Dynamic CSS-creation (Firefox)
Jun 2, 2006
can anybody tell me how you can create a new stylesheet inside a
(X)HTML page with JavaScript and Firefox, if the stylesheet is only
available as a variable value, like:
var CSSStyle = "rect {fill: lightgrey;}
circle {fill: red;}
polyline {fill: none; stroke: red; stroke-width: 0.3;}
text {font-size: 2.5px;}
text.text-x-axis {text-anchor: middle;}
text.text-y-axis {text-anchor: end;}"
So far, the only workaround I found, was to link an empty stylesheet to
the page
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="./empty.css"/>
and then use the insertRule method on this stylesheet for every single
rule from the variable (indexOf('}') / substring()).
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Jan 10, 2005
How do you create dynamic element such as ifram, div, table , etc.... With the X library
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Dec 1, 2005
I'm building a DIV dynamically and putting a P into it like so:
var oDiv = document.createElement("DIV");
var oP = document.createElement("P");
oP.style.backgroundColor = "green";
oP.appendChild( document.createTextNode("some sample text") );
oDiv.style.position = "absolute";
oDiv.style.left = "100px";
oDiv.style.top = "100px";
oDiv.style.width = "200px";
oDiv.style.height = "150px";
oDiv.style.backgroundColor = "blue";
The problem is that FF doesn't put the P in the top left corner of the
DIV. Rather it seem to push it down by a line height. Is there some
white space sneaking into the DIV? How do I get the P right into the top
left corner?
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Oct 22, 2007
I have reason to want to be able to change a Firefox stylesheet rule dynamically. I have found, doing google searches, sites which tell you how to create stylesheets dynamically or just add and delete rules, but none of these pages procedures have worked in my Firefox. Some have worked in Internet Explorer. Most have claimed to be cross browser. An example of one which I had high hopes would work can be found at this link.. The code they give you near the bottom of that page is posted below with the original background color changed to red and some text to see the background color put in the body of the page. In other words I pretty much just pasted the code found their in the head portion of my HTML page.
Attempting to troubleshoot why this code is not working if I use the old alert message method and put an alert message between the lines "var mysheet=document.styleSheets[0]" and the line "var totalrules=mysheet.cssRules? mysheet.cssRules.length : mysheet.rules.length" the mysheet variable region out as being "object CSSStyleSheet", however if I use the newer step through method with firebug it reads undefined. So I am totally baffled. Code:
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Mar 11, 2010
I created the checkbox using this code:-
var chkbox = document.createElement('input');
chkbox.type = 'checkbox';
chkbox.name = 'disrow';
Now when i tried alert(document.forms['actionsForm'].disrow) I am getting undefined.
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Mar 7, 2011
I'm creating some links with PHP and here is the code for that:
<br><a id="add_to_cart" href="add_to_cart.php?pic_id=<?php echo $resultsetnewpic['pic_id']; ?>" class="under_pic_cart">Add to Shopping Cart</a>
There is a while loop to keep adding them but wanted to keep it simple. So right now there are three links that get created. I'm trying to find out the value of these links so I can add things to a shopping cart for the user. I have the following jquery to do this:
$(function() {
alert("it gets here");
This part works fine. However how can I get the href value of this and then once I have it basically split it after the = sign to get the value I'm really looking for?
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Jan 10, 2012
I just wonder if there is a jquery plugin or something that enable me to create a html pagelayout with drag n drop.
Lets say i have a blank page with a div container, then i have a couple of layout elements that i can drag into that container, like 2 coulmn, 1 column, 3 column.
I hope you understund what i mean. something like sitefinitys template builder but in a light version.[URL]
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Aug 4, 2009
Am developing MonthlyExpenses Project in which we have to enter details according to that date.
Date [IMG]datepickerimage[/IMG] Description Exptype Price
By clicking add button the dynamic row has to appear. But here , when I enter Date , the newdate is overwriting the previous one. New date is not appearing in new text box.
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May 7, 2011
I have a small number of functions on an object and for every function I wish to make a different function that calls the original where the this can be passed as a parameter. I am making a library and this is a convenience method for people who don't know about call/apply.
Currently (one of) my function looks like this:
function _find(){
return find.apply(arguments[0],Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));
However since my functions are in a object I was wondering if I could make a new array dynamically?
var func = {'find':find}, func_new={}; //this is just an example I don't have this part in my code
for(var attr in func)
func_new[attr] = Function('return '+attr+'.apply(arguments[0],Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1));');
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Jul 23, 2005
I have a task to create tables dynamically, using the javascript DOM.
The current method uses a 1px x 1px IFRAME to loop through some data
generation stuff, and then call JS functions in the parent window to
generate the tables.
The basic idea is to add a table tag, with a thead and tbody, on the
main parent page, that has display:none set. This then becomes
display:block when there are rows to show. The rows themselves are
added directly to the visible tbody element using appendChild(). When
the results need to be refreshed, the tbody elements are removed, and
then added again.
This works well in most browsers, including Opera. However, Mac IE
always freezes when trying to generate the table, even for the first
I have several different versions, and they all generate the same
issue. The tables I am creating are quite complex: multiple cells,
colspans, images, nested tables, roll over colours, styles etc. At
first, I believed it was an issue with creating images dynamically,
however it now seems that is not the case.
I have also tried creating the table and tbody tags using the DOM and
appending them to a div, but with no luck. I have also tried creating
the tables using a hidden object and then copying the innerHTML / nodes
across to the visible one. The various versions I have cover most
* using innerHTML to add content to the cells
* using the javascript DOM to create all elements and append them
* using a mixture of the both
If anybody has any feedback or suggestions then it would be really
appreciated, particularly related to the following:
* From your experience, is this realistically possible?
* Is the problem I'm experiencing related to the complexity or size
of the table I am trying to generate? If the table is simple text only,
with 2 or 3 columns and rows, then it does work.
* What is the best method to dynamically create tables and cell
content across browsers, and in Mac IE?
* Is the problem image related? Does anyone have experience of
creating images dynamically in tables in Mac IE? Do you use "new
image()" or createElement()? (using the small table sample, this was
possible using both methods, and also innerHTML on a cell).
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Jul 20, 2010
I'm dynamically creating a table. I create the <tr>s with five <td>s. I then remove the third <td> and would like to add the cell variable where I removed the td. The creation of the table works, the removal of the td works, now how do I add the cell var where I removed the td? Example here: [URL]
Code JavaScript:
function CreateTable() {
var array = ["one", "two", "three", "four", "five", "six", "seven", "eight", "one", "one", "three", "seven"];
var listItems = "";
var tbody = $('.tbody');
var cell = $('<td>', {
className: 'open',
html: 'Open'
$.each(array, function(index, val) {
var row = jQuery('<tr></tr>')
.append('<td>' + index + ' - ' + val + '</td><td> open </td><td> open </td><td> open </td><td> open </td>');
$('td:eq(2)', row).css('background-color', '#eee');
$('td:eq(2)', row).remove();
row = row.add(cell);
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a form that allows for dynamic field creation. Basically, you click the + button, and an addition row of fields (2 text fields) are created. The area that is dynamically created is wrapped by a <div id>, within which is, and this might be bad practice so please feel free to mock me , another few nested div id's. It looks something like this:
Each time you hit the +, it creates a new div id beneath the "Adds" id.
What I'd like to do is see the values of the id's "row_fqdn" and "row_ip". Is there a quick way to access the values of nested id's?
I found a workaround but it seems pretty messy and drawn out, something like this:
I'm looking for a way to do something like this:
But that doesn't work.
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Dec 6, 2010
A while back, I an working on dynamic form creation. I wanted a user to be able to enter into a text field how many designs he or she would like, then, based on that number, be provided with a pair of text boxes that asked 1) name of design 2) quantity of that particular design. I received this cool way of doing it by user thraddash:
<script type="text/javascript">
function BuildFormFields($amount){
$container = document.getElementById('FormFields'),
$item, $field, $i;
$container.innerHTML = '';
for ($i = 0; $i < $amount; $i++) {
$item = document.createElement('div');
$item.style.margin = '3px';
$field = document.createElement('span');
$field.innerHTML = 'Name of Design';
$field.style.marginRight = '10px';
$item.appendChild($field); .....
As a followup, I wonder how to control in a table where each of these text boxes will appear.
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Jun 1, 2011
<script type='text/javascript' src='js/jquery-1.5.js'></script>
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Apr 7, 2010
Actually the below code only creates dynamic DIV in IE, but for Firefox it does not create any DIV. Also it does not create the event onclick to be triggered when clicking on any area inside the DIV.
I want to create dynamic DIV in firefox and IE + I want onclick event when clicking on the DIV as I want to that click to delete the content of the DIV or you can say collapse it.
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Aug 10, 2011
I have an issue where i need to get to a particular element when i click on a menu button.It is working fine in IE but in firefox it doenst work.There is a literal to which i am binding data dynamically and i have assigned id's.When i click on menu, i pass id to javascript function to scroll down to that element which is dynamically bound to literal and i change back ground colours.But it doesnt work in FireFOX. When i try to capture the value of the element,like document .getElemnetById("a"),i get null.The literal is inside a div and literal to bound on runtime with data with Ids to which i ned to navigate.
<script type="text/javascript">
function Scroll(theElement) {
var selectedPosX = 0;
var selectedPosY = 0;
while (theElement != null) {
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Jan 30, 2009
I have a script that displays a (countdown) progress bar in the new window when a user clicks on a link to a site. this works perfectly in IE but not in Firefox.
<script type="text/javascript">
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Aug 27, 2007
I've got a page that creates an iframe and uses javascript to write to it.
Works like a charm in IE but not Firefox.
<script language="JavaScript"><!--
document.write ('<iframe width="100" height="100" name="myframe" src="blank.htm" FRAMEBORDER="1" scrolling="no"></iframe>');
What I get in IE is the "YO!" written to the iframe. What I get in Firefox is the 404 not found page of the site where the original "jstest.html" page and script are hosted.
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Sep 28, 2010
I am encountering this problem with Firefox, but no problem in IE. I have in a hidden <div> dynamically generated select options intended for re-use by dynamically created forms on page.
For Example:
<option value="1">xxx</option>
With javascript, when I use getElementById() to get the <div>, and then get the innerHTML, on IE I get the content just as they were generated out, and I was able to put this into an empty <select> and everything works. But when I try the same in Firefox, the innerHTML returns only the text part of the content. The "<option value="1">" part has been stripped off. Wondering if there's a solution to get around this?
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Jul 23, 2005
i have a javascript function to highlight google search keywords in the
page. it works well on IE and mozilla browsers. for the page OnLoad, i
call the Highlight() method, and that highlights the words in the page, and
inserts a div element with the message: "your search terms have been
highlighted..." and a link to remove the highlighting, which has
href='javascript:removeHighlight(..)', but that only works in IE, not
firefox 1.0. Code:
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Jun 11, 2011
I have form where I add dynamic html element as below. In the php code via ajax I have built the full drop down list. So when I post the form in IE when I do like this $masterID=$_POST['masterID']; I am able to capture the form value. But in both firefox and chrome it shows me empty
function getMaster(entID,nextElement)
var table = document.getElementById('myTable');
var rowCount = table.rows.length;
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Jun 15, 2006
I tried to dynamic add a row to table(tbody) it works in IE and Firefox with the following codes. But when I try to set the "colspan" attribute to the TD, it only take efffect in Firefox but not in IE.
var contentsTable = $("searchResults");
var tr = document.createElement("tr");
var td = document.createElement("td");
td.setAttribute("colspan", "3");
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Nov 1, 2010
I use the below code to add or remove a row from a table using javascript. The code works fine on IE however it doesnt work on Firefox, can anybody suggest reasons why this might be doing so?
The id "table1" is the ID of the table I am trying to insert the innerhtml into.
function addRoom()
var row = document.all("table1").insertRow();
var column = row.insertCell();
column.innerHTML = "input type='text' name=txt1>";
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May 15, 2011
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "[URL]">
<html xmlns="[URL]">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
<script type="text/javascript">
(function() {
var s = [
for(var i=0, l=s.length; i<l; ++i) {
var sc = "script", tp = "text/javascript";
if(window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("MSIE")!==-1 || window.navigator.userAgent.indexOf("WebKit")!==-1) {
document.writeln("<" + sc + " type="" + tp + "" src="" + s[i] + ""></" + sc + ">");
} else {
var t=document.createElement(sc), sa = "setAttribute";
t[sa]("src", s[i]);
t[sa]("type", tp);
<link href="css/common.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
//Here is my html code
<script type="text/javascript">
Error is makeAjax is not a function (this issue occurs only Firefox 4.0 browser). This script Last two years working fine (no issues) in firefox but newly occur this error (FF4.0).
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Aug 3, 2011
I have problem getting dynamic form elements values created with .append method when submitting the form with POST method in Firefox. It seems to work only on Internet Explorer.
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May 6, 2007
I wrote an "ajax" script that pulls dynamic content into a div container via xmlhttp. There is a variety of lists on this page that are all ajax. Basically the up/down arrows in the Music, Photos, Users, Community etc boxes have this javascript funtion that replaces the innerHtml properties of a div to some response data from an asp.net object.
In IE these up/down arrows works fine and pull in data, but in FireFox the divs come up with "Undefined" in the div instead of the data.. Code:
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