Check For Session Cookies?
Jul 23, 2005Is there a way to check for to see if the user has session cookies
enabled? I know how to check to see if they have cookies in general enabled,
but how do you test for just session cookies?
Is there a way to check for to see if the user has session cookies
enabled? I know how to check to see if they have cookies in general enabled,
but how do you test for just session cookies?
Setting and using a session cookie works everywhere else - Mac, PC, IE, FF, etc. - everywhere except with MS Vista running on the machine. I'm not sure what the problem is and a Google search didn't reveal much.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI am using a toggle() function with <div ID="View_Right_SiteNews" STYLE="display:none"> to display/hide data. I would like to be able to have the display/hide value remembered by the end-user on a session-base duration. Here is the existing javascript that I am using: Code:
function toggle( targetId ){
if (document.getElementById){
target = document.getElementById( targetId );
if ( == "none"){ = "";
} else { = "none";
} } }
I than do something like:Code:
<A HREF="javascript:toggle('view_foo');">display</A>
If anybody can get this to work with a session-based cookie that would rock!
I would also go for setting a PHP session if session-based cookies won't work out. I just don't know how to do that either.
Aside from using code to delete a JavaScript session cookie, what can arbitrarily overwrite/delete a JavaScript session cookie?
I ask because I have something that is working flawlessly in development; but as soon as it's moved into a staging area for testing, it stops working.
My initial thought was that there is something causing the browser to think that it's being redirected to another domain, thereby deleting the session. But further testing indicates this is not the case.
Basically put, I have a detail page for clients that contains nine categories; all categories are loaded in an "expanded" state (shows all information for each category) and has a "hide" link next to the header. Click "hide" and the whole category collapses, and the link becomes "expand"; click "expand" and vice-a-versa.
Also on initial page load, the document looks for a session cookie called "vddstatus"; if it does not exist, it creates the session cookie with default values set so that all categories are expanded; if it does exist, it checks the values and adjusts the expanded/hidden status as needed. This way, no matter what page you go to, when you come back to the details page, it remembers the expanded/hidden status of each category.
Like I said, on the development server it works excellently; in the staging environment, the only time it remembers the category statuses is if you click "HIDE ALL"; anything else it apparently deletes the session cookie and generates a new one, set to all categories expanded.
Right im trying to incorporate a splash screen on recent project like the one here... [URL] But im trying to implement cookies with it so it only loads the splash screen once every browser session but i havent managed to figure this out yet
View 2 Replies View RelatedHow can we check whther a session has expired in javascript??
View 9 Replies View RelatedI am developer in .NET but I need to access session object in client side and redirect the page to login. i am using the following code snippet but I am unable to achieve the target.
I'm kinda new in scripting, so this is why I ask the pro ppl.I'm trying to make an obfuscation with html+javascript(only these are allowed on, where:file1.html: displays some text, creates a cookie with a keyword, then after a few time a link appears to file2.html.file2.html part1: checks for the content of the cookie created, if it matches with the defined keyword, then deletes the cookie and shows some text part2: if cookie doesn't match, shows another text.
View 4 Replies View RelatedI am doing task for deleting cookies in javascript for IE and Mozilla. for that i written function is
function deleteCookie(name, path, domain) {
if (getCookies(name)) {
document.cookie = name + "=" +
((path) ? "; path=" + path : "") +
Now , How i know whether my cookies get deleted or not.I am not sure whether my browser cookies are deleted or not
Is there any test is there from where i can confirm the same.
I expanded upon a script a friend helped me write, to create a simple check box that hides / shows content, as shown HERE. [URL] Unfortunately, I don't have a clue how to expand this, so that I can use more than one checkbox on the page, to open different sections.
<title>Title of page</title>
<script language="JavaScript">
function getCookie(NameOfCookie)
{ if (document.cookie.length > 0)
{ begin = document.cookie.indexOf(NameOfCookie+"=");
I would like to set a Session variable to a value. In Vbscript it should be
How can I set this session variable by using Javascript?
I am having difficulty on maintaining session when using ajax.
I first load a page with a session genterated. But since AJAX is a
client side activity where I sent an AJAX request to an url without any session
info. Of course, the server will create a new session. Even though I
can write the session id into the first page where I made ajax calls, it is not a secure way...
How do people deal with this problem?
I'm just beginning with JavaScript (and Ajax). My loginscript now works with Ajax - that is; the script is sending a request to the servers PHP script to check username and password, but I wonder what that script should return - and how to use that response. Either XML or pure text: The response is now "false" if the user couldn't log in for some reason, and the users ID and real name if the login went well...
But then the problem: if login IS ok - so that the users ID and real name is returned from the serverscript - I would like to store those variables in a session variable ($_SESSION in PHP). How do I get those variables back to the client script from JavaScript?
I know how to access Server Side Session variable at client side(JS)..But i want to know how to Set Sessin varable at Clinet side(JS) & access its value at Server side.
View 1 Replies View RelatedI know how to access Server Side Session variable at client side(JS)..But i want to know how to Set Sessin varable at Clinet side(JS) & access its value at Server side..
View 1 Replies View RelatedI want a function that when you check on a check box another check box appears.
View 10 Replies View RelatedUsing, the exec'd child window shares session information with
the parent. Is there a way in JavaScript to exec a new browser window that
does not share?
i am working on a java and HTML based web application. now i am storing
session variables. is there a way for me to pass on these variables to
javascript. what i am getting at is, i need JS to do something based on
the user variable.
there a way of updating session variable in JS?
View 2 Replies View RelatedI had written code which created a shopping cart into an array using
vbscript and then transferred the information into a session
variable. However what I didn't know was that deleting/manipulating
information in an array using vbscript was not that easy.
In doing some reading and research it seemed that js was more flexible
in this area. My questions:
1) if I want to store cart items/details in an array and session
variable do I need to use only js (and can not switch back and forth
from vbscript and js)
2) if I have an array 6x12 and want to delete all the items
associated with say arrayItem[1, 0...12] what is the proper coding to it splice?
3) any good articles about js, arrays, and multidimensional arrays
for a beginner?
Cookie name is "viewStatus" value saved is 1
Closing all windows should end the session but on the reopening cookie page I find the session cookie is still alive.
If I alert(document.cookie) I get viewStatus = 1
If I rename the cookie to say "vStatus" and close the window when I reopen it and alert(document.cookie) I get
viewstatus=1 vStatus=1
any ideas?
This only happens in IE ( as always)
I just did a little experiment, I closed all windows, created a new file with just
in it then opened the file and still got
viewstatus=1 vStatus=1
I know I did not have this problem before because I have a session cookie example on my site and that does not work now so is it something new that is wrong with IE.
How do you save a session value in JavaScript?
View 4 Replies View RelatedIn my project i am using ajax and jquery. After going to a page via ajax without page reload i want to see the same page if the user refresh the browser. I used the cookie plugin inorder to solve. As it is not safe i am trying to do the same using session. I have dowloaded the jquery session plugin and initialized the session variable using the below satements.
var SESSION_URL = $.session("current_url",Url);
var SESSION_DATASTRING = $.session("dataString",dataString);
and i am getting the session value in the same jquery $(function) where it is initialised, through alert($.session("current_url");
But i am not getting this session value in an another jquery event like
How can i get the initialized session value in an another event.
I currently have a form that asks for certain info. When the user enters and then submits it, a javascript script sends the info to a php form and then php does its thing. While doing its thing, php tries to change a php session. I am wondering if there is a way to change the php session, and have it take effect on the user end without a refresh. So if the user has a session for their name (Bob), then goes to this form and changes it to Joe, then session the user has will be changed from Bob to Joe without the page reloading. Is this possible?
View 1 Replies View RelatedHow to pass (well more like bridge) session information to the client side from server side.
Right now, what I'm basically doing is echoing the userID and the username into a method in JavaScript tag at the bottom of every page.
The reason why I am doing this is simply for AJAX-related interactivity.
This is an example of what the code looks like:
A) It requires JavaScript code to be pasted within the HTML document (its non-external).
B) It requires the code to be echoed in EVERY PAGE.
C) A PHP Script or Class must maintain the responsibility of printing the session values.
D) The variable data cannot be accessed from any imported javascript files prior to where it was printed.
Now, I'm wondering about using Cookies. This would benefit me since I don't have to inject any ugly javascript code into the HTML output. I can also remove the PHP script that echoes the values and the changes will be purely handled in PHP (cookies can be updated!).
The only issue that's stopping me is simply security. Since cookies can be edited very easily on the client side, then the data can be changed. But then again so can the JavaScript (using a tool like Grease Monkey).
Once again, I am aware to never ever to trust the client side data without any validation; therefore using some sort of hash checksum, the cookie data can be compared to its PHP equivalents.
I´m using this code to avoid the "click to activate" a flash file, it does work, but it seems like the browser is still loading something (not flash), it is related to this code, since removing it, the browser stops loading.
objects = document.getElementsByTagName("object");
for (var i = 0; i < objects.length; i++)
objects[i].outerHTML = objects[i].outerHTML;