JQuery :: Div Floating Next To A Div On A Mouseover Event?
Jul 21, 2011
I have a PHP background but recently I have been trying to float a div next to a div on a mouse over event. I have Googled and Googled and can't find a way, all I keep getting is tooltips, they are good but they move with the mouse, I need the same effect but for the div that pops-up to be static and the same place every time across multiple divs, and jump the other side of a given div if it's at the edge of the page.
example code
$(".main").mousemove(function(e) {
var mouseX = e.pageX;
var mouseY = e.pageY;
This is just a page swapping images on the mouseover event, but i want to remove the mouseover events from all links when the the on click function is triggered, this is the html code,
i have a problem in mouseover and mouseout events.when the mouse is on the image a div will show,but when mouse is on that shown div something loops happened.Here is the working example:Jsfiddle
Here's my problem. I have a list with items, it's a <ul> containing <li> elements. These are covered by a transparent <div> (used for mousetracking and speed calculations). Now how do I get jquery to catch the onmouseover event on the list elements? The div is catching all events, so none of them are fired by the li elements. Is there a way?
I have this code for animating a vertical menu. It changes the width of a menu item to using .animate().
So the behaviour now is: When my mouse is over the menu item, it expands (width 220px), when I remove my mouse it shrinks back (width 95px). Now I want it to stay expanded when I click on it and shrink back and expand a new menu item when I click it.
Menu item are listed, using different css classes for designing their looks.
I am trying to accomplish two things on this demonstration page.
1. Have a image slideshow
2. On mouseover the slideshow temporarily stops and a caption comes up and stays until mouseout. At which point the slideshow begins again.
Currently right now the slideshow cycles, but the caption part is erratic. It shows on document load and also continues to show on mouseout. Furthermore if you mouseover the image several times it and then move away it keeps firing.
I am trying to make an animation on website spiderspun .co .uk (spaces added to avoid being called a link builder )
I have two div: #sidebar1-menu ul{position:relative;background-image:url("../spiderisms.png"); background-position:525px 110px;background-repeat:no-repeat;}
I've been using this little bit of code to show a div when the user rolls over a link: $('a#eventspopupbtn').mouseover(function() {$('#menu').hide('fast'); $('#eventspopup').show('fast'); return false; }); I have been trying to extend this bit of code so that there is a short delay built inso that if the user rolls over the link by mistake or 'just passing through' the div is not displayed. I tried using setTimeout but couldn't get that working (unfortunately, I can't share that with you because I lost the code).
im having trouble using JQUERYs animate function. Basicly the div has a mouseover event that slides another div (that is inside the original div) upwards. The first div has a mouseout event that slides the second div downwards and out of view. The problem being that when you hover over the second div it fires the first divs mouseout event. Ive tried googling this and have tried adding some event bubbling but having serious trouble with it. here is the website... [URL] hover over the image and you should see the caption appear, roll over the caption and it goes crazy.
I have a grey coloured table that displays certain columns in either red, green or orange to give meaning and emphasis to certain data.
What I want to do now is setup some kind of javascript event so that when the user mouse's over a row the row changes colour to highlight it. I've discovered however that I can only change the row into one specific colour, and then back again into one specific colour using a mouseover and mouseout event in the row.
I tried moving my event from the row tag into the table cell tags thinking I was being clever (see below), but had I thought about it I'd have realised this wasn't going to work either.
Can this actually be done in Javascript as I've exhausted my limited javascript knowledge and dont know what else to try Code:
I know this maybe sounds "newbie", perhaps I am still one.I have 3 divs, all of them in a group "name", there are h1 tags inside them with names too. Well actually I have many many divs like this in several pages so I must use a JS sheet (.js).The idea is to create an event for the divs, a mouseover event to a div in order to change the color of the words inside the h1 tags. When the mouse is over one particular div the word inside it must change to red.
I am trying to add mouseout and mouseover event to flash object using document.write so that I can show or hide text when someone rollover on flash but I am not sure how to do that? check my code and make any necessary changes to it.
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"> function CngTxt(id,txt){ var obj=document.getElementById(id); if (txt){ obj.innerHTML=txt; }
i have a simple div that has one line of text. the text is blue and underlined, so it looks like a link. i have an onclick() event for it to change element visibilities on my page. i would really like to change the mouse icon from an arrow to the hand pointer (the one you see when you hover over a hyperlink) when the mouse is over the div. i'm not sure if I need an API call for something like this or not. Hopefully there is a simpler way to do this than what i am doing. I tried experimenting with <a href> but i have no actual link to use, as i am not linking to anything.
I am using Lightbox+ and overall it's very good for my needs. However it has a small problem. If you goto [URL] and click on the image "Sample 2" then use the next arrow to go to "Sample 3" you have to hover off the image and then back on to get the previous and zoom icons to show again. I have been able to make the bug occur every time in both Firefox 3.6 and IE6. I am guessing the mouseover event isn't triggering correctly due to the image object moving underneath the mouse pointer but I just can't fix it.
This is just a page swapping images on the mouseover event, but i want to remove the mouseover events from all links when the the on click function is triggered,
This is the html code:
This the javescript code, the swapping image is working fine, but not the removeMouseover function,
Any code to create a function and form to make the position of a button change dynamically based on a mouseover event? Whereby a viewer's cursor will chase the button around an IE page for infinity! I would prefer to do this without the need for any plugins if at all possible, and it does not need to be cross-platform, just IE is fine.
What trying to achieve is to have a div which when you mouseover a div and h4 within will change properties.This is working but when you mouseover the div and pass over either the border of the containing div or the h4 text the animate/fadeTo repeat again. Is someone able to tell what Im doing wrong? Also you may notice the function is effecting more than one container div at a time which is not what Im going for. Is there a way to seperate them like this or somehow?
I already have most of the code to successfully float my sidebar and make it follow your scrollbar.The problem I have however, is that there is a small margin between the sidebar and the footer when the scrollbar reaches its end.How do I correct this little margin? Nothing, that important but I do want to fix it badly.
One of the features of a site I'm working on is a button similar to the Facebook "LIKE" or Twitter "Tweet" [really exciting stuff to help with, right? ]
As such I need to be able to open an iframe as a layer on the page but can't load up a framework given the weight and potential for conflicts. The goal here is to be as light as possible while also avoiding conflicts. The page is multi-part so a simple layer won't do, it has to be a full fledged iFrame with the ability to fade the underlying window and close it down while also floating over page elements, drop downs, even flash.
Colorbox-min would be an ideal solution but the dependancy kills it. I do pretty well with frameworks but on my own am a JS novice. In a world full of ready made scripts,
I have a huge java script function which creates a div with a label Loading... for all ajax request. The script creates a div and appends to body , so the loading.. div appears on the top and it does not float when I scroll my page down. I want to use jquery to make the div float and show along with scroll.
Here is the code I use to create loading...div if (!document.getElementById('busy-symbol')) { busySymbol = document.createElement('div'); busySymbol.id = 'busy-symbol'; var busyLabel = document.createElement('div'); busyLabel.innerHTML = 'Loading ...'; busySymbol.appendChild(busyLabel); document.body.appendChild(busySymbol); Is there any simple jquery function I can call and it takes care of my div to float.
I'm working on a mysql browser / edit-in-place app which presents the user with a floating UI (think lightbox), that contains widgets appropriate for the given field they've clicked on.
Presently, rather than centering the UI element like a lightbox however, I find it best to keep it relative to their mouse, so that they don't have to traverse halfway across the screen with their mouse to interact with the interface if they've clicked something (for instance) on the bottom left.
The problem however should be apparent: if they click something towards the bottom of the screen, we need to adjust the css top/left properties so that the UI remains within the viewable area and doesn't run beyond the viewport, if possible. I've seen this done tons of times with tooltips.
I've thrown some basic awareness together using$(window).height() / width(), but if anyone could point me to a maturealgorithmfor harvesting the appropriate offset.
I've tested across IE7,Firefox, Chrome, Safari and the only browser I experience this issue in is Opera. I have 3 icons at the bottom of the page (facebook, rainbow, charity logo) and on mouseover the whole site expands downwards (it's not supposed to do that). I've googled for reasons why it would do this but have found none. [URL]...
I wonder how to create the effect of objects being aware to other objectsthis is a good example:[URL].. I'm searching for some resources and good tutorials