Changing The Look Of A Disabled Button?
Dec 14, 2005
I've been tweaking a small AJAX login / user search page and I've run into a problem. I have three buttons, "Submit Query", "Add User", "Delete User" and a JS using DOM to modify everything on the login.html page.
I have a single external CSS file that controls the login.html page, buttons included. The way it works right now is the "submit query" button is blue, "add user" is green, and "delete user" is red.
In my JS file I diable the add and delete buttons if that user name already exists. Disabling the buttons is working correctly but changing the color of the disabled buttons isn't working. Here's what I've tried so far:
if( Name != null ){
- or -
document.getElementById('b2').style = "color:yellow;background-color:yellow";"color:blue;background-color:yellow";
- or -
document.getElementById('b3').style = "color:yellow;background-color:yellow";}}
I even tried adding a .disabled class to my css file:
#b2 .disabled{
But nothing has worked so far. If you'd like I can paste all of the code, i.e. JAVA, JS, XML, CSS, HTML if anyone would like a working AJAX example.
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Jul 23, 2005
I've got a form inside a PHP script that posts to itself, does some
processing on the PHP side, and if it looks good, PHP sends a HEADER
command that redirects the user out. All was fine until I added a
button disabler onSubmit to keep users from submitting twice. Now the
form disables the button as requested but just refreshes the page... it
doesn't get to the HEADER command.
Any idea what the problem might be?
<script language="Javascript">
function disable(theForm) {
theForm.send_email.disabled = true
return (true)
<form action="<?=$_SERVER[PHP_SELF]?t=$_GET[t]?>" method=post name=form
onSubmit="return disable(this)">
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Jan 9, 2010
I have a form and when I post the button disables so no reposting can take place while form is being processed.But now I want to take it one step further by also changing the text of the button to something like processing....Here is the code without the processing.....
<form action="orderall.php" method="post" name="myform" id="myform" onsubmit="javascript:disableSubmit('mFormSubmit')">
<input type="hidden" name="updateidlist" value="<?php echo $updateidlist; ?>" />
<input name="orderall" type="submit" value="Order All" id="mFormSubmit"/>[code]......
I want to keep it as simple as possible.
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Nov 14, 2010
I have a form that disables the radio options after choosing one and pressing a confirm selection button. Does the disabled attribute affect the value submitted?
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Dec 13, 2009
I have a submit button which is disabled unless you agree to the terms.What I want to do it pop an alert if the terms checkbox isn't checked.This is what I have so far, which enables the button is terms are checked, and disables if terms are unchecked... but how do I add an alert in there?
function apply()
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Jul 26, 2010
When a button is clicked, the button then disables (as well as running its normal function).Obviously I'm used to using this.disabled=true but in this instance I cannot access the onClick in the <input> tag because the page is hard coded by a third party application.So I'm trying to make a function which locates the button, notices if it's been clicked and disables it on click. Seems easy to me! However I cannot make it work!Here are the two variations I've tried (both call the function in the page onLoad):
function disableButton() {
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Dec 6, 2011
I'm trying a simple JQuery enable a disabled button once the fields have all been entered for the Horzontal section.
At the moment as long as one input val has been entered it enables the button?
Could someone advise how to make it so it only enables if all vals are entered?[code]...
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Jun 6, 2010
I have a button and I want it to be disabled (not clickable) after 3 clicks. Also the button text must change at each click.
Test (3) <- button with text
Test (2) <- button text changed
Test (1) <- button text changed
Test (0) <- button can't be clicked anymore (non active button now)
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Jun 10, 2009
I would like for a "Pay Now" button to be disabled unless a checkbox is checked:
<form method="post" action="https://form.php">
<input src="https://image.gif" type="image" name="name_of_image">
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm trying to set up a form such that the Submit button will be disabled until a set of values has been set in the form.I have latitude and longitude text input elements (named coordPointLat and coordPointLon respectively) and they are not acting as I would expect.With coordPointLat set to 354104 and coordPointLon empty the following test always falls down to the line where the Submit button gets enabled.
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May 19, 2010
I have a script that enables a certain button when some conditions are met. I'm having an issue with it, so I made a simple script to get to the core of what I'm trying to do. This is the script that I'm using:
function disable()
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Mar 29, 2011
I am disabling an input button on my data entry form until all of the data validates correctly. When I enable the button it does not always display the same as the Cancel button that was not disabled. Ioccasionally appears asthoughthe mouse is hovering over it. I have discovered that if I tab to the button or if I hover the mouse over it, it then displays OK after I tab to the next button or move the mouse off of it.This is the html that defines the button.
<input type="button" id="submitButton" value="Submit Changes"></input>
This is the javascript that inits the button.
$("#submitButton").button().click(function() {
submitData(); // Submits data via Ajax
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Jun 18, 2010
I have a table row with <div> surrounded.
I want when page loads , <div> be disabled and when button clicked <div> enabled.
How do I do it ? Can we do it using javascript ?
Can JQuery be used here? how?
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Feb 23, 2011
I have a disabled submit button sitting in the fieldset of a form. What I'd like to do is attach a click event to this button, but from what I understand this can't be done since you can't attach events to disabled elements.
Is it possible to attach it to the fieldset? I'm not completely familiar with event bubbling but maybe it's possible to capture the element clicked?
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Feb 3, 2010
when the following code is used in my JSP page:
$('#myForm').bind('submit', function() {
$('#submit').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
it disables the submit button when my form is submitted (IDs are used). This action displays a result page. If the browser's Back button is pressed to change some of entered items, the submit button in Firefox is still disabled, while the same action in MSIE8 enables it again. I don't know if this is exactly JavaScript/browser/chache issue, how to get the submit button enabled 'automatically' Unfortunately the refresh button in Firefox doesn't help either (probably JSP issue) - I have to press Enter on the address bar which is not very obvious for every user.
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Sep 26, 2010
I have a Java form where I need to be able to switch a drop down with a text box using Javascript. The change would be made depending on the radio button choice the user makes. The drop down is the default form element and radio button A is checked by default. So when the user clicks radio button B the text box should appear and if they change their mind and select radio button A the drop down should come back.
Whats making this a little tricky is that I'm doing my form validation using Java via the form element name. So these two will have the same name. I need for the drop down to be switched off/disabled if they have radio button B and vice versa. Is all this doable using javascript?
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Feb 8, 2010
I have this markup:
There are two radio buttons, sometimes one will be disabled, other times the other will be disabled. I would like to make a script that: First: Changes the color of surrounding text of the disabled radio button to the color grey. Second: Checks the other radio button.
This was my plan: I would make a script that: First: Removes all the current classes and add the class "greyed_out" (or better: change only the color of) the parent element, all siblings and children of siblings (if any) of the radio button that is disabled at that time.Second: Sets the attribute "checked to the other radio button". I made a script, but when I set the bottom radio button to disabled the script doesn't work:
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Jun 24, 2011
I want two buttons: one for login and another for logout. Initially login button is enabled and logout button is disabled. When I click on login button, the logout button should get enabled and the login button should get disabled. And after that, when i click on logout, the login button should get enabled and the logout button should get disable.
Here's how far I could go with it,but it doesn't work.
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Sep 26, 2005
I have a form with 3 buttons with a text box next to each button
what i want to do is when a textbox is filled out the default button is
changed to the button next to that text box rather than the first button on
the form.
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Nov 9, 2009
i have a box:
<img id="imgSearch" src="" alt="Websites" />
<input type="button" value="Toggle Search" id="btnSearch" />
^being the button to toggle between websites.
basically i'd like this button to toggle between different websites when clicked.
secondly:changing span tag colors
html code:
Traffic Light: <span id="trafficLight"></span>
<input type="button" value="Prevent Accident" id="btnTraffic" />
i'd like to change the color of this span id by pressing the button. so in this case it would change red, yellow green and last:
changing the font in a bold tag bold by pressing a button
html code: (note, the font weight in normal in css for bold)
<b>i want this bold when you hit the button!</b>
<input type="button" value="Set Bold" id="btnBold" />
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Apr 12, 2011
Basically I need to change the value of a submit button when a user clicks a radio.
For example, place order of (x) amount. When the user changes there shipping i want to be able to change the value on the fly.
This works on chrome, untested on IE but doesnt work on FF.
Im using ajax to pull the shipping data through. The variables being set correctly as I alert it and it pops up with the correct value.
function getShippingOption(str)
if (str=="")
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Dec 8, 2009
I'm trying to make a page where you can change a page's layout through 2 separate CSS's via a button. i want to button to change text when it toggles the layouts as well. i have no clue how to do this with an entire CSS file, but here is something i made to change the background. could i use this logic to change the CSS of a page?
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Sep 13, 2010
I am trying to make a button that would change the background image whenever somebody clicks it.
I have tried something along the lines of this:
<input type="button"
onClick="background-image: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;">
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Sep 13, 2010
I am trying to make a button that would change the background image whenever somebody clicks it. I have tried something along the lines of this:
<input type="button"
onClick="background-image: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;">
<input type="button"
onClick="background: url(background.png);background-repeat: no-repeat;">
as you can see, I am a beginner at coding in general. My assumption to why it doesn't work is that I am combining javascript with CSS, but I am most likely wrong.
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Dec 14, 2010
I have a problem changing the text of a HTML button.
<div id="projectform">
<form action="#" method="post">
<button type="submit">.</button>
Now I can change the text of the h6 tag with $("#projectform form h6").html("new text for h6"); This works fine. But what I want is to change the text of the button $("#projectform form button").html("new text for button"); And this does not work. What's wrong here? Why can I change the h6 text, but not the text of the button?
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Mar 25, 2010
I'm just starting to learn languages like jQuery, PHP and AJAX. I will post exactly what a potential client asked me. I'm not willing to say no, because everything else he asked I can do myself, but if it's far beyond my capabilities, I may have to just hire someone to code this part.
Quote: For our home page main menu bar, we would like to have a script (that we design) that if it recognizes a cookie, it shows a slightly different menu bar than if it doesn't see our cookie. For instance, if a user is "remembered" we want the menu to have a support button visible, if the user isn't remembered by our script, its button would then be "Free Trial" I understand exactly what he wants, just not sure how best to go about it. I believe I've seen this before, and I thought maybe AJAX was the best way to do it, but please, correct me if there is a much easier way.
I figure it's a matter of just showing and hiding an object in a kind of IF / ELSE situation.
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