My company just redid our web site...http:[url]....
We know we have a few kinks to work out, but one of them that I can't figure out involves the top nav... It is grows and shrinks when you scroll updown, and during that process flickers where ever there is flash behind it. Likewise, there is a loading gif that we put in when you change pages, and it also flickers.It only seems to be on FF on PC or Mac.I've already tried messing with solid background colours, and z-indexs on the container that's flickering and that doesn't seem to do it.
Bit of the opposite of what a lot of people seem to be after it seems, but I was wondering if it is possible to make an image "flicker" randomly by randomly changing how transparent it is?The goal is to create a flickering neon sign, but to do it without using flash. I've got the flickering working fine in flash, but just not loading fine without messing things up so I'm hoping I can do it with jquery or even just js.
I wanted to see if it would be possible to create an effect similar to a flash effect on a website. If you visit and scroll down to the bottom, you will notice the little clover on the left hand side. If you hover over it, it fades in "made by clover" with a clickable link. If you move the mouse, it fades back into the clover. Would an animation like this be possible using jQuery? If so, how would I go about doing it?
I am trying to achieve this effect in flash CS4 or any other format:[URL].. (if you go to english, then to the women's section and then click on a jacket and see how it zooms and pans) Been searching all over but nothing...
I was wondering if there is a technique in jQuery or Scriptaculous to create an effect similar to the one here Check out how the image scrolls in and out. This is currently in Flash, but I'd like to do something similar with a JavaScript library.
I would want to show a div (the information about the song) when the visitor hover on a cover art on a radio website but this div overlap the cover art with an opacity of 0.7
You can see an example here: [url]
The problem is that when the information div appears, the mouse pointer isn't on the cover art div anymore for the navigator so the information div disappears, and so on... resulting in a flash effect.
I have a chat script in php that is working great, I use meta refresh to see new posts and that is very irritating for the users. I have come across many a javascript that claims no flicker in the refresh, but they do.
I don't know that much javascript, but I have heard thet AJAX can be used to poll to the server to get data without refreshing. I have been searching like crazy and I haven't seen very many tutorials for this.
I have my server side script working, I just want to refresh without flicker. Does anyone know how to call to the server script without refreshing the page?
I am writing a small script to fade the opacity of an image/object. The script itself works fine only I do have some unwanted behaviour.
I do use a tablecell object and the mouseover/mouseout to activate the script. In the same cell are some links listed and when you move the cursor over the links the image starts to flicker. This is because of the getElementById that identifies each link as an object.
Anyone knows how I can solve this behaviour? (Below is the sourcecode I use)
Since jQuery.browser and jQuery.browser.version are depreciated as of jQuery 1.3, what is the preferred way to check if the browser (in this case IE6) needs to have the "BackgroundImageCache" set?The closest match I see is, but I'm not sure if that is pertaining to how the browser interprets the alpha properties of images or if it's other elements as well? Ref: document.execCommand("BackgroundImageCache", false, true)[URL]...
I have an issue with a spry accordion panel causing a flicker. The page is at: [URL] When I do a keyword search however and get a list of results, the flicker dissapears. It is flickering on some pages and not on others.
I've adapted code from theslideSwitch.js tutorialby Jon Raasch, which is basically a fading slideshow. The script promotes the 'active' slide to a higher z-index and animates the opacity for a fading effect. It's working fine with a pause added to stop the slideshow temporarily on mouseover. The issue I'm having is I'm trying to stop the script from queuing up when repeatedly mousing over/off the slideshow. When this happens it flickers and goes berserk. I've experimented withstop(true,true)in various locationsbut haven't got it working properly. Where to insert this in the following code?
Code is below... // slideshow function function slideSwitch() { var $active = $('#hp-featured'); if ( $active.length == 0 ) $active = $('#hp-featured div:last'); var $next = $ ? $ : $('#hp-featured div:first'); $active.addClass('last-active'); $next.css({opacity: 0.0}) .addClass('active') .animate({opacity: 1.0}, 1000, function() { $active.removeClass('active last-active'); });}; var playSlideshow = setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 ); // pauses the slideshow on mouseover, then plays again on mouseout $(function() { $('#hp-featured div').hover(function() { clearInterval(playSlideshow); }, function() { playSlideshow = setInterval( "slideSwitch()", 5000 ); });});
Doing my own fitness bootcamp site and want to fancy up my front page. My front page loads a picture and I want it to load like flash. What could I do? I have all the Adobe Software, just don't know how to use it.
I need a simple javascript that I can use in my HOME page.index.html has a flash animationnoflash.html is a page without flash animationKindle does not support Flash and therefore i want to redirect my index.html to noflash.html page.
I work for a company called Best of the Best ( We use Flash countdown clocks to mark the end of our competitions. The issue we now have is that our clients are using mobile platforms more and more and as bloody Apple wont support flash (not fully anyway) we need the option to detect whether our users have flash and if not then replace the current <OBJECT>Blah Blah Parameters etc</OBJECT> with <DIVCLASS="NON_FLASH_CONTAINER">All other bits in middle</DIV>Is this at all possible?
I'm trying to put some code together to create an image-swapping system, that when you click on the image it'll hide the image and replace it with a given iframe vimeo/youtube code...The swapping part works fine, however when the iframe loads up, it hides all other flash objects in the page, and I can't figure out why.Here's the JS
Code: function swapvideo(w,h,url) { document.getElementById('video_pholder').style.display='none';
I am seeking to change the color attribute in my CSS file under the ID's #realmaturesingles and #seniorpeoplemeet upon the hovering of these links. These two ID's are initialized inside an <a> tag (these are links). How can I do this with JavaScript? This is what I tried:
Im having a bit of trouble with the bounce show effect from jquery ui. To see what I mean, check out my development site. Anytime you modify a part in this computer builder, the rigth side gets updated. Right now its removing and adding list items. Problem is when click items too fast, the animation doesnt finish and the next item gets bumped lower and lower.
I have created no flash pages and flash pages, but instead of creating a portal at the front of the site that leads you to a flash site and a no flash site id like to do it so the page detects flash or not, and redirects to whichever URL.
Is this possible, or do multiple browsers cause problems ?
I have created a transparent flash video (virtual spokesperson) for my website. For demoing purposes, I would like to have this appear on any desired website.
This is what I am trying to produce - here a virtual spokesperson appears on the [url]website: [url]
Have a look at other sites which enable one to type in a URL and their demo virtual spokesperson appears on the given site: [url] [url]
I believe they do this within an iframe to display the underlying website.
I'm looking for websites that do Flash-like things but without using Flash, only with Javascript/ajax.
I'm not looking for a particular effect, I just want examples of sites that have the coolness and eye-catching factor that Flash can have - know what I mean?
I have a question, I'm developing my own LightBox with jQuery, and I call 2 function, animate and fadeIn and both of them work with the same element, fadeIn also with 2 elements more, but this isn't problem. And fadeIn I call before animate and here is the issue, it starts animate this element by fadeIn and after it is done, start function animate. But in second part, I call it again, and the element, which I animate in both of them, can't animate by fadeIn because he is visible, so immediately start function animate.
I have the a hovering div, within that div i have settings that people can change, but for some reason there needs to be a smal flash animation with a continual sound clip. When a user clicks close the hovering div should be removed from the domtree thus removing the div and the flash movie.
In FF this works fine.
In IE it also works, in that the div is deleted, but for somereason the sound continues to play on the page. Even though the flash element doesnt exist. Have done a document.getElementById(flashmovie) to determine if its there.
I am removing the node from the tree using document.body.removeChild(hoveringdiv); where hoveringdiv is the element itself.
Now as you can imagine the continuous sound is an annoyance. How do i stop flash playing, and hence remove the sound, or how do i mute the flash. Is this possible in Javascript? I cant access the swf or actionscript.
Also if this isnt possible can someone point me to where i can learn about how IE handles sound within a webpage so i can see if there is some pointers in there.