i have a menu generated by a list with nested lists. i want the parent link to stay highlighted when the mouse hovers over the sub menus. because those sub menus are also generated by jquery (qtip), CSS alone won't do it (triedul.topnav li:hover a {background-color: #F00;}).is there a way to do this using jquery?
I know that I can get (eg) the href attribute via $('a').attr('href') BUT I would like to do the following :
get *all* the attribute names and values without knowing anything about the attribute names and values in advance (or even how many there are) - something like a loop and $('a').(attribute name, attribute value). I suppose they would best be placed in a JavaScript object as a set of name/value pairs eg { href: 'page.htm', id: 'foo', alt: 'alt text' }
When you need for a certain element (say a text input box) to remember some data, what is the best way to do this? Can you extend the input box object with jquery? Right now i've been storing it in the rel tag $('#testInput').attr('rel','extrainfo') it just seems like there should be a better way to do this.
i guess this isn't really jQuery specific rather than it is a global JS-thing, but I tried general solutions for this and they all did not work so I figured this might be because I'm trying to do this with the $ function.
What I wanna do is this: I have a document with an iFrame. From inside that iFrame I wanna call the $-function of the original (parent) document. I tried so many things like
parent.$ top.$ window.parent / top.$ the stuff above with .document.$
and other stuff but none of that works. So, how do you call $ of the real document from inside an iFrame?
This is probably more of a basic javascript question than a specificjquery function.I have this jQuery function named validateSubmit()which calls two other regular javascript functions. When using IE,both createCharts() and getDirectorIDs get called but when usingFireFox, only createCharts() gets called and never makes it togetDirectorIDs() and I'm not sure why this occurs.
<script type="text/javascript"> // make sure at least one checkbox is checked function validateSubmit() {
I am calling a program using $.getJSON() inside of a for loop. The problem is that the second callback doesn't wait for the first program to finish before it executes. Is it possible to ensure that the second iteration of the loop doesn't happen until the first one is finished?
$('#dialog-form').dialog({ buttons: { "Import": function() { var ids = $("#itemsGrid").jqGrid('getGridParam','selarrrow');
I know that using <a href="javascript:"> and <sometag onclick=""> is evil, but in this particular situation it is quite hard to avoid it due to external powers Anyway here is the issue itself : putting javascript strings inside HTML attributes :
<button onclick="DoSomething('string')">
Everything is fine until there are single or double quotes INSIDE the 'string' value. Having a double quote inside the string, even JS escaped leads to the onclick argument value being cut :
<button onclick="DoSomething('str"ing')">
If you replace the double quote by '"' then you don't get a double quote inside DoSomething (you could always replace " by " in JS).
Similar problem if you choose to enclose the onclick argument in single quotes and happen to have a single quote JS escaped inside the string.So, is there any other way of dealing with potential presence of single AND double quotes in the 'string' value, other than replacing them before by ' and " and then replacing them back inside DoSomething ?
My DOM structure in HTML page have some elements 'IMG'. One of 'img' element have attribute 'src' = 'lolo1.jpg'. How can i find the 'DIV' element with this specific 'img' element inside? I have to find nearest 'DIV'.
I wanna write function like a GetNearestDivID('lolo2.jpg') which would give me result 'mix2'
It's basically just a table containing a message, who wrote it and when.I'm trying to build a function that filters what types of posts are visible in the newsfeed. So by clicking a button I want to be able to filter out the "message"-post or the "sale-alert"-post.Only way I can see which type of post it is, is by looking at the image source in the table. So depending on what that is, I want to set the table to display:none.
But I've been looking into the jquery selector a bit but I can't make it work. I've tried with .each(function and child selector...
function overlay(e,num) { var targ; if (!e) var e = window.event; if (e.target) targ = e.target; else if (e.srcElement) targ = e.srcElement; if (targ.nodeType == 3) // defeat Safari bug targ = targ.parentNode; targ.src = fdot[num].src;}
Overlay is called as an onmouseover event from an image's map AREA tag, sending event and a number. FF's JS Console spits out that fdot has no properties. Ideas? Better ways to do this effect (replace the image depending on which area of the imagemap is mousover'd)?
I need a function that can return any elements attributes when clicked.
Mostly this is for getting link data. But there are a few elements in the Google Maps javascript api that I don't know what type of element they are.
Once I am able to get any clicked elements attributes, I will execute the data in ajax to log the data in my database. Once I have an idea of what needs to be and doesn't need to be tracked, I will apply filters accordingly.
I have an embarrassingly similar problem to the last time I was here. I have a google map that generates links and checkboxes from an xml file and puts them in a sidebar. The links open infowindows and the checkboxes show or hide lines on the map.
Which all works ok. But (like last time) I have another function that puts arrowheads along those lines to indicate directionality.
The code which turns the lines off and on looks like this: function togglePoly(poly_num) { if (document.getElementById('poly'+poly_num)) { if (document.getElementById('poly'+poly_num).checked) { gpolys[poly_num].show();
I'm developing a web-template editor for a client, and they want it to update the changes in real-time using javascript. So, in other words, when a person selects a different background image, I use:
document.body.style.backgroundImage="url("+bgimg+")"; Well, I've run into a little problem. I can't seem to find any manual on what comes after style.*
So far, I've seen style.color, style.backgroundImage, style.backgroundRepeat, style.backgroundColor. But, I'm looking for something that can control text-decoration, font-weight and a:hover
Does anyone no where I can find a list of all properties support after style.*?
I have a JavaScript file which Adds and Removes elements when you click a button.
Adding stuff is okay, but removing elements is more complicated.
When you add an element you also add id=x. Each time you add an element x goes up one. For example if I click "add element" 5 times it would be like this:
HTML Code:
If I wanted to remove the thrid element then I would want the following divs to replace it, for example it should look like this:
HTML Code:
I can't figure out how to do this, here is what I tried but it won't work
im not sure now to word it, or how to do it, im a php coder not a javascript -.-but here it is, basicly i have one ajax file and wish to use it for everypage,i tryed to do it so i can just call one function for all ajax uses, but forms seem to be thowing me off when i call it, i stat if its a form or a element,
function ajax(str, b, c) { a = b; type = c; if (type === 'form') {
in this, the variable a is set as the id of the elemnt/form, it works fine for elemnts, but not for forms,i think this is because its thinking a is the id, not the variable,
This used to work to grab the image and copy, (this) being the 'project' element:
text = $(this).find("copy").text(); photo = "imgs/work/" + $(this).find("image").text();
Now, since there can be multiple 'project' elements inside a company element I have a counter that tracks which index I should be on, but I don't know the syntax for getting project(2) image and copy within a company. I tried the following code using eq, but it's not working.
var currCompanyProj = 1; text = $((this).project.eq("+currCompanyProj+")).find("copy").text();
I have a list where each list item has a click event attached to it. Upon clicking a list item, the click calls a PHP script and passes the list's title attribute as a parameter to the script. How can I take the data returned (some HTML) from the AJAX call and append it to the list item which was clicked? I know that the data variable contains the correct HTML coming back from the script and thought that $ (this).append(data) would work but it doesn't. I was thinking of calling another function from within the AJAX return function call, but don't know how to reference the list item which was originally clicked.
I am trying to try jQuery 1.4.3 updated .data() method with HTML5 data attributes. The way I understood these changes is that an element with these attributes would automatically have their data populated by .data(). For example, if I have an element:
<ahref="#" data-cheese="cheddar">DataElement</a>
I can access this with .data('cheddar'). This part works fine. The issue I am having is that calling JUST data like $(this).data() just produces an empty object. Is this how it should be expected to function?
I'm relativly new to JS and brand new to the forum so you might need to dumb down your replys for my slightly lacking knowledge. That being said I do have a very solid grasp of html, css and am getting there with JS and its various frameworks.I'm integrating wordpress into an existing site for a friend and currently have the main blog page appear in a DIV.This is the best way to integrate in this case due to many reasons mostly of way the site is constructed.
<div class="scroll-pane" id="scrollbox"> WORDPRESS BLOG </div>
When a checkbox is checked it will append these items. Yet, now I want it where if it's not checked or the person unchecks it... then it will remove the appended elements.
This is inside a php echo.. so don't mind the " " it's just saying it's " "
according to the code... I check with a if statement if true and remove the elements. the condition is when the checkbox is not checked. I have the same exact code to append the elements inside the div. but instead I used the .is instead of .not the hosting_Service is the input that is a checkbox.
however this code seems to work.. only for hosting_options. yet, it breaks all the code... meaning I have the if statement before this checking if it is checked... then append the elements.
well if I add the code above it dosen't allow when you check the box to append the elements inside a div.Yet if I didn't add this code and then click the checkbox it will append the elements but without refreshing the page.. if I then add this code given to above the hosting_options would only be removed and the hosting_text will still not be removed.
I was both to work properly. I want it where if you click the check box to mark it... it should append elements into the div. If you uncheck it then it should remove those elements that were appended.
with my jquery code , I tried to hide and show the inside div of li but I can't . Is there any easy way to do this? like $(this).('.nav_item_panel_div') or something else which fits my need