JQuery :: Creating Objects From Within .each Question?
Oct 7, 2010
I have a tab compopenet object that works by passing a dom element to a constructor... which then finds all the relative elements to that element using .find() and adds the necessary behaviour.Now, since I have multiple tab components on the same page, I'm using each() to iterate through the dom elements and pass each into the tab component constructor function.[code]This works fine for my purposes, but after running my code through JSLint and researching here (URL...), I've been made aware that I'm pretty much throwing these objects away, since I'm not assigning them to a variable.My question really is; is this particularly bad practice under the circumstances? If I assigned the object to a variable within .each(), I'd surely be overwriting that varibale with each iteration and essentially doing the same thing?
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Oct 7, 2010
I have a tab compopenet object that works by passing a dom element to a constructor... which then finds all the relative elements to that element using .find() and adds the necessary behaviour. Now, since I have multiple tab components on the same page, I'm using each() to iterate through the dom elements and pass each into the tab component constructor function.
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May 10, 2010
if I am loading content into a div using the get feature of jquery, and that content has some clickable objects in it will jquery recognize those as well? What I am doing is building a site that tracks bugs on our software. The site pulls the bugs from a mysql db and displays in a table format. There's an edit link which passes the record id number of that bug (via ajax) to a php file, where a form is filled in with the bug data and passed back, a hidden div is then shown with the form in it. Part of the code I pass back has a submit button and a close button (css styled anchors) and I'm using the same process on them as I am on the edit link but not getting any results. My script looks like this:
<script src="js/jquery.js"></script>
<script language="javascript">
//hide edit form
how it works. Does it sneak peek the page after it loads and get all the objects into some sort of array? I'm thinking it is doing that and because I am adding other object through AJAX it is not seeing those, since the page is not being reloaded.
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Sep 16, 2011
I have to stuff multiple objects in global var populated in a foreach loop and seperated by a comma.The loop is:
// GlobalG.objects;
$('.class').each(function() {
var title = $(this).text();
var src = $(this).attr('src');
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Oct 3, 2011
As they all have the same property set but with different values I thought I'd try creating a servo object, the create an array of servo's but I don't think I'm getting anywhere fast. Heres what I have
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-W3CDTD XHTML 1.0 TransitionalEN" "http:www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
<html xmlns="http:www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Untitled Document</title>
Once this is done and I've got all the servo objects created with their properties, I'm hoping to be able to search for all servo's with a set property i.e all servo's with servo.application = 1 would that be possible, if not I geuss I'd be wasting all our time trying to create classes I can't use the way I'd like.
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Jul 20, 2005
Lets say I have this array:
a1 = [1,"2",new Array(2.5,3,3.5),4];
And I apply slice(0) on it, to create a copy:
a2 = a1.slice(0);
But this isn't a true copy. If I go a1[2][1] = 42, and then
alert(a2[2][1]) I will see 42 there too. I'm doubting, but I was
wondering if there is a general solution to this problem?
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Oct 13, 2010
I've got an input with a value. The input is called 'command2' and I want to send it's value to the 'rover2' object (although I don't know if that object exists yet). I test and say if(rover2){... and if not then I create the object/if so then I insert the value.Question is: I want to do:Code JavaScript:var rover2 = new Rover();but I want to pass the name of the new object by association, so in effect:Code JavaScript:var "rover"+i = new Rover();How would you do that? So that the objects and their names are generated dynamically (or [perhaps a better explanation] so that the string value of a variable can be used as the name of new variable/object)?PS Bonus marks: If I hold HTML fragments as an object and those fragments include inputs, is the value of the input collected as well? i.e. if I have
Code HTML4Strict:
<input id="foo" type="text" />
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Jan 30, 2011
ok, so I can make an object, I can also make a new instance of that object and have it running around the screen at the same time.What I'm a bit confused about is how to go about things when I want X number of these objects.So instead of making objects seperately I need a loop. Instead of referring to each object seperately every time I want to redraw it, I want to loop through all instances of the object.Except I can't quite see how one goes about doing this.
for (i = 0;i <= 10; i++) {
var dot + i = new Dot;
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Mar 16, 2010
I am creating a frogger game. When the frog image collides with a vehicle image, I wish for the frogs position to be reset back to the start. Here is my code which is currently not working:
// Frog Collisions: (CURRENTLY NOT WORKING)
var cvehicle=new Array(0,
[Code] .....
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Apr 23, 2007
I've been pretty infatuated with JSON for some time now since
"discovering" it a while back. (It's been there all along in
JavaScript, but it was just never "noticed" or used by most until
recently -- or maybe I should just speak for myself.)
The fact that JSON is more elegant goes without saying, yet I can't
seem to find a way to use JSON the way I *really* want to use it: to
create objects that can be instantated into multiple instances without
prototyping. I've seen (and used) JSON for singleton object instances
-- this not a problem and this is how it works right out of the gate.
But given the following custom object written the past "normal" way, I
would like to write it in JSON format, and then be able to create new
instances from the one definition. Here's an example using the "old
way" most who have been writing JavaScript for years have seen:
function Two( x, y ) {
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
Two.prototype.sum = function () { return this.x + this.y }
Two.prototype.max = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x :
this.y }
Two.prototype.min = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y :
this.x }
Two.prototype.pow = function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }
Now, I know I can get all "fancy" with the above and do either this:
Two.prototype = {
sum : function { return this.x + this.y },
max : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y },
min : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x },
pow : function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }
Or this:
function Two( x, y ) {
// Properties.
this.x = x;
this.y = y;
// Methods.
this.sum = function () { return this.x + this.y }
this.max = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y }
this.min = function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x }
this.pow = function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }
(The later seems to work without prototyping...!)
But neither are really as close to pure JSON as I would like, so that
I can instantate those:
var hisPair = new Two( 11, 22 );
var herPair = new Two( 33, 44 );
What I'd like is a way in PURE JSON to be able to create the Two class
(as an example) using pure JSON. I've not seen anything yet on the
web that addresses this directly aside from some pages which require
you to include another JS to allow "deep embedding" of classes using
other helper "classes" (that are created the "old way" it seems), etc.
The best I've found so far on using pure JSON to create a class that
allows *multiple* instances is something like this:
function Two( x, y ) {
var class = {
x : x,
y : y,
sum : function { return this.x + this.y }
max : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.x : this.y }
min : function () { return this.x this.y ? this.y : this.x }
pow : function () { return Math.pow( this.x, this.y ) }
for (var element in class) this[element] = class[element];
Now *THAT* works, but it's still not as "pure" I would like. But it's
acceptable for now, I guess, since I *am* creating the entire "class"
as a JSON object, and I consider the outside function "wrapper" as the
necessary "constructor." But I keep wondering... There HAS to be a
better way.
I'm just wondering if anyone knows of a place that discusses JSON used
in situations like the above. Again, I've seen an ABUNDANCE of pages
and sites that discuss JSON in Singleton usage, but nothing that
discusses it as I am wanting here.
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Sep 5, 2009
Is there a better way to extend object with internal objects?
$.fn.bestShow = function(s) {
var d = {
width: 0,
height: 0,
order: "numeric",
orderBy: "",
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Apr 17, 2011
Is there a way in Javascript or Jquery to return an array of all objects underneath a certain point, ie. the mouse position. Basically, I have a series of images which link to various web pages but I have a large semi transparent image positioned over the top of the other images. I want to find the href of the background image that the mouse pointer clicks over.
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Apr 13, 2011
where can i find an example of how jQuery selects objects when using an id selector? i'm asking because i've been using a cross browser snippet to select objects and i was wondering if it's the right move to move from the snippet to jQuery. the snippet checks to see for availabe methods and depending on the one that works, it knows which browser the user is using and selects the object using that method. i also know jQuery is cross browser, so it's kinda implied, just wanna make sure.
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May 28, 2010
Basically i have a good experience and knowledge with prototype.js library and also at the same time i am willing to get deeper into jquery.
I very much use oops concept now a days in almost every problem i solve using javascript, and was doing with prototype's feature to create classes and objects. Since i am now looking to get deeper into jquery, i was looking to find similar feature in jquery as well. I suppose jquery must be having a feature to create classes and do inheritance programming, but i couldn't find the way. My question to the forum is, Is there any option/feature in jquery which helps us to create classes and objects of our own probably with the support of inheritance?
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Aug 12, 2010
Let's say I have two images. I make one dragable. I physically move one image directly over the other. While my mouse is pressed I release it. The image underneath recognizes and gives a message indicating it's covered by the other????
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Apr 14, 2011
I have a menu that is made from a ul element (with li children).
Here is an example:
ul id="menu" >
li><a href="#divEntire2">Home Page</a></li>
However, if I do something like $(this).css('background-color','maroon'), the text and a section of bar under it does turn maroon. This happens even I just click on the bar.
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Jun 28, 2011
I'm trying to build an SVG-based galaxy map for a space game, it pulls the details from MySQL using PHP and seems to work fine with the following code:
<a xlink:href="index.php?locate=galaxy&sub=planet&x=$x&y=$y" target="_top">
<circle cx="$x" cy="$y" r="$starRadius" fill="rgb($fill)">
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Jul 27, 2009
Is it possible to join two jQuery objects to make a new object. For example...
var e1 = $("#firstObject");
var e2 = $("#secondObject");
var combined = e1.add(e2); // This is the expression I'm looking for
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Jun 16, 2009
I have the following code, which I am trying to pass in 5 variables.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Jun 8, 2009
I basically have several buttons that are created dynamically via a db, so I can have 1 to 40 etc. now at the moment I give each one a unique id and a hover code in the loops. see below:loops goes here..
<img src="button.jpg" alt="button" border="0" id="myButton<?=
$newCode ?>" />
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Oct 24, 2009
On touchstart and touchmove event, the event object has touches and targetTouches properties (see http://bit.ly/Q6uOD), however the jQuery.Event doesn't seem to copy these properties. I tried adding them to $.event.props like this:
$.each(['touches', 'targetTouches'], function(){
if (!($.inArray($.event.props, this))) {
But it doesn't seem to work. The event an event listener received via jQuery hasn't the targetTouches property even if it's accessible via event.originalEvent.targetTouches or window.event.targetTouches.
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Aug 4, 2009
I have a bunch of divs with the same classname, 'mediafield':
And I have this jquery code in my header:
So I know that the click function is getting implemented.. The alert box appears however I get the following error in firebug: uncaught exception: Syntax error, unrecognized expression:[@class=mediafield] Line 0
Nothing happens when firebug is turned off... So I'm not sure why it's throwing the error.
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Aug 19, 2011
I know that I can retrieve the values from a single object and place them in a <ul> with the following code :
var employees = {
name: 'Mary Brown',
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Jul 20, 2011
I have a function that generate code, create a tags and i want those a tags that onclick send the name attribute to and existing div in the page
so <div class="icon"></div> load with the page
<a href ... class ="marker"></a> are created manually
$(document).ready(function(){ $('a.marker').each( function() {
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Oct 15, 2011
I have a set of div elements cached inside var divs = $('#myDivs'). Suppose another div comes along that i want to add (push) to the group. is there a simple method for doing this without selecting ones already in the group for a second time?
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Sep 7, 2010
I'm making some jQuery UI elements, and once an element is created, I want to add some custom functions and variables - I don't want to clutter up other jQuery objects by putting the functions in all jQuery objects, and obviously, the variables need to be different between different objects. However, the issue is, when I re-acquire the item, I won't have access to the variable any more.
That was probably confusing. Another way of putting it:
var _MyUI_id=0;
jQuery.fn.MyUICreate = function(opts){
var obj=$(this)
//... code to turn the object into a MyUI object omitted to be concise
obj.MyUI_id = _MyUI_id;
//now, create one
//The desired effect would be to give me the id in #14, instead I get 'undefined'.
My 'solution', is to create an object variable in jQuery.fn called 'Collections'. It's indexes are the names of the new types, and each contains an object, the keys of which are the IDs of the UI elements that are converted to the type, and the values the jQueries objects. This is not only hackish, but it has a LOT of potential bugs. The code for this would look like:
This is in the 'create' function, at the end.
This is outside of the create function, but within the (function($){...}) scope.
//jQuery.fn.Collections is set to {} in another file.
return jQuery.fn.Collections.MyUI(id);
This will allow the first block of code to work as desired, but it inserts a whole new set of bugs. What are the common ways to achieve what I am trying to do?
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