Form Is Not Refferring To Its Element By Form.fieldname
Jun 15, 2010
I have a form in my webpage and i am referring to the form element as formname.elementname. But when i select 5000 records from one screen and goes to other screen the form in the new screen stops recognising its element. If i do not select 500 records from screen on and directly going to screen 2 the screen works perfectly fine. Any Known bug with i think.
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Aug 17, 2011
is there a way to ask if the #FORM.fieldname# exist to proceed with the next one ? FYI : StartDateName22 is a dynamic generated textbox i am using the following code :
<cfif not isDefined (#FORM.StartDateName22#) or #FORM.StartDateName22# or EQ "" >
Elemnt 2,2 is not defined
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Mar 16, 2010
How does one cause a form element to appear ONLY if a certain form selection is made before it?
That is for example say there is a form element of type Radio called "format" so only if they select format value = normal then the form input fields called URL and Name are to appear as the next choices otherwise form input field Group and checklist Places are to appear as the next choices.
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Dec 14, 2011
I'm working on a script that will produce multiple dynamic forms based on the results of an ajax request. The ajax request does a db query that will return 0 to x number of rows. For each row, a new serialized form is created. Since the forms do not exist at page load, I'm having problems getting the value of the form elements so that I can run other functions on them (update inputs and selects). I've stripped down everything so that I can show a basic example. In the example, how would I get the value of "#orderID"? The body contains a div (previousList) that has a list of items that when clicked will trigger the ajax query. It also has a div (line details) that will hold all of the forms that are generated.
<div id="lineDetails">
check it out </div>
<div id="previousFrm" class="ui-widget-header ui-state-highlight ui-corner-all">
<h3>Previous Returns/Cancels</h3>
<div id="previousList">
<ul class="previous" id="returnList">
<li id="1000997" class="names">1000997: 101853</li>
<li id="1000995" class="names">1000995: 101853</li> .....
But callingconsole.log("order line value is " + $("#orderID").val());
results in 'undefined'.
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Oct 13, 2009
I'm having some problems understanding the append() function. What I'd like to do is select an element using it's ID and add a row to the table with a HTML form element. The table is dynamically generated using a Django template ( form.as_table() ) so I'm not able to alter the original HTML markup too much.
If I had a table like this...
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Jul 26, 2010
I have created a form with malsup's Form Plugin wherein it submits on change of the inputs. I have set up my jQuery script to index drop down menus and visible inputs, and uses that index to determine whether keydown of tab should move focus to the next element or the first element, and likewise with shift+tab keydown. However, instead of moving focus to the first element from the last element on tab keydown like I would like it to, it moves focus to the second element. How can I change it to cycle focus to the actual first and last elements? Here is a live link to my form: [URL]. Here is my script:
$(document).ready(function() {
var options = {
target: '#c_main',
success: setFocus
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Aug 26, 2010
I have a javascript here for adding my div element to my registration form,Adding the div element is easy, but it shows on the bottom of my form. I cant make it as the first child element of my form...This is my code
var _form = document.getElementById('registration_form');
var errorDiv = document.createElement('div');
errorDiv.setAttribute('class', 'confBox');
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May 10, 2011
I tried jQuery('#calculateform').children('input, select, textarea').each(function(key){ alert(key + ': ' + jQuery(this).val()); but it goes only 2time throw (for each button it has)and it SOULD list all elemts (including hidden fields). I need each element with name and value.
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Jan 30, 2006
I'm trying to make it so that if the user sets focus to a form element
(text), it automatically sets focus to the very next form element. This
will, in effect, prevent the user from modifying the value. I know I can do
this by setting the form element to 'readonly' but that's not possible as
I'll need to modify that value elsewhere in my JS. Anyway...
I know I can do something like this:
Only problem for me with the above method is that I'm generating my form
dynamically so I won't know a) which element number the current field is and
b) which, if any, is the next element. I've tried setting up an event
handler so:
but that doesn't work. Apparently, I can't use nextSibling when working
with a form element. So I'm wondering how I can do what I'm needing to do?
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Jan 11, 2010
Is it possilble to get the name of a form by an element within it. Scenario: I have a page that has a menu system and on of the <a href> I have this
a href="javascript:formSubmit(this);" class="delete" onClick="javascript:setTextValue('request', 'delete');">Delete</a>
That then goes to this funcion (please forget the setTextValue) that works which just sets a hidden input to that value for processing later
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Jul 23, 2005
How do I get the ordinal of a form element from a reference to the
object itself.
For example:
<script language="javascript">
function disp_val(objField){
alert(---the ordinal of objField in form---)
<input type="text" onblur="disp_val(this)"><br>
<input type="text" onblur="disp_val(this)">
I need to pass the ordinal to another function which I have no control
over. Not having any luck figuring this out. I'm sure it's simple and
I'm missing the obvious solution. I'm workign strictly with IE 5.5+.
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Sep 14, 2007
Is it possible to use variables as the name for a form element e.g.
<script type="text/Javascript">
<script type="text/Javascript">
var myvar = 1;
<input name="myvar" type="radio" value="radiobutton" />test
I tested the above and looked at the course. The name is shown as "myvar" and not "1", so I guess it didn't work.
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Jan 30, 2004
I used DOM to add another input field ot the middle of a HTML form, when I do a submit or look at the fields using form.elements, they are in the right position in IE.
However, if I do it in Mozilla, the new input field shows up at the end rather in the right position. For me, the ordering in submit is important. Is there anyway to get around the problem?
BTW, using DOM to go through the fields is a pain too because one cannot just use getElementsByTagName('INPUT') because there are also textarea and select.
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Feb 24, 2004
In a thread somewhere, someone wanted to know if there was a form element that would create a slider bar for the users to select a rating for something or other.
Well I went away and made one in DHTML and it works in all but five browsers (IE 3.0 4.0, NN 4.79 Opera 5.02 6.00) that I have tested it on.
Once I had made it, I decided to make it more customizable by allowing users to set the width of the bar more easily.
Then I considered using XML to create the slider bar so that it would work for non-JavaScript users, I decided against this for two reasons, not many people use XHTML for their pages and I don't know XML. Instead I just included a noscript section with just a normal text box in.
Then someone at school told me that I could use ActiveX to create a slider bar. Well, lets just say that I know more about XML than ActiveX and leave it at that.
So as it stands this is just your average, run-of-the-mill, DHTML script. I'm posting it here to see if anyone can think of any ways that I could make it better or just tell me how damn good it is. :D I don't mind either way, honest.
I plan on submitting it to Dynamic Drive so that's why there are credits all over the place if you're wondering.
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Aug 25, 2010
I'm trying to determine a better method of finding the index value of a form element. I need to find it because the JavaScript validation class has a function for validating a single form element, but it requires that the index number of the element in the form be passed in.Currently I am accomplishing this by a function that I wrote which I call for each field I want to validate:
function getIndex(element)
for (var i=0; i<document.thisForm.elements.length; i++)
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Jun 9, 2004
Here's my situation:
I want to loop through a set (10) of similar named form elements to check if they are blank:
for (i = 1; i <= 10; i++)
if (document.form1.firstname??.value=="")
alert("A FIRST NAME is required to proceed");
document.form1.firstname??.focus();return false
My question is how do I refer to the loop variable "i" in location "??"
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Jul 7, 2004
The problem I'm facing is I have a form which isn't name (and no I can't name it either ). And I want to fill in the value of one of the text inputs.
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Sep 22, 2011
Having a form like this:
HTML Code:
when I capture the dispatch of the form and try to get the value of any of these file fields:
PHP Code:
There's a Javascript error saying that form.file is undefined. It's strange because I see in Firebug that "file" actually exists as a property of "form". The same happens if I get rid of the temporary variable "form" and I do it this way:
So, I eventually had to use the getElementById('image' + i) method in order to do what I wanted. But there must be a "natural" way to get a value from an array defined in a form.
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Dec 24, 2005
Mozilla-based browsers have watch and unwatch methods to detect change
in value of form elements (or any Javascript variables really). IE
doesn't support this.
Is there a a reliable cross-browser way alternative to this? Something
that will let me detect a change in value for a form element and
trigger my own callback function upon change?
Hopefully, something that is generic enough to be called as
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Jul 20, 2005
I have problem in retrieve a value of a form element that have name
begin with a number. For example, for this HTML code
<input type="text" name="0000ABC12345CD6789" id="0000ABC12345CD6789">
I got Javascript error at document.form.0000ABC12345CD6789.value
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Jun 20, 2009
For testing, I wrote 1 line of code inside a form:
<script language=javascript type=text/javascript>
$('div').after('<input name="myvariable" value="My value"/
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Oct 11, 2009
I have a form and want to select a text input element _in that specific form_. This is my code:
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Oct 3, 2009
Below is a script i found that would countdown the characters in a form element. I have a form that comes "pre-populated" with text. Can this script be modifed such that the counter would be initiated with the length of the text area in question?
function CountLeft(field, count, max) {
if (field.value.length > max)
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Sep 23, 2009
I'm trying to automatically generate a new <option> tag in a html form using the below code, but it's not working. The get_lightboxes function is being called via the add_to_lightbox functon.
function get_lightboxes(title, new_lightbox_id){
var new_option = document.createElement('option');
new_option.text = title;
new_option.value = new_lightbox_id;
var select_box = document.getElementByID('lightbox_select');
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Oct 31, 2009
I have this form that depending on the shift you choose certain form elements get grayed out. Here's the part that I don't understand. I validate the form in php and display the errors but the form re-enables everything that was grayed out. Not the behavior I was expecting. How would I go about this?I attached a copy of the HTML source created from php.
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Nov 7, 2009
Can someone see what is wrong with this code:
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