Asynchronous Updates Between Web Clients

Sep 24, 2006

I think it's okay to ask this question in this group, but if not please
point me to the correct one!

How does one go about doing asynchronous updates between two web
clients? Take Google Chat for example... how does Google Chat update a
chatter's chat window with text entered by the other chatter?

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Get MAC Address For Clients Computer

Jun 11, 2010

I am looking for an example/code to get MAC Address with JavaScript or any other technology for a php based web application. The collected MAC Address will be stored in a MySQL table, 'login' to generate reports. I have found some php scripts helping me do this but it does not get the client computers MAC Address. And these examples work only on localhost. While running it on the server the MAC Address is different than the local one.Can we find out the MAC Address for a clients computer anyways to use in the application and which will be cross browser compatible?

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Get MAC Address For Clients Computer?

Jun 11, 2010

I am looking for an example/code to get MAC Address with JavaScript or any other technology for a php based web application. The collected MAC Address will be stored in a MySQL table, 'login' to generate reports. I have found some php scripts helping me do this but it does not get the client computers MAC Address. And these examples work only on localhost. While running it on the server the MAC Address is different than the local one. Can we find out the MAC Address for a clients computer anyways to use in the application and which will be cross browser compatible?

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Image Gallery For My Clients?

Nov 15, 2010

Looking for something for my clients, they want to upload and change images on their image gallery but I don't really want to make a CMS program for them since it's a low budget website.

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Solution For Clients Who Disable Script?

Aug 16, 2011

I am wondering what is the way around when the javascript is disabled?

For example, I am creating menu with bunch of drop down lists. The lists are dependant on the others. So, when I change the selection on the previous list, the elements on the next list should change. Of course this won't happen when the javascript is turned off.

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Generate List Of Clients Machine Files?

Dec 5, 2002

I want to make an extensive browser/fileupload script inspired on windows Explorer... A server side listing of the files and directories with the home directory specified in the script and a listing of the clients files. The server side part can be found on ... The idea now is to make it possible to upload or download (maybe drag and drop) files from on side to the other. I don't know how I best make the client side. So on this part any help is welcome...

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Display Clients Timezone Name When In Daylight Savings Time

Jul 23, 2005

ok im getting tired of looking for an answer and coming up short with
scripts that dont work. i have a application that uses GMT for all its
times and needs the clients timeoffset for showing the correct times
for everything. i use date.getTimezoneOffset() which works fine and
shows the daylight savings time correct value of -4 since im in eastern
standard time and its daylight savings time right now. well eastern
standard time is normally -5 and my dropdown populates with the -4
showing atlanta time. which will confuse the user and then they will
pick -5 eastern time which will make everything an hour off. i have a
disclaimer now, but i just want to know what the easiest way to display
the users time zone name useing the getTimezoneOffset() value. i
really want to be able to detect if the user has the adjust for
daylight savings checked for their machine.

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JQuery :: Make A Message Fade Out In Clients Panel?

Apr 14, 2010

I have created a javascript function to make a message fade out in my clients panel. Here is my function:


It shows the 'faded' alert message but it doesn't fade the area? How can I fix this?

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Keyword Tool External As A Free Service For Some Of Clients Automation

Oct 12, 2010

First of all excuse me if I posted this thread in the wrong forum, I really have no clue where to put this but I've had some minor experience with js so I hope it can be solved this way. I check websites and/or keywords in googles Keyword Tool External as a free service for some of my clients. The thing is that more and more clients like this service and it's becoming very time-consuming for me to do this for all of them.

Is there a way to let my clients fill in the keywords or url they like researched in a form on my website, then let those words be researched and return a specified number of results in a pdf or something? My biggest concern is the captcha code. If I can't find a way to partially or fully automate this process, I'll be forced to either charge for or completely give up this service.

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Asynchronous Alert?

Oct 24, 2007

I am using AJAX and coldfusion, and am having trouble getting some
alerts to work. I am using the http object in javascript:
var url="add_item.cfm"

then, in add_item.cfm, I am just using:
<script type="text/javascript">window.alert("Hello World

but the alert isn't being displayed. I assume this has to do with
client-side/server-side issues, but can someone please clarify why
this doesn't work, and perhaps offer a fix or alternative solution?

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JS For Updates?

Oct 6, 2003

I've got a site that I want to update frequently and change leader sentences around when I want through different subpages without going and changing the HTML on every page. I'm thinking I could use JS and define variables as my "blurbs" and links and then they'd set up across all the pages as defined. Or I could dive into more of an understanding of PHP & mySQL (i know some basics). Any advice/suggestions?

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JQuery :: Ajax Not Asynchronous In IE?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm having (once again) tremendous problems with IE (7), trying to create an application that behaves properly.

This time, it's with Ajax calls triggered by a button click, which do not behave asynchronously.

Here is the highlight of what I'm trying to achieve: a button clicked sends an ajax call to the server whilst the call is made and until the callback function has returned (or an error has been identified), a "wait" animation is triggered. (in the case below, simulated by appending a status in a div)

To achieve this, I decide to use .ajaxStart(), .ajaxStop() and .ajaxError() to trigger the wait animation. It works perfectly in FF and Chrome, but (as usual) not in IE. In IE, when I press the button, the button remains depressed until the ajax call is finished, and then all statuses are dumped at once onto screen. Not very asynchronous...

Here is my code:

If I uncomment line 11 and uncomment the alert, it seems that this forces IE to do things in the proper order. Obviously that's not a solution however...

Will I have to (once again) write IE-specific code to get things working properly?

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Daily Updates

Feb 22, 2006

i would like to add a feature to my website where by i can just enter in say 30 different lets say quotes or sayings or something into a database and for the computer to either cycle throught them one by one ... so each day wil hav a new saying or

for it to randomly pick a saying from database every time page is loaded...

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JQuery :: Load An IFRAME With Asynchronous?

May 26, 2010

I'm in the process of trying to shave off as much load time from my site as possible :) I notice that this takes a heck of a long time to load:


Is there a better way I can do this? Maybe using AJAX with ASynchronous? (like we're doing with GAnalytics on the site)

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JQuery :: Synchronous Vs Asynchronous $.post

Aug 8, 2011

synchronous vs asynchronous $.post

may i know the difference?

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Getting A Return Boolean For An Asynchronous Request?

Dec 24, 2009

I'm trying to get a return boolean or something I could use to then do another asynchronous request have my first has completely finished.

I'm messing around with Javascript on this basic PHP blog I built and I have a table of articles and one of the table columns is published/unpublished. I'm trying to have when they click the icon it will connect to MySQL, update the current row with new publish value (opposite of current) then refresh the div id element that the publish/unpublish icon is in to reveal the new status. I built a class for my javascript requests so most values are stored in global properties.

I think what I'm coming across is when I click the icon it updates the table but before that onreadystatechange can hit 4 my request for the new content is going through so the request url I'm using as well as the return div id for the responseText are getting mixed up between trying to do a sql update, loading the responseText in "message" then trying to sql query for the new results and loading that responseText in "content".

Something like..

url = "?table=articles&value=1&id=2";
http.onreadystatechange = this.stateChange;"GET" , url , true)


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Can I Make My DOM Script Asynchronous? (Not AJAX...)

Oct 7, 2006

I've got a script that, onload, loops through every tag on the page (getElementsByTagName ('*')) and can be pretty slow on some of my pages with MANY tags.

What I'm wondering is if there's some way I can tell the browser to run the script asynchronously, without locking up the browser while it loops through all the tags and adds its objects and properties to them?

I'm pretty sure I've made the script about as effecient as possible. There's just no way around checking all the tags.

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How To Craft Synchronous (asynchronous?) Callback?

Aug 20, 2011

I need to create a callback for a line of code that performs asynchronous work so that another a line of code can be called after it is finished. I've found a number of webpages that attempt to show how this can be done with two functions, one calling the other in Russian-doll fashion, but I can't see how to do it with my code.It takes the URL of a sound file, redefines a previously defined embed to point at that sound file, and then plays it. The problem is that I lose focus on the documentElement that was selected before the playIt() function is called. So in the playIt() function I save the focused element in a variable and focus() it after the embed-switcheroo and autoplay is performed. This doesn't work, because the "e.parentNode.replaceChild(clone, e);" is performed asynchronously; when it finishes, it clears the focus in the document (internal id's have changed? Reason unknown.) So I need the focus() code to follow the replaceChild() code. I want to accomplish this by having the focus() code execute as a callback following the replaceChild() code. How would I break this into two procedures, one calling the other, reproducing a synchronous flow?

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Select Box Updates DIV On Page

Oct 15, 2009

I have a select box with information about people in it. When you click on their name in the select box, I'm trying to display information (Name, Address, Height, Weight) about them inside of a <div>.Now, what I am thinking is that I need to use selected.val() to pull the value (we'll call it id)of each person and have that id correspond with a row in an array. That row contains all of the information that I need.Does this make sense?I just realized that I posted this in the wrong java forum.

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JQuery :: Asynchronous Blocks Of Synchronous Actions

Dec 9, 2011

I'd like to process several blocks of parallel actions, but in a sequential manner.

As an example:

Thus, I want to process blocks, from which I don't know how long they will take and afterwards have a couple of actions, before beginning with another block. I already tried it through using .queue, .ready() etc, but that leads to very ugly or unusable code..

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JQuery :: Process Several Asynchronous Http Requests At Once?

Mar 3, 2010

Can I do the following without my program crashing? [code]...

I have created an application that does something similar to the code I just posted. However, my program crashes intermittently. Sometimes it will crash after calling jQuery.get() a few times (with several http requests still pending). Other times it will get through all of them just fine.

I want to know if Ajax can handle that many asynchronous requests without crashing? Can someone look at this to see if there is something I am missing?

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JQuery :: Asynchronous Page Loading + Slide?

May 17, 2009

Im trying to use jquery to try to do what the image shows: Its for a website made for iphone so im trying to add the slide effect. It all seems a little complicated, but ill explain: 1-The user clicks a link
2-A loading message (or image) appears Meanwhile, the new page loads on a hidden side (its a FULL page, not just a div)


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Add A Page To Website Which Will Display Updates?

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to add a page to my website which will display my latest twitter updates.

Twitter offers a widget that will do this and I am trying to use it. Here is the code snippet that I have added.<

div id="twitter_div">
<h2 style="display: none;" >Twitter Updates</h2>
<ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
<a href="" id="twitter-link" style="display:block;


I am thinking possibly another script

Here is the link to the page [URL]

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JQuery :: JSONP And Asynchronous - Capturing And Returning Response?

Mar 17, 2010

If this is synchronous, normal json request, I can capture the result (data) and return it to a calling function.

However jsonp is not synchronous. Whilst the data IS returned, and I can view it from within the success function, but I cannot access it after that.

url: remote_url,
async: false,
cache: false,


I am building a library of functions which call this function, so I cannot have the data processing done within the success function, I need to extract the data itself.

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JQuery :: Non-asynchronous Page Request Using Both Get& Post Parameters?

Jul 24, 2010

I have some trouble with my app. User enters his login&pass, they are being checked on server using ajax, and if they're ok, i wanna open new page, which'll set cookies and session vars, but i have an universal script, and I need request something like universalScript?mode=login (mode is GET) and some POST parameters such as login and pass, besides it must be new page, not ajax, Some ideas?

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Ajax :: Make Multiple Asynchronous Jquery Calls?

Apr 7, 2011

I want to send another ajax request when one request is in process to get the status of first request.
If I call both the request the second request gets blocked till the completion of the first request.

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