JQuery :: Best Technique For Changing URL With A Carousel?

Sep 27, 2011

I'm planning on making a website which is mainly just a gallery of images.

The site will essentially look like one page with a jCarousel on it, when the user clicks left or right on the carousel, I would like the URL to change but for the animation not to get interupted.

I would also need to change some HTML on the page too, essentially each image will have a Facebook 'like' button and that will need to change to the corresponding URL.

The carousel is going to be database driven and dynamically built up with potentially 1000's of images, so I'm not sure what the best technique for this would be? I'm building it in ASP.NET / Ajax and using the SlideJS carousel [code]...

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JQuery :: POSTing An Array To A PHP File, Correct Technique?

May 29, 2011

This is what I'm attempting at the moment, links is an array. Should this work? I understand that HTML headers cannot contain complex datasets like arrays, so what format is the data sent in? Ie. how do I decompose the array on the PHP end? Or is there a better way entirely of doing this?

type: "POST",
url: "http://asdfasdf.heliohost.org/multiurl.php",


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'in' Operator And Feature Detection Technique...

Feb 9, 2006

We all know that feature detection technique works from very beggining
of user-agents supporting JavaScript. We can alway check if eg.
document has a write property or smth else:

if(document.write) {

We could do that for all of objects, so i have been surprised when i
found 'in' operator, which for above example would be used like this:

if("write" in document) {

So i have questioned myself what for ? I can always do:

if(document["write"]) {

or even
var prop = [...];
if(document[prop]) {

which is supported better then 'in' operator ('in' is supported since
W. IE 5.5 and NN 6 - around 2000 year). I can only guess that 'in' was
provided in W. IE 5.5 only for convenience... but that is my guess and
someone more knowlegable could write here some more opinions on this

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Best Form Validation Display Technique

Oct 9, 2009

I'm looking for different JS form validation techniques. I've seen quite a few but nothing that really stands out. I'm particularly interested in finding design techniques...ie: how and where are the errors displayed inside a form? I realize that I can't count on JS for validation, but I'm trying to add an assistive technology to make a web form feel more like a web application. I'd love to see your favorite way of displaying form errors via JS. I've got a few of my own but if you've ever tried to do this you know it's a difficult problem to handle the general case.

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JQuery :: Can't Get Agile Carousel To Work?

Jun 3, 2011

I don't have a ton of experience with JQuery, but I'm trying to design a carousel using Agile Carousel, the plugin. I've copied the code correctly, but nothing shows up. My code is as follows:


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JQuery :: Carousel - Various Images Sizes?

Mar 23, 2011

Anyone know a jquery plugin I can use for a horizontal scrolling image carousel with different size images. I Iike the plug in here as my client will be easily able to put new content using a simple text file. The problem is that the images will be the same height but different width so I get ugly spaces between narrow images. Is there a plug in that solves this or is there a way to manipulate the css for each image so as to adapt the width of the div ? I can add the height and width properties of the images themselves to the text file and that works up to a point , but the images display at their correct size but the carousel stops working.

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JQuery :: Can't Drag Items Outside Carousel

Jun 13, 2009

Here is the jCarousel lite page : [URL] And here is my project : [URL] Carousel pager works great, when you click a page, carousel switch to the chosen page. But if you try to drag an item outside the carousel (green border), the item won't go above the carousel border, but underneath.

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JQuery :: Create A Horizontal Carousel/slider?

Jan 4, 2012

I'm trying to create a horizontal carousel/slider that will display my latest Tweet.

I started with some code I found to pull in my latest tweets via .json. I got that all set up and now I'm trying to integrate the bxSlider plugin to cycle through these tweets one at a time.

At this point I get all the tweets in a <li> that cycle through together. I've set up a jsfiddle to demonstrate what I have


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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin With Thumbnail Carousel?

Jul 7, 2011

I have the cycle plugin running happily along on a website, but I really need to be able to sometimes add a thumbnail carousel at the bottom of the slideshow a bit like the one in galleria classic (here). Does anyone know of a good solution or am I better off looking for something else?Galleria doesn't work in ie6 apparently and also I'm quite happy with everything else about cycle.(edit - the advanced pager demo on the cycle site isn't really shiny enough, by the way. It doesn't scroll or change with the gallery)

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JQuery :: Simple Carousel Is Not Working On Site?

May 29, 2011

[URL]This is my website and you can see the images in the header are messed upbecause I tried to use "jcarousel" but it is not working and I have to sort this out

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JQuery : All Images Showing When Only One Should - Carousel Not Working / Fix Both?

Jan 12, 2011

I am trying to set up a jQuery carousel on my home page. I want it to operate by mouse - also auto scrolling, be horizontal, be circular, show one image at once.

I currently have three images to show one at a time in a containing div. All three images are showing together. One is in the container, in the right place, two others are shown below it. These two should be hidden in the carousel. The carousel itself, does not work. code...

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Jquery :: Infinite Carousel With Auto Scrolling

Feb 16, 2010

following a tutorial, i've done this jquery infinite carousel


Carousel start scrolling only when u click on the left or on the right side of it.

How can I make the carousel to scroll automatically when page loads?

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JQuery :: Clash With Fancybox And Infinite Carousel Plugins

Oct 28, 2011

I find that either of these plugins work in isolation but together they are clashing. The first to be specified in my initialisation code works, the following doesn't. Initialisation code looks like this:

// remap jQuery to $
// jQuery.noConflict();
// Infinite Carousel
'transitionSpeed' : 2000,
'displayTime' : 10000,
'textholderHeight' : .25,
'displayProgressBar' : 0
// Lightbox
'transitionIn' : 'elastic',
'transitionOut' : 'elastic',
'speedIn' : 600,
'speedOut' : 200,
'overlayShow' : true,
'titleShow' : false

Web pages:
Carousel working: [URL]
Fancybox not working: [URL]

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JQuery :: Infinite Carousel - Two Empty List Items In Between

Sep 18, 2009

I've got an infinite jQuery carousel, which is working, however I need to make a couple of tweaks and I don't know where to start. Below is the code for a visually simplified, but technically identical version:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<title>Page Title</title>
<script src="[URL]" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
$.fn.infiniteCarousel = function () {
function repeat(str, num) {
return new Array( num + 1 ).join( str );
} .....

Basically, I'm trying to achieve two things:
1. The script creates empty carousel items; these are visible in yellow when you scroll through the items by clicking on the blue squares. How can I remove these so that item '6' goes straight back to item '1', without the two empty list items in between?
2. At the moment two clicks allow you to see all 6 'real' squares, plus the two empty yellow ones. How can I make it so that it scrolls one list item at a time, rather than 4 at present?

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JQuery :: Carousel On Drupal Site Display Error IE7

Jun 12, 2009


I'm currently having difficulty to debug this issue in ie7. When the page is loading, all carousel lists are exposed and content displays for a couple of seconds.

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JQuery :: Display A Carousel For Different Links In One Location On The Page?

Jan 19, 2011

what I want to learn to do is have a feature on my website: [URL] where under the portfolio section there are multiple links (product, packaging, identity etc) I want different carousels to show up on the .index page when you click a certain one of those links. In old school HTML I believe you would use a frame but I know there is a better way to do it using jQuery. [URL](work section) does exactly how I want it to be except I don't need the fancybox feature.

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JQuery :: Text/Image Carousel For Customer Testimonials?

Feb 27, 2011

Adobe forums suggested a jquery solution. I want to continuously rotate my customer testimonials without requiring users to click to advance. I have successfully implemented rotating text, but am having problems including the image too.

On this page, the words "cash register" is actually the "alt=" for the image, but no image displays.[URL]..


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JQuery :: Adding Slide And Pause To Continuous Scrolling Carousel

Apr 28, 2011

I'm using jMyCarousel [URL] for a 100% width horizontal infinite thumbnail scroller, but can't figure out how to add one last piece of functionality. Here is the feature in its current stage of development: [URL]. I've got the hover-to-pause part working (clunkily in terms of backend but it works), but now I need the house image to start centered on the page and pause there for two seconds, and then automatically slide with easing effects to center the next image for two seconds, and so on, rather than have one long continuous scroll. I'm very new to JQuery and if this project wasn't deadlining in a few days, I'd totally study a JQuery slider to see how they do the thing I need and try to adapt it for this carousel, but I'm afraid it's out of my league right now.

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JQuery :: Carousel With A YouTube Video That Pauses On Slide Change?

Jan 6, 2011

Its a long shot posting here but the task I'm using a jQuery Carousel that has a youTube video embedded on one of the slides:


I have is does any one know a way that when the user clicks a new slide the youTube video pauses, turns off, or at the very least the volume of the video is set equal to zero.

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JQuery :: Custom Carousel Queuing When Change Between Navigator Tabs

Aug 15, 2011

I dedicated some time creating my own carousel with images, and got a little problem:

It works perfectly when I´m on the website, but when I change between the tabs on firefox/chrome, it seems that the function make some kind of queue, and when I come back to the website, it execute the function a lot of times at the same times, passing between the images in less than half second (I configured to change every 5 seconds).

function circCar (car) {

Here is the code, and if anybody wants to see the problem, open this url, open another tab (blank or another website) and stay on it about 15 seconds, when you come back to my site, you will see the queued function. [url]

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JQuery :: Call Reload() As A Result Of User Action Outside Of The Carousel?

Jul 27, 2009

I want to display three sets of images on a Web page, and I want to use only one jcarousel to do it. I want to change the list of images based on the user clicking on one of three links, each representing a set of images. How do I do this? I know I can edit the DOM to modify the list of items, but how do I call jcarousel's reload() function? I thought of using three instances of jcarousel, but that takes up too much screen space and requires the user to scroll too much.

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Object Oriented - Use "var Self" Technique

Dec 22, 2009

I am doing a script, like:

I have anonymous function "xhr.onreadystatechange = function() {}" in the method "this.update" of an object that receives 2 arrays through AJAX. I need these 2 arrays to be assigned to this.images and this.folders, respectively, through this anonymous function. I try to use "var self" technique, but it doesn't work.

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JQuery :: 'this' And 'each' Or Whatever Else Might Work - Carousel Based Horizontal Image Thumbnail Navigation

Aug 9, 2009

I'm building a gallery page, that's setup like this:

- carousel based horizontal image thumbnail navigation.
- main div that loads, on thumbnail click, a high res version of each thumbnail image that exists within the carousel nav.


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JQuery :: Implement - Multiple Row Carousel - Display 9 Items At A Time On 2 Rows?

Aug 18, 2009

I'm wondering if there's a way to have multiple row carousel implemented.

I use jCarouselLite.. [url]

To be more specific, here's what I have:

And this is what I would like to accomplish:

I do realize that placing multiple items withing the <li></li> would be one approach, however I can't do that since the items are generated dynamically. The structure of my data (items) is an unordered list:

Using "float: left" & "clear: left" messes up the whole structure...

Any ideas how to display 9 items at a time on 2 rows?

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JQuery :: Carousel - Conjunction With Wordpress - Wrap Show As A Straight List Over All Other Content

Jun 15, 2011

I'm using the jQuery Carousel plug-in found here [url]

I am using it in conjunction with Wordpress. It is working how it is suppose to but there is still a glitch.

This problem doesn't happen every time but more often then not it does. When the page first loads the items in the jQuery wrap show as a straight list over all other content.

You can see this happening here. *if it doesn't happen right away, visit a few of the pages and you'll see it. [url]

The question I have is, "Am I doing something wrong with the jQuery code? Should I be pre-loading all of these before they appear on the page? Is there something I can do differently?

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JQuery :: Step Carousel (Removing Fast Forward/Rewind Effect When Clicking Back On The First/Last Slide)?

Aug 10, 2011

i'm New to JQuery and I recently had a problem with encorporating a transition at the beginning and end of my carousel. I found that by default it would Fast Forward/Fast Rewind through all the images at the ends, rather than just jump to the slide and wrap.

I've managed to solve the issue (bar a transition effect from the last slide back to the first) it now jumps to slide one, rather than rewinding through all the images. However (and i know this sounds silly) but i'm having trouble doing the reverse. I'll add both the zip file to show a working model if interested and also post the 2 relevant functions :)


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