JQuery :: Call To FadeIn() Within A Loop Causing Page To Scroll Up?

Feb 18, 2010

I am using a timer to fadeOut and fadeIn some articles such that 5 articles are displayed in rotation.However, for some reason the call to fadeIn or fadeOut is causing the page to change it's y scroll position. If I am currently at the bottom of the page, the fadeIn call causes the page to scroll up.

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JQuery :: FadeIn / FadeOut Causing Browser To Jump Up Page?

May 29, 2009

I have a very simple image rotator that brings in images then rotates through them using fadein/out.

You can see it going here: [URL]. If you scroll down to the bottom of the page then wait a few seconds the main image will rotate and the browser will jump up (almost as if it's going to an anchor).

The images are brought in to a 100% div and the images are specified to 100% width (not sure if this is related but I'd thought i'd let you know!).

The code I'm using is this:

function run_slides(id){
var curid;
var nextid;


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JQuery :: .show() And .hide() Causing Page To Scroll Top?

Jan 20, 2011

I have 2 fixed divs in the site I'm developing. One of them is just a tab and the other div is a contact panel. These divs alternate - if the user clicks on the tab, the tab is hidden, and the panel shows and vice versa. Everything works great. Except that when I click on the link to hide either tab or the panel, the page behind it scrolls to the top. I would like the panel to show/hide but for the page behind it to be unaffected.

// Configure Contact Us panel on page load
var contacting = false;


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JQuery :: Loop - FadeIn Not Completing Before Iterating

May 22, 2010

I have a for loop where I am applying a fadeIn for each element in a div group. As I'm for looping through each element, the loop doesn't wait till the fadeIn applies completely on one element .. before going to the next iteration.

So what I'd want as a step by step fading in is now happening all at once.

Here's my code.

So tmp_id is the variable that stores the id of each element in that group.

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Collision Detection Not Working - Causing Infinite Loop

Jan 18, 2010

I cant get collision detection to work. I tried but it always caused an infinite loop.

Heres the code.
<html><!-- main file.--><head>
<title>lightning generator</title>
<canvas id='world' width='500' height='500' style='border: 1px solid black; padding:0;'>
</canvas><script type="text/javascript" src='world.js'></script>
[Code] .....

In the end of world.bolt.cpath,there should be a way to use the local varis X and Y, and world.ground.js's world.ground.level[] to detect it. sorry for the gigantic length.

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JQuery :: Causing Blank Page In ASP .NET Master Page Environment

Jul 20, 2010

I have a page that's built using ASP.NET and using a master page.Page contents shows up for a moment then I get a blank page - when I run it. If I remove the jQuery code from my page - then I get the contents.

I tried putting the following in the master page.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1/jquery.min.js" >

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Continuous Loop - FadeIn / FadeOut Text?

Jun 22, 2011

So here's what I'm trying to do. Creat a continuous text fade-in / fade-out. Basically I'm going to have a banner at the top of a page that loops through text from a db. So, I get my data and create the divs and a csv that I pass to js as an array, all good, that works. This is what it would look like:

<div id="div_one">
Text 1......
<div id="div_two">
Text 2......
<div id="div_three">
Text 3......
And then the js array is Array('div_1,'div_2','div_3') etc. Now, this is where I'm getting mixed up, I want to loop that array of div id's and fade them in / out one by one.

Here's what I've tried:
loop_running = false;
function start_loop(){
loop_running = true;
}function end_loop(){
loop_running = false;
}function loop(arr){
if(arr.length > 0){
if(loop_running == false){
// set loop_running var to true
// fade in div
fadeIn(arr[i], 1000);
// pause for 3 seconds then fade out
var t = setTimeout("fadeOut('"+arr[i]+"'), 1000", 3000);
// now set another timer to end the loop after 5 seconds
var e = setTimeout("end_loop()", 5000);
// now check to see if we're at the end of our array, if we are we need to call this function again to repeate
if(i == arr.length){
// repeat

But that just gets the first div and then stops after fading out.... I've tried other variations too but with no avail..... I need to be able to tell the for loop to take 5 seconds for every one, so as it's looping it'll get the first div (first one in the aray), fade it up over one second, pause for 3 seconds then fade out, then get the next index in the array and do it again until it gets to the end of the array then it'll repeat.

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JQuery :: Cycle Causing Page Jump?

Jun 23, 2010

I believe I'm having an issue with the jQuery Cycle plugin. For the duration of the occurrence of a transition, the page appears to be "jumping" due to the fact that the site content is centered vertically and horizontally and the transition is making (inactive) scrollbars disappear entirely. I have not witnessed this personally in Safari/Firefox on Mac or Firefox/IE8 on Windows, but a colleague took a video of it happening on their machine with Firefox (Mac). Some see this problem, and others don't—I haven't been able to narrow it down. I also can't put overflow:hidden; on <body>, as I need the site to scroll if the browser window is too small.Here's the video, it's a 1.8 MB QuickTime file:[URL]

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JQuery :: .click() Causing Page To Reload Once Function Completed?

Sep 20, 2010

I'm using a .click event handler to add new classes to 9 list items. It does this perfectly, but once it's been clicked it reloads the page and everything resets!Here's the jQuery:

$("#diamond").click( function() {
$("#storage ul li#1").addClass("box1-diamond");
$("#storage ul li#2").addClass("box2-diamond");


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JQuery :: A Script On Page Is Causing Internet Explorer To Run Slowly?

Aug 6, 2009

I got this message when i try to open the main page of my applicationpankaj.site in IE 6 or IE 7. This is working fine in Firefox, Safarietc."Stop running the script?A script on this page is causing IE to run slowly.If it continues to run, your computer may become unresponsive."After I clicked the "Yes" button, then the loading message came up andstopped there.

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JQuery :: Using $(window).scroll To Call A Function

Feb 13, 2011

I need to have a function run only once when the user scrolls. My problem is that I can't seem to figure out how to get .scroll to only check for that first scroll. I have come up with a working solution using a count, but I am hoping there is a better way to do it. I assume that it checking for a scroll constantly is just a waste of resources. My solution doesn't fix that problem, it only makes sure the function runs once.

Here is what I have:

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Make An Image/text To Scroll As The User Scroll The Page Also?

Sep 25, 2009

how to make an image/text to scroll as the user scroll the page also? for example if the user scrolls down image/text also scrolls down and when the user scrolls up image/text also scrolls up..

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Running A Loop That Checks The Position Of The Scroll Bar?

Mar 23, 2009

Running a loop that checks the position of the scroll bar. If the scroll bar height is the same as its div container it is always positioned at the bottom.Else the scroll bar is not positioned at the bottom and allowed to scroll freely.Problem I am having is telling the scroll bar to be positioned back at the bottom if the user scrolls to the bottom again.

Here is my Complete code
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">[code].....

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Make A Div Tag And Its Contents Scroll Down The Page Automatically When You Scroll?

Jun 13, 2006

Does anyone know of a script that makes a div tag and its contents scroll down the page automatically when you scroll?

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JQuery :: Loop And Ajax Call - Add 5 To The Variable 'paramdatastart' Each Time The #btn Is Clicked

Apr 8, 2010

I want to add 5 to the variable 'paramdatastart' each time the #btn is clicked. So when I click it first time the 'paramdatastart' will be 5 and next time it will be 10 andso onHow do I do that?

This is the code:

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AJAX :: Script Causing Automatic Page Reload?

Jun 8, 2009

I'm writing a script, part of which calls an AJAX request to populate a table. This script runs when the page is first loaded and when different buttons are clicked on the page (I won't go into the details here). It works just fine when the page is first loaded, but whenever the function is called from any other event on the page (onclick, etc) it performs the function, but then proceeds to reload the whole page!

I've spent a long time debugging and trying to figure out exactly where the trouble is starting, and the only thing I can think is that some sort of "reload page" command is being sent to the browser somewhere that I'm not seeing. In Firefox, after the request is complete and the response data is written to the page, the page reloads. However, in Safari, the page reloads after the readyState is 1, so the request hasn't even been sent yet.

Here is the offending function:

Javascript Code:

function fillLogTable(date, org, poc, name)
document.getElementById("visitLogTableDiv").innerHTML = "<br />Loading...";
//fetch the logs


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Moving Iframe To Different Location On Page Without Causing It To Reload?

Jul 4, 2009

I have an iframe somewhere on my page. Now on click of a link, I would like to show it in a different location on the same page, BUT I don't want it to reload again. I've tried this simple method but it doesn't do it because the iframe reloads in its new location.

<script type="text/javascript">
function move(what, where)
document.getElementsByID(where).innerHTML = document.getElementsByID(what).innerHTML;

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Using SetTimeout Causing Firefox Page Loading Animation?

Oct 1, 2009

I am trying to write code to print a message 5 seconds after document has loaded.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd">


The message appears ok but the page loading bar in the browser + hourglass wont go away (in firefox).

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Floating Button Causing Page To Redirect Spontaneously

Sep 5, 2011

I have a floating button that is on a webpage via a javascript call.For one customer whose site is aspx, it causes a spontaneous redirection to the home page on their site.This happens after about a minute on the page & only on IE(7 or 8), BUT not on every IE configuration that I've tried. I've watched it happen with firebug lite running and didn't see any console messages or anything.

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JQuery :: CYLCE - Loading Text Portions + Defining A Loop + Function Call On The Specific Slide?

Feb 19, 2011

1.In ZZZ.html i have a long list of text items formated like this:

<span > <h3 >AAA</h3><h4>BBB</h4></span>
<span > <h3 >CCC</h3><h4>DDD</h4></span>


In another document i made some buttons to change slideshow content by loading sections id to

<div id="cyc" class="slide"></div>
using function:
$('#cyc').load("ZZZ.html #part1");

Text loaded, but the slideshow didn`t work

2.How can i loop specific range of slides ( and make it modifiable with some "range selector" in browser) ?

3.Is it possible to trigger some event on the desired slide number ?for example:

on slide 3 - play sound
on slide 6 - display message
on slide 15 - go through slides 10-15 four times


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Using A For Loop To Call An Image?

Nov 21, 2011

I am trying to use a for loop to call images of custom text. For example, I have images named uppera.png and lowera.png for a custom font. I need the image of the letter to show up as they type into a text area, but also have backspace work correctly to delete the last image added. Here is the code I have thus far:

<script type="text/javascript">
function callimage() {
var chars = document.getElementById('userinput').value.split("");[code]....

When I test this out it takes the previously entered text and adds it to the new text and combines them. For instance if you entered "a" it would show up as "a"; if you entered "a" again it would show up as "aaa" and then "aaaaaa" and so on. Also, it will add the existing characters again if any key is pressed, like just shift. I think I would need to write an else statement to fix that part, but I don't know what to put there, either.

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When The Page Loads All The Images Kind Of Load Very Quickly Causing A Flicker, And Then The Slideshow Begins?

Feb 1, 2010

I have been working with this code:

Code Java:
function heroSliders() {
var $active = $('#slideshow img.active');
 if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#slideshow img:last');[code]....

When the page loads all the images kind of load very quickly causing a flicker, and then the slideshow begins.

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JQuery :: Page To Scroll Back Up Smoothly Instead Of Just Reverting To The Top Of The Whole Page?

Aug 10, 2011

I'm using a JQuery function to slide a div into and out of visibility, but every time I toggle, the browser resets my view to the top of the web page..What I want to happen is when you click to reveal the div, the page scrolls down and the div content is in full view. When I click again to re-hide the div, I want the page to scroll back up smoothly instead of just reverting to the top of the whole page...The page url is: http:[url]....Here's my code:

<script type="text/javascript">
jQuery(document).ready(function() {

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Using A Loop Variable In Function Call?

Apr 6, 2011

i'm having trouble with some of my codes.i've been trying to put variables in function calls parameters, but it just does not work.
for example, if I try to do sth like this:

//a function that creates page numbers based on number of pictures that can be shown on the page
function MenuBar() {
pageSpan = [document.createElement('span')];[code]....

when i try to run it, it won't work.what i'm trying to do is that every time the loop runs, the "onclick" event of the created span will be the value of the loops "x" variable -1, and the value of x variable.meaning, for every new span, the parameters in the showImage() function are different.

pageSpan[1].onclick = function () { showImages(0, 1) };
pageSpan[2].onclick = function () { showImages(1, 2) };
pageSpan[3].onclick = function () { showImages(2, 3) };
pageSpan[4].onclick = function () { showImages(3, 4) };
pageSpan[5].onclick = function () { showImages(4, 5) };

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Call A Function Inside A Loop?

Dec 27, 2010

I want to call a function inside a loop of an array but when I run it, it is only reaching the function the first time.

for (i in qMedia) {
writeMedia(qMedia[i].name, qMedia[i].format);

Even when I tried to call it outside the loop multiple times, it only executed once.

writeMedia(qMedia[0].name, qMedia[0].format);
writeMedia(qMedia[1].name, qMedia[1].format);
writeMedia(qMedia[2].name, qMedia[2].format);

I know that each of the objects in the array have data because I tried to run each one of the lines above separately without calling the other two and it worked fine.

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Call Script Function Inside A For Loop?

Apr 26, 2010

I'd like to ask how can i ask for a function inside a for loop , if i remove the loop the code works fine but i need it for 10 rows .here is the code...

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