On page load it will evaluate this drop-down and repopulate it determined on their values. If there is an S in any of the values the drop-down will generate an option for 'S' like so.. <option value="s">S Option Text</option> And for the first code example in this post - the Javascript would be able to repopulate the drop-down with the following:
I have a menu that I have constructed through HTML/CSS/JavaScript. Javascript handles the mouseover and mouseout events to set the background of the menu item/table element with an image. It works great. What my issue is right now is that when the user loads the Home page, I want that to have the background of the item already set. I had a function to do this with a switch clause in a separate javascript file. This function was called immediately (left it outside of any functions so it would execute first). But I'm getting an error because the actual element (a table) to set the background doesn't exist yet.
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
I would like to dynamically insert a <br /> after each </select> (like createElement). I am told that this is simple with jquery but only have limited experience in this area. Code: <html><head></head> <body><form><select> <option>1</option> <option>2</option> </select> <--- dynamically insert <br /> here <select><option>3</option> <option>4</option> </select> <--- dynamically insert <br /> here </form><body></html>
i have something questions. how can i select element from another page for processing data. ex : #myname.value from content.php and i will process that value to the process.php.
If you go on my test site: [URL]... You will see a navigation menu at the top, with an animated ball. Every time you click on one of the links in the navigation menu, you will notice that after a new page is loaded there is a sudden jump from the balls original position to it's new position. (Not that obvious in Firefox but very obvious in IE and Safari) My question is how can I resolve this.
I assumed that wrapping the code in the $(document).ready function would elimate this issue as everything inside it will load before the page contents are loaded.
On a SELECT object, I try to set it's value with one of the value of options, such as selectObj.value="whatever". Sometime it works while sometimes it won't work at all , using IE6. When we want to set a value to the SELECT object, have to know it's option index first. Then set selectedIndex to that index. Is there a quick way to set a select value with a known value?
I a have a div on my page that is absolutely positioned and it's z-index is 1000. Although it's z-index is the biggest on the page it appears behind the select elements on the page. How can I make a div appear on top of everything on the page?
What is a cross-browser way to get the size (number of visible items) of a SELECT element? If that is not possible, how would I determine if the element was of a MULTIPLE type or not?
I have need of a readonly select element that looks and acts disabled to the user. The problem with the disabled attribute is that the value isn't passed to the handler, so I'm using readonly. Problem with readonly is that is allows focus, which when the user highlights, then hits backspace (as if to change the field), the browser does a history.back. This is confusing to users. Code:
I have a javascript tool in which I can supply a listener function, which has the parameter 'div', which is a dom element. Now I would like to apply $('a.enlargement').fancyzoom({Speed:0,showoverlay:true}); to that div, but I only have the reference. I know about the 'find' function, but that can only be run on a selection object. So how can I do this?
I am trying to create select element using dom and also populate with data comes from database. The element create successfully but not populating with data. The Java code is:
function addItem() { var actnum=document.getElementById("theValue");
In our current application we have a page whose sole purpose for existence is to permit the user to select from a list (subsequent to our login page). We would like to have the list drop down automatically when the visitor arrives at the page, perhaps by using the onLoad event to call the dropdown code. The problem is, the click() event does not drop down the list, as I would have thought it might.
I can successfully fire other methods using the object.method() syntax. Our form is named "test," the select is named "sel1," and the code document.test.sel1.focus() in fact focuses the control, document.test.sel1.selectedIndex=2 selects the third item, etc. Given that, I would have thought that document.test.sel1.click() would cause a similar result to clicking the control, i.e., dropdown of the select. Instead, all that happens is what appears to be a very quick redraw of the selected value's text (i.e., it flickers slightly).
I've tried preceding the call to click() with a call to focus(), and vice versa. No joy. I've Googled on several combinations of search terms, but either there's no information on how to accomplish this or it was deeper than the 3-4 pages I followed down into each of the search results.
Anybody know if it is possible to do what we want, and if so, could you point me to a link where I can find sample source?
Does someone can help me with the following problem? I have a SELECT form tag, with some OPTIONS elements. I am using the following code to detect a click in the SELECT.
.... document.onclick = fnc_document_click ....
function fnc_document_click(){ if(window.event.srcElement.id == "my_lst"){ ...... } }
How can I avoid the "if" if user click in a area of SELECT out of the options elements? (The SELECT object is higher than the the goups of OPTIONS its contains)
In other words, how can detect if the click Iinside the SELECT element) happens in a OPTION element or not?
I have the following code: $('select.interest').change(function(){
var value = $(this + 'option:selected').text(); console.log(value); )};
I just want to get the text of the select element I just changed. However, this is returning the text of the selected value of ALL the select elements on my page.
I have a page with various elements, some visible, some invisible, as they become visible depending on user input.I am looking to select the visible elements, then within that collection, get the last element in the flow and manipulate it.
I have a standard menu structured with an unordered list. Some of the items in the menu have sub items, but are not themselves links. Here's an example:
How do I select a tag that does (or does not) have a particular attribute? In my case, I want to be able to select all <a> tags in #mainMenu that do not have the href attribute.
I know you can use :even or :odd to get the even or odd indexes from a set, or :lt/:gt to filter down the matched set before/beyond the specified index. But what if I want to select every 5th element? And I know it's not nth-child, because that selects everything that is the nth-child of it's parent and not if it is one of the nth elements in the matched set. Is the only way to use .each(function (index) {...}); and then check if the index makes that element one of the nth items?
I'm trying to update a script I found out there in order to fit better my needs. The first step I want to update is the capability to bind a dynamic number of anchors.