I`m using a Coda Slider 2.0, but the only effects available at the moment are the one inside the jquery.easing.1.3.js file. Does anyone know about how to insert other effects, like the traditional fade?
I am using the Coda-slider.js and am wanting to get a specific panel to load instead of the default first one.So if I have 5 panels (0-4) 0 loads automatically, I'd like to have 2 (middle panel) to load first so that I'd have 2 panels to the left and 2 to the right.[code]
On my site here [url], I am using the coda slider effect I found here [url]. And on the tab entitled "Home Groups", there is a link "Home Group 1", which links to a fancy zoom box that I got from here [url].
But when I click on the fancy zoom text it scrolls the container a little to the right, and on some older browsers it returns to the original first container that loaded from the start.
Any idea where the effects are conflicting? or what code I would have to amend to make it work more fluidly?
I am working on a Coda Slider Effect [URL].. but i'm having one issue with trying to implement a breadcrumb outside of the slider div.
Is there a way to use window.location.hash to display a different breadcrumb location. eg Home > About Us or Home > Services. I understand PHP statement but just can't transfer the logic to Javascript, here is an example of what I'm trying to do but I understand echo doesn't work in Javascript
var page = location.hash; switch(page) { case "#home": echo '<li>Home</li>'; break; case "#about":
I installed the slider from the WPCoda theme into another theme I customized at airadis - com (Site Point won't let me insert an actual link). It works great except that in IE there is a white box down at the bottom left that I cannot find a way to get rid of.
What I know:It's a result of the script for the slider- if I take the script out the box goes away. If I take the content out of the container it remains, but if I take out the container (#page .scrollContainer .panel) from the HTML, it goes away. I've tried adjusting sizes every which way. The box size remains exactly the same. I did not touch the script, only the CSS.
In exchange for a solution, I would be glad to give someone some space at my PR6 site, randaclay - com - a text link for a month, a post promoting your services, etc - we'll work it out.
First, here's the URL of the site I'm working on: http:[url].....Each week, I'd like to be able to have that page load a different tab/panel onload according to who the opponent is that week. For example: this week I want the second tab, Alabama, to load first. I'm using one of the many iterations of the coda slider script (see coda-slider.js (http:[url].....). However, I can't seem to get it to cooperate. I found a solution for a similar coda slider, but it won't match with the one I'm using (because the naming conventions for the "panels" are not the same I assume). Here's what that solution was:
I've gotten accustomed to using coda slider 2.0 to do some cool interactive sliding elements on my pages. However, i need something similar that will fade instead of slide. I've searched all over their home forums and it seems like no one there has an answer for how to implement the change in the current codaslider infrastructure.[URL].. I need something that has all the functionality of coda slider (easy transitions, div's containing lots of content- both images and text, forward/back buttons, autoplay) but with a fade transitions
I get the navigation disappeared with the nested slider. A workish on line example[URL].. try to click on design and than on the menu below. I don't know which way to turn The script is based on [URL]...
How to reproduce this effect in something like JQuery? Specifically I'm looking at the hover effects at the top of the page: [URL]. It looks like a custom JS file from their end, but I'd like to find something a little more mainstream that looks and acts very similarly, especially with the easing in and out of images.
I've followed an online tutorial and successfully created a gallery with a horizontal slide bar using [very specifically] JQuery versions 1.2.6.js and jquery-ui-full-1.5.2.min.js (since otherwise, it does not seem to work).After creating the gallery in the index.html, I decided to put all gallery and slider related scripts into a separate html file to be called with a PHP and ajax script. Here's the problem: While the slider [image] components as well as gallery images [in the slider] loads fine, the slider handler does not work anymore! You can see my problem when you select 'Gallery' from my website. Scroll to the bottom where the horizontal slider is and try moving it. 5%-10% of the time it works, for some odd reason.
I'm not sure what code to show here.. but below are the links I've established to the .js files. With the paths, since the index.html is doing all the calling, I wouldn't have to deal with any '../../*.js' type of paths in order to jump up file levels (this also proven since the images in the gallery are done without '../../' paths).NOTE: ALL of these scripts already work if implemented directly into the index.html. This fails when executed from an external html file
I found this: [url] and was thinking about implementing it on one of the sites im developing right now. The only thing is, it's only usable once per page and I was kind of hoping i could use it more than once. Is there a way of changing this?
I have a form with two slider on it so the user can select an amount. The slider works fine and passes the values to email ok etc. but when the page is loaded there is "[object Object]" in box of the second slider. I can't find the problem with the code as it is the same for the first slider.
1.I found a Slider Toggle thats demonstrated here [URL] and it seems to work fine but only if the link is placed above the div that slides down.. im trying to make the div slide down from above my menu and i want 1 of the links on my menu to toggle the slider. how do i get it work to where I can place the link below the sliding div? 2. the script originally used .fader{opacity:0;display:none;} but I wanted the slider div to be visible if javascript was disabled so I added
jQuery(".fader").hide(); so its now <script type="text/javascript"> $(document).ready(function() { jQuery(".fader").hide(); $(".fadeNext").click(function(){ $(this).next().fadeSliderToggle() [Code]...
I have to change the slider color depending on its value, but I didn't manage to do it, I changed the attribute "background" of the class "ui-slider-range" this way : $("#slider.ui-slider-range").css("background","red"); Since I have three states (red, orange and green) I have to use three sliders, each one has one color, all hidden at the beginning then I show the appropriate slider when the value changes.
I've got the following problem: I have a Jquery slider and I want to disable the click on the slider. I only want to change the slider when I click and drag the pointer. Standard you can also click everywhere on the slider and the pointer will go to that point. That I don't want. .
I have a php code that creates a select combo box depending on some values stored in a database and I am trying to make it look nicer I found the jquery slider I found this but it does not work in the environment I am working (joomla) well, it does but it disappears as soon as I move the slider. so if I had
When i move over this object then the div .horizsubframe is coming down there. .horizsubframe must be coming easily from the the top to the bottom easing. And when i leave that div, it's disappearing from the bottom to the top.
I don't know anything of Jqeury.
So you get when you move over a block it's coming immediately but when you leave it it's slowly fading out. (the background color). When you move over a item in the mainmenu then there is coming a div beneath it now. But i wanna have that that div is easing from the top to the bottom then. And when you leave it from the bottom to the top.
i'm completly new to this kind of stuff and now i have a (little) problem. First of all i had done a Accordion with Tabs like here:[URL]... Thats currently working. I split every head/title of the 3 panes in 2 parts (div), first the name of the head-pane, e.g. "First Pane" and a div-container for a navigation...
I want that the navigation part fade in of the current activating pane and the other navigations should be fade out.It's not easy to explain what i mean
I wish to animate the fade in fade out effects on the text content in the table. i am using the following code.[code]but the problem with this code is that the both fadein and fadeout effect occurs simultaneously. Also i do not want the content of the div tag with id "about_content" to shift from one place to another as it is happening with this code. I want it to be seen at the top position of the block as it appears at the end of the animation.i have attached the .rar file having all the files of this project.
I'm not sure how to have two effects be applied to an element silmultaneously. For instance, I would like to have an element fade in uring fadeIn(), while also having it animate it's position. When I chain together my effects, they happen in sequence, not at the same time...
So, i have some basic jquery tabs ( http://jqueryui.com/demos/tabs/ ) which are being switched between them using 2 effects: slide up/down and fade in/out: