JQuery :: UI Elements - Adding Variables To Objects

Sep 7, 2010

I'm making some jQuery UI elements, and once an element is created, I want to add some custom functions and variables - I don't want to clutter up other jQuery objects by putting the functions in all jQuery objects, and obviously, the variables need to be different between different objects. However, the issue is, when I re-acquire the item, I won't have access to the variable any more.

That was probably confusing. Another way of putting it:
var _MyUI_id=0;
jQuery.fn.MyUICreate = function(opts){
var obj=$(this)

//... code to turn the object into a MyUI object omitted to be concise
obj.MyUI_id = _MyUI_id;

//now, create one
//The desired effect would be to give me the id in #14, instead I get 'undefined'.

My 'solution', is to create an object variable in jQuery.fn called 'Collections'. It's indexes are the names of the new types, and each contains an object, the keys of which are the IDs of the UI elements that are converted to the type, and the values the jQueries objects. This is not only hackish, but it has a LOT of potential bugs. The code for this would look like:

This is in the 'create' function, at the end.

This is outside of the create function, but within the (function($){...}) scope.
//jQuery.fn.Collections is set to {} in another file.
return jQuery.fn.Collections.MyUI(id);
This will allow the first block of code to work as desired, but it inserts a whole new set of bugs. What are the common ways to achieve what I am trying to do?

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JQuery :: Filtering Variables That Represent Objects

Jan 20, 2010

I've got a variable that holds a jQuery object. I would like to filter out all of the visible elements in that jQuery object. The problem is once I'm using a variable and not the jQuery object itself I don't know the semantics for filtering it. I have something like this:

var Foo = $("#Bar");
function FilterFunction(Foo) {
var Test = $(Foo + ":visible");
What is the correct syntax?

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JQuery :: How To List Multiple Objects / Variables

Apr 9, 2010

I was wondering how you would list multiple variables after a equal ==?
if ( pathname == schoolinformation, chaplainchatter)
$('#button_newspress_archive,#button_tech_college,#button_parent_portal,#button_transition_portal,#button_6th_form,#button_connect,#button_vacancies,#button_vle_login').css('display', 'none');
$('#school_information_sub').css('display', 'block');
if ( pathname != schoolinformation, chaplainchatter)
$('#school_information_sub').css('display', 'none');

Or even list multiple URL's within the variables?
var schoolinformation = '/st-paul-s-website/school-information/school-news/headteachers-headlines', '/st-paul-s-website/school-information/school-news/chaplain-chatter-headlines';

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JQuery :: Pass Dynamically Assigned Variables As Objects

Feb 17, 2010

function get_states(country_element,state_element){
countryElementIDHash = "#" + country_element;
stateElementIDHash = "#" + state_element;
var geonameId = $(countryElementIDHash).val();
{ 'geonameId': geonameId },
function(data) {
if (data.geonames == null) alert('No regions');
$.each(data.geonames, function(i,item){
$(stateElementIDHash).append($('<option>' + item.name + '</option>'));

I'm writing a function to populate a SELECT based on the select value of another SELECT. I can't figure out why this isn't working. It has something to do with not having "'s in my $(). for example: If this function wasn't dynamic.

The code:
$(countryElementIDHash).val(); could simply be
$("#country option:selected").val();
How can I pass dynamically assigned names into a $() ?

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JQuery :: Adding More Objects To Already Existing Object?

Oct 15, 2011

I have a set of div elements cached inside var divs = $('#myDivs'). Suppose another div comes along that i want to add (push) to the group. is there a simple method for doing this without selecting ones already in the group for a second time?

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JQuery :: Adding Objects To UI Sortable List?

Feb 25, 2011

I hava sortable list using jQuery UI Sortable. When the items are re-ordered the new order is written to the database. All working fine � however, if I use jquery to add a new item ....


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Variables Of DOM Objects?

Jan 5, 2011

I tried to set an onclick event with:


where node_b is a pointer to a DOM object: node_b = document.getElementById("a") The reason I passed a DOM object into a variable, was to avoid searches document.getElementById() each time. However, it will not work. I am confused I cannot figure out if it a a mistake of mine or just the way javascript works.

Could anyone explain why I cannot use variables as DOM objects in order to avoit each time a tree search document.getElementById("a")? Bellow is given the code with explanation when it works and when it fails.


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JQuery :: Updating / Adding And Deleting Objects Nested In Other Ones?

Aug 9, 2011

I have the following object:
var wDefaults = {
{"wid":"w010","pcol":2,"wpos":1,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}, {"wid":"w011","pcol":2,"wpos":2,"wclosed":"false","wcollapsed":"false"}

First, how do I access a single value? I've tried some of the examples I saw on the forum, but nothing happened. The alert did not fire:
alert(wDefaults.c3col[0].wid); //first try
alert(wDefaults.c3col.0.wid); //second try
var obj = wDefaults.c3col[0]; //third try

The nested objects are the properties for widgets within a portal. After the user moves around the widgets, I need to update the object, putting the widgets in a different order within c3col and updating the values saved in pcol, wpos, wclosed, & wcollapsed. I also may need to add or delete an object, for example, delete wid=w003 and add a new one called w012.

My logic would be:
for each widget on the page
found = false
find the object in c3col where wid == x and update its other values
. set found = true
if found == false then add a new object to c3col with x & its properties
end for
for each object in c3col
if that wid isn't found in the list of widgets on the page, delete it from c3col
end for
sort the objects under c3col by pcol and then wpos

The red parts are the ones I'm unclear about how to do it. My basic questions are:
(1) How do you access a single nested object?
(an object within c3col, find and change its values)
(2) How do you add a new nested object to an existing object?
(add a new object to c3col)
(3) How do you delete an nested object?
(remove an object from c3col)
(4) How do you sort nested objects?
(sort the objects in c3col by pcol and wpos)

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How Can We Call Global Variables In The Objects?

May 1, 2006

i am having two global variables and i m setting their values on calling some function. After setting the values, i call a function in an object ...

if MyHint is an object and i am calling the function in it, but i am getting the values of global variables as undefined in the function of object MyHint. Is there any way to access the value of the global variables.

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TextFields Based On User Selection - Variables And Objects

Apr 10, 2011

I have 3 TextFields, called txtUSD, txtEUR, txtAUS. And a PopupList with the same values, minus the txt part, but I need to form the names of the TextFields to use based on the selection that the user made. So I've done this:

function btConvert_Click(event){
var amount = document.getElementById("txtAmount").value;
var rates = document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").value;
var from = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstFrom").options[document.getElementById('lstFrom').selectedIndex].text;
var to = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").options[document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").selectedIndex].text;
var curr_from = document.getElementById(from).value;
var curr_to = document.getElementById(to).value;
if(curr_from > curr_to){
amount * rates;
} else {
amount / rates;
} alert(result);

But every time I try it I get this error:
mobile/main.js line 215: Result of expression 'document.getElementById(from)' [null] is not an object.

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JQuery :: Adding Variables And Outputting Onto Page?

Feb 15, 2012

I have javascript which counts seperately every time 2 seperate buttons are clicked, this then outputs the amount on the same page. This works, however I am now trying to add a third value to output on the page which is the total of the clicks which i would calculate by adding the 2 attributes together. This just doesn't seem to be working though.

<script type="text/javascript">
var NextClick = 0;
var PrevClick = 0;
var TotalClicks = 0;


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Problems With Dynamically Adding Events To New DOM Objects

Jun 23, 2006

I am trying to add an event listener to the keyup event for some text
inputs that I am creating dynamically. I have no problems getting it
to work in Firefox, but IE just ignores them. I have created a few
functions to aid in making this process work semi-cross-browser. (I
develop in FF, but everyone who uses it will be using IE6.) ....

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Retaining Objects Instance Whilst Adding An AddEventListener

Oct 27, 2009

Im trying to create a function where i pass two element id's and my script populates it with events and anything else it may need to run but what i am finding is that i cant use this so that the instance of the object is kept what ends up happening is nothing at all what i would like to have happen is the code to work somthing like this...


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Div Elements Obscuring Objects Behind Them?

Mar 29, 2010

I am developing an application that reads in an HTML area/imagemap (old technology, I know which depicts a floormap for a particular building. Essentially, there are hardware devices placed in particular rooms which can be polled from the web interface. The idea is that, depending on the state of the device, a colored transparent polygon will be placed overtop of particular rooms in the imagemap. I am using a javascript graphics library to accomplish this. As far as I can tell, a colored polygon consists of numerous (sometimes waaay too many) div elements that are styled a particular way. Unfortunately, these div elements seem to obscure the area tags behind them. In other words, I cannot call my own custom mouseover function for the area tag because the div seems to be 'swallowing' the events. I have tried fiddling with the z-index for the respective html elements, but to no avail.

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JQuery :: Adding DOM Elements?

Oct 12, 2011

I have probably a really easy question but i just cant figure it out.I want to add a <div> element every time it goes through a loop a .each in this case.I had it working in prototype before:

new Element.insert($('dashboard-column-'+a), '<div class="dashboard_column"><h2><span style="color: #aaa; float: right; font-size: 10px;">'+period_title+'</span>'+report.val()+'</h2><div id="dashboard-'+report.key+'"><img


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JQuery :: Adding Elements To DOM?

Jun 30, 2009

I have a javascript method that adds a good portion of HTML to the DOM after an AJAX request completes. It's an image uploader... so once an image uploades, I add it to the list of images along with a save and delete button. Normally when a user clicks save or delete (they are specified as classes with images called save and delete), a javascript method is called.

Problem is, when I add another image to the list along with its save and delete images, they aren't going to respond to the clicks. I know this is because I already did the

$('.save').click(function (element) {

script in the document ready. Is there a way to get the new DOM stuff I just added to also apply to that?

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JQuery :: Adding And Removing Elements?

Jul 4, 2011

I'm trying to make a form that will generate some code for game based on what they fill out. The code will be a modification menu of sorts. They will be able to name the menus and submenus and add or remove them if they want. I will need a way to get the information they filled in for each specific menu form, so I figure giving them each a unique id would do the trick. I'm sure there is a MUCH better way to do this, but here's what I have so far:


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JQuery :: Adding Div Elements Dynamically

Nov 10, 2011

I have the following bit of code:

jQuery(document).ready(function() {
var url='http://search.twitter.com/search.json?callback=?&q=test';

I'm baiscally trying to get some twitter feeds and the rotate them. I can get it and everything like that but for some reason the jQuery doesn't pick up the divs that I appended to the container because when I alert the div.length like this: alert(divs.length); The result is always zero. The code works fine if I can populate that value but if I don't have it in the code before hand it doesn't work. However if I add a div to the container like this:


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JQuery :: Adding Mouseover Elements To Div?

Sep 16, 2009

I am after adding a mouseover (and mouseout) to a div tag, however this mouseover and mouseout will require an element id passing to it to work. Currently the tag is

<DIV class="mc-c" onMouseOver='document.getElementById("ID1").className="mc-h-on"' onMouseOut='document.getElementById("ID1").className="mc-h-off"'><DIV id="ID1"></DIV></DIV>

but the tag will soon become

<DIV class="mc-c"><DIV id="ID1"></DIV></DIV>[/

The ID1 is generated when rendering the HTML and there may be multiple of these tags (each with a different ID#).I would like to add the same functionality as the first bit of code to the second, does anyknow know of this. I have been able to add mouse overs to DIV's already, however passing a variable to it I am struggling with

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JQuery :: Adding New Elements To The Page?

May 29, 2011

I am using infinite scroll plugin. I am adding new elements to the page. I would also like to add a div using after().However because these elements are being added after the DOM has loaded, it is not being picked up.Here is the code I tried.

$('ul li:nth-child(4n)').live('after', function(){
return '<div class="clr"></div>';

After reading the documentation I realized that after() cannot be used with live(). So, how could I achieve this then?

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Jquery :: Adding The Elements Dynamically?

Oct 30, 2009

in my case i want to add a new menu item(actually a div tag) to my existing menu when an event or method calling occurs. i want to append a div tag dynamically to my existing menu with all css and effects.

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Adding Two Number Variables?

Mar 15, 2009

Im having truble with this codein alert(q+w) if q is 3, and w is 4 it will display 34 not 7and if e==false it still does if r==true

var q=prompt("Type your first number");
var w=prompt("Type your second number");


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JQuery :: Adding DOM Elements And Accessing A Selector?

Mar 15, 2011

I return json string and loop through the results putting items in Div's and want can't seem to access the class attribute / selector.

$.getJSON(strUrl, function
(data) {
items = [];


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JQuery :: Adding Elements Dynamic Will Not Use Events?

Feb 5, 2011

I'm trying to add a <div> element with an event class="but"like the below mentiond:

$("body").append("<div><div id="effect3"><h3>Toggle3</h3></div><a href="#" id="button3">Run Effect</a></div>");


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JQuery :: Adding Elements To A Dynamic List?

Oct 21, 2010

I have an <ul> and I'd like to append an anchor and a <hr> to every fifth <li> item.I understand I need to do something with index() and append() or html(), but since I am new to jQuery I am not sure how to set up the script.

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JQuery :: Adding Functions To Elements That Appear In AJAX?

May 6, 2009

I have a table that i load into the document via ajax. the table shows a list of times. every row has a button that when clicked should call another AJAX function. However when clicking the link nothing happens. If I put a link in the original document myself and ask it to do this, it works fine, but becuse this is generated code, this option will not do.

THis calls for the table.... works fine...

$(function () {
$("#departmentToSchedule").change(function () {
url: "schedjewelAjax.php",


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