JQuery :: Filter A Table With A Button Click?
Jun 10, 2011
I have seen examples of table filtering with drop-downs that appear as a row in the table header. I'm trying to set up a graphical UI where there will be 3 graphic buttons above the table with pre-defined filters assigned to them which will filter a table.
Here is the general idea in a simplified form:
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Jul 1, 2010
I'm making a Vacation Rental application and it works... for the most part. The following will describe what a property owner will be doing when they subscribe to this site to add their vacation rental property to the site.
They first enter information about the Property Site itself, location, address.etc., and then they add specific attributes about the property, such as how many rooms are in the house, bathrooms, accommodations, etc.
Here's an image for the page:
When the "Add Button" button is clicked, it opens a jQuery dialog to allow the site owner to enter information about the room, such as the Room name, description, how many it sleeps, etc. This all works, for the most part.
Here's a shot of the dialog:
When the site owner clicks the "Save" button, the data in the dialog is sent to the server via Ajax (Json). Again this all works.
After a successful transaction, the server controller returns HTML of the table of rooms for this property site and then the jQuery success option replaces the existing HTML table with the new table that has the new row that includes the new room information.
Again, this does work.
What doesn't work completely correctly is, in each row of the table are buttons to "Edit" the room, or "Manage Beds" for the room, and after the table is dynamically replaced via the jQuery script, the button click events in each row are no longer bound.
So it's the "Manage Beds", "Edit" and "Delete" buttons that lose their event binding after the HTML table is replaced when a new Room is added or edited.
Is there a way to re-bind the button events after the table is replaced? I'd really like this to be bullet-proof.
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Mar 19, 2010
Im looking for a solution to solve the problem that I cant use wild cards (*) in a table filter. Is there a solution with using regex in the contains part? $("#zebraFilter").keyup(function() { var s = $(this).val().toLowerCase().split(" ");
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Feb 1, 2010
only show rows that match certain criteria. In my example the table displays first name, last name, date won, and game name. I've tried several examples on the internet and the ui.tablefilter plugin, to no avail. They allseem to depend on a certain structure in the table. I am limited in howI structure the html because thehtml of the table is generated by an asp.net gridview control. Ihave gotten the below piece of code to work, but it takes at least 10 seconds to run and I only have 40 records.I assigned a class of gameName to the data fields in the column that contains the game name.
var searchGameName = $.trim($('#txtSearchGameName').val());
$('#gvPromotions tr').each(function()
{$("td .gameName:not(:contains('" + searchGameName + "'))").parent().parent().remove();});
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Feb 4, 2011
the above jquery will hide all rows with a span (in the td tag) that has a class of NUM and the value of 201
How do I hide ALL BUT those rows?
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Jul 9, 2008
I have found many nice filter plugins, that let you filter a table,and hide the rest of the items, and only show the item that matches
what was entered into an input dialog.What I would like to do, is use an unordered list instead. Is there any plugins that support this? I have not been able to find any..
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Aug 10, 2009
I'm developing a table that'll have dropdown filters above it. However my table has a slight twist in that some columns will have more than one value in them, eg imagine a column with these values:
- UK
- UK
- UK, Germany
- Germany
Now when I filter by 'UK' it should show four results - not two. Can anyone give me a few pointers how to do this or point me towards a plugin that might tackle this already? The values will always be comma separated.
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Nov 21, 2005
I found this script for filtering data in HTML tables that is simple and works in all modern browsers. However, I don't know how to modify the script so that it would search for multiple separate keywords.
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Dec 22, 2010
I may have one row or multiple rows that have checkboxes.My selector is at the table level
1. How can i check for all the checkboxes that are in the table, are checked and then apply the background color onload?
2. How can i tie a click event to a check box that is inside a table row. I may have one or multiple tows?
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Sep 12, 2010
I have the following elements :
<input type="radio" name="alert_email" value="1"> Activé
<input type="radio" name="alert_email" value="0"> Désactivé
I have both elements in the following variable :inputElFrom that variable, I want to filter and get the element which has value "1", and trigger its click callback fct :
console.log(inputEl.length); // prints 2 (contains the two elements above)
inputEl.is('input[value=1]').trigger('click'); // error in Firebug "inputEl.is("
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Jul 13, 2010
I am trying to produce a web form to allow wedding guests to RSVP. The form allows them to enter a name and select from a radio button whether they will be attending or not. If they select the "yes" radio button then a further pair of radio buttons are displayed for their meal preference.
They can then click a submit button or they can click another button to add another line for another guest which operates in exactly the same way. I've almost got this working, but it seems that the checkbox change handler is lost for the current guest when a new guest is added and the checkbox value is reset. I've got a feeling I'm doing something stupid but can't for the life of me figure out what.
Code (source file (renamed to .txt) also attached as I'm not sure the pasted code is too clear):
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Oct 2, 2011
After doing some tutorials, I am not sure if this is a bug, or perhaps someone can give me a better explination why it is working the way it is.I am using Visual Studio 2010 combined in a Master Page. In my aspx page, I have the following code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
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Mar 8, 2010
What I've doing wrong, on first click it detects that the div is hidden and makes it visible, button on second click it does nothing:
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Feb 8, 2011
Once you in, click on the button with the sign 'Click To Start Shopping' The problem is, the Flash doesn't load I bought this flash template and i was supposed to edit the FLA file for the serverpath. I guess i didn't put the server path correctly. Below is the code in the .FLS file
Below is the instruction from the documentation: 3. Once you have everything correctly running on local, then OPEN THE FLA, go to first frame, layer codes, open “action” panel and set there the final pàth on your server where all the files will be located (create a folder especifically for this): [URL]
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Jan 24, 2011
I want to call the click event of the link (anchor tag) on the click of the button. I used this code below in the click event of button to call links click event and it works fine in IE.
But, this doesn't work in Firefox. I googled a bit and found that in firefox, you have to do something more to achieve this behaviour. So, I ended up doing this on button click to work in firefox:
var link=document.getElementById('linktag');
var e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents');
The above code does the click on link when I click on the button. But my problem now is that I have defined a link as
<a href="mailto:abc@xyz.com?subject=abc&body=email body">email </a>
and when click is called and mailto links opens my email client, it somehow ignores the subject and body parameters of the link. It works properly when i actually click a link element. but it doesn't work when i simulate the click event by code written above. above dispatching event code somehow ignores the link parameters?
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Oct 19, 2011
I have the following HTML code:
<th><a href="http://www.google.com">Name</a></th>
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Dec 12, 2011
I made a table and I would like that once you press a table row that it will pop open. I know this is pretty easy but I am missing something. Right now it will open up all divs named test. I want the individual div .test to toggle open which belongs to the right table row.
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Nov 16, 2011
What happens is that when I click on a button, a random string from the RandomString variable appears below the button. e.g I click on the button and it displays 'AAB' and then if I click on the button again it may display 'AAE' and etc.
The problem is that sometimes it displays 'undefined'. I don't wanit 'undefined' to appear but why does it sometimes display 'undefined' rather than a Random string.
Below is the code:
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Feb 23, 2011
I'm trying to disable the onclick event on a ASP.NET gridview that generates following HTML markup:
<table id="GridViewPP" >
<tr >
<th scope="col">PP</th>
<tr class="SelectedRow" onclick="javascript:__doPostBack('GridViewPP','Select$0')">
<td align="center">N</td>
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Dec 4, 2010
I'm fairly new to JQuery and I'm struggling with something: I'm trying to assign a click handler to a table but it's not working. Here's my [code]...
However, when I click on any of the rows, the handler is never called (at least I see no alerts fired).
I suspect that I could use the newer delegate syntax but I'm currently using version 1.4.1 and would rather not upgrade right now.
Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong here.
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Aug 19, 2010
I have a table with one click-able cell (ancor tag). Here is the code for the cell: (php)[code]#flightno is the id of the input field I need to set the value = to table cell value.
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Jun 29, 2009
I have a table, with the final column having a date and [X] delete.gif image in it.When I click on the image, I'd like the date and the image to be removed. i.e. I'd like to clear the TD cell.What is the best way to do this? I can get an event to trigger, but cannot work out how to find out which cell was clicked and to clear it correctly
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Dec 21, 2010
I've got it working; Clicking on the row will check the box, however now clicking the checkbox itself doesn't work I'm guessing because. It's registering as two events for that one click: One for the row that checks the mark. Two for the checkbox (which is now checked) that unchecks it. The user can click on the row but not on the checkbox itself.
Ideally since the checkbox table cell as some padding (user can click outside the <input>), I'd rather not disable the row click on that cell specifically.
$('.rule_event_table tbody tr').click(function(){
$(this).find('input:checkbox').each(function() {
if(this.checked) this.checked = false; // toggle the checkbox
else this.checked = true;
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Jun 17, 2010
I'm trying to be able to click a row to highlight it on table controlled by tablesorter. I'm having a great deal of difficulty achieving this as nothing seems to make any difference.
I am adding the following after the call to tablesorter.
$("tr").click(function(){ $(this).addClass("hilite"); });
This works on tables that are not sorted by tablesorter.
another plugin that I could use instead of tablesorter and that will allow me to add this functionality?
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Sep 8, 2010
My program retrieves a table via an ajax call and places it in the ocvfitems div below. The first cell in every row is defined as: echo("<td class='tdclick'><a href='#'>$fnum</a>"); When the td is clicked I need the function to be called. It worked before I created the table via ajax. The table does display properly and the column is underlined as a href. I believe that the first line of the function is the culprit but I can't seem to get it to work.
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Mar 26, 2011
I have a table with rows and in each row there is a cell which shows the status of the row item.<a href="#" id="<?php id ?>" class="status_button">Online</a>When I click the link in a row the next code is activated (found it somewhere on the net).
$(".status_button").click(function() {
var id = $(this).attr("id");
var dataString = 'id='+ id ;
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