I know from scouring the Web that this is a very common Javascript question, but I have a twist on the question which is giving me headaches, and I hope some of the brilliant minds here at DaniWeb can help show me the error of my ways.
Say a user has checked a checkbox when submitting a form. I have a PHP script that records that check in a MySQL record. Later when they visit the page, the PHP script shows the checkbox as being checked. That's all working fine.
Now here's what I'm TRYING to do: Since the checkbox is checked when the page loads, I want a certain div to show up. And when the user UNchecks the checkbox, I want the div to go away. Simple, right?
Here's the Javascript I've placed in the header:
In the CSS, I've styled a div thusly:
And here's what I'm doing in the <body>:
This should show up when you click Yellow Box. And it should go away when you click it again. </div>
When I uncheck the checkbox (first click), nothing happens: the div still shows up.
Then when I re-check the checkbox (second click), the div goes away.
And then when I un-check the checkbox again (third click), the div comes back.
In other words, it's doing the OPPOSITE of what I want.
It seems that when I click the checkbox the first time (to uncheck it), the Javascript pulls an empty value. Only with the second click is it finding a value ('none').
What you can see is that I have a bunch of images which form a chart, each of the images has multiple classes.I want to write a function which when called fades in/out images dependant on whether all related checkboxes are checked or not.Checkboxes are related to the images by id on the checkbox and class on the image, as I'm sure you can see. I will be calling this method each time a checkbox is checked.
I'm trying to get the two followup questions underneath the checkbox to show up only if someone places a check there, but for some reason the way I've got it set up now it's simply hiding the area I want to show up altogether, and the checkbox has no effect on it.
Rather than waste tons of space pasting it here, here's the pastebin: [url]
Alternatively here is the live version:[url]
I'd prefer to have the form collapse when the additional questions are hidden, though if i can get this working at all.
I have a list of about 20 check boxes and I want a div to show when 3 have been selected as "Yes" option, how do i go about doing this?
Here is my html code:
<form> <ul id="quiz-list"> <li>1. My bed partner complains that I snore. <input id="select1" name="snore" type="radio" value="Yes" class="static_class style1" />Yes
I am trying to finish a script that shows a particular div based on the last 2 chars in the cookie value. I have the cookie part done. how to show hide part.
I have a script I am trying to use to show or hide a div id. It uses a cookie, set on link click, to remember if the div should be displayed or not.
It works, but I'm having two problems:
1) The function only shows/hides the first instance of the div, not all instances.
2) Reloading the page after an initial cookie set causes the div to always initially be displayed regardless of the last cookie value (cookie seems to automatically re-set itself to 'tutor-show').
Here is the code:
You can see it in action here: uomeds{dt}com/cbl/cbl-2.htm
I would like to show or hide a header element (e.g. <h3></h3>) based up a div tag that either contains content or not. The content is dynamically added or shown, but the header element isn't, which results in having the header element shown with no content below it many times.
I'm basically looking for script that uses hide show functionality. with the addition of save state ability based on a cookie that remembers what item the user last expanded for his/her previous visit.
In other words lets say a user expands a link that has a list of information.
Then the user leaves the page and comes back to the same page. It would be ideal if that page remembers(via cookie) what the user last expanded.
Does ANYONE... know where or can perhaps paste some sample code?
I have a script to show and hide various divs based on a function & var. The problem I am having is that when ANY of the variables ('hate', 'ok' and 'love') are passed all 3 different feedback forms ('FeedbackHate', 'FeedbackOk' and 'FeedbackLove') appear, not just the one I want.
Here is the JS: function sitesurveyswitch(emotion) { var e = emotion; document.getElementById('site_survey_hate').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px'; document.getElementById('site_survey_ok').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px'; document.getElementById('site_survey_love').style.backgroundPosition = '0px 0px'; document.getElementById('FeedbackHate').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('FeedbackOk').style.display = 'none'; document.getElementById('FeedbackLove').style.display = 'none'; if (e == 'hate') document.getElementById('site_survey_hate').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px'; document.getElementById('FeedbackHate').style.display = 'block'; if (e == 'ok') document.getElementById('site_survey_ok').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px'; document.getElementById('FeedbackOk').style.display = 'block'; if (e == 'love') document.getElementById('site_survey_love').style.backgroundPosition = '-80px 0px'; document.getElementById('FeedbackLove').style.display = 'block'; }
And here is the code related to this function: <div id="siteSurveyBox"> <span id="site_survey_hate" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('hate');return false;"></span> <span id="site_survey_ok" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('ok');return false;"></span> <span id="site_survey_love" onclick="sitesurveyswitch('love');return false;"></span> </div> <div id="FeedbackHate" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;"> FEEDBACK FORM IS HERE </div>
<div id="FeedbackOk" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;"> FEEDBACK FORM IS HERE </div> <div id="FeedbackLove" style="display:none; margin-top:-28px;"> FEEDBACK FORM IS HERE </div>
Assuming that a checkbox is initially unchecked, the following code works because the additional text is hidden, and when the checkbox is checked, the function if performed to show() it. However, what needs to be done if the checkbox may or may not be checked initially?
"show hide textbox when checkbox is checked and unchecked" without using 'window.onload' function
below is the code with window.onload function. if i use this, got some problem. using window.onload function i got this code through coding forums. after that i did some changes according to my requirement.
I have a simple jQuery code that shows or hides a DIV based on the selected value of a select tag. Currently it looks like this and it's working fine: if (selected == "0") jQuery("#divPublishDate").show('slow') I want to add an else so that the if the value is anything other than 0, I want to hide the div. What's the proper syntax in this case? I assume this is the short version of an IF statement without the { }.
I've got a fixed div that has a fixed tab as a trigger. I'd like to only show the trigger tab when the user scrolls down the page "X" pixels from the top (say like 200px). Can someone point me in the direction of implementing this?
I have a select box where the value must be passed via the form. If the users selects choice B or Choice C then I want a specific div to show. If they choose choice A then I want the div to hide or remain hidden. It should be hidden on page load.
Ok so I have a select box where the value must be passed via the form. If the users selects choice B or Choice C then I want a specific div to show. If they choose choice A then I want the div to hide or remain hidden. It should be hidden on page load.
I have a simple check box in an admin panel where the idea is that if it is checked then 'display' a div on the page, if it is not checked then hide it.When I tick the checkbox, the div shows up, but then disappears right away. (it does the fade-in display:block, but instantly changes back to display:none).
If the first radio button is selected, I only want all three buttons to be visible to the user.
If the second radio button is selected, I only want the "Edit Data" and "View Data" buttons to be visible.
If the third radio button is selected, I only want the "View Data" button to be visible.
Is it possible to accomplish this in Javascript? In particular, I want to continue using the "input type=submit" buttons without having to create my own.
how can I show / hide the content of sub divs based on whether the input is != or = and be able to repeat this.I tried to hide the sub divs using , onclick if bla bla = '' ;document.getElementById('hideme').innerHTML = ''; which works, but once I try to enter a new input, then nothing happens, even if the content of the sub divs is = input.
The two page sections you see on the page "One Time Gift" or "Monthly Subscription" are normally hidden via a document.write via a body onload. Generally, all of this functions well. But, I want to expand the use a bit here so I want to pass a $_POST value to this page from another page which hides or shows these two sections based on this passed value. So, if the value in "once", I want the div with the id="onetime" to be visible and the other div to be hidden. If the value is "monthly", then the opposite would happen. Now this is supposed to all happen as the page loads because we are just arrivng here from the sending page.
I have 3 divs that contain radio with labels and beneath each radio button I would like to show/hide a form based on whether the radio is selected or not.
Code idea:
So if the radio1 input is selected this would show form1. Selecting radio2 input would hide any other forms (form1, form3) and show form 2 etc.
I've tried to find a stright forward script which show/hide specific form fields based on a selected option. I've seen many online but non of them was working with me without the need of some coding or tweeks. Does anyone here have such script?
i would like to have 2 radio buttons each with a associated div when the page loads the first radio button will be checked and its corresponding div will be show when the user checks the other radio button its corresponding div is shown and the first div is hidden:
I'm having some issues with showing / hiding divs in a form based on radio button input. I'm fairly new to JavaScript so I'm still not 100% on what I'm doing... I have a pretty extensive form with quite a few container divs that are set initially to "display: none" and I need them to be set to "display:block" dependent on radio button input.
For this piece, I need the div with id "SFSCPROJSPONCOMP" to be displayed when the user selects the Radio button with name "PROJSPON" and value "COMP".If someone could provide me with JS code for that example, I can get through the rest of this form with ease.