Dynamic Resorting Of Multiline Select Box

Aug 16, 2001

I have a multiline select box populated from a MySQL query. The value for each option is set to the entry's id number; the option text is the entry's name. Each entry has other pertinent options that aren't present in the option itself (yet), such as location, type, author, etc.

What I want to do is this: have input buttons that will automatically prune the list down depending on one of those other "pertinent options". For example, I click on the button that says "View Articles" - the script would automatically remove all items that weren't articles as defined by that option. Then if I clicked on the button that says "View Location One", it would only display items from Location One, also as defined by the option from the query. If it sounds a bit complicated, I can try and explain it better.

I'm a near-total newbie to JavaScript - I'd like to learn, but so far as I can tell, there are no existing scripts like the one I'd like (that are public access). Any assistance would be a huge help, whether it be code, a link, or even a suggestion.

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Assigning Multiline Php Var To Js Var?

Jul 12, 2004

I have the html contents from an iframe stored in a mysql data record. I now want to load that back into the iframe. I can assign the php var to a js var using PHP Code:

var scontent='<? echo ($html) ?>'

but the string has been saved to the db with newline chars in it and is causing a js error because it is being interpreted as an un-terminated string:

var scontent='<P>This is a test</P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000>Red</FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#ff0000><STRONG>Bold</STRONG> <U>Underline</U> <EM>Italic</EM></FONT></P>
<P><FONT color=#0000ff>Blue</FONT></P>'

I have tried stripping the newline chars out using php: PHP Code:

var scontent='<? echo (str_replace("
","",$html)) ?>'

It didn't work. I was wondering if there was a way of assigning multiple lines to a js var. any ideas?

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Dynamic Drop-down List - Create A Dynamic Menu Where A User Selects One Item And Another Select List Is Shown

Jun 30, 2009

I've been beating my head against a wall for a few days trying to get this working. I'm trying to create a dynamic menu where a user selects one item and another select list is shown, then another and another (and so on). Here is my JS, it *should* be taking the ID of the div, comparing it to the selected value and then showing another div by settings it's class property to visible:


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Dynamic Dropdownbox With Multiple Select?

Feb 4, 2010

Below is my code which works fine.

I need to be able to select more than one of the options at the same time. The code at the moment will only select one option rather than all my options.

<title>MDT Role and Application Selection Application - Gen-i</title>
<!-- Example of the multiple selections
Sub RunScript


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IE9 Breaks Dynamic Select Boxes?

Jun 20, 2011

I have the below JS code to change up a select box based on what is selected in another select box. IE9 broke this somehow. It still works in other browsers as well as IE8 and IE7.

When you select something in select box A, it properly populates select box B. However when you go back and change select box A again the script stops working completely.


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Customizing Dynamic Select Boxes

Dec 10, 2009

I'm trying to customize a script I found. It's about two select boxes, one for continent selection and one for country selection. When user selects a continent from the first select box, the second select box is filled with the list of the proper countries that belong to this continent.You can see that code of the script here:URl...In my page, the continent select box is loaded with a continent-value already selected (the selection depends on a database value) and I want to have the second countries select box, also loaded with the proper countries.I cannot make this happen, unless I change the continent's selection and trigger the onchange event. Can I someway keep the onchange event and also add the ability to have a continent and it's list of countries already loaded?

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JQuery :: Optimizing Large Dynamic <select>

May 29, 2009

I'm building on-the-fly <select> lists from JSON data fetched from the server. Some of then include a large number of items (>20,000).

The SQL and HTML parts are working fine. The AJAX script fetches data fairly quickly (around 1 second) and large selects are not a problem once they're built (the browser handles them nicely, even IE). The bottleneck is in the process of picking the JSON data and building the <option> tags. That can take a full minute.

What's the recommended (i.e. fastest) method to generate a large <select> list?

My current approach is this:

// Fetch data (GET method allows me to use browser cache)
$.get(url, get, function(jsonValues, txtStatus){
that.values = jsonValues;
}, "json");


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Select Element With Dynamic Multiple SELECTED

Feb 6, 2009

I have a select element that has up to 200 items in a drop down. Each <option> element has a value 1 to 200, ie., <option value="1">text</option>, etc.

Given a list of values, such as 4, 43, 123, 199, how can I use that list to call a function and write "Selected" for those option elements in the drop down menu?

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Ajax :: Dynamic Dependent Cascading Select

Jan 11, 2011

creating --Dynamic dependent cascading select using Ajax.It should not use asp .net, I need to add the code in a text field to generate this kind of cascading customized field.eg. initially we need to populate a select list from database. Then, on selecting an option the next select list needs to get populated with corresponding values, then again on selecting..the third list needs to get populated --this should happen dynamically(with no page refresh).

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Dynamic Form Field Generation From <select>?

Mar 21, 2005

I have a form with a number of <select> fields, some of which require additional fields to be displayed/enabled depending on which <option> is chosen. For example, in the following code, I'd like a <textarea> field to be displayed if users choose the 'Other' option:

<label for="venue_type"><p>What type of venue do you require?</p></label>
<select name="venue_type" id="venue_type">
<option value="null">--Please choose--</option>
<option value="Meeting/Training/Seminar room">Meeting / training / seminar room</option>
<option value="Computer Suite">Computer Suite</option>
<option value="Examination room">Examination room</option>
<option value="Lecture theatre / auditorium">Lecture theatre / auditorium</option>
<option value="Other">Other type of venue</option>

I'm guessing that it's possible to do this using onchange, but am not too great with Javascript .

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Javascript Question On Dynamic Select Boxes

Jan 28, 2002

Question: How hard is the following to do in javascript and does anyone have a good example of this in use (aka how do you do it? )

4 drop down boxes all on one page. I have 4 items in the list of the first drop down box.


When I select one, I want the choice to be taken out of the list for the second drop down box. So if I select Blue in Drop Down #1, Drop Down #2 now has the option of


If I select Red from the list the Drop Down #3 now has


Then if i select Orange, the last drop down has only one value and that is Green.

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Dynamic Drop-down (select Tag) Conditional List

Jan 14, 2010

I have noticed a few requests lately on the forum where there is a request for a dynamic dropdown list (<select...> tag) that would display one set of options if one condition is met, but a different set of options if a different condition is chosen. This is my attempt to solve this problem for other users. The following code is a template to show one way of how this question could be resolved.


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Dynamic Change 2 Select Options Based On 1 Value

Feb 22, 2010

I have a form on which two separate drop down values need to change based on which option the user selects at the top of the form ("dbt" refers to the remote database the results are pulled from);I have to stick to the names/ids otherwise the form will return an error.I've found examples that dynamically change ONE select list, but not two.

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Dynamic Select Drop Down, Difficulty Setting Options

Aug 12, 2005

I'm trying to write a script with two standard drop down boxes. One
contains days one contains the month. I want to update the options in
the days box everytime the month is changed... i.e select August, and
days are filled up to 31, select September and only 30. The part where
I am having difficulty is that after the onChange event has triggered
and I have checked what the new month is, filling the box with relevant
values is tricky. Code:

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Dynamic Select Element: Problem With Onchange Event

Jul 20, 2005

For some reason my change() function is only called when the page loads. I'd
much rather it gets called when the select changes.

Here's the code:

window.onload = init;

function init() {
var new_select = new Selector('tdata','myselect','myid');
var new_select_list = new DataSource("some_list");

Selector = function(container_id,name,id) {
var container = document.getElementById(container_id);
this.node = document.createElement("select");
//this.node = new Select();
this.node.name = name;
this.node.id = id;

Selector.prototype.setDataSource = function(ds) {
this.dataSource = ds;
for(var i = 0; i < ds.items.length; i++) {
if(ds.items[i] != undefined) {
var option = new Option(ds.items[i],i,false,false);
this.node.options[this.node.options.length] = option;

Selector.prototype.formInput = function(form,element) {
var myform = document.getElementById(form);
this.input = document.createElement("input");
this.input.name = element;
//this.input.type = "hidden";
this.node.onchange = change(this);

function change(selector) {
selector.input.value = selector.node.value;

DataSource = function(name) {
this.name = name;
this.items = new Array();

DataSource.prototype.addItem = function(id,item) {
this.items[id] = item;

and the html:

<script defer src="/javascript/selectors.js"
<form id=form>
<table border=1>
<td id=tdata>

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JQuery :: Mobile Select Box Dynamic Data Population?

Dec 13, 2011

I am using JQuery Mobile . I have populated Select box with dynamic data, The UI shows just one item populated, rest does not get rendered , here's code. The option loop iterates 5 times but the select box just show one item when renderd. Is it Jquery mobile the select box cannot be populated dynamically?

var options ='';
$("#select-choice-1").empty().append(function() {
$.each(data.maps,function(key, value){
options += '<option value="' + i + '">' + value + '</option>';


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2 Dynamic Select Boxes - Enter A 3rd ID But Dident Get It To Work?

Dec 3, 2010

the unobtrusive dynamic select boxes are working great.I just wonder if its possible make this script into 2 dynamic select boxes.Like make this script work with 2 dynamic selex boxed, I did try to enter a 3rd ID but dident get it to work.

PHP Code:

/* This script and many more are available free online at
The JavaScript Source!! http://javascript.internet.com
Created by: Bobby van der Sluis | http://www.bobbyvandersluis.com/ */[coe].....

if its any other javascripts out thats allready made and can do it?Right now the 3rd select box works like it isent dynamic.

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Dynamic Charts - List The Teams In A Drop Down Select Box

Oct 20, 2009

I'm a complete rooking at javascript (and haven't looked at php in months), but am wondering if its possible to do the following with javascript. I have a listing of 10 to 16 teams. I'd like to be able to list the teams in a drop down select box. And when the user selects a team, that teams listing of players is than shown below. The user should than be able to toggle through the listing to review each time.

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JQuery :: Simple Dynamic Variable - Select Multiple Inputs

Sep 15, 2011

Basically, i have a CSS/jQuery keyboard from NETTUTS; however my problem is trying to select multiple inputs. Everything works as it should, however i want to select the input, store it in hidden field (which input is current), then when i start to type, it can enter the characters into that input field (that is selected). Currently, it just allows me to enter inputs into a single textarea. I want to onfocus, set as "Focusedfield", and when i type it goes into that field.

Here is my JS code to select/store the "focusedField". Triggered by onFocus. to make the textArea i select, be the one i type into.


Here is the jQuery

The issue is with this first $write variable. I cannot for the life of me, get it to detect the dynamic variable. When i hardcode the inputs name, it works, but when i try something dynamic - it doesn't. Line 2 of that function is where my issue is (i believe).


I've tried to replace






As well as plain old JS var "current_form".

I think its just 1 or 2 lines where this issue is.

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Resolved Can't Remove Previous Select Options From A Dynamic Array?

Jul 31, 2009

I'm using ajax to update options in several select forms.Its basically, like in most automotive applications, there is a drop down for brand...once selected, it will populate another select form with the "makes" of that brand. Once a make is selected.. it returns the models of that make... and ect...The program works fine for one selection. When one brand is selected, a second select box is populated with the correct makes of cars that brand produces, however, if the brand is changed, the select box with the makes of the cars is populated by the original query..twice... and then the second query. Looking for help on whats the best way to clear both the results array; i was using this...

autobrandsf.length = 0;

and also clear out the select box, which is what the removeAllOptions() function is for. As it stands, if i use the removeAllOptions(), the makes are never populated.Here is my code, broken down the best i could, in order of process.. ish.A select form that shows the brands is displayed, once a choice is made, it passes the value of the choice into this function, which will query the database

// this is the function that is called once a brand is selected:
// h = the brand passed..
function carBrandCheck(h){[code]....

This is where, the query is returned, each row is split into an individual array, and then the second element of those individual arrays are put into yet again another array.The elements of that array are then compared against eachother to make sure there are no duplicates, storing the non-duplicates into a new array. The final array is then passed into a select form, for the makes of the selected brand.

// the ajax handler:
function handleWorkResponse(){
if(xmlHttp.readyState == 4){[code]......

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Building A Dynamic Select Menu From Values Selected In Other Fields?

Jun 21, 2010

i'm trying to build a small script for predicting Worldcup football winners. participants have to predict the teams in both the semi finals and final. a select menu with all participating countries will be given for 2 semi finals. suppose if a persons selects Argentina and Brazil for Semi 1, then the values of Final select menu should be Argentina and Brazil. Similarly for Semi 2, if Denmark and Italy selected, then the select menu for final2 should be Denmark and Italy.

my html (with only a few no. of countries is below:

<b>Semi Final 1:</b><select id="semi11" class="select menufield_101" name="semi11" onchange="ChangeValue(this);">
<option value="empty">Select a SemiFinalist</option>
<option value="Algeria">Algeria</option>


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JQuery :: Encountering A Snag When Attempting To Dynamically Populate Multiple Dynamic Select Elements?

Jul 16, 2010

I'm encountering a snag when attempting to dynamically populate multiple dynamic select elements. I have the following object hierarchy Field --> Category --> Expertise which are displayed within a form as select elements, e.g., when 'Field' is changed then the 'Category' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Field' and then 'Expertise' is repopulated based on the root index value of 'Category'. Below is the code I'm using:

<div class="formRow">
<label class="desc" for="Job_Field">


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JQuery :: Select All / Select None *text* Links In A Form That Call A Jquery Function To Select All Or Select No Checkboxes?

Jun 16, 2011

I've seen a variety of implementations around that enable selecting all or no checkboxes by using a checkbox to toggle that choice. However, I'm trying to find a way like this: I have two text links on my page: Select All, and Select None. How can I get those links to call a jquery function to select all or select no checkboxes in my form? As a little food for thought:

$(function() {
//function for selecting all or none...is there a way to make a single function that passes in a parameter to differentiate between selecting all or selecting none, or do I need a separate function for both?[code]....

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JQuery :: Populate A Dynamic Dropdown List Based On Another Dynamic Drop Down Selection?

Jun 29, 2010

how to populate a dropdown based on Another dropdown selection. This all should be a dynamic. Eg: I have two text boxes one is TechID and other is JOB ID. When I start typing Tech ID it suggests me the list of IDs which start with the input string i have put in Tech textbox. When i select the Tech ID the jobs associated to that Tech ID should be displayed in JOB ID text box as a dropdown list.

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A Nested Dynamic Checkbox Inside My Dynamic Form.

Jul 23, 2005

I am having a problem with the last results. I can't seem to be able to
get the input2A and input3A to appear. I don't seem to have a problem
with the show and hide after a number is entered and submitted. If
anyone can answer my problem I will be greatly appreciated with a
prize. I actually have submitted it more than once and I haven't had
anyone been able to answer it yet. Code:

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Dynamic Function With Dynamic Parameter On The Right Operand?

Jul 1, 2011

i was trying for some days now to find a solution for this. had a look at different posts and forums online, but no luck so far...is it possible to auto-create this with a loop???:

T$('infowindow1').onclick = function(){ setInfobox('1'); }
T$('infowindow2').onclick = function(){ setInfobox('2'); }


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