Select Box Updates DIV On Page

Oct 15, 2009

I have a select box with information about people in it. When you click on their name in the select box, I'm trying to display information (Name, Address, Height, Weight) about them inside of a <div>.Now, what I am thinking is that I need to use selected.val() to pull the value (we'll call it id)of each person and have that id correspond with a row in an array. That row contains all of the information that I need.Does this make sense?I just realized that I posted this in the wrong java forum.

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One Select List Updates All Select Lists?

Jan 4, 2011

When a user changes the select list called "reason_code_master" I need the uodatecodes() function to update all the other select list with the id of "reason_codes" with the same . How can I do this.

<select size='1' onchange="updatecodes()" name='reason_code_master'>
<option value='' > - SET REASON - </option>
<option value='BROKEN' >BROKEN</option>
<option value='ENTERED' >ENTERED</option>


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Text Field Value Updates Select List

Jan 9, 2011

I've been tasked to create a form where the user types a numeric item id into a text field. Typing this numeric item id into the field will update a select list when the item id matches a select list value.

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Batch/Block-Mode Updates To Select Lists - How To Avoid?

Mar 17, 2007

I have this Applet-hosted Socket connection to my server and in an
ONevent/function I am retrieving all these lovely rows from the server and
inserting them into the Select-List. (The on screen appearance of the Select
List grows for the first 5 rows then the scroll bar appears if there's
more). So far so good. . .

The problem is that none of the rows I'm inserting appear on the screen
until I have RETURNed from my function; so If it ended up being 1000 rows
then the user sees nothing until they're *all* processed :-( Is this an
IE6-only thing? Does it happen with Version 7 or with other browsers? This
is disgusting!

Is there an option to set somewhere?

Do I have to hack/force some sort of event (with coresponding ONfunction)
and then RETURN from my function and have the ensuing function call me back
and repeat till eof?

All I want to do is see my rows grow and counter increment in the
select-list (or table) as they appear; is that really too much to ask? Is
IBM3270 emulation crap really as far as we've got?

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Add A Page To Website Which Will Display Updates?

Feb 20, 2009

I am trying to add a page to my website which will display my latest twitter updates.

Twitter offers a widget that will do this and I am trying to use it. Here is the code snippet that I have added.<

div id="twitter_div">
<h2 style="display: none;" >Twitter Updates</h2>
<ul id="twitter_update_list"></ul>
<a href="" id="twitter-link" style="display:block;


I am thinking possibly another script

Here is the link to the page [URL]

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How Updates Scoreboard Page Real-time

Nov 14, 2010

Does anyone have an idea of how updates the scoreboard page real-time?

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Automatically Reads Contents Of Text File On Page Load / Updates Every 1000ms?

Nov 10, 2009

I have some sample ajax code i have been toying around with.I have it updating & working properly, but you have to click a button first.How can I set it so that it automatically reads the contents of the text file on page load, and updates every 1000ms?I was trying onload=setinterval(JavaScript:xmlhttpPost("status.php"),1000)[code]

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JS For Updates?

Oct 6, 2003

I've got a site that I want to update frequently and change leader sentences around when I want through different subpages without going and changing the HTML on every page. I'm thinking I could use JS and define variables as my "blurbs" and links and then they'd set up across all the pages as defined. Or I could dive into more of an understanding of PHP & mySQL (i know some basics). Any advice/suggestions?

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Daily Updates

Feb 22, 2006

i would like to add a feature to my website where by i can just enter in say 30 different lets say quotes or sayings or something into a database and for the computer to either cycle throught them one by one ... so each day wil hav a new saying or

for it to randomly pick a saying from database every time page is loaded...

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Asynchronous Updates Between Web Clients

Sep 24, 2006

I think it's okay to ask this question in this group, but if not please
point me to the correct one!

How does one go about doing asynchronous updates between two web
clients? Take Google Chat for example... how does Google Chat update a
chatter's chat window with text entered by the other chatter?

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JQuery :: Countdown Real-time Updates

Sep 21, 2010

I have been using the jquery countdown plugin made by [url] for a while and while I am pretty familiar with it, I haven't been able to accomplish what I want for one of my projects.

I want to be able to add hours/minutes/seconds to a countdown in real-time by clicking a button.

Let's say I have 2 countdowns. They both get their ending date from a mysql db, e.g: 2010-09-26 00:00:45 and 2010-09-27 14:45:00

When I click a button, I want the countdown Y to increase by the X amount of hr/min/sec, update my ending date in mysql, and update my counter for every visitors to see without having them refresh the page. I have tried messing with ajax, but wasn't able to accomplish anything close. (I got it to update every 1 sec but it would flicker then)

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SQL Syntax Error AFTER AJAX Updates Database

Apr 13, 2011

I want to have a textarea update a database column and then pull down the info from that column and display it, without refreshing. I'm using JQuery and AJAX and PHP and SQL to do this. So far I've been able to update the database row using my $.post() call. The strange thing is, my variables don't seem to be passing to the page - when I try to echo them or look at them they don't show up. Here is my simple index page and call (page names aren't indicative of what I'm trying to do, just placeholders):

<script src = "" type="text/javascript"></script>
<script type = "text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function() {

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SetTimeout() Updates Over 100 Times A Second But Set Its Delay To 1 Minute?

Jun 2, 2011

I am writing this Javascript function that runs every 1 minute using the setTimeout() function. asically it is ment to run every 1 minute and post a user id and a unique key to a PHP script and then the PHP script updates the database. This is the code:online.phpPHP Code:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">


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Javascript That Updates Files From Ftp Server To Local Drive

Nov 17, 2006

We have a directory of files on our ftp server. Is there a javacript to
make a connection to the ftp server and compare files on a local drive
and on the server? Files that have been changed or added need to be
copied across from the ftp server to the local drive.

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Memory Leak - Listener Objects Won't Receive Any Updates

Sep 12, 2009

I have a page that dynamically loads and unloads whole sections and creates complex links between various objects and have never been sure exactly what happens when an object that is being observed is deleted from the DOM. Since there is no longer any link to deleted objects, the listener objects obviously won't receive any updates, but do the underlying "listener" connections get purged as well? I guess it would depend on whether the listening mechanism is part of the listened-to object or is maintained in a separate area of the browser.

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Screen Updates Don't Match Program Logic/state Or Order

Jul 20, 2005

there's a line in my Javascript program that makes a change in the
appearance of an area of the screen. it is a game program, so there are
a cascade of changes after the user makes a move. these are carefully
sequenced and timed in a loop which contains the "action" statement

document.images[k].src = offGIF[currNode];

unfortunately, the *actual* screen updating appears to be 1)
asynchronous and 2) faulty!

_asynchronou_s in that things change in the wrong order, as if each has
its own thread and they run at random.

_faulty_ in that occasionally an area that would change from, say,
picture1.gif to picture2.gif and back again (according to game logic)
lands up showing picture2.gif. even though the internal game logic has
it recorded (and i assume document.images[k].src would be correct, even
though the screen is not) as picture1. so.

is there a way to wait or surrender control to the system until the
program statement's intent has actually been rendered to the screen?
something i can test to see if the unerlying system mechanism has caught
up with all changes to document.images?

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AJAX :: Memory Leaks - Replacing Nodes With Frequent Updates

Aug 7, 2010

I've been searching the web for a while now, and I haven't come across a conclusive solution for memory leaks due to replacing nodes with frequent AJAX updates. I wrote a class that pulls an RSS feed frequently (e.g. every 5 seconds) and updates an HTML element with new information. In the process, it removes the old nodes and replaces them with new ones. It works fine visually. The only problem is that it has terrible memory leak complications; when I put the script on to run, it increases the memory usage by about 1MB every few seconds at an accelerated 1000-ms delay between updates!

(That's 100MB every few minutes!) I discovered this when I let the script run for a few hours straight, not thinking anything of it, and when I returned to my computer, it was frozen up Opera seems to be the worst at its memory management on this script, Safari and Chrome are in the middle, and Firefox seems to handle it the best, but nonetheless there are memory leaks in all four. (I haven't tested IE yet, but based on what I read, I would expect that it might even be worse than Opera!)


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JQuery :: Ajax POST Designed To Update Database Table Updates All Records At Once

Jul 12, 2011

This jquery code pulls in an XML file, then passes the contents down to the nested POST call to add all of the records from the XML into a database table (which is handled by the saveSenatorRecord.asp file). This all works fine.. except that when the POST is called for "EACH" of the member nodes I expected the success: function to be called once after each of the records are added to the table. But what appears to be happening is that when function is called in the EACH property... it adds all of the records to the database table at one time, THEN it calls the success function once for each individual record.. but AFTER they have all been added.

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Conditional SELECT Element - Determined By Original Select Element On Page Load?

Jul 31, 2009

When the page loads there will already be a drop-down on the page, here's an example of the drop down.

<select id="dropdown">
<option value="2121S">Option text</option>
<option value="2122S">Option text</option>
<option value="2123S">Option text</option>
<option value="2121A">Option text</option>
<option value="2122A">Option text</option>
<option value="2121K">Option text</option>

On page load it will evaluate this drop-down and repopulate it determined on their values. If there is an S in any of the values the drop-down will generate an option for 'S' like so.. <option value="s">S Option Text</option> And for the first code example in this post - the Javascript would be able to repopulate the drop-down with the following:


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Find A Form Script That Updates The "city List" When State Is Chosen?

Dec 29, 2010

So, for example, if someone chooses "California" out of the State list (select box), the City list next to it gets updated with all of the cities in California.

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JQuery :: Select All / Select None *text* Links In A Form That Call A Jquery Function To Select All Or Select No Checkboxes?

Jun 16, 2011

I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:

$(function() {
//function for selecting all or there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....

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Select Whole Page

Jul 20, 2005

any suggestions in javascript for selecting the text of a whole web page at the touch of a button without using text inputs.

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How To Select A Page

Aug 4, 2011

I have the following code

<? ?>
<td width="20%" align="center">Select a Page </td>


This should allow me to dispaly 20 recipes and also to display additional pages for all the other recipies, but it doesn't seem to work.

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Select SOME Text From A Page And Use It As A Var

Jul 23, 2005

If I open a new page with very little text on it such as a bugmenot results page is there a way to select some of the text there and assign it to variables?

Selecting all and copying to the clipboard can be done with:


but I'm looking for something a little more refined.

The page contains seven lines of text and I'd like a simple way to say:

var username = [contents of line 4]
var password = [contents of line 5]

Can anyone point me in the right direction?

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Pass A <select> Value To Php Page?

Nov 20, 2009

i have auto complete that i want to be able to select a column of the database before searching on it i just want to pass the oneone variable over to the php page. so i have this javascript

<script type="text/javascript">
$().ready(function() {
function log(event, data, formatted) {


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Changing Select Drop Down From 2nd Page

Jul 17, 2001

I am trying to add a search button next to a select drop down with a HUGE amount of data. The search button opens a popup window that allows you to narrow down choices and select one that is in the drop down(that part works). However I can't seem to pass the parameter selected back to the drop down on the first page to have it as the selected item.

I am working with the scripts in the popup window, and I am trying:

window.opener.document.forms(0).Product(lngBoxNumber).value = x

forms(0) I think that is the first window.
Product(1) is the name of the drop down.
x is the value I am trying to assign.

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