Hide Columns In Tables Based On Variables?
May 28, 2010
I have a table with 1 row and 5 columns. I want to hide each column based on specific variables in the web page. Is there a way to do that. I tried a <div> tag and the below code, but it says you cannot put a <div> tag in a table etc.
document.getElementById('hiddenYearLeft').style.display = "none";
document.getElementById('hiddenYearLefta').style.display = "none";
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Feb 1, 2009
I have a question, I have some JavaScript code that is doing some very basic adding and subtracting then passing the results into a form text box. As soon as I moved the form into a table it no longer worked. Would anyone have a solution or know why this is happening? These pages are not on the web and I am just running it on my computer.
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Jun 28, 2011
I want to hide columns with all green cells and I stored the column # that I want to hide into an array, errorColumn(). I am able to hide the rows I want, but I can't seem to figure out the columns.
I think the .has function is the problem because when I use the if(j!=5), it'll hide all columns but the 5th one. I just need it to do that for every column in my array...
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Jan 11, 2011
I am trying to hide a table based on its id on clicking a button.
function showTable() {
var reasonTable = document.getElementById("reasonTable");
if(reasonTable.style.display == "none")
reasonTable.style.display = "block";
reasonTable.style.visibility = "visible";
It is giveing null for document.getElementById("reasonTable"). Whats wrong in above code.
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Jan 23, 2007
I have my own library for web-design building - active forms, lists. I
am going to build tabbing component. The complexity in this process
is that all web forms uniformed and are built as TABLEs, where
each field is TR. Tabs have to show/hide some of table rows.
I don't know how TR's properties must be changed in order to hide them
I tried make HTML code like
<DIV id=tab1>
And tried to change visibility of a DIV, but this doesn't work.
How can I change visibility of set of TRs?
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Nov 12, 2009
Strange behaviour of Flexgrids' Show/Hide Columns functionality when running on IE8. The 'down arrow' icon is displayed in the next columns header more and more so as you move across the grid from left to right.
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Oct 6, 2010
I have a table with 5 columns, I want to show column by column, first show the 1st column, after 5 seconds hide this column and show the 2nd column, and when I show the 5 column hide this and return to the 1st.All this automatically, without a button click If is more easy with divs I can change this columns for divs
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Feb 21, 2010
I am trying to hide tables when a page initially loads and only display them when a button is pressed. When the page loads the tables show and I need then to be hidden. What am I doing wrong? I am new to this.
Here is the code that I have so far.
<Script = text/javascript>
function show_hide(tblid, show) {
if (tbl = document.getElementById(tblid)) {
if (null == show) show = tbl.style.display == 'none';
tbl.style.display = (show ? '' : 'none');
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Apr 9, 2010
Im using a jQuery script to show/hide a div based based on the selection made via a dropdown.
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.3.2.min.js"></script>
The problem im having is that the value used in the dropdown lists are price values eg 10.00
Consequently jQuery seems to interprit these as css notations, meaning the code doesnt work.
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Sep 20, 2011
When a thead contain less columns than real columns in the tbody section, the Tablesorter plugin produces a variable not found error in jquery coreTo reproduce simply do not put all <th> in thead that correspond to columns in tbody.
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Jun 19, 2011
I have a large e-commerce site that runs on a database. There are many products on the site which have 'variables' attached to them, e.g. colour, width, height etc. I have a script in place to sort the products depending on these variables Apologies for the length of the code.
(function(i) {var u =navigator.userAgent;var e=/*@cc_on!@*/false; var st =
setTimeout;if(/webkit/i.test(u)){st(function(){var dr=document.readyState;
else if((/mozilla/i.test(u)&&!/(compati)/.test(u)) || (/opera/i.test(u))){
document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded",i,false); } else if(e){ (
I didn't write this script and I'm not a JavaScript expert, so i don't know how to edit it properly. I want to change it's function from sorting to filtering, i.e. something along the lines of a slice function.
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Apr 10, 2011
I have 3 TextFields, called txtUSD, txtEUR, txtAUS. And a PopupList with the same values, minus the txt part, but I need to form the names of the TextFields to use based on the selection that the user made. So I've done this:
function btConvert_Click(event){
var amount = document.getElementById("txtAmount").value;
var rates = document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").value;
var from = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstFrom").options[document.getElementById('lstFrom').selectedIndex].text;
var to = "txt" + document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").options[document.getElementById("lstConvertTo").selectedIndex].text;
var curr_from = document.getElementById(from).value;
var curr_to = document.getElementById(to).value;
if(curr_from > curr_to){
amount * rates;
} else {
amount / rates;
} alert(result);
But every time I try it I get this error:
mobile/main.js line 215: Result of expression 'document.getElementById(from)' [null] is not an object.
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to make a function that will disable elements of a form based on which options are selected.
I have made this work for individual form controls but now i want to make it into a function that could be used on any form control.
Here is the broken function
I've probably just missed something but i really cant see what?
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Oct 13, 2005
I've got the following function which works perfectly...
for (x=1;x<howMany;x++){
what = "b_" + whichProcess + "_" + x;
document.getElementById(what).style.display = ''
the function will pass how many elements there are to be changed along with their ID numbers... it's used to hide rows on tables... eg:
<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>
the above hide perfectly... but I have other rows such as
<tr id="b_1_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_1_3"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_1"></tr>
<tr id="b_2_2"></tr>
<tr id="b_3_1"></tr>
my question is how can I make a loop which will hide ALL elements which begin with "b_"
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Nov 24, 2010
I am trying to hide div based on conditions..This is the scenario: the div should never appear again for that user, until i write another server side message.lets say i write a message today saying " we are really sorry, but the website will be don for one hour today" and you login today, the message will be displayed, when you click close its closed,it wont appear again for you, until i post another message,but each message would have an expiration date, if i post a message which would be displayed to every user, i should decide how long i want it displayed, maybe 24 hrs, so in 24 hrs the message should no longer display.
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Nov 12, 2009
I am trying to finish a script that shows a particular div based on the last 2 chars in the cookie value. I have the cookie part done. how to show hide part.
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Aug 21, 2011
I know from scouring the Web that this is a very common Javascript question, but I have a twist on the question which is giving me headaches, and I hope some of the brilliant minds here at DaniWeb can help show me the error of my ways.
Say a user has checked a checkbox when submitting a form. I have a PHP script that records that check in a MySQL record. Later when they visit the page, the PHP script shows the checkbox as being checked. That's all working fine.
Now here's what I'm TRYING to do: Since the checkbox is checked when the page loads, I want a certain div to show up. And when the user UNchecks the checkbox, I want the div to go away. Simple, right?
Here's the Javascript I've placed in the header:
In the CSS, I've styled a div thusly:
And here's what I'm doing in the <body>:
This should show up when you click Yellow Box. And it should go away when you click it again. </div>
When I uncheck the checkbox (first click), nothing happens: the div still shows up.
Then when I re-check the checkbox (second click), the div goes away.
And then when I un-check the checkbox again (third click), the div comes back.
In other words, it's doing the OPPOSITE of what I want.
It seems that when I click the checkbox the first time (to uncheck it), the Javascript pulls an empty value. Only with the second click is it finding a value ('none').
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Dec 28, 2009
I have a script I am trying to use to show or hide a div id. It uses a cookie, set on link click, to remember if the div should be displayed or not.
It works, but I'm having two problems:
1) The function only shows/hides the first instance of the div, not all instances.
2) Reloading the page after an initial cookie set causes the div to always initially be displayed regardless of the last cookie value (cookie seems to automatically re-set itself to 'tutor-show').
Here is the code:
You can see it in action here: uomeds{dt}com/cbl/cbl-2.htm
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Mar 19, 2011
how to do this with javascript for a table that i have made in php and html. I want to hide the row for the table based on the value inside my first column for each row of the table. Like if column 1 has "apple" inside it, then the row would not be shown. My table.php file that has the table i want to do this for:
<script language="javascript">
function toggleDisplay(e){
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May 6, 2011
I would like to show or hide a header element (e.g. <h3></h3>) based up a div tag that either contains content or not. The content is dynamically added or shown, but the header element isn't, which results in having the header element shown with no content below it many times.
Here's an example:
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May 6, 2011
As my question states, I want to disable my ad from showing if the user clicked to my site via certain portals such as google search or digg.com. How can I do this?
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Oct 17, 2011
I'm basically looking for script that uses hide show functionality. with the addition of save state ability based on a cookie that remembers what item the user last expanded for his/her previous visit.
In other words lets say a user expands a link that has a list of information.
Then the user leaves the page and comes back to the same page. It would be ideal if that page remembers(via cookie) what the user last expanded.
Does ANYONE... know where or can perhaps paste some sample code?
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Aug 6, 2009
I have a script to show and hide various divs based on a function & var. The problem I am having is that when ANY of the variables ('hate', 'ok' and 'love') are passed all 3 different feedback forms ('FeedbackHate', 'FeedbackOk' and 'FeedbackLove') appear, not just the one I want.
Here is the JS:
function sitesurveyswitch(emotion) {
var e = emotion;
document.getElementById('site_survey_hate').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px';
document.getElementById('site_survey_ok').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px';
document.getElementById('site_survey_love').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px';
document.getElementById('FeedbackHate').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('FeedbackOk').style.display = 'none';
document.getElementById('FeedbackLove').style.display = 'none';
if (e == 'hate')
document.getElementById('site_survey_hate').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px';
document.getElementById('FeedbackHate').style.display = 'block';
if (e == 'ok')
document.getElementById('site_survey_ok').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px';
document.getElementById('FeedbackOk').style.display = 'block';
if (e == 'love')
document.getElementById('site_survey_love').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px';
document.getElementById('FeedbackLove').style.display = 'block';
And here is the code related to this function:
<div id="siteSurveyBox">
<span id="site_survey_hate" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('hate');return false;"></span>
<span id="site_survey_ok" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('ok');return false;"></span>
<span id="site_survey_love" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('love');return false;"></span>
<div id="FeedbackHate" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;">
<div id="FeedbackOk" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;">
<div id="FeedbackLove" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;">
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May 29, 2010
I have a simple jQuery code that shows or hides a DIV based on the selected value of a select tag. Currently it looks like this and it's working fine:
if (selected == "0") jQuery("#divPublishDate").show('slow')
I want to add an else so that the if the value is anything other than 0, I want to hide the div. What's the proper syntax in this case? I assume this is the short version of an IF statement without the { }.
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Mar 29, 2010
I've got a fixed div that has a fixed tab as a trigger. I'd like to only show the trigger tab when the user scrolls down the page "X" pixels from the top (say like 200px). Can someone point me in the direction of implementing this?
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Jun 15, 2009
I have a select option like this:
<select id="color" name="color">
<option value="">Select a color</option>
<option value="1">Red</option>
<option value="2">Green</option>
<option value="3">Blue</option>
<option value="4">White</option>
<option value="5">Black</option>
And a button:
<div id="buttons" class="sportelloamiacque_formline">
<input type="submit" id="submitButton" name="submitButton" value="Continue" />
How can I hide the button is the combo has "Select a color" selected and show the button when the user select a color?
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