id"": ""123""}]" then nothing happens. So whatever the thread I revered to above is doing it seems to be going in the right direction.

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JQuery :: Headers And Non JS Code Returned From JSONP Request?

Aug 6, 2010

Im trying to figure out if a public picasaweb userid exists or not. Its a pure client app, so no server-side proxies. The 1st method works only on FF & Chrome.


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JQuery :: JSONP And Asynchronous - Capturing And Returning Response?

Mar 17, 2010

If this is synchronous, normal json request, I can capture the result (data) and return it to a calling function.

However jsonp is not synchronous. Whilst the data IS returned, and I can view it from within the success function, but I cannot access it after that.

url: remote_url,
async: false,
cache: false,


I am building a library of functions which call this function, so I cannot have the data processing done within the success function, I need to extract the data itself.

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JQuery :: Jsonp Callbacks Execution Order In Firefox

Apr 6, 2010

I am trying to develop a iGoogle-like dashboard that uses JSONP to get the content of each widget from other (trusted) sites.Each widget is a div that will take care of getting its content using $.ajax() and use the callback to update the div with the html content returned with JSONP.The problem I have happens only in Firefox (I'm using 3.6.3):when a site is unavailable or takes longer to return the JSONP content for a widget, it seems that the callback for the other widget does not get executed. All the widgets stay in the "loading" state although I'm sure they have all received the answer.What's puzzling is that if I hit the "stop" button of Firefox, the content of the other widgets get displayed (ie. their displaying callbacks get executed).

If the calls are asynchronous, what prevents Firefox from executing the callbacks for the other widgets once the response is received?Do you have any idea of what's happening and if there's some way around this?

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JQuery :: JSONP - Error / Complete Event Not Firing

Jun 27, 2011

I have some jQuery making ajax requests that works just fine if the server returns a 200 but whenever it returns any error HTTP status none of the events fire. It's happening on more than one request to different servers but I'll just include one example for now:

var ajaxResponse = $.ajax({
url: widget.serviceURL + 'customer/createAjax?'+$('#ndBookingFormStep1').serialize(),
dataType: 'jsonp',
success: function(data, textStatus, jqXHR){
if( data.status != 'OK'){
} else {
.error(function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown){
}).complete(function(jqXHR, textStatus){
console.log(ajaxResponse.responseText );

The request gets made just fine, I can see the response in the net console in firebug and it returns the data I want with a 500 when I do not complete the form correctly. However, it does not fire either the error or the complete function when I get this status, and the ajaxResponse.responseText is undefined when it is logged to the screen. When the form is completed and the request is successfull the success function fires just fine.

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JQuery :: Link Tracking Plugin + JSONP + Opera?

Oct 1, 2009

I'm tryng to develop a link tracker, something like google analytics. The goal is to get a command like this:

$('html').trackAllLinks(optional options);
$('a').trackAllLinks(optional options);

Now i developed a javascript that could do just what i need but the problem is it doesn't work in every browser as it should be. Because i want to track a link click i need to make a request to my server to say that the link has been clicked. The first problem i had was that i needed to make a cross domain ajax call. But this is fixed by using JSONP. Now my code looks like this:


The first idea was that i wouldn't do anything in the success of the jsonp call and just let the request go, but because this didn't work when i clicked on an external link, i changed it to wait on a response before opening the link. The problem with this code is that it doesn't work in Opera, no request is being send to the server Now i know that JSONP mimics the ajax call by adding a script tag to the page which loads the script of the given url. Now i think when i do this in Opera the dynamically loaded javascript isn't executed. In Firefox, IE, Chrome, Safari it works but not in Opera.

Another idea i had was by dynamicly adding an image to the page. But this has the same problem in Opera and i was unable to track an external link in Safari and Chrome (Webkit.

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JQuery :: Make JSON Versus JSONP Request Depending On URL

Apr 21, 2010

So I have a function that is going to get a URL, and have to retrieve json data from that URL. The URL _might_ be same-domain, and might be cross-domain. If it's cross-domain, of course I want to do jsonp complete with the script-tag-to-load and such, but if it's same domain of course I want to do just xhr for efficiency. So I _could_ write all my own logic for this. Write logic to see if the url is cross-domain or not, and then make entirely different $.ajax() calls depending.

(I think I need to use $.ajax() rather than $.getJSON() because I need a callback on failure, not just success). If it is cross-domain, use dataType:jsonp, and make sure to supply a &callback. If it's not cross-domain, dataType:json, and don't even bother supplying a callback. But I'm having trouble figuring out if this is true, or how. What's the easiest way to get $.ajax() to make a dataType:json request if it's same-domain, but a dataType:jsonp request if it's cross-domain?

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JQuery :: Call Web Service With Ajax

Mar 16, 2011

I wrote the following code with Dreamweaver:

If I run it in Dreamweaver It works and the alert success is raised, but If I run this code into Safari or Chrome the Error alert is always raised.

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