Check Contents Of Form
Jul 13, 2004
I currently use a small JavaScript code to check if the required form fields were filled out, however now I'm looking for a script that can do that and also check the contents of a text field, and if certain words are in that text field, to not allow the form to be submitted.
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Jul 18, 2009
I have an .asp page for my customers which does just accepts e-mail information and passes this information to another .asp page. But before passing the info, a javascript checks whether the entered e-mail does match some certain rules. Rule1: If any input has been made at all, Rule2: If an "@" sign is there, if the"." is there and so on. upon pressing the submit button, the first rule works but the second rule does not. Could not figure it out why.
It is the function control() which validates the e-mail field. But it just validates whether the e-mail has been entered or not. The second check (with the @ sign) is not being made.
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Feb 10, 2005
I'd like to change the text in a span tag in a different location on the same page when the user clicks on an area in an imagemap. I've been able to change images properties (src, alt, but can't figure out how to change the span contents.
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Sep 14, 2005
I was wondering if anyone had come across some javascript that would
allow me to have a chart of say 20 music tracks, and be able to move
each track up and down the chart using up/down links? I am sure I saw
one about 3 years ago.
Consider this:
A table with a form around it. Each row of the table is numbered 1 to
20. There will be a form field on each row for Artist, Title, Label, Mix
and Genre. There will also be an up and down arrow to move the contents
of each row up and down.
I need to create 2 javascript functions. 1 to swap the contents upwards,
and one to swap downwards.
The link to go up or down will pass the row number to the function, and
the fields that need swapping. The function will then take the values
and swap them over.
Is this possible? And will it work cross-browser cross-platform? Any ideas?
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Jul 12, 2009
How can I submit the contents of my form? This code submits NO data. I want to submit the data in my form. I want the values of my form to be submitted.
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Dec 3, 2009
Page with iframe: [URL]. I have an iframed page which displays the contents of a form. I would like to be able to vary the height of this page depending the form contents (# of rental units returned) returned. Is there a way to resize this page (the 'child' iframe) dynamically according to the size of the form content? I don't have much control over the form data, which lives on a separate domain. Also, is there a way to resize the home page [URL] back to it's original size when a user clicks the 'back' button in a browser after the form contents are displayed?
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Feb 27, 2007
I have one form on a page with 'n' text input fields grouped in blocks of the same input fields. Something like this:
<div id="block1">
<div id="block2">
The number of fields for each block varies because the page is constructed by a server function. What I want to implement is move up and a move down buttons on each block to move what the user has entered in say, block 4, to block 3 (and move the block 3 contents to block 4). And the contrary too.
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Dec 15, 2011
I have a form
Which is shown in the form, here
How can I copy this content to the review.php page?
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Jan 27, 2011
How do you update the contents of a form from a click of a button? I can poplate the contents of a table that is inside a form on the initial creation of the page
<form id="form1" name="form1" method="post" action="">
<p align="center">
List of Dying Patients
</p> <br><br>
<table border="1" align="center">
<td>Last Name</td>
<td>First Name</td>
<td>Middle Initial</td>
<td>Date of Birth</td>
<td>SS Number</td>
<td>Marital Status</td>
and this is the contents of the function populatePatientList();
for (var x=0;x<mainArr.length;x++) {
document.write("<tr>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][0] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][1] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][2] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][3] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][4] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][5] + "</td>" +
"<td>" + mainArr[x][6] + "</td>" +
After this the table will have all the contents of the array. How do I reinvoke the form to have the updated version of the array shown on the table without refreshing the whole page? The page cannot be refreshed because the data is just in an array and when I do refresh the page the contents of the array gets back to its default. Is it even possible to refresh just a part of a page, in my case a table after a button click or are there other button events I can try to play with?
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Jan 5, 2009
Say I have a simple page with a top and bottom frame. The top frame has a form (named "form1") with a single textbox entity in the form.How does the bottom form get the contents of that textbox using javascript? Specifically with Internet Explorer 8?I've tried every rendition that I know of.I have to admit that javascript isn't really my forte.I thought a line like:
value = top.frames[0].document.form1.mytextbox.value; would work, but it is not.
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Apr 26, 2010
I currently have a form named "survey". I found here a JavaScript to validate my form.
I am having serious issues with this script, either it won't execute at all (the form doesn't work, as well as the validation) or the form submits without validating the form.
Here is the current JavaScript I am using.
In the head section
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Jul 15, 2009
I'm looking for javascript to analyze the contents of a textbox and replace the contents with the appropriate date. To make that a little clearer, if the user types 'tomorrow' then when they tab/move onto the next text box the 'tomorrow' text should be replaced with the date for tomorrow in the format dd/mm/yyyy, if the user enters '1 week' then the text should be replaced with the date in one week in the format dd/mm/yyyy etc.
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Apr 1, 2010
I'm currently creating a simple shoutbox system. The whole shoutbox is in one DIV (shout_box). The DIV shows the 8 latest posts and below that you can enter a new shout / post. I used some script to submit the new post to a PHP page which fetches the data using Post. Then the script displays the message that the post has been added. This works great! However after 5 seconds I want the original DIV contents to reload (the 8 latest posts and the form to add posts. is that possible to do? I think it is, but don't really now where to begin.
I currently got the code below:
var dataString = 'message='+message;
//alert (dataString);return false;
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm using a form on a page as a vessel for data, rather than to actually submit it. The reason is that the form is submitted to a service at with it's special JS API, so I extract the data from the form manually and then feed the data to the methods from the provided library.
One of the field is a file. Calling ``.val()`` on it simply gives me the file name, but I need the contents.I've looked around, and found a few plugins that would actually send the file, but that's not what I want.
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Jun 5, 2009
Currently, I have a php form with various inputs, and a div where I am embedding an (initially) empty open flash chart object.Right now, I am calling a php file on the submit of the form, which takes the form data, calls a python script to process the form data, and then creates an open flash chart object using the data the python script returns.There are a few problems with this:
1. When the submit on the form is called, it goes to a different page where the chart is displayed, when I would really just like to update the contents of the chart div where I initially embedded the empty chart.
2. The processing of the form in the python code can take some time, so what I would really like is to have the chart "check" the output of the python script periodically and update the chart each time, adding the new data points to the old ones.
I know I can do all of these things with javascript and Ajax, I just can't seem to find any tutorials or examples that are exactly what I am looking for.
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Apr 8, 2010
On a client side HTML form, on hitting submit, I would like the data entered in the the form to be saved on the next available line within a .txt file.
For example, a basic HTML Form filled in as follows:
Name: Haze
Age: 400
Info: Hello World!
... on clicking 'Submit', the information would be saved to 'form.txt' on a new line, simply seperated by commas would be fine, example:
Haze, 400, Hello World!
If possible, the date and time the info was saved would really be great as well, example:
01/01/2010 9:41: Haze, 400, Hello World!
I might I cannot find anything on the internet for doing this client side.
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Mar 4, 2011
so I have a html page with the following code included in it:
how would I reference the contents of the text box in a separate Javascript file? I have tried document.form.UserInfo.value and many, many variations and just can't get it to work. I presume it has something to do with the paragraph having the same name?
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Nov 18, 2011
I want to get the code ( I cant write it Im still a newbie ) to check a form user/pass and trigger another hidden form.
Heres what going on:
Have created a form, Form 1 Login: it has a username and pass fields. It shares the page with a Members Login form.
I want javascript to check the user/pass on Form 1 Login against a user/pass I assign. I assume I can assign one in the Javascript code.
The script does not send the form to the server, it just checks to see that the user/pass agrees with what Ive assigned.
The script, if the user/pass is the same as I assigned, triggers a Registration form to pop up that Ive hidden with CSS left:-999em.
Now the script has fulfilled its function, its done. But heres what continues and Adobe BC does this part.
User fills out the pop up Registration form with any user/pass, their valid email and name.
Clicks Submit and the form sends the New user a new personal pass and new username via email.
User adds New user/pass to Members form and is allowed into the site.
This is a round about way but, I can not use php or server side in this process, BC does not allow server side only client side. So Im doing a work around. I know someone could find the Javascript even in a js folder. Tight security is not an issue. I researched this for weeks and BC tells me it will work with their system...I just dont know how to write it.
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Mar 6, 2006
I am quite new a web scripting and making web pages in general and I have stumbled across a problem I have as yet been unable to solve. I am trying to take the contents of a textarea box and save it to a file. This step is not to hard however the contents of the textarea is mostly latex source so it contains just about every special character you can imagine. My question is this, how do I save an exact copy of the textarea contents with special characters, carriage returns, etc to a file?
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Apr 22, 2005
I'm trying to validate forms by checking to see if the user fills in whatever fields are required before they can continue. It does not work at all. Please help me. I do not know what I am doing! :'(
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function check(form){
var regex = required-[a-z0-9]*;
for(i = 0; i < form.length-2; i++){
alert("Missing data for " + form.elements[i].name);
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Apr 30, 2006
How do you detect that a form element has been changed? This thread:
suggests that you attach onChange event handlers to every form element,
and when the handler fires you update a global 'isChanged' variable.
This technique seems to be a bit messy to me (I have many form
elements), I was thinking about storing the original form object in a
javascript variable when the body loads (in the bodie's onLoad event
handler), and upons submission, doing a javascript equality comparison
with the current form object. If nothing has changed, then the two
objects should be equal, right?
if(oldObject == document.getElementById('form'))
alert('has changed!');
Would this work?
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Jul 23, 2005
Tell me how to check the value of a textbox in a form,
1, the value must be only a positive number ( not 34ax43) , for input a stock number of product
2, the value must be positive komma and two digits max (eg 150,20) , for input price value
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Jan 1, 2010
Here is my Javascript / HTML:
javascript Code:
- javascript Code
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Apr 24, 2009
I need a simple script that will check onclick if the user has entered something into the input text form. If they haven't then just alert that you must enter something to search for a term. I had something like this before, but the problem I was having was that it was alerting but right after you click okay it would continue on to the next page... Which kinda make the whole alert thing pointless... Also, I'm about sick in tired of not knowing JavaScript, where is some great sites to get my learn on?
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Jun 11, 2011
I need to change the code below so that it will check to see if there is a value for the model variable, its a select dropdown in a form. If there is no value then I don't want the var model to be included in the url part.
I also need to check to see if the var pics is checked (its a checkbox) if its checked then i want to include it, if its not checked then again I need to miss it our from the url part.
Code JavaScript:
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Sep 11, 2003
I would like to do a simple check if a radio box has been selected.
The form doesn't select any radio box by default, because I don't want to influence the users choice or let them submit the box at all without doing anything.
The form is a simple 5 star rating which means there are 5 radio boxes and a submi button.
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