IE7 Loading Hidden Stylesheet Images?
Oct 11, 2009
I have a page with a bunch of divs set to display:none with 70kb background images. As buttons are clicked the divs are displayed. The background images are specified in an external stylesheet, pc firefox, mac ff, mac safari and every real browser ignors them until the div is set to display:block, awesome. IE7 still loads every single image when loading the site, is there a way around this? Its about 40 images so obv this is effecting load time.
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Apr 29, 2009
I am working on a page that has a lot of hidden DIVs on it.I have it so if I mouse over the links on the left, the div and its contents appear. This all works but there are a lot of images in the DIVs and I don't want them to load until a DIV is made visible.How can I keep the browser from loading these images until the DIV housing them is made visible?right now, the page takes a long time to load because it is loading all the images in DIVS that have not been shown and might not get shown if a user does not select that content.
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Nov 11, 2005
Ever had the problem that when creating mouseover buttons using CSS and Javascript, it takes a little while to load the second image? This script will automatically loop through all loaded stylesheets and will preload them into your browser, so no need to create an image-list by hand.. Code:
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Jul 26, 2009
I'm having difficulty loading images via Ajax on a site that I've been working on.I'm performing the ajax by using the Request.HTML object of the MooTools framework. Basically, I'm just passing some parameters to a php script which outputs some image tags and then I insert that HTML into a pre-defined content div. For some reason though, it seems that big images don't seem to load consistently when using this technique. Usually, they will just show up as broken images, but when I navigate to the url of the image that is 'broken', it displays just fine. Also, occasionally after navigating to the actual url of the image, my browser will cache the image and then it will display just fine when loading it through Ajax.
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Jul 8, 2009
It's for a photo gallery like this http:[url].....php but the one I need it for has 100 images so the page loads much slower. I can't just put the loading gif behind the images (as you would normaly) because you can see it with each image fade in and out. how I can have a loading gif show "only" while the images are initially loading, and then it goes away?
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Feb 8, 2011
I'm loading some HTML into my page by using this:
url: "/archive.php",
dataType: "html",
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Aug 3, 2009
I am using Flot its a graphing tool.I insert my flot graphing code into my main page which i do not want to show unless the user clicks a show graph button.The code is inserted into my hidden div like so:
<div class="widgetDIV" id="mydiv1">
<div id="placeholder" style="width:600px;height:300px;"></div>
When the user clicks the "show graphs" link it changes the property of "mydiv1" to display='Block'.This is where the problems start.
Everything in the <Div> now appears except the chart. If i load the chart on its own it works fine and if i load the chart into a <div> that has its display properties starting off as 'Block' its also fine. The problem only occurs when i change the display property after the page is loaded.
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Jan 19, 2011
I load external php page using jqury plugin . with this line:
<a href="cat.php" rel="container">Tab 2</a>
How to hidden href url ( cat.php ) for more security and not show in html source code page?
<a href="Block12" rel="container">Tab 2</a>
Block 12 is php code to generate cat.php addresse
Block 13 is php code to generate data.php addresse
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Oct 16, 2005
If the paths to images are hard-coded into an a global array, does that mean
that they are pre-loaded? If not, what is the algorithm to do so?
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Sep 18, 2010
I am trying to load an image into a div using AJAX.Instead on loading the image, I get PNG as the result in the div.Does anyone know how to load an image into a div?
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Jun 15, 2009
For some reason the dropdown list in my menu becomes hidden underneath the jquery fading images. If i dont fade the image it displays fine. You can check out the issue here[URL].. When you rollover Javascript, the 2 items beneath it become blocked by the images which are fading in the right panel.
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Mar 17, 2011
I am unsure what is going on with my website? I had flash on it, and I have removed the flash and installed javascript. Everything is installed correctly from what I can see, when I go to the view page button on Dreamweaver the images rotate. When I upload it to my server they stop rotating.I have download all of the files needed for this to work, and have added them all to my server. Here is a copy of the coding.
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Sep 14, 2005
I have following type of code in the header
function pre_load_pics()
if (document.images)
var image1 = new Image(400,265);
image1.scr = "pic1.jpg";
var image2 = new Image(400,265);
image2.scr = "pic2.jpg";
etc etc
and the following in the body
but images are not downloaded until the app needs them later. Something wrong ? I thought they should be downloaded earlier?
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Jul 20, 2005
I feel like a complete fool! I should know the answer to the Q:
How do I load an image with JS and replace the default image?
Some background: My final objective is to have a web site where it
is VERY difficult to copy images off the site. The first thing I
was going to do was force folks to turn on JavaScript so that I
could disable the right click pop up menu. To force this, I thought
I would have all the default images say that JavaScript is required
to view the images. The problem is that I cannot figure out for the
world in me how to load the good image.......
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Jul 20, 2009
I am currently using the scrollable jquery plugin to scroll some images of thumbnails in a gallery. What I'm trying to do now, is figure out how to load the large version of those thumbnails into a div when they are clicked.
Here is a link to the webpage where the source can be viewed. [URL]
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Jun 8, 2009
I want to pre-load images for my gallery, but I'm not sure of the best way to go about it. Currently, I have php code that generates thumbnail images on page load and while this works fine, it at times can be very time consuming. For reference, below is my php code. how I could/should pre-load images?
<div id="galleryReel">
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Jun 26, 2010
I have some rollover images on my website, and they don't switch until the page is finished loading.Is this standard? Is there a way to have the rollovers work when the page is still in the process of loading all the images?
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Apr 22, 2006
In my website I constructed a script that changes the image.sources of several images. The changes are made by calling a JS-function. The function is invoked by selecting an option in an html-form. In my second post below I pasted the code.
The problem is that each time the images are changed the browser starts to load them all again, although all images were PRELOADED in the <head> section of my HTML page. It takes time every time a user invokes image changings, and also the visual effects are worsened.
How can I prevent the browser from loading the images again each time?
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Mar 20, 2010
I am using Lightbox v2.04 with ASP.Net 2008. The issue i am finding is that the images that are controlled by the java script are not loading if the page is in a sub folder. I have my main folder that contains a folder for my java script folder, a folder for my images, and a folder that contains some pages.
This is the code in the lightbox.js file that i believe may be the cause.
LightboxOptions = Object.extend({
fileLoadingImage: '../images/loading.gif',
fileBottomNavCloseImage: '../images/closelabel.gif',
Is there something specific that needs to be done so that the pages in the sub folder can have this work?
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Mar 22, 2011
I'm looking for a Javascript function that will display a loading icon in place of some large images I have on my website.
On a slow connection the large images take a while to load and I need something in place of those images until they have loaded fully.
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Aug 30, 2003
I would like to display a different set of images each time a person visits a web site. I have seen this done in many banner advertisments and product photos. Can someone tell me how this can be done with Javascript?
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Feb 22, 2010
I have php script that reads an image from database and outputs it.If i send request via AJAX i get the "inside" of the image into responseText, how to output it to a i can see an image instead an text?
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Nov 4, 2010
I am currently working on a new tool that changes the websites header based on the option from the navigation list the user clicked on, so far so good.But now I want to make this easy to maintain so that the class name of the list retrieves an image from the folder with the exact same name, so eventually I would only have to insert the option and the image is automatically loaded.
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Jun 8, 2010
for the last day and a half i've been attempting to prevent images on a page from loading. i do this by calling a domready function. i just need this to work in firefox, so i'm using its DOMContentLoaded event. however, for troubleshooting purposes i have opted off the domready stuff and simply placed my code at the bottom of the html before the closing body tag, which does the same. my research shows that all the lazyloading techniques (which at the core are similar to what i'm doing; ie, preventing an image from loading) that do not rely on creating a custom attribute for the img tag, do not work. jquery's lazyloading plugin does not work: [URL] mootools' lazyloading plugin does not work: [URL]. however, they must have worked at one point. read the latest comments on lazyloading techniques online and you'll see that mostly everyone suddenly is unable to achieve lazyloading on their site. the only effect one achieves is that the image fades in when scrolling down, however it has already been downloaded when the page rendered, but it should only have been downloaded from the server once the scroll threshold for that image is hit.
calling a function to replace images with small placeholder images immediately after the dom loads (ie, before the full page loads) should work. this should prevent the loading of the original file in the src attribute, but it does not. i'm using firefox 3.6.3, but it happens on webkit browsers as well (though this is a documented bug); opera, however, works as it should. i did my research pretty thoroughly, but if i missed something
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Jul 23, 2005
I have created a Javascript menu for my site which uses frames. The first
stage loads fine but I want two drill down menus ("About Me Menu" and
"Projects Menu"). The pages load fine, but the images aren't displayed,
instead the alt text is shown. The images come up after you "Mouse Over"
them but not before......can anybody spot any errors in my code which could
be doing this please. For info, I have 4 images for each button, to take
into acount whether the button had been used and to give a mouse-over image
for each state. I have also deleted the code for items 3-5 as they are
commercially sensitive. Code:
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Sep 30, 2005
I have an application, which has to change to different images based on
some conditions. I am trying to call a javascript function(this
function changes the images on the front end) from the ASP script. I
want to preload all the images to the client side browser and point to
a different image source through the javascript.
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