Forms - Adding Values And Searching A Directory Dynamically
Aug 28, 2009
I have a form, and i am trying to add the values of 5 fields into one javascript variable. Then i need an ajax function to search a directory for a php file made from these variables and return a "file exists" or "file doesnt exist" message to the form.
For example, assume the following values have been inputted into the fields;
Field1 (Manufacturer) - Kawasaki
Field2 (Model_Name) - GPZ500
Field3 (Nickname) - None
Field4 (Market) - UK
Field5 (Year) - 2000
Then javascript needs to add the values of Field1 - Field5 (and add a few bits)to create (for example):
Then i need ajax to search a web directory for the file above, and if it exists return a link, or if it doesnt exist tell the user it doesnt exist.
im hoping that i can use ajax to do this search without clicking any buttons etc. unfortunately i have very little knowlegde of javascript and ajax and dont have a clue how i can go about implementing this.
i know how to do it by posting the variables to the next page and doing the check using php - but i would like instant validation as soon as the form fields have been entered.
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Aug 21, 2006
I have a webserver setup in my home, with an index file that is an access
comtrol page, that, if the authentication is sucessfull, takes the user to a
specific directory. In this directory I only have image files in .jpg format.
I need to create a page were the user can either browse the entiry
directory, or specify a filename to search for, wildcards enabled, and
beiing able to see a reduced size image in the result page when hovering the
image/file result link. Any Ideas?
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Jul 5, 2010
I'm currently working on a website called 'eXtreme Gaming' I've almost completed it, apart from two things.
- Adding two values on my checkout page for the Grandtotal (I've tried everything, but I'm too much of a noob and have probably missed something small).
- Validation of forms (I don't know where to start here, I've looked on w3schools for tuts etc but I'm having difficulty incorporating it on my site)
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Nov 14, 2011
how to add forms in javascript, but it's limited to text input forms.
<script type="text/javascript"><!--
function updatesum() {
document.form.sum.value = (document.form.sum1.value -0) + (document.form.sum2.value -0);
Where the inputs sum1 and sum2 are text fields you put whatever numbers you want in. That works fine. Great. Now what I'm having trouble with is modifying the code so that it will add one form with an input number with a form that spits out a randomly generated number.
<input type="button" value="D20" onclick="this.form.display.value = Math.round (20 * Math.random())" class="buttonHi" /> <input name="display" type="text" size="6" value="" />
This is what I'm using for my random number generator. So basically I want to be able to put, say, 5, into the input text field above this. And then click on the d20 button to get a random number, say, 15, and then have the first code add the inputted 5 with the randomly generated 15.
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Nov 2, 2011
How can I dynamically get all files name from a directory?I need to have a directory with pictures, and when I copy new ones, on my website to have them listed inside of a div. If jQuery can't do this, there is otherpossibility
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Jan 4, 2011
I like using PHP to dynamically set styles according to what directory the page is in. I'm doing a project where PHP isn't an option, so I'm trying to do it with javascript. The following isn't working - anything obvious wrong it?
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Mar 27, 2006
I need someone to point me to the write direction here. I know nothing of javascript, and I've tried looking everywhere I can on Google.
I have a drop down of all the sizes I have in a database. I call them to a form with the ID number as the value. What I want is when a user selects a size, it gets added to the table. For example:
<!--Repeat this bit with javascript according to the Paper/size chosen on the drop down -->
<td>Glossy</td><td>4x6</td><td><input quantity form></td>
<!--End repeat here -->
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to create a fairly simple form which contains a label, a
button, and a textbox.
I've done quite a bit of reading and, from what I can figure, the
following should work, but isn't....
var rowCommentBox = document.createElement("TR");
var cellCommentBox = document.createElement("TD");
var frmCommentBox = document.createElement("FORM");
frmCommentBox.setAttribute("METHOD", "POST");
var strAction = ""submitComments.asp?Org="+strOrg+"&date="+activeWeekBegins""
frmCommentBox.setAttribute("ACTION", strAction);
var rowFrmCommentBox = document.createElement("TR");
var cellFrmCommentBoxLabel = document.createElement("TD");
var strFrmCommentLabel = document.createTextNode("comment:");
var cellFrmCommentBoxButton = document.createElement("TD");
var btnFrmCommentBoxButton = document.createElement("INPUT");
btnFrmCommentBoxButton.setAttribute("TYPE", "SUBMIT");
btnFrmCommentBoxButton.setAttribute("VALUE", "UPDATE");
var cellFrmCommentBoxTxtbx = document.createElement("TD");
var txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx = document.createElement("INPUT");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("TYPE", "TEXT");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("cols", "50");
txtbxFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.setAttribute("VALUE", strComments);
cellFrmCommentBoxLabel.appendChild(strFrmCommentLa bel);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxLabe l);
cellFrmCommentBoxButton.appendChild(btnFrmCommentB oxButton);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxButt on);
cellFrmCommentBoxTxtbx.appendChild(txtbxFrmComment BoxTxtbx);
rowFrmCommentBox.appendChild(cellFrmCommentBoxTxtb x);
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Apr 29, 2011
I can see dozens of examples (both with and without jQuery) of javascript being used to append rows to tables within forms, but I can't find any example where more than one table is used.
I'll try to illustrate the idea with a crude sketch...
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Nov 22, 2010
I am doing an application with two dropdown boxes.Once we change the value of first drop down using database values ,the values in the second drop down should change..then click on done it should display the data from databse.. first dropdown :contains country names second dropdown :contains city of particular country..My problem here at is displaying values on second drop down based on first drop down selection:
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Aug 15, 2011
I have taken a class and have some experience in JAVA, but I have never used Javascript. I recently took on the task of maintaining my company's new website, and my boss needs a certain function for a form. Here's what I cannot do. I want to have some type of input or menu to be able to pick between 1 and 10. That number will be how many sets of HTML forms will be added (multiple lines of code per number). I am guessing I need a FOR loop and add in document.write("<html>") within it. I know how to do this in JAVA, but I do not know how to get an input (or menu value) to set the counter.
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Jun 27, 2011
Can anyone tell me the diff between the following two statements
var username=document.forms['myForm']['username'].value;
var username=document.myForms.username.value;
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Mar 9, 2011
I'm trying to write some javascript code that will give a user one of two messages (Correct or incorrect) base on whether they answer a question correctly. I have 2 issues that I was hoping someone could help me with:
1) My "incorrect" and "correct" messages all appear on the page load. Is there anyway to start without them being there?
2) More troubling: No matter what I put into the input boxes, the "incorrect" message pops up. Basically I need to better understand how to grab the actual input value (it's commented down below so I think that this should be a quick fix!)
function showAnswer(blurred,response)
var form = blurred.form;
var rbs = form[];
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Nov 9, 2010
I'm working on a project for work and I'm having some issue trying to distribute to program the smoothes as possible, on idea I had was using Javascript, Im kind of new at this so ill explain to you what Im hoping to do. Basically Im looking for a onload= function when the .hta opens it would get a file from lets say G:\path\path1\path2\file.hta to C:\path\path1\folder So it would take the file and copy past it in another folder from a different directory. If a popup message could popup saying completed
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Mar 2, 2010
When I add a tab, whose content is a form. The form is loaded by ajax $.ajax('url'); On ajax complete, I add a custom method for validation, which is supposed to get called when the "Upload" button in the form is clicked, but it never get called. I have searched and tried multiple things for two days now, and nothing works.
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Jul 7, 2009
I am using the JQuery validation plug in for form validations. My page contains a loop in which dynamic forms are generated and within each form some text fields are also dynamically generated. I have assigned the id and name attributes both to form and fields with dynamically appending a value. Now I want to apply the validation on all these form, please note that each form contains its own submit button. I have tried using the following selector,
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Jul 23, 2005
I'm trying to pass multiple dynamic values between a slaveform and a
masterform. The problem I'm having is on the slaveform I loop through
multiple records and want two values depending on the row they select....
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Nov 3, 2009
I have two forms with identically named arrays on each. I need to copy the values to the second form's array. Here's a simplified version of the HTML:
<form name="mainform">
<input type="text" size="10" name=firstnames[] value="Joe"/>
<input type="text" size="10" name=firstnames[] value="Bob"/>
<input type="text" size="10" name=firstnames[] value="Pat"/>
I'd like to be able to submit hiddenform with the firstnames array equal to ['Joe', 'Bob', 'Pat']. But I seem to be getting an awful lot of ['', '', ''] no matter how I go about it.
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Sep 23, 2006
I'm trying to develop fast, simple, html-based front ends
for some Windows application programs. My idea:
1. Use html forms to let users supply run parameters (title,
run options, etc.)
2. When the user presses a submit button:
a. The selected options for all the form fields are
written to an external file (e.g., c:projectinput.txt)
b. The application program, say, prog.exe, is executed.
This program then reads the run parameters from the file
input.txt and proceeds. Code:
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Sep 16, 2009
How can I use jQuery to submit multiple forms with different types, values, and actions? For example:
<form name="form1" method="get" action="submit1.php">
<input name="value1" type="text" value="">
Can I start the jQuery process from within a function when clicking on the submit button?
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May 6, 2010
I'm using the autofill forms plugin for firefox which can be found here: [URL]. I use it to automatically fill various web forms. But I would like certain values to be chosen randomly from a list I create. I contacted the developer and he said the add on probably does not need a new feature because there is a 'dynamic tags' function to fill certain forms with dynamic values (e.g. the current time or date). He has given over the project to another developer and told me I probably would find a solution in a good javascript programming forum.
Basically, I just need a javascript code which chooses on item from an array randomly, I guess? Here are sample dynamic tags from the plugin:
<datetime> new Date().toLocaleString()
<useragent> navigator.userAgent
<langcode> navigator.language
<resolution> screen.width+'x'+screen.height
<clipboard> this.getClipboardText()
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Mar 8, 2011
I currently have a page which, when the user clicks a button creates a new row displaying a form. I also have other forms on this page how to close a form using javascript? My code to create the table row and form are below...
myform = document.createElement("form");
myform.method = "post";
myform.action = "editdetails.php"; = "editemail"; = "editemail";
var a=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(2);
var b=document.getElementById('editdetailstable').insertRow(3);
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May 26, 2010
how I would dynamically add another table once text fields in the existing table is clicked on.So pretty much what I have is a table with 5 textboxes lined up horizontally in the first row along with couple of buttons in the second row.What I want is that once one text box is clicked, another table like the one above is created and appears below that initial table. So this is the inital table that should be replicated on each click:
<td><input type="text" /></td>
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May 1, 2009
I'm trying to add a script tag dynamically to the head of DOM of course without any success...this tag should use the google search api if only it worked...
var head = document.commandDispatcher.focusedWindow.document.getElementsByTagName("head");
var s = document.createElement("script");
s.type = "text/javascript";
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Dec 7, 2002
I'm currently looking at data-piping ie making server calls without reloading the page, the server returning some data to a cookie and the calling page using that same data on the page using DHTML. So far so good...
But is it possible to actually use javascript to actually write more javascript onto the page? Or, alternatively, is it possible to dynamically add a call to an external javascript file.
Something like...
document.writeln('<script src="script.js")
The idea being that the server could return functions for the calling page to use, which would be very nice for complex web applications.
If you can do this, what issues do you need to be aware of?
If you can't, are there any ways of achieveing the same things? I'm thinking of things like dynamically adding a scriptlet call to the page in Windows IE, though a more cross-browser solution would be cool.
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Oct 1, 2010
I am adding a div tag dynamically and depending on the #id, I want to highlight it a different way. How do i get it to recognize the new div tag on an action that normally happens on page load.
My understanding is .live only works with events and there is no event in this case, is there?
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