I want to find a way of using canvas tags that are created at runtime. I went about this by trying to change the id of the tag, ONLY to find out that javascript did not like the fact that I was using numbers, even though I converted to String first... var count = 0; for (var item=0; item<20; item ++) { if (count%5==0){ document.write(" ||| "); } var canv = document.createElement("canvas"); canv.setAttribute('width',300); canv.setAttribute('height',300);
num = 505; aStr = num.toString(); // does NOT do the job for some reason !!!??? aStr = 'canvas'; // this works... canv.setAttribute('id',aStr); document.body.appendChild(canv); count += 1; } var C = document.getElementById(canv.getAttribute('id')); if (C.getContext) { makePlot(C); // does the plot to the canvas }
I have a page which uses JavaScript to create form elements using document.createElement('input'), etc.. Both Firefox and IE have no problem accomplishing this and when the form is submitted all the information is passed correctly.
I am now trying to validate the form using JavaScript when the page is submitted. Firefox has no problems with this but IE returns 'document.form1.*THE FORM FIELD*.value is null or not an object' for the elements that were created using document.createElement when I try get their value using 'document.form1.*THE FORM FIELD*.value'. How do I get the value of the form elements that were created using JavaSCript?
I try the following in Firefox and other modern browsers:
window.addEventListener('load', function() { document.title = CSS.getClass('fontSize'); var div = document.createElement('div'); document.getElementsByTagName('body')[0].appendChild(div); alert(div); alert(div.style) }, true);
It works fine in normal HTML mode (Content-type: text/html), but in XHTML mode it alerts "[object Element]" instead of "[object HTMLDivElement]" and the second alert shows "undefined" instead of "[object CSSStyleDeclaration]". So I can't reach the style declaration which is important for me. Strict mode makes trouble again and again, the biggest bug: document.write does not work:
I've been creating a script that dynamic loads js files.
but after creating that script, (and i use document.createElement('script');) in that function.. i've realise that the code that shows up in the browser is:
I'm experimenting with creating SVG dynamically and am finding that document.createElement is changing the case of the tags I input. This is breaking because, apparently SVG tags are case sensitive. For example, when I try to create a linear gradient element like so:var grad = document.createElement('linearGradient');what appears in the view source is:<lineargradient ...> (Note the lowercase "g")The tag doesn't work if the "G" is lowercase. Is there any way to specify in the <html> tag (or somewhere else) that the document should preserve tag case?
My entire working code without the onchange i'm trying to pull of is:
// Create the Input Field var inputEl = document.createElement("<INPUT TYPE='text' NAME='state'>") inputEl.setAttribute("id", "stateSelect"); inputEl.setAttribute("type", "text");
I'm using the document.createElement method to add dynamic table and from elements to a page, but I'm running into a problem where I'm adding 2 objects to 1 cell. The two of them combined are not wider than the cell, but they won't display next to each other, they're always on their own lines and I can't figure out why...
HTML Code: var hiddenElement = document.createElement('input'); hiddenElement.setAttribute('type', 'text'); hiddenElement.style.cssText = 'width: 100%; display: none;';
The text input (hiddenElement) should fill 1 line of the cell, but then the two buttons (createButton and cancelButton) should both sit on the line below it, but the cancelButton insists on siting on it's own line below the creatButton, and I can't figure out why.
(I know they have their display set to none, that's being set to block by a function, which is how I know they're all on their own line)
I am attempting to create an element (to be added later to the document DOM) using createElement.My test case is just:document.createElement("<p>Hello World</p>");My error console shows the following error:
I want to remove 'div' before returning the function. Testing in IE something like div.parentNode.removeChild(div); will fail. If I look in the dom 'div's parentNode is null, so that explains that. It needs to be appended to something first I guess.
MSIE 6.0 apparently does not support protyping with objects created with document.createElement, while Firefox does.
I tested it by typing it into the adress bar, but it also appears to be the case for code embedded in a HTML document. Here's a simple segment of code to demonstrate the difference:
javascript: function myObj(){};myObj.prototype = document.createElement('a'); var x = document.createElement('a'); var y=new myObj(); var z= new Object(); alert(x.href) /*blank in both FF & MSIE6 */; alert(y.href) /* blank in FF but 'undefined' in MSIE6 */; alert(z.href) /* 'undefined' in both FF & MSIE6 */;
I wonder why that is (apart from the fact that MSIE implements JScript and not javascript), and can anyone tell me which of both browsers is complient with W3C standards?
I'm writing this javascript to place dynamically created images into a page, it works as expected in FireFox and Chrome, but not IE8, nothing appears and I get no error message.
I'm placing the images into this DIV:
And have written this code to place the small images into the DIV:
I want to delete some lines on the canvas that i have created in HTML5 (with the <canvas> tag). I know one solution and that is using clearRect() (give this function the HEIGHT and WIDTH of the canvas and you clears the whole canvas.).But i don't want to clear the whole canvas, i only want to delete a few lines made by the function lineTo().
I have a menu in which is applied typeface script. Typeface 0.11 version doesn't support hover on links. There is an experimental version but doesn't work very well for me, so i tried to implement hover by myself. Problem is: hover works pretty well changing canvas context property fillColor and then calling fill(), but the stroke on hovered voice remains on another color. Difficult to explain, so i put some test code online: TEST CODE As you can see, passing with mouse on the menu voices triggers the hover and the element change, but remains bordered in red.
Somehow, the isLoaded property doesnt seem to be set to true when i create an instance of the class. I tryied passing the object instance through an argument ... this.xml.onload = this.fileLoaded(this) ... MyClass.prototype.fileLoaded(obj){ obj.isLoaded = true;}
function NewDoc() { var oShell oShell = new ActiveXObject ("WScript.Shell"); oShell.Run('cmd /K "C:Test.dot"', 0, false); window.event.cancelBubble = true; return false; } </script> ---------------Script Code Ends-------------
---------------Link Code Starts------------- <a href=":" onclick="return NewDoc()">Create a new document based on C:Test.dot</a> ---------------Link Code Ends--------------
I know to specify the document template name as follows:
---------------Link Code Starts------------- <a href=":" onclick="return NewDoc('C:Test.dot')">Create a new document based on C:Test.dot</a> ---------------Link Code Ends--------------
And change the "Function NewDoc()" in the script code to line to "Function NewDoc(TemplateName)". The problem is that I don't know what syntax to use to parametise the "oShell.Run('cmd /K "C:Test.dot"', 0, false);" line.
I am working on a simple javascript craps game program. I need some advice since it won't display who the winner is, keep tally of who wins/loses, and the number of total games played. After using the error console there's an error with document.forms [0].thrower.value not being defined.
The document object has a method called createElement. Can I use this method to create a new Drop/down list, like:
var sel = document.createElement('SELECT');
I have seen it used like this:
opt = document.createElement('OPTION');
which means that opt now holds an option that can be appended to an already existing select object.
Are there any restrictions for which arguments createElement can be called with? I have seen: var what is "LI"? Where do I need to look to find valid arguments for createElement??
I have a table like above and want to use document.createElement to insert a new row at the end of the table before the close table tag, is this possible?
My efforts so far have resulted in the following html:
this works perfectly in firefox - but in internet explorer it just creates the first lable and the input field, although it creates the input field as a regular text field instead of for files. the caption label and text field aren't created at all. any ideas? Code:
This is driving me insane. I'm trying to use createElement inside a loop to make some <divs>, each of which has an onclick event. I threw together this test page to demonstrate it:
Code: <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml1/DTD/xhtml1-transitional.dtd"> <html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"> <head>
When I click on any of the boxes it alerts "5", the final value of x after the loop ends, instead of what the value of x was when the loop executed and created the element ("0", "1", "2", etc.). This is happening if FF and ie.
I also noticed in Firebug if I put a breakpoint on the "yay.onclick=function(){alert(x)}" line that it will break everytime I click on one of the boxes. Very strange...
How can I put in a variable on the yay.onclick=function(){alert(x)} line and have it "stick"?
I'm having trouble parsing through a table in I.E. Of course it works fine in firefox and chrome. I'm pulling html off of a txt doc and storing it in a temporary div made with createElement so I can go through and parse out the data. Code is below:
[ Code: var tempdiv = document.createElement("div"); //create temporary element to store html content in tempdiv.innerHTML = html; //dump html content into new element
It returns 0 for rows and and cols. If I use a getElementsById and grab a table already on the page it works fine.
I've come up with this code and cant figure out why nothing appears when I press the buttonThe table is soposed to show. Probably something really simple cuz I often stuck on stupid things.