JQuery :: Lightbox On Dynamic Images?
May 4, 2011
Im having an issue with images loaded dynamically, in the page I have a "read more" button at the bottom of the page that loads more post on the page and the images that are in those dynamically loaded post lightbox doesnt work if I refresh the page then lightbox works. know it can be done, like in facebook when I click on "Older post" the images loaded dynamically works.
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Sep 5, 2010
i have i am using a jquery.lightbox-0.5.css does anyone knows how can i specify so that when the lightbox pops up keeps the all the images or at least the lightbox of the image on the same size because when it pops ups dpending on the image some of them are huge they just ocupied the whole screen??
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Apr 19, 2011
basically I have the following code:
<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display ='block'">View Availability</a>
This pops up a divs with a black alpha background, so that it appears the new content is displaying over the top of the current content. This all works fine, however the content I am displaying in the top level div is (or should be) dynamic.In order for the content to be useful I need to grab the id.Normally I would simply do this:
<a href = "url.php?uniqueidentifier=<?php echo $row['id'];?>" onclick = "document.getElementById('light').style.display='block';document.getElementById('fade').style.display ='block'">View Availability</a>
However what happens in this instance is that the page loads with the javascript and the id in the url but it then disappears...
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Mar 22, 2011
What I'm doing wrong with this page? [URL]. The reason I'm writing is because the images aren't opening.
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Jun 24, 2011
I am using the Lightbox plugin for a gallery page. On the live site two of the images I added after I built the original gallery WILL NOT LOAD/SHOW on the lightbox! I cannot find any errors/discrepancies in my coding, and the previews (using Dreamweaver) in several browsers work FINE.
I have deleted and re-put the entire site from scratch, but still no success.
What am I missing?
Here is the page -- the uncooperative images are towards the end of the gallery (images 35 and 38): Cadogan Gardens - Creative Landscapes garden design landscaping in Melbourne Victoria
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Sep 15, 2009
I have a slideshow that gathers images from a database. I've been trying to set it up to where it extracts the IMG SRC accordingly so when I click on the image, the lightbox shows the corresponding image. But no luck thus far.
Here's what I mean:
How can I extract the current "s.src" parameter and use it on the "img src" tag to display the image accordingly?
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Nov 26, 2010
Following is my url.
Click on the first image and you will be navigated through the Photo Gallery using the <Next> button
The images sometimes are not loading in LightBox after a while when using firefox. Has it got to do with the LightBox Ajax ?
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Sep 8, 2009
I have added xfade2 (JS image rotator) to my website.
I have Lightbox also on the main page as it needs to serve as a gallery. Now that I have added xfade, the lightbox images do not load; the opening transition just stays blank.
It seems that there is a small piece of css code causing all the problems.
Code CSS:
#imageContainer { height:250px; }
#imageContainer img { display:none;
top:0px; left:0px;
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Mar 1, 2011
I'm interested in using the jQuery UI for the Droppable and Photo Manager. This can be found at the following link:
Basically what I would like to happen is have the drop boxes dynamically created. So I would have a <div> to have all the images in them. Then below that I'd like to display to the user a single drop box with a link to add another one and another one after that etc.
Is there a way to modify this code so that I can make the jQuery part of this dynamic in nature that if I add a new droppable <div> it would automatically allow me to drop images from my original <div> and still be able to move images from one <div> to another <div> after it's been created?
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May 29, 2010
I have to following jquery lightbox code:
<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {$('#largerview a').lightBox({
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Oct 9, 2009
I'm building a slide show using jQuery and I am having sporadic issues displaying an image before it's fully loaded. e.g. Images are stored in a database (binary not the image path) and I use an image handler to retrieve the images. Because the amount of images for each slide show is not predetermined, I load the first image and next image initially, then each time a slide (next) is selected I fetch that slide and the next slide. I don't want to pre-load each image as there could be well over 50-60 images and some users might only view a handful of slides. Thus wasting bandwidth and resources. Is there a way I can tell when the requested image is ready to be viewed/rendered? The reason for this is that all images are not fixed width/height and to place them in the middle of the "stage" I need to check the height/width so I can add it to the container I am positioning.
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Oct 13, 2011
I've built this webpage : [URL]. Now, I want the slideshows (Jquery Cycle) to have a pager to navigate the images instead of previous and next [URL].
My code looks like this :
function ajaxpage(url, containerid) {
var $container= $('#' + containerid);
$container.hide().load(url, function() {
next: '#next2',
prev: '#prev2',
fx: 'blindX', speed:'1500',
timeout: 0, .....
after: function() {
var alt = $(this).attr('alt');
// do something with alt text
The code I need to implement looks like this :
How to do this successfully?
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Aug 31, 2009
I have a function that changes the src of an image:
JavaScript Code:
function ChangeSRC(url_src)
document.getElementById("photo").src = url_src;
Neither of these methods seem to work; especially in IE. Is there a better way to preload dynamic images?
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Aug 11, 2009
We would like to create a new website and have that do some dynamic things based on login id. First all we would like to send you do a different home page based on this information, it might be one of several companies. This may also be tied to what URL you clicked but not necessarily. The second thing we would like to do is display only the products that you are eligible for based on your login information. We would like to use images as a link here and if you can sell one product you get one image or maybe bypass and go directly to that section, but if you can sell two or more then those images as links show up as available.
The final thing we want to do is to populate the top 3 or so items you perform on the site as quick links. After all that, are there tools or items I should study to accomplish this task? I'm not sure if I need to mix in some sort of third party analytical tool with the asp.net site or what. The only other thing that I think we can do with ajax is have them say enter a a vehicle identification number and without looking like a screen reload use ajax to show the additional information such as year make and model that are decoded from the vin, but I'm just starting to look into this.
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Oct 2, 2009
I currently have a slideshow working on my client's site, but I can't get lightbox to work properly on it. [URL]...
Is there a way to fix the existing slideshow to work with lightbox? Or is there another way of doing this (keeping the same look that is currently in place)?
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Dec 30, 2010
I have a javascript that loads images on the page based on the date you select from a drop down menu. So the images are displayed dynamically, however they are numbered 1 through 20.Is there a way I can add a title tag to the images that will display on mouseover?Here's the page I am working on. I want to add title tags to the six images on the right side of the page. They change based on the date selected.
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Sep 22, 2010
I've been trying to figure this script out for awhile and I've hit a wall. Basically, what I want to do for my organization's website is to use JS to display an image containing our hours and have it change each day of the week.
The hard part (for me) is that there are certain days we're closed. Ideally, I'd like a separate "We're Closed" message to overwrite the image carrying our hours on specific days (major holidays like Xmas, New Years, Vet's Day, furlough periods, etc. etc.).
Here's the code I've managed to cobble together (I have a real basic understanding of JS, so I've been pulling scripts from sites offering free copy/pastecode):
For the most part, this code works just fine. However, if I jump my system clock to December 24, the "closure.png" comes up appears ALONGSIDE the hours image for that day of the week. In other words, I've got two images appearing right next to each other - that's not what I want.
How can I work the code in such a way that when a closure date comes up (in this case, 12/24), just the "closure.png" image shows up by itself?
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Jun 29, 2010
how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.
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Jul 6, 2010
I have to do a slideshow with images of different widths... am using cycle plugin, which I like very much... I have a little test slideshow here, http:[url]....it's not centering imgs in containing div (I made div width of widest image.. this will work for my situation, in which imgs will be hard-coded..)if you inspect img element in firebug (#slideshow img), it shows that the plugin adds a style of position: absolute; top: 0px; left: 0px .to the img; why does the plugin do this.. how can I center the images in containing div...
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Dec 10, 2010
Iīve just launch my website-portfolio, well itīs not yet the final version but it is almost and despite I am satisfied with the final result Iīve detected a really strange bug that only happens sometimes. The thing is when the first introduction Slide appears (the one with the hand-made drawings), sometimes the images shrink from the normal size to small tiny images. This doesnīt happen always and if you refresh the page it disappears.
Follow the link to the page were the bug happens - [url]. I'm using jquery cycle plugin, check it out.
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Mar 9, 2010
I prefer jQuery over flash and not sure how to tackle this, so please advise as best you can. Trying to create a site that allows for images to go full browser and then have the ability to have the other images slide in based on a click.
I also want to float a menu that will allow it to pull in other media (video, that would slide in the same way). The best example I can share is this: http://j.mp/5U79i1 What he is using is flash based (slideshowpro director and slideshow pro for flash). Not interested in flash for this personal project.
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Oct 11, 2011
I have a table grid of images, i need all the images except the one hovered to fade out to 0
I tried throwing around .filter but no luck
Images are written as <img class='tile' id='${row['_id']}' src='$rsrc/food pictures/${row['_filename']}_in.png'>
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Dec 19, 2011
Can anyone refer me to a site that demonstrates printing from a lightbox? I'm not looking for a site that explains how to print from a lightbox. I'm looking for a site that does printing from a lightbox.
Context: I think that a lightbox would be a good solution for some browser compatibility problems in my client's user interface. The information I need to display in the lightbox is a certificate which the user will print. For a lightbox plugin to be useful, I must be able to (1) print the contents of the lightbox, not the whole screen, and (2) show my client how the concept works.
I was originally planning to recommend Shadowbox until I realized that printing was a problem. I've found instructions for printing from Shadowbox, but no examples, which puts me in the position of having to do all of the implementation work before I can produce a demo that will enable my client to decide whether they want me to do it or not.
I'd still be happy to use Shadowbox if it meets my needs. I'd be happy to use anything else that meets my needs, too. I need a lightbox that can display an HTML page or (ideally) a PDF, not just an image file. Printing doesn't have to be started from the browser's menu; it can be started from a special button in the lightbox frame. (Shadowbox works that way.)
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Jul 6, 2011
I'm using rapidweaver 5, theme creami3 from [url].
This theme has jquery enabled.
I would like to use lightbox, however whatever I try it won't work.
Some test sites:
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Nov 7, 2011
I want to use a jQuery Lightbox for our new Web Site. I would like to have one lightbox where there is a large text sidebar on the right side describing the project represented by the slideshow. I would also like to style the text in the text box with Web Fonts if possible
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Dec 31, 2010
I use table sorter ( latest 2.0.5) and Jquery latest for sort table !
It works fine!
BUT! in some tables, I've link for open image in a light box !
On the first page, all works fine !
But, as soon as i set the second ( or more ) page in the table, the link work like a classic link, not like a "lightbox class" link !
I've try with fancybox => same !
with shadowbox => same !
and with lightbox => same !
So, the problem come from tablesorter or the pager !
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