I am using $.ajax in jQuery and I have some thing running in $ ().ajaxSuccess(function(event, request, settings) {}); However I don't know how to get the html as in response of the success callback below:
My app recently upgraded to 1.4 and as such started using the XMLHttpRequest in the success callback of the .ajax function however we been forced to roll back to 1.3.2 due to performance issues with IE7 (forced to use in a corporate environment) Is there any way to get access to the XMLHttpRequest after an ajax call? If not, would anyone be so kind as to point out if its possible to modify the 1.3.2 source to add the parameter to the success call back like in 1.4? I am hoping its a simple modification however I could be wrong. We are set to upgrade to the lastest jQuery when we get a browser upgrade to IE9 but that could be up to a year away and I would really like to continue to use the XMLHttpRequest in my app as its a lot faster than my old approach.
I am using this code in c#. I need to create a url dynamically which the following code does. The BuildURL method has a string return and returns the build URL. How do I get that value and use it in the following code?
But problem is that It doesn't execute the If-else condition. In firebug I have seen the console the response and html both displays "ok" even if I prompt the value of data it displays "ok" but when I debug the code it appends character along with the value .Another thing is that is it possible to put the entire ajax code into a function and based on the value it return after success full execution I return Boolean value to calling function.I have tried this but it always returns false.
No matter what I put in here, Firefox is going into the error; will not return success.What the server returns is just plain text, no html, thinking maybe it has something to do with This, but I can't figure it out because there are only So many options for
today I updated my Firefox from 3.5 to 4.0b3 and it seems that the AJAX success callback is not longer fired. Firebug shows the correct response but the function is never called. Is this a Problem of the FF Beta, or is Jquery responsible for this?
And i have gone through this forum and other forums for a simple fix ... since so many have had this problem..but i have nt found anything that seems to work hence i am posting this problem
I dont know what i am doign wrong i have used debugbar and i can seethe html content that comes back i have used fiddler and i see hte html content that comes back there....the xhr stat =200 so every thing is good..yet it doesnot replace the the content $("#updateroster").html(data).
For some reason the success and error callbacks are not working at all. I'm using jquery.ajax to submit a form w/o page refresh through a php file. I have set the success & error callbacks but even when I changed the mysql password (to a incorrect one) I got the success message [code]...
I would like to show users 10 images (DIVs) on which they can click. Images will be numbers (0-9) and they have to click on correct sequence (example 4 6 3 2 2 7) and then click "submit" button. If they don't get correct sequence they get shown some message about wrong numbers, but if they get it wight they should get some message of success. I am searching for some similar jquery or ajax scripts and can't find anything. Has anyone seen this kind of samples anywhere or could share some code?Attachments unlock.jpgSize : 35.81 KB Download : 266
I am trying to call a dynamically chosen function on success from an ajax call (later to be error and so on also)The following function works fine and passes the url to call and parameters into the makeAjaxPostCall function. successHandler is the function to call on ajax success.[code]
I need to invoke a method when a field validation is either successful or unsuccessful. I have managed to get the function to run if the field validation fails by using the following:
$('#myform').validate({ rules: { client_name: {
But how do I invoke a method specific to a field that triggers when the field validates successfully? I need to invoke showBigGreenTick(fieldname) for the fields that are validOn another note, I find it very strange the the documentation is so poor regarding this validation. To even find out that there was a "messages" option for validate was found on another website.
I'm using getJSON to load data from the database onto a form. How can I specify the success & error callbacks? here's the code I'm using: EDIT: I managed to get the success callback by adding it below the $('fontSize')... but how can I set the error callback?
I'm working with a few more variables than this, I'm working with 3 variables. What I'm wondering is should I use json_encode() on the php side. I will be using php validations, so I may return error messages in an array. How do I check whether I have error messages or true value.
I'd like to send in an associative array so I can have email = "error"; amongst a few others. So if email is the only one with error I will .append a message to the correct div id.
I've got a form for adding a person to a textfile. The form is made with html and i submit it to a perl-file, where i read out the input and write it in a textfile. After writing the file i want to make a redirect to an overview page with each user and there i want to have a success-message ("user successfully added").
How do i make this success-message on the overview-page after the redirect from perl? I know, i could just redirect to the overview-page with a parameter (overview.html?success=true) and then if the parameter is set, display a success-message. but if i handle it with a parameter then the success-message does not hide after a page-refresh.i've seen a lot of web-applications where the success-message is displayd but hides after a page-refresh..ps: here is an example of an application where they have it programmed like i want it:[URL]
Why my page is not redirecting within the if then statement.
Here is the code:
I have tried this without the if then statement and it works fine. I am not sure why my if then statement will not work within success function, am I doing something wrong?
My web page consists of 3 js jquery.js, a.js and b.js. This js are in order one after the another as posted. I have ajax call in a.js $.ajax inside a function fun() and this function is getting called from b.js function fun()return the value objtained from ajax call.No here is the tricky thing. Everything executes fine but in my b.js from where i am calling fun i am not able to get the returned by fun;But if i simply have an alert box then i am able to get the value/I tried jquery ajax with asynch attribute as false But still no results
I have a problem that is driving me insane. Currently I am working in VS2008 with an MVC2 project and I am using jQuery 1.4.1. A very easy task has somehow become utterly complex and I don´t know what I might be missing.
I am trying to use the load() function [URL].. to load remote content into a div but I cannot get it to work. With a callback function I have determined that load does not return an error, but a success. Still, noting is displayed in the div. I´ve gone so far that I´ve downloaded demo examples and mysteriously I could then load only the same file I was in; index.html could load('index.html') where as no other urls could be loaded.I´m starting to think that this might be computer/system-specific. Tried several browsers as well (including IE, FF, Opera, Iron).