Background Buttons
Feb 2, 2004
BackgroundButtons Is simply just a bunch of buttons that change the background. This is useful for someone who's eyes hurt, or just wanna have fun. This file includes a readme and a sample.
<h2>What do you want the background color to be?</h2>
<input type="button" Value="Click for Black" onClick="document.bgColor='Black'">
<input type="button" Value="Click for White" onClick="document.bgColor='White'">
<input type="button" Value="Click for Green" onClick="document.bgColor='green'">
<input type="button" Value="Click for blue" onClick="document.bgColor='blue'">
<input type="Button" Value="Click for red" onClick="document.bgColor='red'"
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Mar 11, 2011
Basically, I have some buttons that toggle background color but I would also like a button to toggle all, to clear all, and to color all. My code only has 3 buttons set up but I just need help with the toggle all, clear all, and color all buttons. I'm not sure how to have it check if the cells are colored already and to then make them white or vice versa.
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Dec 17, 2009
I want to know how to change the background of my site to an image instead of a color using far i have this code
<input type="button" value="Red" onclick="changeBgColor(this.value);" />
<input type="button" value="blue" onclick="changeBgColor(this.value);" />
<input type="button" value="Yellow" onclick="changeBgColor(this.value);" />[code]....
instead of changing the color i want to change it to an image, how would i do this?
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Jun 13, 2011
I have a table that contains many rows, some in italian with code <td nome='riga_i'> and some in english with code <td name='row_e'>. I have created two buttons with different background flags: italy and uk, so when one pushes the button with flag uk, the html page will be reloaded with only english rows, and when one pushes the button with flag it, the same page is reloaded containing only italian rows. All the code posted here works well, but I think that the code can be better because to reach this result I had to dupplicate the same function and I don' t like this.
Here the code:
To better the code I have tried in this way but without success ...
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Dec 28, 2009
I have 10 buttons on a page, and 10 more "onmouseover buttons" that correlate to the first set. Each button or onmouseover button is only 1-2KB! But I can still hold the mouse over a button for a couple seconds until it loads the onmouseover button. I'm using javascript to have the buttons change. The page does load a 2MB video. Could that be the cause? Can I tell it to load the buttons first somehow?
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Dec 12, 2011
I just don't see any possibility to change the height of a button. I am developing an application to list many articles. The height of the collapsible buttons/select buttons is therefore to large, i want the buttons to be as small as possible.
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Mar 21, 2011
Why doesn't this code work?
It is supposed be just 2 different lines of changing buttons. I was planning to use the "+" and "-" buttons to add/subtract button lights from a column. Unless I did something wrong, I think it should work, but it doesn't... Why?
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Apr 11, 2010
what i need to do to add all the radio botton and check box. i already finish the add formula on the checkbox but i do not know how to add the two selected radio buttons to my checkbox buttons.for example:
O selected is 80
O 60
O 60
O selected is 15
O 15
O 25[code].....
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Dec 9, 2011
What happens is the user selects the number of buttons depending on the number entered in the text box. If the number is 3 in the text box, then the user can only select 3 buttons, if more buttons are selected then it comes with an alert message saying user is beyond limit deselect a button to be able to choose another button.
But these are the problems I have encounted: If I type in "2" in the textbox for example, it allows me to select 2 buttons and comes up with alert if more buttons clicked.
problem 1: but if I change the figure in text box from "2" to "5", then it only allows me to select 3 buttons (I think it is adding 2 from the previous value and 3 to make the current value 5)
problem 2: If I enter a value less than current value, so in this example if I enter in 1 in the textbox which is obviously less than 2, then it lets the user select unlimited number of buttons.
So does anyone know how to fix these problems so that the amount of buttons selected matches correctly to the value in the textbox?
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Apr 29, 2011
I am trying to change my sites background color. The color changes but it doesn't go back to the first image anymore. does anybody know what the problem could be?
jQuery Code:
HTML Code:
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May 14, 2009
I'm putting together a portfolio site and I'd like to use high-res images that take up most of the screen to show different works. There
would be a menu bar with links to each work, where a click on that work's link would change the background by doing a standard "dissolve"
effect.I have seen many different plugins for "rotating" images and changing background colors at the click of a button. Is there a method
specifically for this purpose? As an alternative to altering the background-image of the body itself,I would be willing to use a properly sized div (or div's) to achieve this effect.
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Jun 17, 2011
I want my radio buttons to become submit buttons as well. So when a user clicks on a radio button it submits the action and refreshes the page accordingly. As of now using only using onclick="this.form.submit()" the page only refreshes with no change. Here is a copy of the entire form. It is a custom shipping options form (I did not create it).
<!-- Custom shipping form -->
<form action="" method="post" name="update_shipping">
<table width="300">
<input <?php if (!(strcmp($_SESSION['shippingmethod'],"1"))) {echo "checked="checked"";} ?>
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Aug 24, 2011
I create buttons from an array of objects that such as:
buttons = [{ text: "button 1", action: 1}, {text: "button 2", action: 2}];
I then loop thru the array to assign the text and bind the click event after having created the buttons with IDs of "button_<index>".
for( var index in buttons ) {
$("#button_"+index).html ( buttons[index].text )
.click( function() { clickButton( buttons[index].action ) } );
The text appears correctly in the button, but every button defined only fires the list bound click, in this example the action equal to'2'whether I push "Button 1" or "Button 2".My actual case has four buttons, all firing the event for the fourth button.I've tried not chaining the .click(), going thru the loop twice once for the .html and once for the .click, neither of which made a difference. If I hard code each button .click, it works fine.
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Jul 13, 2010
I'm trying to create a questionnaire style series of radio buttons which are hidden and then a different set of radio buttons displayed depending on the previous answer. eg
Q1 Is it a man? (if select yes then display)
Q2 Is he called John? (if no then display)
Q3 Is he called Gary? and so on...
I've been testing using the code below but wondered if anyone had any ideas on how this could be done easily?
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Nov 28, 2009
I'm trying to get a radio button validation for different sets of radio buttons that simply contains Yes & No buttons.
Here's what I'm trying to do:
Question 1: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 2 appears) *Up to here I'm happy- can't figure out the rest*
Question 2: if Yes, then (Alert 1) if No, then (Alert 2) (if Yes, then Question 3 appears)
I need the Alerts to be swapped from this point*
Question 3: if Yes, then (Alert 2) if No, then (Alert 1) (if NO, then Question 4 appears)
Identical for Question 5, and for Last Question 6 Alerts swapped back again.)
Here's the script that I managed to piece together:
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Aug 24, 2010
provide javascript to create something like the image below: Things I can't workout are:
1. top and bottom background colors as the above image
2. add two text
3. border color same as top background color
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Jul 28, 2011
I need to have three text boxes, user will enter a number in each box.Then i have four buttons, add, subtract, divide and multiply.When i click on each button, the numbers in the first two text boxes should match the answer in the third text box.ex. (first box has a 4, second box has a 4, and the third box has an 8. if i click the add button, i should get a "correct" answer in the div below with a green background and if i hit the multiply button the div should say "wrong" with a red background.
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
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Oct 23, 2005
Was wondering if someone could show me how I can use javascript to submit a
form using three separate buttons that would cause the forms action="" to
hold different values?
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Jul 20, 2005
I have some buttons on an
HTML form. When I click a button, it just gives the button focus. Then I
need to click again for the onClick actions to take place. How do I get
the buttons to work on the fist clck, rather two click or double click. I
have set tab order and have used xxx.focus() to give the first field on
the form fuoc after the form loads. can this be screwing the buttons up.
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Jul 20, 2005
How can I disable a button once it has been clicked? I want to prevent the user from clicking on it twice if they have a slow connection.
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May 25, 2007
I'm looking to make a list of products with 5 products per page. Therefore if there are, for example, 23 products, I want a page selector on the page that looks a bit like this:
Previous 1 2 3 4 5 Next
I will place this in as an include.
I don't seem to be able to make the previous and next buttons work though. I've tried to make it work using the following code... I'm probably doing something stupidly wrong.
i have pages titled "england_1.htm", "england_2.htm" etc... Code:
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Jun 1, 2007
whats the script for setting a Submit button to clickable in JS? Right now I've got a few submit buttons but i dont want the next one to be available until the last information was submitted.
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Oct 5, 2007
I am trying to do something I thought would be simple in javascript, and I'm at a loss. First code is GOOD code, except that it does not account for the possibility that the button(s) in question do NOT exist. The second and third subsets are two of several attempts to do just that. Code:
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Sep 13, 2006
This makes it impossible to check if the left button is STILL DOWN.
Say you have a drag and drop routine and drag an object (or at least the mouse pointer) out of the browser window, and then release the left mouse button.
Because the event happens outside the browser window, mouseup won't fire (it does under IE). So if you drag the pointer back inside the browser window there is NO WAY of knowing if the left button has been released.
In IE, you can at least use mousemove's event object to check whether the button =1, but in FF it returns zero both for left button and no button!
I can see no way out of this.
Try walterzorn's excellent drag and drop at Take the mouse pointer to the top of the screen under FF,release the mouse button and then go back into the browser window. Result? The script still thinks the mouse button is pressed.
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Feb 15, 2012
In my application what happens is that the user chooses a button by clicking on the (open Grid) link and selecting a button. Then what happens is that a set of buttons appear below depending on what the user has chosen. The user is supose to determine how many answers he wants to select in the text box (in other words how many buttons does the user want to select). For example if the user enters "2" in the textbox, then the user can only select 2 buttons below. The problem is that if the user types in a number in the text box, then it would not allow the user to select a button, (a button is selected if the color of the button turns green). but if I remove the number which is in the text box, then if I click on a button it comes up with an alert message stating that you should determine the number of answers you want, this is correct. So why is it not allowing me to select any buttons if there is a number inside the "Number of Answers" textbox? Code is in jsfiddle, click [URL]
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Jun 10, 2003
I have a form that has 3 different buttons, and each tells the server side script to react differently to the data it is sent.
One of the fields is a select box, and I want it to behave the same way that the select box does at the bottom of the forums; when the selected value in the select box changes, the submission takes place automatically. However, I need to send along with the form data, a key word or value to the recieving script.
Is there a way to do this using: onchange = "this.form.submit();" ?
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