Only Right Side Of Array Rotates Through The Pictures?
Apr 10, 2011
I have created a rotating picture array. The problem I am having is when I view the web page only the right side of my array rotates through the pictures.
<script type="text/javascript">
<!--Hide from old browsers
var rotatePicsLeft= Array("candle1.jpg","candle2.jpg","candle3.jpg","candle4.jpg","candle5.jpg","candle6.jpg")
I wish to access several pictures on my page by defining them as an array. This way I can either loop through them or access them by array index.
What I am really doing is writing my own picture gallery and slide show. The reason I am doing this is so that I can have my web page look exactly the way I want. In addition, it is an excellent way to learn Javascript.
I have a simple list of members names that I pull from my members database for printing members info. I want to show the members profile/family image as well. Because its for printing I want to add the ability to hide/unhide the pics. I put the pics in a div with an ID.
I have a TreeView populated from a SQL Server database (via an XML doc). The TreeView includes checkboxes on each branch and leaf. Each entry on the TreeView may or may not inherit access permission from its parent. That is, if you're granted access to branch "A", you automatically get permission to leaves "A1", "A2", and "A4", but not to "A3", as its inheritance flag is set to false.I have created an array of struct's on the server-side.
Struct format is:
public struct TreeInheritData { public Int32 namespaceID; // this identifies the node
The array is populated with these structs.The TreeView I'm using (from Infragistics) has a client-side event when the CheckBox status changes.So, what I need help on is getting this array of structs from the server to the JavaScript, and then being able to access the structs so that I can determine whether to change the status of the child nodes' checkboxes.
I know at this point is that these is a difference in the array formatting between PHP and JS. The magic bullet is supposed to be json. However, this code does not work as advertised.
The variable $prt is list of associative arrays, so to get a value in a particular row manually , $prt[0]['location'] should give me the value for location in the first row of output. All of this works just fine if i hard code this in html and php. However, I want to dynamically produce the rows as needed which requires that a loop employed. The application also requires that the user may add a row which also need to be accounted for when posting.
I think the best solution is to make this a totally javascript entity. All I need to do is to be able to pass in the server side data. Calling JS from PHP does not work, although i have found many places where they show basically the same code , claiming that it works. think json needs a bit of tweaking to make this happen, but i'm not sure how to proceed.
I have pulled this javascript text rotation from a simple tutorial. I can't figure out how to get the rotation speed to slow down. I think I need another variable but not really sure. This is what I have:
<script type="text/javascript"> if (document.all || document.getElementById){ //if IE4 or NS6+ document.write('<style type="text/css"> ');
I am doing a password reset form using Jquery and PHP. If I try to submit an email id it should sent and email and report back the response text as success so that the user knows email has been sent. But I am stuck with JSON submit as I have an empty array to decode at the serverside. I am using minified version of json2.js from the official website
Here is the code. Code JavaScript: var formdata = $("#log-box").serializeArray(); formdata = JSON.stringify(formdata); var notifymsg; alert(formdata); $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: "forgot-pass.php", contentType: 'application/json', data: formdata, success: function(responsedata){ var some = responsedata.split("&"); $.each(some, function(index,value){ //alert("index="+index+"value="+value); }); }, error: function(o, s, e){ alert("Form not posted "+e); }}); formdata alerted gives: [{"name":"email","value":""},{"name":"acctype","value":"loginaccount"}]
I'm trying to write a function that rotates images with a fade. The function work properly, however I can't make the images fade back in. The fadein function won't add to the .style.opacity Here's the code with the php
I am looking for a upload form to upload pictures and then when the pictures are uploaded, then they get emailed to me. Kind of like a contact form but attached is the pictures.
want to take this redirect script and modify it so that it rotates a banner image instead of sending the user to another page. The script works so that if the window is out of focus for 10 seconds, it redirects. The images are defined in an external style sheet so I guess I'll have to move that into the document. Also, I want it to be able to work more than once with multiple images, like if the user opens a new tab, comes back, goes to a different tab, the image should change twice. Here's the script:
<script type="text/javascript"> var xScroll, yScroll, timerPoll, timerRedirect, timerClock; function initRedirect(){
I have a sliding vertical menu in my page in the left side and in the right side i have a text say for eg: Home.
So when i click on home, i need the left side vertical menu to slide and open and the home in the left side should get highlighted. How do i do this in javascript?
I am building a client-side and server-side solution and want to use JSON through Ajax in both directions. I have ASP or JavaScript server-side, though Microsoft's support of server side JavaScript seems nil, so I am reluctantly conceeding to use ASP. I'd appreciate suggestions on available solutions to encode/decode JSON on the server-side (ASP or JavaScript). I don't plan to load jQuery server-side so that rules out plug-ins. I'd also like to know what is the latest client-side encode/decode for JSON. Is it built in jQuery or a plug-in? In both server and client, decoding JSON securely is key, so using eval () to decode is out.
I am developing a web form using python cgi which has two list boxes. On selecting a value from the listbox1, the list box 2 should get auto populated with appropriate values (which are taken from the DB). I have written a javascript function to get the selected value from the list box1. But I am struck with passing the values from the javascript to the python function written in server side in which I have written the DB related stuffs.
I want to invoke a Client side javascript function and pass the value of the ID. How can I accomplish this such when a user clicks "Open" he goes to a new window with the same ID.
I tried this but it does not work: On Server side: sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT " + "'Action' = '<center><a href= 'javascript: NewWindow('+cast(ChangeRequest.ChangeRequest_ID as nvarchar)+ CHAR(34)+)'>Open</a></center>',"
On Client side: function NewWindow(myID) {"ChangeRequest.aspx?ID="+myID,"WindowName","width=500,height=600"); } </script>
The code on how to make this page into 2 columns. Right now I have everything in 1 long row of like to see how to make it 3 and 3 side by side...
I have the following PHP code, which uses server-side validation, which works fine. It the user leaves the text field empty it stores an error in a session array which is outputted on the page where the $_GET['id'] variable came from. I also implemented a snippet of javascript code that just checks to see if the cell is empty and throws up alert box. The problem is that both the javascript code and php error validation are both running when I click submit. The PHP code should be a backup to the javascript code in case the user has javascript turned off. The client-side validation should be the default. Not sure if this change should be made in my PHP Code or Javascript Code.
I have a web form that has a checkbox on it and a textbox associated with it. I want the textbox to be displayed when the checkbox is checked and I want this to happen on the client-side instead of posting back to the server. The checkbox is a server control (asp:checkbox...). I can write some codebehind that will display an alert message upon checking the box that looks something like this...
Dim s As String Dim scriptString As New System.Text.StringBuilder
chkExpDate.Attributes.Add("onclick", "alertmsg()") scriptString.Append("<script language=JavaScript> function alertmsg() {") scriptString.Append("alert('hi'); }<") scriptstring.Append("/" + "script>" s = scriptstring.ToString()
Page.RegisterStartupScript("startup", s)
End Sub
I used this as a test to make sure the server control was running the script. But, when I change the script to assess the value of the server control checkbox such as checked = true, I get errors and if I just try to display the asp:textbox, it doesn't work either.
[URL]I've been using the advice and code here to start incorporating expanding/collapsing tables into my work, but I'm hitting a little problem. I want to have multiple such tables side-by-side (each headed by a picture and populated by a lightbox, which isn't the issue), but Dreamweaver wants nothing to do with the idea. I don't really even know if it's possible, but if it is I'd like to know what sort of changes I might need to make to achieve it.
I had a import function which allow for user import data from excel file. The number of row was dynamic, mean that user may import hundred or data or may thousand of line.
should i perform client side or server side validate?
the problem i faced was if the import thousand of line, i need display out thousand of text (multiple by 6, cause 1 got 6 fields)
the take a lot of time to loading and cause browser "hang" (response slow)
I have the following client-side Content Management System VBscript which works great, now I'm looking at getting it to work server side so that I can update using online login rather than offline and having to upload files. To be honest, I have no idea where to begin with this,
I'm new at Javascript, and have written a script for a series of random roll-over button images, but one thing I would like to add is a function that checks to make sure that there are no duplicates in the randomly generated variables that choose the pictures.
Can anyone give me a hand with this? One other thing I can't seem to figure out is how to manage the "onLoad" aspect of caching my roll-over images (DW has locked the <body onload> function into a template, so I can't mess with it...). so my rollover graphics are grabbed from the server in "real time" during mouse-over, which is a bit "goofy" and "slow" in terms of instant rollover effect. I'm sure that there is a much more efficient way of doing this, but I've been able to learn a lot by tweaking DW's way of doing things, so it's not a total loss.
In an external JS file, I set up a series of 10 random variables using the Math.random and Math.round functions like so:
var btn0 = Math.random()*100; btn0 = Math.round(btn0); var btn1 = Math.random()*100; btn1 = Math.round(btn1); .... etc for 10 buttons
Then in my page, I piggy-back onto Dreamweaver's built-in roll-over handlers, like so (to write the instances of each rollover image);
For this particular page, I'm pretty much stuck with DW's coding because it's locked into a template that governs my site navigation. Thanks for any pointers or help ...