Table Filter
Nov 21, 2005I found this script for filtering data in HTML tables that is simple and works in all modern browsers. However, I don't know how to modify the script so that it would search for multiple separate keywords.
View 8 RepliesI found this script for filtering data in HTML tables that is simple and works in all modern browsers. However, I don't know how to modify the script so that it would search for multiple separate keywords.
View 8 RepliesI have seen examples of table filtering with drop-downs that appear as a row in the table header. I'm trying to set up a graphical UI where there will be 3 graphic buttons above the table with pre-defined filters assigned to them which will filter a table.
Here is the general idea in a simplified form:
Im looking for a solution to solve the problem that I cant use wild cards (*) in a table filter. Is there a solution with using regex in the contains part? $("#zebraFilter").keyup(function() { var s = $(this).val().toLowerCase().split(" ");
only show rows that match certain criteria. In my example the table displays first name, last name, date won, and game name. I've tried several examples on the internet and the ui.tablefilter plugin, to no avail. They allseem to depend on a certain structure in the table. I am limited in howI structure the html because thehtml of the table is generated by an gridview control. Ihave gotten the below piece of code to work, but it takes at least 10 seconds to run and I only have 40 records.I assigned a class of gameName to the data fields in the column that contains the game name.
var searchGameName = $.trim($('#txtSearchGameName').val());
$('#gvPromotions tr').each(function()
{$("td .gameName:not(:contains('" + searchGameName + "'))").parent().parent().remove();});
the above jquery will hide all rows with a span (in the td tag) that has a class of NUM and the value of 201
How do I hide ALL BUT those rows?
I have found many nice filter plugins, that let you filter a table,and hide the rest of the items, and only show the item that matches
what was entered into an input dialog.What I would like to do, is use an unordered list instead. Is there any plugins that support this? I have not been able to find any..
I'm developing a table that'll have dropdown filters above it. However my table has a slight twist in that some columns will have more than one value in them, eg imagine a column with these values:
- UK
- UK
- UK, Germany
- Germany
Now when I filter by 'UK' it should show four results - not two. Can anyone give me a few pointers how to do this or point me towards a plugin that might tackle this already? The values will always be comma separated.
does anyone know of any IE filters that can colorize an image. for example, i have a regular image border around a photo (a frame) and i want to be able to show what that photo will look like with different color frame borders.
i want to be able to add a filter to the images that make up the frame so that i can colorize it in different colors through javascript.
this beats creating 200 different frame images, each representing a different color. thats a lot of management that i dont want to deal with.
the closest i came was this:
filter:progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.BasicImage(grayscale=0, xray=0, mirror=0, invert=0, opacity=1, rotation=0)
This JavaScript is a "Word Filter". It is a type of form validator. When the user submits some text, the validator will check the text for words that has to be filtered.
The words that have to be filtered must be added to the array swear_words_arr. When the user types the text and hits the submit button, if the text contains any word that is present in the array swear_words_arr, the form will not be submitted.
The script can be used for validation of swear words etc.
<title>Word Filter</title>
<script language="JavaScript1.2">
// Word Filter
// (c) 2002 Premshree Pillai
var swear_words_arr=new Array("bloody","war","terror");
var swear_alert_arr=new Array;
var swear_alert_count=0;
function reset_alert_count()
function validate_user_text()
var compare_text=document.form1.user_text.value;
for(var i=0; i<swear_words_arr.length; i++)
for(var j=0; j<(compare_text.length); j++)
var alert_text="";
for(var k=1; k<=swear_alert_count; k++)
" + "(" + k + ") " + swear_alert_arr[k-1];
alert("The form cannot be submitted.
The following illegal words were found:
" + alert_text + "
function select_area()
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<table cellpadding="10" style="border:2 solid #FF9900" width="200" align="center"><tr><td>
<form name="form1" method="post" action="post.cgi">
<center><font face="Times New Roman" size="6pt" color="#606060"><b><i>Word Filter</i></b></font></center>
<textarea rows="3" cols="40" name="user_text" style="border:2 solid #808080; font-family:verdana,arial,helvetica; font-weight:normal; font-size:10pt" onclick="select_area()">Enter your text here...</textarea>
<center><input type="button" style="background:#EFEFEF; border:2 solid #808080; width:100%; cursor:pointer" value="Submit" onclick="validate_user_text();"></center>
<!--END FORM-->
Filter out words from multiple fields:
<title>Word Filter</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
// Word Filter 2.0
// By Premshree Pillai
var swear_words_arr=new Array("bloody","war","terror");
var swear_alert_arr=new Array();
var swear_alert_count=0;
function reset_alert_count()
function wordFilter(form,fields)
var compare_text;
var fieldErrArr=new Array();
var fieldErrIndex=0;
for(var i=0; i<fields.length; i++)
eval('compare_text=document.' + form + '.' + fields[i] + '.value;');
for(var j=0; j<swear_words_arr.length; j++)
for(var k=0; k<(compare_text.length); k++)
var alert_text="";
for(var k=1; k<=swear_alert_count; k++)
" + "(" + k + ") " + swear_alert_arr[k-1];
eval('compare_text=document.' + form + '.' + fields[fieldErrArr[0]] + '.select();');
alert("The form cannot be submitted.
The following illegal words were found:
" + alert_text + "
return false;
return true;
<body bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
<font face="verdana,arial,helvetica" size="-1">
<form name="form1" method="get" action="" onSubmit="return wordFilter('form1',['name','email','subject','message']);">
<tr><td>Name :</td><td><input type="text" name="name"></td></tr>
<tr><td>E-mail :</td><td><input type="text" name="email"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Subject :</td><td><input type="text" name="subject"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Message</td><td><textarea name="message" rows="5" cols="30"></textarea></td></tr>
<input type="submit" value="Submit Form">
<!--END FORM-->
What would be the best way to test for IE only, and IE less than 7 (without conditional comments)?
I want to apply alphaImageLoader via a JS function, but I am not sure of best way to only target IE 5.5 --> 6/PC.
Any tips?
How can i read the light filter properties?
I have a divide with id="pic". I have assigned a light filter -'light()'
I have assigned an ambient and two cones to the filter and made an interface
to change the parameters. I now need to read the status of the filter in
order to save the states. I have tried pic.filters.item(0).ambient.color -
pic.filters.light.anbient.color and some other variations but nothing
returns a value.
Let's say I want to filter the contents of a target web page, and
present a simpler page on the screen.
For example, let's say a target web page is full of links, text, images,
forms, etc. and I want to present a simple page containing just the links.
The original page is not "mine", that is, I can't just edit it in
notepad and stick some javascript in it.
So, what I want to do is write some javascript on a new page that I'm
developing, that will somehow "access" or "read" the target page, scan
and find all the links, and present them to the user.
My question is, what's a straightforward way from javascript to access
the target page ?
Should I be somehow loading it into a DOM object and then "walking" the
tree ?
Or should I somehow read it's HTML as text strings and parse it looking
for anchor links ?
What functions, methods, classes, objects in javascript achieve the goal
of something accessing a remote page and "looking" at its contents.
I would like to copy/clone the html DOM from "id1" to variable "tblContent",and remove the tag "<script>" and "<a>" from variable "tblContent", then append the html DOM to "id2" but not working...any error of my code? [code]
View 1 Replies View RelatedIs there any way to filter content by multiple parameter using jQuery
Something like in this site [url]but in my case I need to filter content using 3 different parameters. Price, Size and Location.
if I have 3 div, how to filter the div without class abc?
<div class="abc"></div>
I would to achieve the same result of the below function without using callbacks .
The function is:
$("#user-options-menu").find('a').each(function() {
// now I want to filter any <a> tag with <li> parent
if (!($(this).parent().is('li'))) {
I've tried with$("#user-options-menu").find('a:not(li:parent)') but without result.
On my comments system, i have things like...
if ( == "" )
alert ( "Please Enter a Name!" );
valid = false;
Thats if they havent enterd a name. But i need to filter our words, so i need something like...
if ( (--contains "rude words here"--)
alert ( "You cant post rude words" );
valid = false;
How can i do this?
I wanted to put data in dropdown..but capacity of data is arround 6000 to 8000,is their any method like multi-filter drop down?how to do it?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI am trying to achieve an effect similar to this: Our Recent Work | StudeoYou'll notice that if you click on any of the 'filters', the items below are sorted shown/hidden accordingly.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI found this script for free online that does a really basic fade in/fade out slide show. The problem is, it doesn't fade in Firefox! It looks beautiful in IE though (it seems like it's usually the other way around). I've posted the code below, how can I do the same exact thing cross-browser?
// Set slideShowSpeed (milliseconds)
var slideShowSpeed = 5500;
// Duration of crossfade (seconds)
var crossFadeDuration = 3;
I'm working with a style.filter related function.Some of my function appear as ...
document.getElementById('audio').style.filter = 'progid:DXImageTransform.Microsoft.gradient(startColorstr=#A8' + c.substring(1) + ',endColorstr=#A8' + c.substring(1) + ')';
Everything is working but I'm trying to replace the "A8" part with a percentage typed in by the viewer.The percentage is simply a non-decimal number between 0 and 100 typed into a box.I know how to grab the value of the box (again, it's 0-100) but how do I convert that number into it's "A8" equivalent?
i use this code, (works fine)
$.post("verzenden.php", { note: content, action: "send", subject: subject },
function(data){ $("#myspan").html(data);
$("#myspan:contains('error')").css("color", "red");
I wish to display a list of people on my website. These people are speakers who have different talents, or features. Male, female, high voice, low voice, german, english, persian, austrian ... a whole bunch of people. And I want to let my user use checkboxes to narrow down the speakers he could use for his production.
Here's the output filtering list (not complete, just rudimentary while I try to make it work)
<div id="filter">
<input name="speakerpool" class="checkfilter" type="checkbox" value="male" checked /> male<br>
My problem : I want to start with all checkboxes selected, showing all the people in this speakerpool, then narrow down as checkboxes get unchecked. This works well with combinations such as ".male .voice-low" which effectively removes all females and the other voices, I found here where I learned that is(".class1,.class2") is different to is(".class1.class2")
But, if I say, I want all english speakers, no matter if male or female, and I check male and female, I get none, since there is no speaker that is both male and female. At least not that I know of
Same issue with the voice-levels: most speakers either speak high or low or medium, yet I'd want to be able to check all those and get a comprehensive list, then.
My Question : Is there a way I can separate classes into class-groups or something? Maybe use prefixes like "sex-male, sex-female, language-english, language-german" and jQuery then uses the prefixes to check if they're supposed to be additive (?) or exlusive.
I am trying to show the data from XML with categories (catalog name="Employee Services"), i want to filter the data before the display of each services, this pls
my xml
<catalog name="Employee Services" order="1" color="#CC0033" image="srv_emp.gif">
I have the requirement for.
filter the table with multiple columns there are 4 columns.
i.e 1>date 2> time 3>users 4>status.
here i got the filter for individual filter.
but i need the multiple filter.
eg:if i enter date and time, then the resultant table should be satisfies the given date and time entries. those rows only visible to the user.