I have created no flash pages and flash pages, but instead of creating a portal at the front of the site that leads you to a flash site and a no flash site id like to do it so the page detects flash or not, and redirects to whichever URL.
Is this possible, or do multiple browsers cause problems ?
Doing my own fitness bootcamp site and want to fancy up my front page. My front page loads a picture and I want it to load like flash. What could I do? I have all the Adobe Software, just don't know how to use it.
I need a simple javascript that I can use in my HOME page.index.html has a flash animationnoflash.html is a page without flash animationKindle does not support Flash and therefore i want to redirect my index.html to noflash.html page.
I work for a company called Best of the Best (www.botb.com). We use Flash countdown clocks to mark the end of our competitions. The issue we now have is that our clients are using mobile platforms more and more and as bloody Apple wont support flash (not fully anyway) we need the option to detect whether our users have flash and if not then replace the current <OBJECT>Blah Blah Parameters etc</OBJECT> with <DIVCLASS="NON_FLASH_CONTAINER">All other bits in middle</DIV>Is this at all possible?
I'm trying to put some code together to create an image-swapping system, that when you click on the image it'll hide the image and replace it with a given iframe vimeo/youtube code...The swapping part works fine, however when the iframe loads up, it hides all other flash objects in the page, and I can't figure out why.Here's the JS
Code: function swapvideo(w,h,url) { document.getElementById('video_pholder').style.display='none';
I have created a transparent flash video (virtual spokesperson) for my website. For demoing purposes, I would like to have this appear on any desired website.
This is what I am trying to produce - here a virtual spokesperson appears on the [url]website: [url]
Have a look at other sites which enable one to type in a URL and their demo virtual spokesperson appears on the given site: [url] [url]
I believe they do this within an iframe to display the underlying website.
I'm looking for websites that do Flash-like things but without using Flash, only with Javascript/ajax.
I'm not looking for a particular effect, I just want examples of sites that have the coolness and eye-catching factor that Flash can have - know what I mean?
I have the a hovering div, within that div i have settings that people can change, but for some reason there needs to be a smal flash animation with a continual sound clip. When a user clicks close the hovering div should be removed from the domtree thus removing the div and the flash movie.
In FF this works fine.
In IE it also works, in that the div is deleted, but for somereason the sound continues to play on the page. Even though the flash element doesnt exist. Have done a document.getElementById(flashmovie) to determine if its there.
I am removing the node from the tree using document.body.removeChild(hoveringdiv); where hoveringdiv is the element itself.
Now as you can imagine the continuous sound is an annoyance. How do i stop flash playing, and hence remove the sound, or how do i mute the flash. Is this possible in Javascript? I cant access the swf or actionscript.
Also if this isnt possible can someone point me to where i can learn about how IE handles sound within a webpage so i can see if there is some pointers in there.
I need a map that pop up pictures when the mouse is over a specific area. I was wondering if java would be the way to go if I wanted to do this without flash. If so should I use layers and just make them visible when the mouse is in a specific area? For multiple pics is it possible to store the images in an array and have them load on call? I'm still a student and learning so I'm not sure what limits javascripting has yet.
does anybody know how I am able to control Flash Movies from html or JavaScript? For example, I want a movie go to a specific frame each time I open the html file where it is embedded.
I am trying to display an iframe over a flash swf and this doesn't seem to work quite right.
I get the iframe content to disply over the flash, but in the place of the iframe's scrollbars, I see the color of the flash movie underneath. I am testing this in Firefox on Mac OSX with Flash MX. I tried setting "wmode" to "transparent" and that didn't fix it either.
I am guessing that even though the iframe is being displayed on top of the flash, for some reason the iframe's scrollbars are getting hidden behind the flash.
<!-- Begin function popUp(URL) { day = new Date(); id = day.getTime(); eval("page" + id + " = window.open(URL, '" + id + "', 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,men ubar=0,resizable=0,width=194,height=146,left = 440,top = 288');"); }
// End --> </script>
It opens a new window when the user clicks on a certain link.
Well, somewhere else in the page, I embeded a flash media object and found out now that everytime the page opens, the pop up window opens too which is NOT what I want. I want the Popup window to only open when the user clicks on a text link (which it did work perfectly until I put in the flash object).
So why is the flash object calling the popup window instead of just playing like it is supposed to?
What I am finding out is that is opens a new window, which is great, but it loops - now I converted the video in Flash MX, but it doesn't allow me to change the loop properties of the flash video, only the HTML properties. Is there a quick fix for this using this javascript?
I'm not too familiar with javascript and usually do most of my animation/linking with flash. However my client does not want flash because it can't be displayed on the iPhone. If you go here: [URL]. You will see a menu on the left that starts to scroll through the buttons while showing different images on the right. But if you hover over any button it stops on that image. The buttons are then linked to individual pages. I attempted to try and replicate this technique here: [URL]. However I am not sure how to write or modify my script so that it scrolls through the photos like my flash version does.
im trying to load a flash intro movie, i got it to work for me on ie7 and the newest firefox, and a few other ppl can see it but there are some that can, and it is just a blank page, here is my .js file called intromovie.js
like i said it works for some ppl, and not for others. it works for me so i can't find a problem at all. and the other ppl that can't see it use the same browsers, and im doing it this way to prevent the extra click and when you move your mouse over it you don't get the boarder.,
I need to write a script that detects if a person has flash installed and if they do then do something, if not do something else.
I can do this no problem with javascript - except for the detecting flash part. I have no idea how to have a js detect flash - or even if its possible.
This works fine but I have other pages that I want to call from the Flash movie and load into the same window. What I find though is that the popup loses focus and dissappears behind the original window when called for the second time.
Is there any way of ensuring that every time it's called it focuses in front of everything. Unfortunately I can't use "onLoad=self.focus()" in the destination file because I can't amend the files in question. Is there a solution that would work with existing code I have?
I've noticed a subtle yet cool feature in Safari and I'm wondering how they did it. If you go to YouTube and open one of the videos in a new tab (Command-click), the page will load in the new tab but the video won't start loading or playing. Then if you click on the tab, the video will start playing and loading. If you immediately click back to another tab, the video will continue loading but will stop playing.
It seems pretty clear how Safari could stop the flash animation from loading the first time, but how does it distinguish between preloading activity and video-playing activity when you switch back to the other tab? Is it possible to emulate this by interacting with the flash animation with javascript?
I only have limited experience with Flash, which is probably why I'm puzzled by this. I'm a programmer though so don't spare the details.
Flash has a panel which called color mixer. In the color mixer, I can make colors, which are linear / radial colors (changing from one color to another).
Can I do this without flash (I only want to create a bitmap like this)? Is there any web-site that includes free images that are linear/radial colors?