Change Hidden Input's Name Based On Country Of Origin?

Sep 3, 2009

I'm trying, so far unsuccessful to make a function to change the name of a hidden input based upon the country of the user, i have some php code that determines there country of origin of the user fine. I then have a small java script function to change the name of the hidden input depending on the country of origin.

The php variable that holds the country of origin is $country; that variable then needs to be assigned to x in my java script function. $country is equal to AU if your in Australia and US if your in America.[code]...

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Redirect Traffics Based On Country

Sep 4, 2005

Say if the visitors come from German I'd redirect them to German
website, if vistors from USA, I'd redirect them to USA websites.

Is there a way to do this with javascript?

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Showing Script Based On The Country

Jul 4, 2006

I have a few javascripts. I would like to show a certain script based on
the country ip of the viewer, how would I achieve this? is there html I
could use to run the javascript based on the country ip?

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Populating City Drop Down Based On Country Selection?

Feb 17, 2009

I have a property site and I currently have it set up do that when entering a property the person selects a country.Depending on the country selected, the town drop down populates with certain towns in that country.ecause of the number of countries this javascript is pertty large and that worries me slightly. Also, if someone hasjavascript turned off then it doesn't work.In order to make it more accessible, would I have to seperate the form into 2 sepertate pages.

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JQuery :: Detect Change Of Hidden Input?

Mar 9, 2011

I have a the next code...

In the code i chage the 'cambio' value with the next code (for example)

But never execute SacarDatos().... the event 'chage' is only for select? i think no.

How can i do it?

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Double Drop Down Forms - Created Country.html For Each Country With Some Presentation

Sep 9, 2011

I want do create a form ans a javascript function that does something like this:

But on submit to go to a link somethink like this:

I have created country.html for each country with some presentation, all in the main directory.

Then i have a directory for each country where there is a country_province.html for each province.

In conclusion after i select the 2 options from the form ,when i click submit to take me to: href="../country/country_province.html".

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Preventing Input Change (Hidden Field Values)

Oct 31, 2009

On my site people are able to change hidden input fields values into one of their own. I don't know how they do it but how do you prevent it?

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Change Input Value Based On Select Value?

Jul 19, 2011

I am trying to change the value of #name and #category inputs based on the value of select. A friend gave me the code below, but I can't get it to work.

<script type="text/javascript">
if ($(this).val() == 'Monthly'){


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Change Form Based On Previous Input

May 7, 2009

I was wondering if it's possible to make it so that once a user selects a certain option in a list, it makes the next input for that form change to either a textfield or a list without losing the values entered in the inputs above.I know PHP is a server-side script, does that make this not possible?

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Change Select Option Based On Text Input Array?

Nov 3, 2011

what would be the best way to have a hidden array of possible text directed at a textarea and then if something is not within that array "onfocus", a certain select option is chosen within that form?

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Change Form Target Upon User Selection Of Country?

Feb 10, 2010

with the code details as to how this would be possible.

<form method="post" name="validate" action="internet_marketing_and_email_blasting_signup.php" enctype="multipart/form-data" onmouseover="change(event,'../images/submit1.png')"


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Creating A Form That Will Change The Number Of Fields Based On User Input

Jan 4, 2006

I have a form that collects information about up to 5 items. I would
like the user to be able to select from a drop down menu how many items
for which they want to compare information, and then have the form
change the number of input fields accordingly.

In other words, if the user selects enter info for 3 items, then input
fields for only 3 items are shown, if they change it to 4 items, then a
fourth column shows up in the table with the appropriate input fields.

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Jquery :: Id-based Vs Class-based Selectors And Hidden Elements

Oct 20, 2011

Given the following input tag which is enclosed within a hidden div tag:<input id="X" class="Y"/> this call (id-based) locates the tag: $(this).find("#X")but this one doesn't (class-based)I couldn't find any documentation indicating find() working differently when using id-based vs class-based selectors.

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JQuery :: Copy Input Value From To A Hidden Input Field?

Feb 15, 2011

Is it possible to copy the value of a visible input field to a hidden input field?

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AJAX :: Populate The Third Input In The Same Row As The Second Input Based Upon A Separate Db Query?

Oct 29, 2010

I've got a form in which the fields are being dynamically generated based upon a db query.. it looks something like this:


<form name="bft">
<input name="colA_1"> <input name="colB_1" onBlur="loadXMLDoc(this.value,'colC_1');"><input name="colC_1">


I'm trying to use AJaX to populate the third input in the same row as the second input based upon a separate db query. Here's the code for that:


<script type="text/javascript">
function loadXMLDoc(v,n) {
if (window.XMLHttpRequest) {// code for IE7+, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari


Here's where it displays on the page<cfoutput>#trim(getITRRSP.[columnName])#</cfoutput>
Whenever the focus blurs from those inputs, the third column in that row is populated with "UNKNOWN" as the value. I have confirmed that the getITRRSP.cfm file is properly retrieving and displaying the data from the db query.

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How To Show Hidden Fields Based On Selection

Oct 3, 2011

I want to know that "how to show hidden fields when a user selects a particular option in the html form"

I want the fields to be hidden first,then when the users selects:

Option A- Particulars fields which have I will create for this option must be displayed.


Option B-Particular field which I will create for this option must be displayed.

I want this code to run as soon as the user selects a option.Not on a button click

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Changing Hidden Field Value Based On Selected Option

Aug 25, 2009

how to Change a Hidden Fields Name based on selected option. The hidden fields name is sent off and I need to change the name depending on what option they select. For if they select MyList the hidden field name needs to be SelectLists[40] or if they select testlist the hidden field name needs to be SelectLists[41]. This is probably way, way off but I've done this and it doesn't work.


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Choose A Hidden Filed Based On A Selected Item?

May 15, 2010

how to fix the coding so when a user select a category it will add a different hidden filed for that option for example:When the user selects category "Men" the hidden filed <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="REFERRER" VALUE=""> will be added,and when the user selects category "Kids" the hidden filed <INPUT TYPE="HIDDEN" NAME="REFERRER" VALUE=""> will be added and so on...Here is my form coding I am using:

<form name="simplesearch" method="get" action="" onsubmit="ssite=document.getElementById('sitelist');this.action=ssite.options[ssite.selectedIndex].value;return true;">
<input type="hidden" name="page" value="search" />[code]........

Also I have one more question how do I make the "Select Catagory" a Must Choose and if not chosen to give message that say"Please Select a Category"

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Change The Text Box To Enable And Disable - Based On Radiobutton Change?

Feb 11, 2011

based on selection of radio button, i want to change the text box to enable and disable. And additionally, how to set if i enter a value in textbox1 then calculating something and display the result in textbox2 that to on key up.. not on form submitting.

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JQuery :: Use One Input Text Field To Drive Two Hidden Input Text Fields?

Jul 16, 2011

I have a problem created by my complete [rookie] status – only second time venturing into jQuery. I created a simple shopping cart using php and the PayPal buttons (1: buy now, 2: add to cart). The php back end does it great, it generates the table and the buttons and everything works just like it’s supposed to; Except, I forgot to add sizes. So I found out what I need to add, and I realize that the way the buttons work, I will have two different text boxes for size. Not very visually appealing, and since I’m not submitting this to the server before it goes to PayPal to pay, I cannot modify it with php the way I normally would. jQuery / javascript are my only hope of making this work. What I want to do:Have a single textbox where [size] is entered by the user.

Copy the value from the [correct] text box to the Value=”” section of the now hidden field in the PayPal form That way, no matter whether they [BUY NOW] or [ADD to CART] the right size is submitted to the PayPal shopping cart. This is the actual PayPal code that I’m trying to change

<input type="hidden" name="on1" value="Size" maxlength="200">Size</td>


I got this far, and then decided to find how to insert the "enteredVALUE" into the right place in the input text field (what I called output) and I've not been able to figure out how to stuff it in there.

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Same Origin Policy In IE !

May 21, 2006

I m searching for the equivalent of :

try { ("UniversalXPConnect");
} catch (e) {
alert("Permission UniversalXPConnect denied.");

(that works for mozilla based browsers) in Internet Explorer.
The code above asks to the user to trust the script, so extends
privileges such as same origin policy.

I have a page on local disk with 2 frames : A is a local page, B is on
a server (for example I want A to access B
properties (for example parent.B.location.reload() ); on Firefox it
works perfectly (of course only after the consense of the user i.e me),
but in IE I get a "Permission denied error".

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Get Value From Hidden Input?

Feb 23, 2011

After searching the web most of the day, nothing has resolved this issue code...

Any idea how I can keep the input value "hidden" and have javascript still see the value? And yes, I've even tried using the "defer" method.

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Hidden Input Calculator

Apr 21, 2011

I have one interesting problem of one of my project. So i have three function where calculate two different value. So how look HTML code


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Scale Broken In IE7 When Using Origin Argument

Mar 19, 2010

I've been trying to show a div using jQuery's show function with the scale effect. My code works fine in Firefox. When I test it in IE7, it breaks. I narrowed it down to either the origin argument of the scale effect, or the time argument of the show function (which seems unlikely). Like this:

Works in IE7, italics added to show commented code better:

$(document).ready(function() {
function() {$("#content_show").show("scale",{percent: 100, direction: 'vertical'});},//, origin: ['center','center']},500);},


Also, not as important, but what is the syntax of the origin property? What values can I use in it?

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Specfic Override To The Same-origin Policy

Nov 5, 2007

I am trying find a way to create a specfic override to the same-origin policy between 2 frames so that I can use javascript find out the current url of frame2 from frame1.

I have read that I will need a digitally signed activex control for IE6/7 and I am not sure what is needed for other browsers.

I need this to be secure in that the override will:

- only allow frame1 (when loaded from to find the current url of frame 2
- not work when frame2 is https

If this is possible does anyone know why I should not do this? If I use this in my app am I going to shoot myself in the foot?

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Overcome Same Origin Policy For Iframe?

Jan 13, 2009

I'm working on a project where I need to build a "web browser" within my web application. Using the iframe, I can't capture the current url and the DOM of the web page that the user is surfing. I realized that this has to do with the same origin policy guarding iframe.

I have the following 2 questions:

- Does anyone have any workable solution to overcome this issue?

- Is there any alternative to iframe so that I can let users to surf web pages within my web application? Or at the server side, I can do something?

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