On page load it will evaluate this drop-down and repopulate it determined on their values. If there is an S in any of the values the drop-down will generate an option for 'S' like so.. <option value="s">S Option Text</option> And for the first code example in this post - the Javascript would be able to repopulate the drop-down with the following:
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
I'm trying to create a function which shows a hidden response when a button is clicked on.I also want to add the response to a variable which lists all the users responses.Here is my code now...
I was hopping that this line of code would assign a different value to currentValue depending on what kind of object i have. My idea was that If the current Object is a check bot it doesn t have a val attribute..
but having fun with it. Would like tolearn how to do the following...2) Find the parent <li>.3) Grab the value of the attribute "jcarouselindex" and put it in avariable to be used elsewhere.Sample code below...
I have a javascript tool in which I can supply a listener function, which has the parameter 'div', which is a dom element. Now I would like to apply $('a.enlargement').fancyzoom({Speed:0,showoverlay:true}); to that div, but I only have the reference. I know about the 'find' function, but that can only be run on a selection object. So how can I do this?
I'm using this bit of jQ to add a class to two different elements based on the class of another (parent/grandparent, etc) element.
First, when there's no class at all in <div id="main-content">, the 'active' class is added to *all* the #nav-primary LIs, and also to *all* the #aux-left DIVs; how can I modify this so that in the absence of any class on #main-content, do nothing?
Second, how can I target only the first or second of multiple classes to store in the 'containerClass' variable, e.g., <div id="main-content" class="apples bananas">?
I have the following code: $('select.interest').change(function(){
var value = $(this + 'option:selected').text(); console.log(value); )};
I just want to get the text of the select element I just changed. However, this is returning the text of the selected value of ALL the select elements on my page.
I have a page with various elements, some visible, some invisible, as they become visible depending on user input.I am looking to select the visible elements, then within that collection, get the last element in the flow and manipulate it.
I have a standard menu structured with an unordered list. Some of the items in the menu have sub items, but are not themselves links. Here's an example:
How do I select a tag that does (or does not) have a particular attribute? In my case, I want to be able to select all <a> tags in #mainMenu that do not have the href attribute.
I know you can use :even or :odd to get the even or odd indexes from a set, or :lt/:gt to filter down the matched set before/beyond the specified index. But what if I want to select every 5th element? And I know it's not nth-child, because that selects everything that is the nth-child of it's parent and not if it is one of the nth elements in the matched set. Is the only way to use .each(function (index) {...}); and then check if the index makes that element one of the nth items?
I'm trying to update a script I found out there in order to fit better my needs. The first step I want to update is the capability to bind a dynamic number of anchors.
I want to insert something after #close, but only if the following div content contains the references-container4.Nothing will be inserted here. Only in the references-container4 case.
Is it possible to extend jquery to include a function that will select elements with focus. In the same way :input selects all inputs :selected selects all selected etc but instead :focus or focused: which would select the focused element. I have a table which includes an input field on each row (like a simple datagrid). Id like to be able to hit an access key and delete the row (input textbox) which has focus ie the row which the cursor has been placed in.
I found this but it selects the first input textbox only for some reason?... and not the one with focus. $.extend($.expr[':'], { focused: function(elem) { return elem.hasFocus; } }); var id = $('input :focused').val(); console.log(id);
matchwdth() is a function that makes all elements passed to it the same width (that of the widest element).so if there are two div.row each with multiple div.cell children, I want to make div.row[0] div.cell[0] the same with as div.row[1] div.cell[0], AND div.row[0] div.cell[1] the same with as div.row[1] div.cell[1] etc etc
problem is with this line
var _cell = _row.find('div.cell').eq(_item);
that seems to only pick up the div.cell elements in the first parent div.row - subsequent div.row's are ignored.if I do an alert on (_cell.length) I get 1 (even when there are multiple div.rows)