I'm having trouble parsing through a table in I.E. Of course it works fine in firefox and chrome. I'm pulling html off of a txt doc and storing it in a temporary div made with createElement so I can go through and parse out the data. Code is below:
var tempdiv = document.createElement("div"); //create temporary element to store html content in
tempdiv.innerHTML = html; //dump html content into new element
It returns 0 for rows and and cols. If I use a getElementsById and grab a table already on the page it works fine.
Why are anchor nodes pointing to href and text nodes pointing to [object]? As anchor and text both are objects therefore all outputs from indices 0 to 7 should be [object].
The document object has a method called createElement. Can I use this method to create a new Drop/down list, like:
var sel = document.createElement('SELECT');
I have seen it used like this:
opt = document.createElement('OPTION');
which means that opt now holds an option that can be appended to an already existing select object.
Are there any restrictions for which arguments createElement can be called with? I have seen: var what is "LI"? Where do I need to look to find valid arguments for createElement??
I have a page which uses JavaScript to create form elements using document.createElement('input'), etc.. Both Firefox and IE have no problem accomplishing this and when the form is submitted all the information is passed correctly.
I am now trying to validate the form using JavaScript when the page is submitted. Firefox has no problems with this but IE returns 'document.form1.*THE FORM FIELD*.value is null or not an object' for the elements that were created using document.createElement when I try get their value using 'document.form1.*THE FORM FIELD*.value'. How do I get the value of the form elements that were created using JavaSCript?
I'm trying to write a script (my first) that loops through some table rows and gets some data from another page using gm_xmlhttprequests. It works if I keep the loop to one, but if I try and loop through all the rows, and therefore have say 10-20 gm_xmlhttprequests, the script just seems to fail. But if I put an alert inside each gm_xmlhttprequest, and wait a bit before dismissing the alert, the gm_xmlhttprequest will succeed and the data gets updated as planned. It seems as if the gm_xmlhttprequests don't block, or the script keeps executing without waiting for the requests to finish. I don't have any listeners on the script, I just want it all to load when the page loads. Also, I looked at the javascript console and it doesn't have any errors about the gm_xmlhttprequests.
I try the following in Firefox and other modern browsers:
window.addEventListener('load', function() { document.title = CSS.getClass('fontSize'); var div = document.createElement('div'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(div); alert(div); alert(div.style) }, true);
It works fine in normal HTML mode (Content-type: text/html), but in XHTML mode it alerts "[object Element]" instead of "[object HTMLDivElement]" and the second alert shows "undefined" instead of "[object CSSStyleDeclaration]". So I can't reach the style declaration which is important for me. Strict mode makes trouble again and again, the biggest bug: document.write does not work:
I'm trying to add some functionality to a existing application. I have no control over the input element ids. There are inputs I need to use that have $ in the id <input id='field1$0'>. Trying to use the id selector $('#field1$0') fails (result is undefined).Is this a bug or "by design" in qQuery?Is there a workaround, other than looping thru all inputs to find the ones I need?
I try to auto scroll to bottom of a div when the page is loaded. It works on firefox but it is not working on IE. How to scroll to bottom on a div when page is loaded on IE? You can test it by copy paste my codes into two html files.
I had to add the following DOCTYPE to a webpage in order for IE to parse my page design properly, and this caused the form on the page to fail in FireFox (which works fine without the doctype). The form works fine in IE.Here is the DOCTYPE I added to the top of the page;
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd">
I have a table like above and want to use document.createElement to insert a new row at the end of the table before the close table tag, is this possible?
My efforts so far have resulted in the following html:
...which suggests my JavaScript is partially working, but is failing on my attempt to make Key/Value pairs. Unfortunately, I'm not knowledgeable enough on JavaScript/DOM to identify an error and would be grateful if a more seasoned programmer could let me know the error of my ways.
I am using ASP.NET for data retrieval and jQuery to perform various functions/animations (error bar, slide menu, table sorter, etc...). Everything is working great until the pages are viewed over and SSL connection. When viewing over SSL, some of the margins/padding stops working and the hover effects on tables stop working correctly (leaving cells coloured, not colouring others). After spending a day looking for the solution in Google, I haven't found anything that will fix the issue. No errors/warnings are displayed on the page.
this works perfectly in firefox - but in internet explorer it just creates the first lable and the input field, although it creates the input field as a regular text field instead of for files. the caption label and text field aren't created at all. any ideas? Code:
This is driving me insane. I'm trying to use createElement inside a loop to make some <divs>, each of which has an onclick event. I threw together this test page to demonstrate it:
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
When I click on any of the boxes it alerts "5", the final value of x after the loop ends, instead of what the value of x was when the loop executed and created the element ("0", "1", "2", etc.). This is happening if FF and ie.
I also noticed in Firebug if I put a breakpoint on the "yay.onclick=function(){alert(x)}" line that it will break everytime I click on one of the boxes. Very strange...
How can I put in a variable on the yay.onclick=function(){alert(x)} line and have it "stick"?
I'm trying to GET or POST a request to a server. The code below works fine in Firefox, Safari, Chrome and IE7+ but fails in IE6 in spite of the xmlHttpCreate function being copied and pasted straight from Microsoft's MSDN site. The place where IE6 fails is on the oReq.send() line. It appears to create an activeX object but just won't send it. I have also tried oReq.send(null) and oReq.send("") but neither works.
I have a problem with writing cookie from Jacascript. My problem is that I have two server, one is A, and the other is B.
(1) I call a aaa.html from A. In aaa.html : ... <iframe id="frame1" src='http://B/bbb.html'></iframe> ... (2) In bbb.html : document.cookie="key=123"; alert(document.cookie);
I fail to write key=123 to cookie. Is this because of different ip? Is there any other way to write cookie?
I have a simple html document I have been using for some time on my (i.e.) abc.com domain that uses cookies. I recently purchased a new domain name and set up a service to redirect my new domain (i.e.) xyz.com to a sub-directory of the abc.com domain. In other words, when someone goes to URL xyz.com, they really end up in abc.com/xyz directory but the MSIE browser says they are xyz.com.
The problem is that cookies quit working in this setup when I copied the same HTML document in the /xyz subdirectory that xyz.com now accesses. I can't set or get a cookie any longer by calling the document.cookie function from JS any longer. The call does not fail but the data is always blank. I even tried setting the cookie and from the next line of code reading it back immediately and it still would not save the cookie.
Anyone know how to fix this?
I checked the value of location.host, .hostname .pathname, document.domain and they all indicate I am really at abc.com even though the address in my IE browser says I am at xyz.com.
I've been creating a script that dynamic loads js files.
but after creating that script, (and i use document.createElement('script');) in that function.. i've realise that the code that shows up in the browser is:
I'm experimenting with creating SVG dynamically and am finding that document.createElement is changing the case of the tags I input. This is breaking because, apparently SVG tags are case sensitive. For example, when I try to create a linear gradient element like so:var grad = document.createElement('linearGradient');what appears in the view source is:<lineargradient ...> (Note the lowercase "g")The tag doesn't work if the "G" is lowercase. Is there any way to specify in the <html> tag (or somewhere else) that the document should preserve tag case?
My entire working code without the onchange i'm trying to pull of is:
// Create the Input Field var inputEl = document.createElement("<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='state'>") inputEl.setAttribute("id", "stateSelect"); inputEl.setAttribute("type", "text");
If you try some codes and then catch exception, it should catch the exception when there is. However, if there is a setInterval method in the try clause, then the exception cannot be caughtthe following works ( a usual method is invoked in the try clause):
<script language="javascript" type="text/javascript"> function invoke() { var i=0;