Can't Get Cookie To Remember Simple Show / Hide Preferences - Fix It?
Feb 3, 2009
OK, if you load this up into your browser, you can see I have two lines of text that show/hide themselves by clicking on the other line. I know how to set the cookie name and the two different values ("show_hide_cookie=line1", "show_hide_cookie=line2") and I can see that they are there when I view my browser's cookies. But I've spent hours trying to figure out the javascript code to get it to read the cookie and remember the preferences. Right now of course, if you click on the first line and then refresh your browser, it resets the second line back to the first line.
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm having a few problems with this script:
- the third text input in the form is requesting for the user's favorite color. I need it to validate the data to either be a defined color or a hexadecimal value and then turn the background into that color upon submission. However, it's not validating correctly... When a correct value is entered it works fine, it's the error message for an invalid entry that's not appearing.
- I need to save all of the user's input into a cookie which will automatically load their preferences the next time they visit the site(time of day message, first & last name and bg color).
Here's what I have so far:
<script language="javascript">
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Nov 12, 2009
I am trying to finish a script that shows a particular div based on the last 2 chars in the cookie value. I have the cookie part done. how to show hide part.
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Dec 28, 2009
I have a script I am trying to use to show or hide a div id. It uses a cookie, set on link click, to remember if the div should be displayed or not.
It works, but I'm having two problems:
1) The function only shows/hides the first instance of the div, not all instances.
2) Reloading the page after an initial cookie set causes the div to always initially be displayed regardless of the last cookie value (cookie seems to automatically re-set itself to 'tutor-show').
Here is the code:
You can see it in action here: uomeds{dt}com/cbl/cbl-2.htm
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Oct 17, 2011
I'm basically looking for script that uses hide show functionality. with the addition of save state ability based on a cookie that remembers what item the user last expanded for his/her previous visit.
In other words lets say a user expands a link that has a list of information.
Then the user leaves the page and comes back to the same page. It would be ideal if that page remembers(via cookie) what the user last expanded.
Does ANYONE... know where or can perhaps paste some sample code?
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Mar 7, 2009
So I have a CSS stylesheet which sets the div called mainchat to display:none;. That's fine, but then I wrote a script to show/hide the div by using a link. The link is set to onclick="showhide()".
When I click the link, the div opens up and the contents can be seen. Perfect. But when I click the link again, I want it to hide again (i.e. display:none
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Apr 15, 2011
My script:
Question:How can I insert a cookie to this, so that when I hide it, it will remain hidden after refreshing the page.
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Jan 27, 2009
I would like to add a simple hide and show to the top of my site.
So for example i have a normal site and at the top i have a button contact form you click it and it reveals the contact form from the top of the browser.
Like Elliot has done on his site for the speaking events.
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Jun 7, 2011
I have a series of links on a page whereby when the user hovers over the title then an image appears next to the link so it basically shows/hides the image on mouseenter and mouseout. I'm presuming this is a fairly basic jQuery request but I've been hunting around for a while now and can only seem to find more complex examples that I can't seem to disect.
The code in my page is:
So when the user hovers over the "Link" then it will show "myimage.jpg" next to the link.
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Sep 11, 2011
I'm doing a show/hide div on hover, and what I have works...only when I hover over the .pics-nav div, it blinks repeatedly.
$(document).ready(function() {
how to solve a situation like this? Just a super-duper simple thing, but I'm having lots of problems with it.
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Nov 25, 2009
This should be working. At least to my knowledge. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong?! I just have 3 divs orignally set to hidden, set to visible on link click. The code speaks for itself (I hope).code
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Jul 29, 2009
For example I have this sort code:
for ($i=0;$i<$db;$i++) {
echo "<div class='c'>Test<input name='$t1' type='image' id='$t1' src='test.png'/></div> <br>";
I try to make clear the screen for users, so I use hide & show to hide some row on screen what users actually don't need...
The JS part of code is something like this:
$('#toggleh0').click( function() {
$('#toggleh1').click( function() {
$('#toggleh3').click( function() {
I dont know how can do this dynamic. So if "$i=6;" then I need toggle 0-6 function...
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Aug 9, 2010
my name is ajayraj i want to store value in java script variable from drop down list means if first i selected India from drop down then value of var msg=india after i selected Pakistan then value of msg= India+ Pakistan like that How can I do that?
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Aug 1, 2011
I have built a website with draggable scaleable items on a page. You can see what I've done here... [URL]
It uses java script from... [URL]
What I need the site to do is remember the position and scale of the items so that when visitors return to the site the items are where they left them.
I believe it is possible to store this information in a cookie, however I have no idea how to do that or make it work.
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Oct 31, 2005
I want to make my site more accessable without duplicating my website.
I have included a link on each page that allows a user to view my site without loading my css stylesheet. The only problem is that a visitor has to click on the link in every page. I want to use a cookie, but I cant get my head round writing the cookie script, that will remember the enable/disable links throughout my site (preferably for just the session). Code:
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Apr 27, 2010
Here's the website code...
Id like to make it to the site remembers whether someone choses the english or french version of the site. How hard is it to do something like that?
Can it be done in javascript?
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Apr 15, 2011
I'm having a slight problem with php pagination and jquery/js. On the following page [URL] you'll see an "athlete profile" area. Whenever an athlete photo is selected, javascript/php are used to switch out the athlete info. This works perfectly fine. The problem occurs if I use the left or right arrows to view more athletes (the left and right arrows are set with php pagination to switch to the next four records in the database). Whenever I do this, the athlete info defaults back to the first person from the initial load. Also, the javascript/jquery quits working and won't let me view the info for one of the newly displayed athletes. So I have two questions:
1) why it defaults back to the original athlete info? I'm assuming it has something to do with me not setting a cookie to remember the currently selected athlete.
2) Why does the javascript quit working when I view the next set of athletes?
Also, the jquery slideshow that I am implementing is an alteration of this: [URL]
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Jul 23, 2009
I'm doing a text resizer with a cookie to remember the font size level. I'm running into a little problem and was wondering if someone sees something obvious I'm missing. The cookie is being set/read OK and the text resizer works when triggered manually, but it's not being executed on page load when you navigate to other pages.
For example, on the home page, I set it to the largest size, size 3. This gets set to the cookie. If you quit/relaunch the browser, the cookie still reports size 3. Also, when you navigate to another page, onload, it reads the size 3 and it passes it to the textResize() function (these are my console.log() lines), but the text isn't actually resized on page load. If you trigger the text resizer manually, it works.
I'm controlling the font size by adding (or removing) a class to the body tag. Anyone have any ideas why the text isn't resizing automatically onload?
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May 19, 2011
I'm trying to use the cookie plugin to remember the state of a navigation menu from page to page. Here is the snippet of code from towards the top of my page where I am including the jquery files and cookie plugin. The second part of the sample tries to determine whether the cookie exists.
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Sep 12, 2011
I am trying to hide/show table when hide/show button is pressed
Problem: The code works fine when I remove 'slow' from line 10. But with 'slow' in line 10 content of toggleButton doesnt change from Hide to Show when pressed.
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Jan 4, 2010
I have a simple hide and fadeIn. When you rollover a word it will reveal the definition. The problem I am having is if you move the mouse around quickly from one word to the next word sometimes it gets hung up and a definition will not hide. The result gives this hanging defintion and whatever the other definition the mouse is rolledover.
Here is the code I'm using:
There are about 70 words in a box with the definition being reveals on the right hand side. Is there a way of making sure there is always only one definition being shown?
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Sep 30, 2004
I'm trying to set my cookie to expire in 1 year but it dosen't seem to be working. here is my code. can anyone tell me what I am doing wrong?
function DeleteCookie (name,path,domain) {
if (GetCookie(name)) {
var temp = name + "=";
temp += ((path) ? "; path=" + path : "");
temp += ((domain) ? "; domain=" + domain : "");
temp += "; expires=Thu, 01-Oct-2005 00:00:01 GMT";
document.cookie = temp;
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Sep 22, 2005
I'm searching for a pre-made cookie script or a tutorial on making a simple session cookie. Just a cookie to make sure users are getting most current copies of HTML pages on my site.
Up till now I've just had messages on each page instructing them to refresh to make sure the have the latest version.
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Jun 15, 2009
I'm not very good with Javascript so I need you help for page on my website. Basically what I need to do is to make a DIV shown only first time someone visits page, and then when he/she revisit it I want that same DIV hidden, and I want it hidden for next 24 hours... so in that way DIV would be shown only once a day, and only on first page load.
So to make that happen I need to do fallowing, and I would need your help for that: I need a script that on a page load checks if cookie (which is 24h cookie) is set, if it is then it should hide that DIV, if it is not set then it should set it, so that DIV would be hidden on next page load..
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Apr 24, 2009
I am absolute javascipt newbie so please threat me like that I need the following functionality to my webpage: Let's say I have a div with some unique ID on my page. Now, what I need is to show this div on my page only the first time visitor opens a page, and then not show it every next time he/she opens it for next 24h.
So I need to set a cookie that hides div from page if it has already been shown to visitor, for next 24h,so that the content of this div will be shown to each unique visitor only once for a day.
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Dec 14, 2011
<script type="text/javascript">
function toggleVisibility4(controlId)
var z = document.forms["frm_sms"]["phone"].value;
im not sure where im going wrong i am calling this script from a " onkeyup="toggleVisibility4('arrow')" " the arrow is a div i am wanting to hide when the input field "phone" on a form id of "frm_sms" has more than 10 characters
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