Defining Pictures In An Array
Jun 15, 2006
I wish to access several pictures on my page by defining them as an array. This way I can either loop through them or access them by array index.
What I am really doing is writing my own picture gallery and slide show. The reason I am doing this is so that I can have my web page look exactly the way I want. In addition, it is an excellent way to learn Javascript.
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Mar 24, 2010
Code: function initArray() {
this.length = initArray.arguments.length;
for (var i = 0; i < this.length; i++) {[code].....
For the above piece of code, does the function 'function initArray()' just predefine the array that is written right after so that it's first array index starts at 1 instead of 0?
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Mar 13, 2010
I would like to have an array and define which element goes to what key. Something like this:
var test = [][];
test[0][0] = "foo";
test[0][1] = "bar";
However I am wondering if its possible to write it in one statement? Something like this:
var test[0] = [
[0] => "foo",
[1] => "bar"
The code up doesn't work of course.
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Nov 26, 2010
What's the difference between defining a variable with 'var' before, versus defining without it?[code]
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Apr 10, 2011
I have created a rotating picture array. The problem I am having is when I view the web page only the right side of my array rotates through the pictures.
<script type="text/javascript">
<!--Hide from old browsers
var rotatePicsLeft= Array("candle1.jpg","candle2.jpg","candle3.jpg","candle4.jpg","candle5.jpg","candle6.jpg")
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a simple list of members names that I pull from my members database for printing members info. I want to show the members profile/family image as well. Because its for printing I want to add the ability to hide/unhide the pics. I put the pics in a div with an ID.
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Sep 1, 2010
I am looking for a upload form to upload pictures and then when the pictures are uploaded, then they get emailed to me. Kind of like a contact form but attached is the pictures.
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Dec 21, 2002
I have just created an 'open window' function for an animated page. It opens the current animation from the current page into a new window, and lets the user change the 'opener' animation while the new animation in the new window continues, sychronised with the opener.
As the opener contains the clock for sychronisation, I can only use the animations from that page (and I have a few pages of small animations). I can let the new animation on the new page continue with its own clock if the opener is closed, but what I would like is if a new animation is started from a new opener, then it tells the existing opened window the new page speed...
got it?????
trymy rhythm pages
follow steps.....
1; open new window
2; click on drum in new window to turn on
3; start rhythm by clicking on hands in main window
I can change between rhythms, so long as I stay on the main page. The problem is when I change the main page to go to other rhythms I loose the sychronisation.
I can go to another page(from opener) and put a new rhythm in the current new window, but I would prefer to keep the old rhythm and sychronise.
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Oct 15, 2007
<input type="file" />
For the above input, is there any way I can change the value? I found that adding: value="asdf" doesn't change anything with a type="file" input.
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Jan 24, 2011
I have the following code that works in FF but no IE:[code]This is a variable that is used in a js slideshow. The text doesn't change with the image in IE.
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Nov 23, 2005
I'm trying to solve a problem for which I think the solution will be
to *cheat*; but I don't mind doing so for this case. The background is:
Given an object constructor, and an instance
SampleObj = function() {
this.prop = 1;
obj = new SampleObj();.....
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Nov 13, 2006
I have built a function that allows users to select a color tile and trim option for a cooking range. Here is a code snippet showing the function:
var color, trim, description;
function displayRange(selectColor, selectTrim, showDes)
var rangeName;
if (selectColor != '')
color = selectColor;
if (selectTrim != '')
trim = selectTrim;
rangeName = "images/cluny1400" + color;
if (trim == 'chrome')
rangeName += "_chrome";
rangeName += ".jpg";
var rangeDescription;
if (showDes != '')
description = showDes;
rangeDescription = description;
document.getElementById('rangePict').src = rangeName;
document.getElementById('rangeDes').innerHTML = rangeDescription;
Based on the users selections the range image in the selected color and trim is loaded into the interface. My problem is this:
The selected image is made up of three elements, based on the users selection, color and trim and the .jpg extension. This function works well.
However, I cannot work out how to use the image object to preload the images (of which there will be over 34). Normally you would assing a var to hold a new instance of the image object and then assign the src property to the image url. But how do I do that when the var rangeName is composed of three elements. I cannot use a simple var and then call that var in the function.
I have this code snippet, that illustrates my problem:
// create function to preload images
// eliminate older browsers by checking for image object support
function preload() {
if (document.images) {
cluny1400au = new Image(478, 314);
cluny1400au.src = "images/cluny1400au_fw.jpg";
cluny1400au_fw_chrome = new Image(478, 314);
cluny1400au_fw_chrome.src = "images/cluny1400au_fw_chrome.jpg";
The vars cluny1400au and cluny1400au_fw_chrome would be fine if I could use them in the function to call the images, but I don't think this will work as I believe that you have to use the same var name in the function as in the image object.
Can anyone tell me how the cluny1400au = new Image(478, 314); and cluny1400au_fw_chrome.src = "images/cluny1400au_fw_chrome.jpg"; should be constructed to work with the function.
Here is an html snippet from the page to aid clarity:
<body onLoad="preload()">
<div id="wrapper">
<p><img src="images/cluny1400_bw_chrome.jpg" name="rangePict" width="478" height="314" id="rangePict" /></p>
<p id="rangeDes" name="rangeDes">Description</p>
Thank you in advance for any help.
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Mar 18, 2007
How to avoid the execution of a function at the time of defining.
Here i am giving the details.
I am creating the following div container through DOM.
<div id="content">
<a href="#" onclick="displayDiv('content')" Click</a>
The Code is:
var category_list = document.getElementById('category_list');
var dom_div = document.createElement('div'); = 'content'
var dom_link = document.createElement('a');
dom_link.href ='#'
dom_link.onclick = displayDiv();
val = document.createTextNode('Click');
The displayDiv Funcion
function displayDiv()
dv = document.getElementById('content'); //Here is the error.
The Problem is when the following script:
dom_link.onclick = displayDiv('content');
is executed it is calling the function displayDiv(name)
Here we have the code
which throws the error.
The reason is the div container is not yet created.
What I need is the function should be called only on the click event. It should not be called while I define it to the Click Event. (ie it should not be called at the time of defining)
How to achieve this.
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May 20, 2010
How can I dynamically specify a class value to use in a selector? For instance, I have a number, and I need to identify an element that ends with that number. In this case, there are four divs that have class values of
I have a 0 (obtained previously in the code) stored in the value tabId, so I want to get the values of the class attribute for <div id="my_id_0">. How do I create my selector? I tried
$("div# parent_element_id #my_id_" + tabId).attr("class");
but it comes back as undefined. Do I need to define it as a variable and put it in theelector that way? Or is there another way?
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Jun 3, 2011
I'm trying to define a selector as a global variable and it keeps coming back undefined. I tried creating a namespace for it but had no luck. I would like to be able to reference the sliderRange, currentMin, currentMax globally.
SLIDER.range = $('#price-slider').slider('option','values');
SLIDER.min = SLIDER.range[0];
SLIDER.max = SLIDER.range[1];
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Oct 19, 2010
I'm trying to code a script that will display an approximate postage price based on different combinations of variables, but the numbers I defined for each case aren't reflected in the text box. I'm using a switch statement for all the different combinations of options, which the user will choose by selecting check-boxes. (Additionally, I know that this code probably isn't a very efficient way of doing what I'm doing - how to improve it.) I've attached all the relevant parts of the code, including how I defined variables originally.
<script type="text/javascript">
function count(){
var firstclass = document.calc.firstclass.value;
var postcard = document.calc.firstclass.value;
var numpages = document.calc.numpages.value;
var nms = document.calc.nms.value;
var large = document.calc.large.value;
var numpages = parseInt(document.calc.numpages.value); .....
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Jul 6, 2011
I am making a HTML form which will take elements passed from the server. I cant get it to display correctly.
<script type = "text/javascript">
var dict = new Object;
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Feb 19, 2011
1.In ZZZ.html i have a long list of text items formated like this:
<span > <h3 >AAA</h3><h4>BBB</h4></span>
<span > <h3 >CCC</h3><h4>DDD</h4></span>
In another document i made some buttons to change slideshow content by loading sections id to
<div id="cyc" class="slide"></div>
using function:
$('#cyc').load("ZZZ.html #part1");
Text loaded, but the slideshow didn`t work
2.How can i loop specific range of slides ( and make it modifiable with some "range selector" in browser) ?
3.Is it possible to trigger some event on the desired slide number ?for example:
on slide 3 - play sound
on slide 6 - display message
on slide 15 - go through slides 10-15 four times
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Aug 7, 2005
I'm new at Javascript, and have written a script for a series of random
roll-over button images, but one thing I would like to add is a function
that checks to make sure that there are no duplicates in the randomly
generated variables that choose the pictures.
Can anyone give me a hand with this? One other thing I can't seem to figure
out is how to manage the "onLoad" aspect of caching my roll-over images (DW
has locked the <body onload> function into a template, so I can't mess with
it...). so my rollover graphics are grabbed from the server in "real time"
during mouse-over, which is a bit "goofy" and "slow" in terms of instant
rollover effect. I'm sure that there is a much more efficient way of doing
this, but I've been able to learn a lot by tweaking DW's way of doing
things, so it's not a total loss.
In an external JS file, I set up a series of 10 random variables using the
Math.random and Math.round functions like so:
var btn0 = Math.random()*100;
btn0 = Math.round(btn0);
var btn1 = Math.random()*100;
btn1 = Math.round(btn1); .... etc for 10 buttons
Then in my page, I piggy-back onto Dreamweaver's built-in roll-over
handlers, like so (to write the instances of each rollover image);
<script>document.write('<a href="link1.htm" onMouseOut="MM_swapImgRestore()"
src="images/btn/'+btn0+'a.jpg" name="pic1" width="80" height="100"
For this particular page, I'm pretty much stuck with DW's coding because
it's locked into a template that governs my site navigation. Thanks for any
pointers or help ...
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Jul 20, 2005
What is the javascript for reloading images upon the loading of each
page on a website. Also, how do I implement this in the HTML.
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Mar 10, 2011
Should I just make this a small video, or will JS be able to handle around 25 pictures without being really slow?
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Mar 15, 2006
Is it possible to rotate pictures 45°CW for each click using javascript?
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Oct 20, 2010
do ya know an efficient way to get the coordinates of a pictures so that I can use them to create a map? It is a rectangle. Here is the code I set up for a page:
<div align="center">
<table border="0"; cellspacing="0"; cellpadding="0">
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Oct 4, 2010
let me try to explain better what I'm trying to do. I'm a real newbie I don't know much javascript but I understand more or less the logic behind it... tell me if this solution should work and if you know how to do it please show me. [URL]... I need to make div#photo's width to match the total width measurement of all the images it contains. If you load the page and you don't touch the size, it will work fine... but that's not realistic. If I resize the page, which will happen often on this kind of page (I'm assuming), the whole thing goes haywire (try it, scroll to the last image and resize the page you'll see what I mean). What can I do? Is my idea the right solution? Am I not explaining this clearly enough? Let me know please, I'm desperate. I've been trying to get CSS to do this for me for 3 hours now. Nothing works.
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Jul 23, 2005
I have this list of pictures;
<script type="text/javascript">
var picssigs = new
var pictsigs = Math.round(Math.random()*(picssigs.length-1));
for (var i=0; i<picssigs.length; i++) {
var imgsigs = new Image();
imgsigs.src = picssigs[i];}
How do I display these pictures like;
<pic1> <pic2> <pic3> ...etc...
<pic4> <pic5> ...etc...
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Jul 23, 2005
I will show you how to get rid of <a> tags to put links on pictures.
When you want to put a link to another page on a picture, you type this
kind of HTML code :
<a href="page.html" style="text-decoration:none;" alt="funny things....">
<img src="img12.gif" alt="funny things ..." border="0"></a>
But when you click on the image, you can see a dotted border around it.
If you type this instead :
<img src="img12.gif" alt="funny things ..." border="0"
onclick="this.location='page.html'" style="cursor:hand;">
I think it is better, especially when you have frames in your website.
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