JQuery :: Dynamic Images - Ready To Be Viewed By The Browser?
Oct 9, 2009
I'm building a slide show using jQuery and I am having sporadic issues displaying an image before it's fully loaded. e.g. Images are stored in a database (binary not the image path) and I use an image handler to retrieve the images. Because the amount of images for each slide show is not predetermined, I load the first image and next image initially, then each time a slide (next) is selected I fetch that slide and the next slide. I don't want to pre-load each image as there could be well over 50-60 images and some users might only view a handful of slides. Thus wasting bandwidth and resources. Is there a way I can tell when the requested image is ready to be viewed/rendered? The reason for this is that all images are not fixed width/height and to place them in the middle of the "stage" I need to check the height/width so I can add it to the container I am positioning.
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Mar 10, 2011
Any way to wait until it is fully loaded
<script type="text/javascript">
$("#featured > ul").tabs({fx:{opacity: "toggle"}}).tabs("rotate", 4000, true);
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May 7, 2009
I have a few document ready functions on my page. I don't want the functions to get executed if the page is loaded because the user clicks on the browser forward/back button. Is there a way to prevent the document ready functions from getting executed if the user clicks on the forward/back button?
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Mar 9, 2010
I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: http://j.mp/5U79i1 What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.
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May 4, 2011
Im having an issue with images loaded dynamically, in the page I have a "read more" button at the bottom of the page that loads more post on the page and the images that are in those dynamically loaded post lightbox doesnt work if I refresh the page then lightbox works. know it can be done, like in facebook when I click on "Older post" the images loaded dynamically works.
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Mar 1, 2011
I'm interested in using the jQuery UI for the Droppable and Photo Manager. This can be found at the following link:
Basically what I would like to happen is have the drop boxes dynamically created. So I would have a <div> to have all the images in them. Then below that I'd like to display to the user a single drop box with a link to add another one and another one after that etc.
Is there a way to modify this code so that I can make the jQuery part of this dynamic in nature that if I add a new droppable <div> it would automatically allow me to drop images from my original <div> and still be able to move images from one <div> to another <div> after it's been created?
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Jun 30, 2011
I've got a problem with a jQuery slider I'm using on a website I'm currently developing (temporarily hosted at [URL]. Generally it looks and functions as I'd like it to, but it seems to have a problem when you're looking at other tabs/websites in your web browser. When you come back to the slider having been looking at something else for a minute or so, the slider effectively plays catch up and quickly scrolls through the slides faster than usual until it catches up with the position it would have been in had you not have been looking at another tab and left it to run. This seems to happen in all web browsers as far as I can tell.
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Oct 13, 2011
I've built this webpage : [URL]. Now, I want the slideshows (Jquery Cycle) to have a pager to navigate the images instead of previous and next [URL].
My code looks like this :
function ajaxpage(url, containerid) {
var $container= $('#' + containerid);
$container.hide().load(url, function() {
next: '#next2',
prev: '#prev2',
fx: 'blindX', speed:'1500',
timeout: 0, .....
after: function() {
var alt = $(this).attr('alt');
// do something with alt text
The code I need to implement looks like this :
How to do this successfully?
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Jun 12, 2011
I use .append() and .prepend() to automatically add content to a existing html tag with id. In IE the function is working fine but when i viewed it using view source i can't see the content. When i tried it with Chrome, i can immediately see the content. Is there something i missed out?
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Jul 23, 2005
I am brand-new to javascript, but after reading some tutorials online I
was able to make a dynamic HTML photo gallery in javascript. It works
fine in all browsers except IE6 (big surprise). I've been looking
around online for solutions, but the fixes I have seen don't seem to
work. I assume I am misunderstanding something... I was using
element.setAttribute but have changed my code to avoid that. Here is an
example. IE6 displays the link text but doesn't do anything else--exact
same result I had by using element.setAttribute('name', 'value').
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Aug 31, 2009
I have a function that changes the src of an image:
JavaScript Code:
function ChangeSRC(url_src)
document.getElementById("photo").src = url_src;
Neither of these methods seem to work; especially in IE. Is there a better way to preload dynamic images?
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Mar 30, 2010
I am trying to find the simplest, most cross-browser friendly dynamic navigation for my site. I tried to use a CSS version (Suckerfish) and it worked ok but it destroyed the formatting I had. I would really like to implement this kind of dropdown on my main navigation so users don't have to click and wait for a page to load. If possible, I'd like very few lines of code. That's why the CSS option was good... there was very little javascript.
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Aug 6, 2010
I'm writing php based website that queries a database and writes the html with the results. On the home page, I am querying one database and receiving data to connect to other databases (i.e., database hostname, username, and password). Depending on the link selected, the homepage creates a dynamic form and sends the data via method=post. The next dynamic webpage receives the data via $_POST and connects to a different database for the rest of the website content.
I can successfully select a link on the home page and load the data for the second page the first time, but I have a problem when I hit back on the browser. The browser takes me back to the home page but if I select another link for another database, it does not "post" the new database info and the second page looks the same as the first time it loaded.
Here is my code
function database(project, hostname, username, password) {document.body.innerHTML += '
<form id="databaseform" action="project.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="project" value="' + project + '">
<input type="hidden" name="dbhostname" value="' + hostname + '">
<input type="hidden" name="dbusername" value="' + username + '">
<input type="hidden" name="dbpassword" value="' + password + '">
<input type="hidden" name="dbpassword" value="' + password + '"></form>';document.getElementById("databaseform").submit();}
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Aug 11, 2009
We would like to create a new website and have that do some dynamic things based on login id. First all we would like to send you do a different home page based on this information, it might be one of several companies. This may also be tied to what URL you clicked but not necessarily. The second thing we would like to do is display only the products that you are eligible for based on your login information. We would like to use images as a link here and if you can sell one product you get one image or maybe bypass and go directly to that section, but if you can sell two or more then those images as links show up as available.
The final thing we want to do is to populate the top 3 or so items you perform on the site as quick links. After all that, are there tools or items I should study to accomplish this task? I'm not sure if I need to mix in some sort of third party analytical tool with the asp.net site or what. The only other thing that I think we can do with ajax is have them say enter a a vehicle identification number and without looking like a screen reload use ajax to show the additional information such as year make and model that are decoded from the vin, but I'm just starting to look into this.
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May 12, 2010
I'm not having this issue with Mozilla Firefox, but it seems that the results of the code below are being cached in EI 8. When the browser makes another asynchronous call to the server with different results from the database, those results are not being displaying on the wepage. How do I fix this problem. As I mentioned above the code works fine in Mozilla Firefox. The page displays data in EI 8 with no errors five seconds after the page has loaded, but as the information in the database changes, I'm not seeing those changes reflected on the page in 5 second intervals.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
function() {
setInterval ( "reload1()", 5000 );
function reload2(){
function($xml) {
// Make the XML query-able with jQuery
$xml = $($xml);
var $iso2 = $xml.find('data').text();
<p id="para"></p>
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a javascript that loads images on the page based on the date you select from a drop down menu. So the images are displayed dynamically, however they are numbered 1 through 20.Is there a way I can add a title tag to the images that will display on mouseover?Here's the page I am working on. I want to add title tags to the six images on the right side of the page. They change based on the date selected.
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Oct 5, 2005
We require the ability to be able to inject code into all pages that
people view. There are a number of requirements. I am hoping there
might be a catch all that will allow us to do what we need.
Firstly once people load up IE. I would like a banner to be displayed
at the top of ie reminding people of internet use guidelines. I would
like this to be visable at all times on all pages.
The second part is that I would like to inject code into all pages that
have shockwave. The injection of code would either hide or show flash
but in a PAUSED static state (ie no motion)
Not being a firefox guru, I understand that this is the kind of thing
people are doing with Monkeyscripts. However as a corp I cannot get
away from using IE because of the services we use.
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Mar 11, 2007
I have a printing problem that I'm hoping someone can solve.
I have a small company website that uses javacript under IE5.5. For
web pages that display large lists I used a div to build a simulated
When a user pulls the right slide to move down the table and decides
to print the screen, the printed output shows the information from the
beginning of the table and stop after 13 lines. This often differs
from the "view area" on the client desktop.
Any suggestions how to get the "view area" to the printer?
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Nov 22, 2009
The URL is [url]
Two problems with a recently viewed items script. One is an undefined that's getting written with each iteration. How do I get rid of the string of 'undefined'?
The other is that the items write out in the reverse of the order I want them in. I suppose I could just make the containing <div> tags float: right; instead of float: left; and fix this, but it would look odd when only 1 or 2 items have been viewed. I'd like item 1 to display to the far left, then shift to the right as additional items are viewed. Recently viewed items show horizontally at the bottom of the page content, above the footer.
The JS for the recent items is:
The script embeded in each page to pass values to the above looks like:
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Sep 30, 2005
I have an application, which has to change to different images based on
some conditions. I am trying to call a javascript function(this
function changes the images on the front end) from the ASP script. I
want to preload all the images to the client side browser and point to
a different image source through the javascript.
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Jul 9, 2010
I have list of thumbnails, there are 5 rows and each of them has 5-8 images. am trying to re-size those thumbs according to browser window size. I don't want to get scroll and I don't want the images get cut. I want them all get smaller accordingly to the window size. Is that even possible?
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Sep 2, 2011
I'm making a portfolio layout with images in a list (grid view), and I½m working with an fixed-fluid width on my #wrapper (max-width: 1075px; min-width: 960px; ). This works fine as long as Im showing full width, but when Im resizing the browser window the img thumbs floats down an leave a gap on the right side (the <li> is set to float:left; ) (as well as it should). But this is not the effect Im after, I want the img thumbs to resize with the browser window, and I have managed to do that width CSS (example: width: 28.1%; ). But I want a hover effect with text over the images (and that makes a mess out of %), so now Im looking for a script that can do the resizing for me because I can't use % on the image if I want that effect; and that I DO!So do anybody knows about a script that can help me with my problem?Specifics:I'm no wizard in .js so it would be fine if it is well documented on how to implement It should be possible to direct to only img with a certain class (don't want all my images to go bananas when resizing )Maybe control image size in css?And of course keep correct image dimensions!I'm not sure if this matters but; this portfolio is going to be implemented in WordPress.
because this problem makes me kinda crazy !Also: come over this gallery when I was searching after a solution, so here you can see an example on what I want (it also almost have the hover effect I want in mine to), resize your browser window and see the effect: http://bestwebgallery.comI hope I have explained what Im after clearly enough, my English (writing) is sadly not the best.
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Sep 22, 2010
I've been trying to figure this script out for awhile and I've hit a wall. Basically, what I want to do for my organization's website is to use JS to display an image containing our hours and have it change each day of the week.
The hard part (for me) is that there are certain days we're closed. Ideally, I'd like a separate "We're Closed" message to overwrite the image carrying our hours on specific days (major holidays like Xmas, New Years, Vet's Day, furlough periods, etc. etc.).
Here's the code I've managed to cobble together (I have a real basic understanding of JS, so I've been pulling scripts from sites offering free copy/pastecode):
For the most part, this code works just fine. However, if I jump my system clock to December 24, the "closure.png" comes up appears ALONGSIDE the hours image for that day of the week. In other words, I've got two images appearing right next to each other - that's not what I want.
How can I work the code in such a way that when a closure date comes up (in this case, 12/24), just the "closure.png" image shows up by itself?
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Dec 15, 2010
I am taking the document.documentElement.innerHTML from the current page displayed to the user and converting it to pdf using Java.I send document.documentElement.innerHTML from the client and interpret and process it at the server.My question is : there are several elements that I would like to remove in the html before I can send it over to the server.Eg. I do not need some text boxes etc as the pdf will be a snapshot of the viewing page hence no need for input boxes. When I try :
var comments = document.getElementById('toggleDisplayComments');
var parentElement = comments.parentNode;
The element gets removed in the page that is viewed and not in the html that I am sending
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Jul 23, 2010
I tried to add links to open local xml files in browser in a dynamic table cells. I need help. I tried all ways but I think I miss something.I can open them without table just by document.write(xmlfile location).
function showResultsTable(searched, srchedname) {
// get the reference for the body
var mybody = document.getElementsByTagName("body")[0];
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Nov 16, 2004
A site redesign I am working on has some fancy JavaScript requirements that are above my abilities. I usually find an appropriate script for the job from the internet, but with this particular problem I am having no such luck.
What's required is that when a user mouses over on a menu item, lets say the button 'About Us', three things happen:
1. The button 'about-us.gif' changes to 'about-over-over.gif'
2. An image in the body of the page changes from 'summary.png' to 'summary-about-us.png'
3. A text based sub menu appears in the body of the page.
See code:
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