JQuery :: Ajax Not Asynchronous In IE?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm having (once again) tremendous problems with IE (7), trying to create an application that behaves properly.

This time, it's with Ajax calls triggered by a button click, which do not behave asynchronously.

Here is the highlight of what I'm trying to achieve: a button clicked sends an ajax call to the server whilst the call is made and until the callback function has returned (or an error has been identified), a "wait" animation is triggered. (in the case below, simulated by appending a status in a div)

To achieve this, I decide to use .ajaxStart(), .ajaxStop() and .ajaxError() to trigger the wait animation. It works perfectly in FF and Chrome, but (as usual) not in IE. In IE, when I press the button, the button remains depressed until the ajax call is finished, and then all statuses are dumped at once onto screen. Not very asynchronous...

Here is my code:

If I uncomment line 11 and uncomment the alert, it seems that this forces IE to do things in the proper order. Obviously that's not a solution however...

Will I have to (once again) write IE-specific code to get things working properly?

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Ajax :: Make Multiple Asynchronous Jquery Calls?

Apr 7, 2011

I want to send another ajax request when one request is in process to get the status of first request.
If I call both the request the second request gets blocked till the completion of the first request.

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Can I Make My DOM Script Asynchronous? (Not AJAX...)

Oct 7, 2006

I've got a script that, onload, loops through every tag on the page (getElementsByTagName ('*')) and can be pretty slow on some of my pages with MANY tags.

What I'm wondering is if there's some way I can tell the browser to run the script asynchronously, without locking up the browser while it loops through all the tags and adds its objects and properties to them?

I'm pretty sure I've made the script about as effecient as possible. There's just no way around checking all the tags.

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Ajax Response Status Is 0 In Asynchronous Mode But 200 In Synchronous

Aug 26, 2010

When I try to fetch a page asyncronously I get a status 0 and the response text is empty: PHP Code:

var loaderImage = document.getElementById("loader");
loaderImage.style.display = "inline";
xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest();
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function() {
if (xmlhttp.readyState==4 && xmlhttp.status == 200) {
response = xmlhttp.responseText;

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Ajax Asynchronous Or Synchronous - Make A Page Which Loads The Div's - "freezes" And SetInterval Does Not Work

Oct 24, 2010

I want to make a page which loads the div's with ajax The html code of the page is

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
//styles and other script code
<script language="javascript" src="../js/intro.js"></script>

Now the problem is that javascript "freezes" and setInterval does not work.. Is there any solution to load the files order such i have it in code one-by-one and run the message function?

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JQuery :: Load An IFRAME With Asynchronous?

May 26, 2010

I'm in the process of trying to shave off as much load time from my site as possible :) I notice that this takes a heck of a long time to load:


Is there a better way I can do this? Maybe using AJAX with ASynchronous? (like we're doing with GAnalytics on the site)

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JQuery :: Synchronous Vs Asynchronous $.post

Aug 8, 2011

synchronous vs asynchronous $.post

may i know the difference?

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JQuery :: Asynchronous Blocks Of Synchronous Actions

Dec 9, 2011

I'd like to process several blocks of parallel actions, but in a sequential manner.

As an example:

Thus, I want to process blocks, from which I don't know how long they will take and afterwards have a couple of actions, before beginning with another block. I already tried it through using .queue, .ready() etc, but that leads to very ugly or unusable code..

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JQuery :: Process Several Asynchronous Http Requests At Once?

Mar 3, 2010

Can I do the following without my program crashing? [code]...

I have created an application that does something similar to the code I just posted. However, my program crashes intermittently. Sometimes it will crash after calling jQuery.get() a few times (with several http requests still pending). Other times it will get through all of them just fine.

I want to know if Ajax can handle that many asynchronous requests without crashing? Can someone look at this to see if there is something I am missing?

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JQuery :: Asynchronous Page Loading + Slide?

May 17, 2009

Im trying to use jquery to try to do what the image shows: Its for a website made for iphone so im trying to add the slide effect. It all seems a little complicated, but ill explain: 1-The user clicks a link
2-A loading message (or image) appears Meanwhile, the new page loads on a hidden side (its a FULL page, not just a div)


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JQuery :: JSONP And Asynchronous - Capturing And Returning Response?

Mar 17, 2010

If this is synchronous, normal json request, I can capture the result (data) and return it to a calling function.

However jsonp is not synchronous. Whilst the data IS returned, and I can view it from within the success function, but I cannot access it after that.

url: remote_url,
async: false,
cache: false,


I am building a library of functions which call this function, so I cannot have the data processing done within the success function, I need to extract the data itself.

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JQuery :: Non-asynchronous Page Request Using Both Get& Post Parameters?

Jul 24, 2010

I have some trouble with my app. User enters his login&pass, they are being checked on server using ajax, and if they're ok, i wanna open new page, which'll set cookies and session vars, but i have an universal script, and I need request something like universalScript?mode=login (mode is GET) and some POST parameters such as login and pass, besides it must be new page, not ajax, Some ideas?

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Asynchronous Alert?

Oct 24, 2007

I am using AJAX and coldfusion, and am having trouble getting some
alerts to work. I am using the http object in javascript:
var url="add_item.cfm"

then, in add_item.cfm, I am just using:
<script type="text/javascript">window.alert("Hello World

but the alert isn't being displayed. I assume this has to do with
client-side/server-side issues, but can someone please clarify why
this doesn't work, and perhaps offer a fix or alternative solution?

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Asynchronous Updates Between Web Clients

Sep 24, 2006

I think it's okay to ask this question in this group, but if not please
point me to the correct one!

How does one go about doing asynchronous updates between two web
clients? Take Google Chat for example... how does Google Chat update a
chatter's chat window with text entered by the other chatter?

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Getting A Return Boolean For An Asynchronous Request?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm trying to get a return boolean or something I could use to then do another asynchronous request have my first has completely finished.

I'm messing around with Javascript on this basic PHP blog I built and I have a table of articles and one of the table columns is published/unpublished. I'm trying to have when they click the icon it will connect to MySQL, update the current row with new publish value (opposite of current) then refresh the div id element that the publish/unpublish icon is in to reveal the new status. I built a class for my javascript requests so most values are stored in global properties.

I think what I'm coming across is when I click the icon it updates the table but before that onreadystatechange can hit 4 my request for the new content is going through so the request url I'm using as well as the return div id for the responseText are getting mixed up between trying to do a sql update, loading the responseText in "message" then trying to sql query for the new results and loading that responseText in "content".

Something like..

url = "?table=articles&value=1&id=2";
http.onreadystatechange = this.stateChange;
http.open("GET" , url , true)


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How To Craft Synchronous (asynchronous?) Callback?

Aug 20, 2011

I need to create a callback for a line of code that performs asynchronous work so that another a line of code can be called after it is finished. I've found a number of webpages that attempt to show how this can be done with two functions, one calling the other in Russian-doll fashion, but I can't see how to do it with my code.It takes the URL of a sound file, redefines a previously defined embed to point at that sound file, and then plays it. The problem is that I lose focus on the documentElement that was selected before the playIt() function is called. So in the playIt() function I save the focused element in a variable and focus() it after the embed-switcheroo and autoplay is performed. This doesn't work, because the "e.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, e);" is performed asynchronously; when it finishes, it clears the focus in the document (internal id's have changed? Reason unknown.) So I need the focus() code to follow the replaceChild() code. I want to accomplish this by having the focus() code execute as a callback following the replaceChild() code. How would I break this into two procedures, one calling the other, reproducing a synchronous flow?

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Faster Page Loading: Asynchronous Calls And Tricks Of Perception

Nov 24, 2010

Anyone loading a bunch of CSS or Javascript via <link> tags on a web page knows about "blocking": where the browser stops the loading of the page because it has to go fetch (and read/parse) an external file. If you have a lot of these, or even if you don't and the user has a slow connection, you have a slow page. Users hateses teh slow pages, hatses them.

At the 2010 Fronteers Conference, Stoyan Stefanov gave a talk on Progressive Downloads and Rendering, where he listed some tricks to get around blocking by Javascript or other external files to make page load speed up. One trick was adding a <script> tag in the body (near the bottom, so after the important stuff has loaded) which adds a <script> tag to the <head> dynamically and runs it. While that file is being fetched, the rest of the page can continue to load. This is a bit asynchronous, isn't it (similar to web pages still loading content while also fetching images)?

As a follow-up to his Higher Order Javascript article (see SitePoint thread about it), Piers Cawley has gone further with Asynchronous Streams, where he uses jQuery (as an example) to load external files asynchronously to avoid blocking of the HTML document loading. In my web development career I haven't worried about blocking, but plenty of folks around here are loading ginormous files, and lots of them, for large sites. As developers, what do you do to get around slow page loads? Have you done anything like this asynchronous calling of the external files?

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JQuery :: Ajax Event Model And That Of Microsoft Ajax Control Tool Kit

Mar 24, 2010

jquery provides ajaxStart() and ajaxStop() events. Those two events do not seem to be triggered if the ajax requests are made by Microsoft Ajax tool Kit (from ASP.Net code). Is there any way to bridge those two event models? If not currently possible, is there any future initiative or plan out there to make this happen?

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JQuery :: Open Links Of Ajax Page In Same Ajax Part?

Jun 21, 2010

i was using $.ajax method to get my ajax page on my main page,which is working great.But now if i have links in that ajax page then i can't open them in that same div,the links are opening in new window,but i want to open in same part,i tried google it and then found, i have to use iframe instead of div.how to do with only use jquery and div.

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JQuery :: Applying Ajax To Ajax-generated Data?

May 31, 2010

i have a series of <select> fields. The first one, via ajax(), generates a 2nd one, based on the first ones' data with the .change() method. there is then a 3rd <select> - who's data will depend on choice of the second one although step 1 works, and i can generate the 2nd one, i still can't generate the 3rd one.

when i test the script on its own, both the 2nd and 3rd <select> fields are fine - but not via the ajax, which leads me to believe that the .change() from the 2nd one, isnt triggering the ajax call - its not being picked up (even the 'hello' alert isnt working).


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JQuery :: Call Ajax Function Inside Another Ajax Function?

Oct 12, 2010

I am using jquery for getting ajax responses from server side functions.

I am in a situation where I need to make two ajax calls one after another and the second one is dependent on the response of the first one.

I have tried to use a code which is similar to this one?

type: 'GET',
url: 'myURL',
success: function(data)


Is it possible to get two have two ajax calls , one dependent on the other?

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AJAX :: Functions Never Work With PHP - Tree Folder Which Calls Another Page To Be Loaded Into A DIV By AJAX Again

Apr 14, 2009

I'm creating an AJAX page that is built using a PHP Class, ie the php looks a bit like this: PHP Code:

$wp_parser->page = "userpolicywindow.php";

within this page that has been created, there is an AJAX tree folder which calls another page to be loaded into a DIV by AJAX again. Code:


I don't know why it doesn't work because the page has been loaded with the JS file, but as soon as the link is added afterwards it doesn't work. I take it this is because it doesn't know where to find the JS, but how can I overcome this?

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JQuery :: Ajax Post Within Another Ajax Post?

Jul 27, 2011

Am calling Webservice in one ajax post, In the success funtion am calling another another method in same webservice through another ajax post method. First ajax post is getting called and returning the string from the webservice method but the inner ajax call is not getting called. I have placed the code here.


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JQuery :: XML From AJAX In IE

Dec 27, 2010

I feel like I should be beating a dead horse here, but I've done quite a bit of research and this is not making any sense to me. I'm trying to read an XML document returned in the XHR back from a .load() method. I can't get anything to happen in IE, and it really seems like I'm having to use the WRONG way to get it happening in Firefox and Safari.

Here's some code, the handler passed into the .load() method.

This function traces that the length of the results that are "facility" elements is 0. This is absolutely wrong, as there are 5, and if I set my resultsXML var to the string that is the XML from the response, Firefox will accurately count the elements and report them as 5. However, I understand I'm supposed to pass an XML Document object, NOT a string into the jquery object so that I can parse it correctly in any browser. IE always reports the length as 0 regardless of whether I pass the string or object into the jquery object. But even in IE if I trace the value of the responseText string, the full XML document is seen.

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PHP, Ajax, And JQuery

Sep 3, 2010

so i have this "class" defined in a javascript file, "a.cross-link". This enables the ability for users to navigate the webpage in a slider format.it works fine if I directly place the required html code:

<a class="cross-link" href="#3" title="Go to Page 2">View Results</a>but if i have php print out that line for me, it doesn't work:
echo "<a class= "cross-link" href="#3" title="Go to Page 3">$name</a>";(Where $name is some variable)

Note: the php code is just your average sql stuff. here is an interesting observation i've made: if i "hardcode" this this into the html:

<a class="cross-link" href="#3" title="Go to Page 3">View Results</a>
and then i go to generate the sourcecode, this is what appears (this works): <A class=cross-link title="Go to Page 3" href="#3" jQuery1283131847233="30">View Results</A>

but if i have the html made by a php echo statement, it just stays the same - i dont get a jQuery1283131847233="30" generated in the sourcecode.i'm new to jquery and ajax stuff. to me, it seems like the "cross-link" class i have defined in the javascript isn't being applied to correctly.can you invoke javascript from a php echo statement that is formatted to produce html code? here is another thing i believe is true: when the page loads, the javascript loads. the users, through the use of ajax, submitts a sql querey and navigates, using a jquery slider, to another div (where i want the user to go after selecting a resulting link from the sql query). so the javascript is going to execute before the list of results is produced. do I need to rerun the javascript each time new php produced sql data is populated in a div? if so, how?

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Jquery :: AJAX From One URL To Another

Mar 9, 2011

This is something new I have been trying to do because the site I'm doing development for does not support ASP and I find it easier to populate PDF forms in ASP rather then PHP. So what I have done is on my Church's website I have the form that needs to be filled out developed as an HTML form with some PHP serverside code. I am then using jquery ajax to send the form values to the other URL (My own personal webserver where I set up a subdomain) where the values will be dumped in to the corissponding form fields in the pdf template and then emailed to the secratery at my Church.

Here is my problem, $.Ajax can not send to a URL outside of the server it is being run on. Now I have read on various forums that 2 ways around this are to either have a proxy page or by using jsonp. I looked at both options and am still unsure how to handle this. jsonp seems like I would have to rewrite my ASP page to be able to read jsonp values and I really don't know where to begin in my ASP page to get the jsonp method to work. What I found with proxy page also seemed to be problematic because the samples I found did not pass variables to the other page.

I just want a really simple (or well explained step by step) process that will allow JQuery to take the form values filled out on the PHP page of my Church's website and pass them to the ASP .NET/C# page found on my personal server and then take the results (either successful or failed) and return it to the php page to display an appropriate message. Right now I'm using String txtFamilyName = Request.Params["txtFamilyName"]; in my asp c# page to grab the values from Jquery and put them in a variable.

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