JQuery :: DOM - Name Of An Element <input>?

May 19, 2010

There is a JS-code:


How I'm can learn a name of an element <input>?

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JQuery :: 'input:text' Selector Not Finding Input Element With No Type Attribute?

Mar 16, 2011

As recently as 1.4.3 $('input:text') would find input elements with no type attribute, but after upgrading to 1.5.1 that is no longer the case.

Is this a bug or an intended refactor to be more standards compliant?

FYI - this is the selector I now have to use: $('input:text,input:not([type])')

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JQuery :: Changing An Option Element Into A Text Input Element?

Nov 18, 2011

Is this possible with JQuery? I have the following code which I think Should do this, but it's not working :/These are two different functions which I've been testing, and the html element is supposed to create a dropdown list via some PHP which will have the option "Other" within it. Unfortunately, I have no idea exactly how to turn "Other" into a text box when the user clicks, and I've been spending a lot of time on this already.


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JQuery :: Accessing Input Element By Its Value

Apr 2, 2010

In a project repeated blocks are identified by an <input type="hidden" value="x" /> field. To get an access to one of the block I wanted first access to that field. My first problem is there and I will explain it by a micro-project (tested with Firefox only)

Here is the HTML code :
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf8" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css" />
<meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
<link rel="stylesheet" href = "index.css" type="text/css" />
<script type="text/javascript" src='Library/jquery-1.4.js'></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src='index.js'></script> .....

And here the javascript code wher is the JQuery question
//meta http-equiv content-type charset=utf8
function test(){
var $id = $('#curUnion').val();
var $objet = $('#toutesUnions > .pseudoFieldset').find('input[value=$id]');
var $test = $objet.val();
var $objet2 = $('#toutesUnions > .pseudoFieldset').find('input[value="1"]'); .....

With $id = "1" as shown by the Javascript debugger (in Firefox) where is the difference between find('input[value=$id]') and find('input[value="1"]')
Giving the alert result => undefined / 1
If you want to test the micro project you will find it in the Test.zip joined. How to access the immediate parent pseudoFieldset to get its html code?

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JQuery :: Getting Value Attribute Of Input Element ?

Oct 2, 2010

I have a table with several columns containing input elements populated from a database, e.g.,

On every row, I need to perform a calculation using the value of several input fields. So I tried to access the value of the first input field like so (which had worked in another function):

But for some reason it's returning a 0, and the line below also doesn't work:

But this returns the correct class, so I know it's finding the element:

And if I assign the input element an id, say "count," this works:

Obviously I don't want to fuss with individual id's to get the values. How to understand why the first two examples don't work, and how to fix them?

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JQuery :: Cannot Access <input> Element After DOM Manipulation

Jul 27, 2011

I built an IE-only function that modifies the DOM to create a custom container with rounded corners and some shading at the top. It only gets called when the browser is IE and its version is < 9. It takes the following block:

And turns it into this:

The UI looks identical to FF, which uses the CSS3 attributes to create the rounded box. HOWEVER, in IE8, I can no longer access the embedded <input> element (which does not change). I'm trying to get the value of the <input> tag with the ID of "username" by doing this:

When I disable my DOM manipulation code so that in IE, it remains an ugly, square box, I can get the value of the <input> element with no problem. Once I manipulate the DOM, IE always returns the empty string while FF and Opera work perfectly.

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JQuery :: Post Each Input Element In Form?

Feb 22, 2011

im trying to post each input element in my form. The elements are generated with a click function. So if there are 2 elements i want to post the values of both to a php script. This is what ive tried so far but it doesnt appear to work.


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JQuery :: Selector For Next Non-sibling Input Element?

Oct 8, 2010

I'm working with jQuery on a form where each input element is contained in an <li> element.

Some fields are read-only, identified by a class ".readonly", and I'd like to bind a jQuery function to these fields' "focus" event, to send the focus to the next input whose class is not read-only.

But, because of the containing <li> elements, I don't think .next('input') will work, since the <input> tags aren't siblings.

Is there a simple selector that will do the job without having to climb up and down the DOM via parents and children? To me that feels unsatisfactory and brittle, because should the designer decide to change the layout (lists within lists, <div>'s within <li>'s), my DOM-climbing code might break.

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JQuery :: Set Focus To Input Element After Event?

Nov 19, 2010

In the code below I am trying to give focus to the 'input.qualifier' element when one of the options under 'select.qualifier' is chosen. [code]...

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JQuery :: Getting The Text Of A Link And Insert It Into An Input Element ?

Feb 10, 2010

I want to get the text from a link <a href="">text_I_want_to_get_from_here</a> and insert it after into an input element <input type="text" name="want_to_have_here" value=""> by using jQuery.

I found something with $("#myid").html() to get this, but I am not sure how to use it, really tried but I am a freshman.

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JQuery :: Unable To Rotate An Element Programatically, Via An Input Box?

Jun 13, 2011

I love the jquery.transformable.js v0.3 plugin. However, I need to be able to rotate an element programatically, via an input box. Anyone have a way to do this.

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JQuery :: Equivalent Of Event.observe - Make The Cursor Focus On A Certain Input Element

Jun 2, 2009

I'm trying to make the cursor focus on a certain input element when someone hits a certain key combo (such as Shift+S). Does anyone know how you attach a listener like that and bind it to a key combo?

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JQuery :: Populating Dynamically Created Input Element Values Using Datepicker And .live Event Handler

Nov 15, 2010

I have a table with a date field in each row:

The table, and the input id element, are dynamically created from database records and I use jQuery live to initialize the datepicker for each field, like so:

The idea is that when I click in the input field, the datepicker pops up and allows the user to input a date. While the date shows in the input field in the table, the value attribute of the input field is empty. I can't use the getDate() method on the datepicker, since I can't programmatically connect the datepicker element in any particular row with the input element in that row. I tried the onClose method shown below, but that doesn't work either. Has anyone done this successfully?

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Placing An Img Element After An Input Tag W/ Id

Nov 25, 2005

I'm attempting to place an img element after an input tag (which has an id).

var loadingImg = document.createElement('img');
loadingImg.setAttribute('id', 'workimg');
loadingImg.src = '/new/images/working.gif'

Basically it's temporary feedback to tell the user that their request is "working". I'm not quite sure how to place the image element after the username element however. Ideas?

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Remove Value Of Input Element Onfocus

Sep 22, 2005

I've got a default value of some text in an input element when a page loads.
What I'd like to do is have the value disappear when the user clicks in the
input field.

I've figured out I can use:


This works fine, however if for some reason the user adds his own input,
then click somewhere else/clicks back, the text has once again been erased.

So I thought of a function like the following, however it does not work:

function removeinput(x) {

if (x == 'Enter items not on standard list here...') {

x = ''



I've also tried placing this.value inside of single quotes to no avail.

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Add An Input Element To All Forms Using AppendChild

Nov 5, 2009

I'm trying to add an input element to all forms using appendChild.

The script first searches for input elements with the name of "myinput".

If it finds an input element with that name, it assigns the value "myvalue".

If it can't find an input element with that name, it tries to create a new one for all forms.

What's wrong with my code?

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How To Put Image Url Into Input Text Element And Into Img Scr?

Aug 5, 2007

I have a page with an iframe where I've placed few images. I want to create onMouseClick event which will put clicked image's url into Input Text element in parent frame (main page frame) and at the same time it will put image itself into some <div> or <img src> element (if possible) or maybe in some other small iframe, created for this image.

Is that possible to do using JavaScript (with function)? If yes, how can I do that?

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Update The Value Of An Element That Isn't A Form Input?

Apr 7, 2009

I'm using Javascript to create some dynamic content on my website. Basically it's looping through some values and updating an input field with the values.

What I'm wondering is, do I have to do this using a form and an input field? Is there a way I can get Javascript to update the content inside a DIV for example?

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Missing Name Attribute From Dynamic Input Element

Sep 28, 2006

I'm attempting to submit a form via a function which dynamically creates a
hidden input:

function submitLocation(theForm) {
var e = document.createElement('input');
e.setAttribute('type', 'hidden');
e.setAttribute('name', 'location');
e.setAttribute('value', &#391;');
var f = document.getElementById(theForm);

The function is called from an anchor's onclick event:

<form name='form1' method='post' action='action.php'>
<a onclick="submitLocation('form1');">Submit</a>

However the function produces an input which is missing the name element:

<INPUT type=hidden value=1>

The desired output should be:

<INPUT type=hidden name=location value=1>

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Determine FORM That Contains A Specific INPUT Element?

Oct 11, 2006

I created this test routine to return the form containing a certain
input element:

function GetElementForm(element)
// Return the form that contains element.

varmyElement = element;

while (myElement)
myElement = myElement.parentNode;
if (myElement)
var sTagName = myElement.tagName;
if (sTagName)
if (sTagName.toLowerCase() == "form")
return myElement;}

This seems to work for "well formed" HTML, but fails for example, when
a form is defined within a table.

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Changing The Text Color Of An Input Element (IE)?

Jan 9, 2007

How on earth do you use javacript to change the text color of an input element, and have it work with IE??? I've tried numerous solutions. All of them work on browsers such as Mozilla. But none of them work on IE.

This works in every browser I've tried besides IE:

var whatever = document.createElement( 'input' );
whatever.type = 'text'
// (more code)...
whatever.style.color = 'black'

This also works for other browsers besides IE:

whatever.style.cssText = 'color:black;'

I've tried other things as well. Nothing works in IE. Is there anyway
to change the text color inside an input box dynamically, and have it
work in IE?

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Reading An Input Array With Single Element?

May 18, 2009

I am trying to develop a small web based inventory programme. In the programme, after orders are placed for supply of an item, the materials are to be recieved by the stores. For this a "goods received page" is used. On start the page loads items as per the purchase order in the database. Javascript is used to calculate the cost of each item and total cost of all items. since the number of items vary from order to order I use the following code to load the page. ( PHP is used in the server side).

<input type='text' size='10' name ='rqty[]' value='1.000' align='right' onchange="recalculate()">
<input type='text' size='10' name ='rqty[]' value='2.000' align='right' onchange="recalculate()">


My problem is that the above will work whenever there are two or more items and the variable qty is actually an array. But it does not work when there is only one item. In other words, it does not recognises a single element array. value of rsize is returned as undefined. Splitting the loading process with seperate naming for single items as rqty and multiple items as rqty[] is not possible as option to be given to delete items from a multiple item page. This may end up in a single item page eve n when there are multiple items at load time.

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JQuery :: HTTP GET Request When The User Presses "enter" When Inside Of An <input> Element?

Apr 8, 2010

For some reason, IE8 insists on submitting an HTTP GET request when the user presses "enter" when inside of an <input> element.It's a rather curious thing because I have an <input type="submit" /> that has an event for "click" that contains the following code:


This works on Firefox - if the user presses "Enter" inside of an input element on the form, the submit button will not execute. But on IE, it does. However, if the IE user "clicks" the submit button, it does the right thing.Do I have to also override keydown events too and stop those? Why does Firefox and IE work differently here?

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JQuery :: Way To Highlight Element Inside Parent Element / When Mouse Hovers Over Child Element?

Oct 4, 2010

i have a menu generated by a list with nested lists. i want the parent link to stay highlighted when the mouse hovers over the sub menus. because those sub menus are also generated by jquery (qtip), CSS alone won't do it (triedul.topnav li:hover a {background-color: #F00;}).is there a way to do this using jquery?

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Ensure At Least One Checkbox Or Input Element Is Checked Or Not Empty

Sep 28, 2006

I'm currently developing an online work brief, where the user has to
enter details regarding the project into a form. I've come to a section
in the form where the user has the option of selecting between two
checkboxes and an input element. I have to ensure that at least one of
the checkboxes have been checked or that the input element is not
empty. I've come up with this function:

function validateMedia(){
var count = 0;
if(document.workBrief.mediaOther.value != ""){
if(count 0){
return true;
alert('Please choose at least one media option');
return false;

I'm sure there is a more effiecient way of writing this.

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Input Element Lose Focus On Page Load In IE

Nov 3, 2006

This code works fine in Firefox and Opera, I can see that it put focus
on the correct input in IE, but by the time the page has loaded
completely it loses focus.

The first time you enter the page it works fine in IE too, but if you
click a link which gives the input a value after reloading the page the
above happens. Code:

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