Empty Array Element Variable Type?

Oct 22, 2009

What type of variable is an empty array element? I thought it was undefined, but i noticed that they have different behavior than undefined does:

var r=Array(1);
var s=r.concat([0,"",null,undefined]);
alert (s.toSource()) //==="[, 0, "", null, (void 0)]"
typeof s[0] //==="undefined"
typeof s[4] //==="undefined"

As you can see, 0 and 4 both === undefined. Yet, they don't have the same toSource()...
Is this special type named anything specific? Or more importantly, can it be detected outside of an array as being distinct from undefined? I am thinking this would be the same type as ({}).nonProp ...
I guess the question is actually, "can you tell the difference between uninitialized and undefined"?

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JQuery :: Detect What Type Of Tag/element Is Variable?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a variable that contains Form Elements. So these elements can be eitther a :text either a :check box See code below:

var currentValue = $(targetedInput).val() ? currentValue = $(targetedInput).val() : currentValue =$(targetedInput).is(':checked')

I was hopping that this line of code would assign a different value to currentValue depending on what kind of object i have. My idea was that If the current Object is a check bot it doesn t have a val attribute..

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Declare An Empty Array?

Sep 14, 2010

How do i declare an empty array?

I need to iterate through a group of arrays and search for a user-chosen word every time.

The problem is i can't declare how many array elements will be needed, such as: new array = (12), because some words inside my arrays, occur more than others.

So i need to decalare an empty array with x number of possible values.

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Hiding A Div If A Variable Is Empty ?

Sep 30, 2009

I'm using a Javascript gallery (runs on Prototype library) that populates a caption field if the user has entered a caption for an image.

I need a little bit of code to hide the caption's div entirely if the user hasn't entered a caption for a particular image (var 'caption' is empty).

It's the bottom-right white box below the image, you'll have to click over to the second page of the gallery (NEXT) to see an example of an empty one that I want to hide:


Here's the CSS:

Here's the HTML:

I'm sure this isn't that hard, but I've spent more time trying to get that caption box to hide than setting up the gallery.

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Hide DIV If If Variable Is Empty

Aug 19, 2011

I'm developing a wordpress based site using custom fields. It is basically a database of company sites we serve hosted locally on our systems for our reference only.

The fields are manually inserted into the single.php file which outputs the variables typed into the text box in the "add new post" page.

For example <?php the_field('domain'); ?> outputs the domain such as ds02.jamies.local in plain text.

Here is a small excerpt of the page:


The div "post3" is basically a big box with a border and background. Inside that is the title for the box, then the php variable enclosed in a div "inside" underneath.

Now in most cases, we do not have all the information. There is around 40 boxes and if only 10 are filled in, its quite a headache scrolling past 30 empty boxes trying to find filled in one.

Is there a way, using simple javascript to simply hide those empty boxes?

My coding is quite poor, but im trying to learn. Ive tried this and it was a partial success on jsfiddle but nothing on the site itself


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Empty The Src In An Img Element?

Jan 5, 2011

Is there a way to empty the src in an img element?

Say I have <img src="ex.jpg" alt="ex"/>

Is there code to clear the src file?

Something like this?

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Javascript Array Is Not Empty On Creation

Jul 23, 2005

im currently working on a web app which uses heavy javascript. in one
of the functions, a simple array is created using "var admin_types =
new Array();". This array is not empty, it has a length of 0 but
contains one element with the name "clone" and the value

function () { var copy = {}; for (var i in this) { var value = this[i];
try { if (value != null && typeof (value) == "object" && value !=
window && !value.nodeType) { value.clone = Object.clone; copy[i] =
value.clone(); } else { copy[i] = value; } } catch (e) { copy[i] =
value; } } return copy; }

why does this element get created?? The weird thing is that i use a lot
of arrays and this is the only one that has that element.

i tried this in firefox 1.0, ie 5.5 and mozilla 1.7.1 and the element
is in the array for all of them...

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JQuery :: Declaring An Empty Array?

Aug 28, 2009

What I want to do is declare an empty array. so i do it like this:

var changedValues = {};

Now i m populating this array dynamically with values, something like this

changedValues[elemName] = elemValue;

This also works fine. BUT, when i do a alert(changedValues.length)....

it gives "UNDEFINED" even though the array is not empty. Saw it through firebug .. Can anyone tell me wht is happening here?

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Remove Empty Space From Array?

Sep 7, 2009

I have the following code which will split the given input based on the comma(,) and will store each value in separate address of the same array.[code]...

How can we remove the empty values while displaying the output or how we can remove the spaces from array+

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Method To Remove Empty Array Values?

May 14, 2010

Is there a built in method to remove empty array elements?

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Error Handling - Display Array If Not Empty Into DIV

Sep 17, 2009

I'm not an expert with javascript nor am I too familiar with the syntax. What I'm trying to do is store all errors into an array like so:

Code JavaScript:
var errors = new Array();
var example = '';
if (example == '') {
errors[] = 'This example field is empty';

What I'm trying to do at the end is display the array if its not empty into a DIV called errors (or something). I know how to do this in PHP but I'm trying to do first validation layer through javascript. So something like this:

Code JavaScript:
<div class="errors">
if (errors != '') {//If the array is not empty
for (keyvar in errors) {
document.write(array[keyvar]);//Display Errors

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JQuery :: Passing Variable Gives Empty String

Oct 5, 2011

I have this image gallery in which clients should be able to determine the order in which their images are shown. The sortable part works. Then I want to pass the new order to the next page called act_writeneworder.cfm (i am using coldfusion)
I just started with jQuery and it is driving me nuts:-) Each time I think I am having it well i am testing and the variable passed through gives an empty string.
My code:

<script type="text/javascript">
$(function() {
$( "#ulsortable" ).sortable();


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Default Operator ( || ) Doesn't Work With Empty Array?

Aug 13, 2010

anotherVar should be -1 if there are no matches, but it doesn't seem to work var string = "abadafa"; var matches = string.match(/a/gi); //doesn't work with /z/ for example

var anotherVar = matches.length || -1; The default operator should return the second value if the first is null or false, and according to try { alert(matches.length);

catch (e){
alert(e); //alerts null
} it's null.

fyi: http://helephant.com/2008/12/javascript-null-or-default-operator/

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Make Html Element Empty

Oct 27, 2009

I am looking for a method to make a html element empty (no innerHTML). This would be pretty easy if it weren't for IE. IE has the bug that innerHTML is read-only for tables (and some other elements too). So my function

function clearElement(id){
document.getElementById(id).innerHTML = "";

doesn't work on tables (and I need it to work on tables). Would there be any other way for me to do this in a way as general as possible. I don't want to bother with 2 different functions for what is essentially the same task and I'm curious how this could be solved in a nice way.

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JQuery :: Grab One URL And Append It To Empty Element?

Aug 18, 2010

Using jquery can we grab one url and append it to empty element?

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Element Offsetwidth Calculation With Empty Space?

Nov 26, 2009

I am not able to calculate the offsetwidth of the element which contains extra space in between the characters.for ex. if the element contains "A A" as a innerHTML value - if we calculate offsetwidth as 29 and also if the element contains "A A" value again I am getting the same offsetwidth as 29.While calculating the offsetwidth it is not calculating the empty space.May I know how to calculate the offsetwidth with the empty space because I need to insert the ellipsis (...) if it exceeds original width?

Code snipet
function fitStringToWidth(title,width,className) {
var span = document.createElement("span");


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How To Pass This Type Of Reference Into An Array?

Oct 7, 2004

I am doing in a loop

element = xGetElementById(obj.ID+i);
position = element;

I need this several times in my script and I am sure it createst quite a lot of overhead. And I would like to pass xGetElementById(obj.ID+i) into an element array. like:

element = new Array();

So I can call back element[i] etc in my script by saving some overhead BUT (there is always a 'but' in my posts ) then:

position = element[i]

does not give anything.

Any clue? Is it possible?

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Jquery :: Using Variable For CSS Position Type

Feb 16, 2011

Using Jquery, and I'm trying to make a element positioned either from the top or bottom based on where it is in a grid.

Code JavaScript:
if (position.top+width > container_height) {
var position_type = "bottom";
} else {
var position_type = "top";

And then apply it like so
Code Javascript:
This isn't working.

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Jquery :: JSON Submit - Decode Empty Array At Server Side

Feb 22, 2011

I am doing a password reset form using Jquery and PHP. If I try to submit an email id it should sent and email and report back the response text as success so that the user knows email has been sent. But I am stuck with JSON submit as I have an empty array to decode at the serverside. I am using minified version of json2.js from the official json.org website

Here is the code.
Code JavaScript:
var formdata = $("#log-box").serializeArray();
formdata = JSON.stringify(formdata);
var notifymsg;
type: "POST",
url: "forgot-pass.php",
contentType: 'application/json',
data: formdata,
success: function(responsedata){
var some = responsedata.split("&");
$.each(some, function(index,value){
error: function(o, s, e){
alert("Form not posted
formdata alerted gives:

PHP forgot-pass.php
Code PHP:

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Ensure At Least One Checkbox Or Input Element Is Checked Or Not Empty

Sep 28, 2006

I'm currently developing an online work brief, where the user has to
enter details regarding the project into a form. I've come to a section
in the form where the user has the option of selecting between two
checkboxes and an input element. I have to ensure that at least one of
the checkboxes have been checked or that the input element is not
empty. I've come up with this function:

function validateMedia(){
var count = 0;
if(document.workBrief.mediaOther.value != ""){
if(count 0){
return true;
alert('Please choose at least one media option');
return false;

I'm sure there is a more effiecient way of writing this.

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Accessing Values Of Array Type List Box[]

Sep 6, 2007

i have a php page in which i have a listbox as below:

<select NAME="scopeid[]" id="scopeid[]" class=sel1 multiple size=4>
<? while ($qrrs=mysql_fetch_assoc($qrrid)) { ?>
<option value="<?=$qrrs['scopeid']?>" <? if($db->isinarray($scopeid,$qrrs['scopeid']) ){ print " selected "; } ?>><?=$qrrs['scopedescription']?></option>
<? } ?>

<input type="button" name="add" value="Add" class=button onclick="Add()" style="width:40">

how do i pass the values of listbox[] to javascript?

below is my javascript:

function Add() {

alert gives me only the last selected value and not the entire values. i.e if the user has selected 2 ,3 and 4th option, it gives me value of only 4th item instead of all three. how to do it?

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Change Element Type With JS

Aug 8, 2006

Is it possible to change an element type with javacript for example onclick to change a text box to a hidden element or to a textarea?

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Pass Variable To <input Type=hidden Value>?

Feb 13, 2011

i do have a problem in passing javascript variable to <input type=hidden value="">

here's my code:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))


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Validating HTML Form With Array Field Type

Dec 3, 2005

I want to validate an HTML form, that have array filed names. For example

<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="contact[name]">
<INPUT TYPE="TEXT" NAME="contact[email]">

I need this as a program require contact us form in this format (sunshop).

if(document.formname.contact[name].value.length==0) { alert('You must enter name'); return false; } But not working. Code:

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Radio Element.type Undefined

Aug 25, 2006

I am using the JS and HTML code below to check that required fields are
completed for attributes of a product. The first attribute is a select
menu and the second is a radio set. My JS goes through fine and detects
if the select menu isn't selected with a value, but I keep getting
'undefined' for the radio element type. I've almost pulled out half a
head of hair wondering why. Any experienced eyes see something I don't?

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JQuery :: Type: All P Elements That Have An Em Element?

Jan 5, 2012

I have a questio about a selector.How must I type: all p elements that have an em element?

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