Auto Slideshoload A Bunch Of Images And Display Only A Range Of Them On A Certain Page?

Oct 15, 2010

Does anyone know of a script or has a script i could use that allows me to load a bunch of images and display only a range of them on a certain page?

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JQuery :: Display Bunch Of <li> Elements Consecutively Using .animate?

Apr 4, 2010

I tried to enumerate through a index array to assign different ids to newly retrieved JSON data, the li element is initially set to be hidden and the hidden data can be seen from console. But the browser is failing to show the data when I tried to use ('li#a').animate({opacity: "show"}, "slow"); I also tried to use .animate right after each <li> appendTo the body and failed to show as well. I am wondering how to fix this? Is there any better way of handling this with out creating an enumerating array?

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ShowValue Function To Display The Image File Name Without Running A Bunch Of If Statements?

Nov 21, 2011

I'm having two issues: First, is there an easier way for my showValue function to display the image file name without running a bunch of if statements? I tried doing something like document.getElementById('imgFile').value = imgArray[n]; but that did not seem to work.

Second, I'm trying to have the image file name change in my textbox when I click any button. I've accomplished this with onblur, but that only works if I click on the textbox. I'd like it to just change automatically.


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JQuery :: Create A URL That Presets A Bunch Of Elements On The Page?

Jun 16, 2011

I really don't know how to explain this well.


So when a user goes to that directly, all the presets are already there? (since my updateResults function already sends that data along when the user is actually using the page, perhaps I could just somehow parse that url and call my updateResults function with the requested parameters...

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JQuery :: Datepicker With Range - Send Values To Php Script And Display The Result?

Jun 6, 2011

I have a date picker with a textbox input for 'from' and 'to' the page loads with default values which display in the textboxes.What I want to do is: when the page loads, these values are sent to my SQL server, the server checks for entries that are within the range, then reports back on the page the results.Subsequent changes to either from or to dates should result in a similar call to the server for validation. no submit button, just change date = changed output.I figure the best way to do this is with AJAX. So I have a date picker, but how do I send the results to a PHP file to do what it will with them? And once the php file is done with them, how do I put the results back on my HTML page?Now for some code:

In <head>

So that's all the code that makes my Range Select date picker. My question is very similar to http:[url]....with-ajax-and-jquery-datepicker except that I probably lack even more knowledge than that OP - I need a step-by-step baby solution to how this all works.Where in my code does the $.ajax() function go? How do I handle two dates, not just one? How do I get the output on screen? Finally, in my PHP script, would this at least provide me output?

$from_date = $_GET['from_date'];
$to_date = = $_GET['to_date'];[code]...

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Auto Load File In A PHP Page & If Poss Auto Click Botton On External Page?

Jan 13, 2010

I don't know if this can be done in Javascript, or requires any other language but i was wondering if this would be possible.I would like to embed this Javascript code in to a PHP file and then for it to run automatically upon the PHP file loading:

<td class="smallDesc"> <a name="fb_share" type="button_count" href="">Share</a><script src="" type="text/javascript"></script> </td>


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Make A Page That Could Display An Unlimited Amount Of Images?

Mar 2, 2009

I am trying to make a page that could display an unlimited amount of images. I mean that I want to be able to change the amount of pictures as I want. But in the same time I want the gallery to look like a table without making a table in my html.

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JQuery :: JqModal - Auto-size And Auto-center The Modal On The Page?

Aug 29, 2009

Using the very basic jqModal example, isn't it supposed to auto size and auto center the modal on the page? I placed a table that was wider than the modal's default settings and it's off the page and does not create scroll bars on the page to see the hidden section of the modal.

The default class is

Now, I know I can change the width of the modal but what about the positioning?

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Validating Date Range - Validate Two A Date Range?

May 24, 2010

I want to validate two a date range using javascript, so that my program would check startdate less than end date. The below function only check the year, and it works.


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How To Auto-resize Images In IE6

May 5, 2010

I am appending an image via Javascript but IE6 will NOT consistently resize the image to its natural width and height. The exact dimensions of the image vary but are always 100x100 or less.ave tried using CSS like {width:auto;height:auto;} but this is not reliable. I append "?" + now.getMilliseconds() to the image SRC to prevent the browser caching it (because the image can change but the filename doesn't). If I omit this query string, then IE6 seems to resize the images correctly.I also have to float the image and I've noticed that removing the float fixes the problem. I tried to use display:inline instead of float but it didn't work.

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Auto Scroll 3 Images Vertically?

May 19, 2010

I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)

how to do it or show a snippet of code?

I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found. I'm not trying to ask for you to code it all for me (unless you really want to)

Here's the site: [URL]

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Auto-update DIV Content (images)?

May 4, 2011

This is my first venture in this forum and also my first attempt at some programming for a fair few years and I have run into a problem i cannot for the life of me see the answer to. I am fairly sure I am just missing something stupidly obvious, but like I said its been a few years since I did any programming so I'm a bit behind with my knowledge!

What I am trying to do is using a combination of HTML & Javascript (well actually JQuery), is to automatically update a cell in a table without the user doing anything. The changes to the content are based on changes to a database by other users. I have written the following code which auto updates text in the DIV, the question is how do I ammend this text to automatically switch between pictures?


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Auto Window Sizing For Images

Feb 4, 2003

I am making a PHP-MySQL site which has an image gallery page that generates thumbnail-sized versions of images (the paths are all in the DB) using the width= tag. I have it so that when you click on the thumbnail, a fixed-size window pops up with the actual-sized version of the image. The new window just displays the image itself with .jpg in the address bar, and not an HTML or PHP file that contains the image tags and path in it. Is there any way I can have the new window automatically adjust to the size of the image, or is it strictly a one-size-fits-all dealy?

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Auto Scroll 3 Images Vertically

May 20, 2010

I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)Can anyone help me out with a reference I could look at how to do it or show a snippet of code?I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found.

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JQuery :: Auto-align And Distribute Many Small Images?

Aug 6, 2009

How to auto-align and distribute many small images inside a div ?

I want something like that :

<div class="ContainerThatAlignMyIcons">
<img src="img1.jpg" width="10" height="10" alt="img1" />
<img src="img2.jpg" width="10" height="10" alt="img2" />


I want that jQuery distribute all this item for the left border to the right border of the div.

I wonder if any plugins is doing this ? I did a search in Google and I do not find something near the result that I want.

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AJAX :: Allow Images In The Chatroom - Not Allow To Turn Off The Auto-refresh?

Jul 26, 2011

I'm using AJAX to auto-refresh a chatroom. You can see it on the right of the following site: http:[url]...

The problem is, when large images are placed in the chatroom via BBCode, (temporarily disabled) when the chatroom refreshes, they flicker! This is caused by the AJAX reloading the content, which in turn reloads the image.Is there a workaround for this? I want to allow images in the chatroom, but I don't want to turn off the auto-refresh. Below is the code I am running to refresh the chatroom:

Javascript Code:
- Javascript Code
function update()

Basically, what it does is reloads chatQuery.php and currentlyOnlineQuery.php every 5 seconds, or when a chat message is submitted.

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Display A Series Of Images Then Display A "Continue" Button To Go Back To The Website

Aug 31, 2011

I need a JavaScript (or something else) that will fade out the web site, on load, and display a series of images, then display a "Continue" button to go back to the web site. I have an idea for a cute (and funny) way to get people interested in my site that has a weird name. I searched high and low (Google!, amongst others) for anything that would be close to what I need, to no avail.

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JQuery :: Create A Slider That Auto Scrolls 3-4 Images From Right To Left With No Controls?

Mar 8, 2010

What I am trying to do is create a slider that auto scrolls 3-4 images from right to left with no controls. And if the user hovers over it, it stops so they can read the content that is featured. Everywhere I search there are bunch of plugins i.e. easyslider, s3slider, etc. that have tons of code that is greek to me. I tried using the easyslider code and changing things around for it to do what I want, but I was unsuccessful.

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JQuery :: Generating A CSV Of Values From A Bunch Of Checkboxes With Same Id?

Jan 9, 2010

I'm using this piece of code to find a set of selected check boxes that are selected abd build a comma separated list from their values

'txt' custom attribute
. Is this a jQuery standard method?
<input type="checkbox" id="chkGenre" rel="genre" value="12"
txt="Rock" /> <br />
<input type="checkbox" id="chkGenre rel="genre" value="13" txt="Jazz" /

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Dynamically Create A Bunch Of Key => Value Pairs In A Object

Aug 20, 2011

I'm not sure if I'm calling it the right thing, but I'm trying to dynamically create a bunch of key => value pairs in a javascript object.

Something like this:

Code JavaScript:

But the console gives me errors, and I haven't been able to find a way to do this. I've tryed putting the keys in square brackets, as was suggested somewhere online, but that didn't work.

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Dynamically Loading Files Containing Bunch Of Data

Apr 28, 2011

Here's what I'd like to do using pure JavaScript and HTML (no Ajax or PHP): My website loads different JavaScript files dynamically which contain a bunch of data, that I will display on the website. The dynamical loading function is placed in the <HEAD> and looks like that:

function loadJsFile(filename){
console.log("loading js file")
var fileref=document.createElement('script')
fileref.setAttribute("src", filename)
fileref.onload = dataIsLoaded;
if (typeof fileref!="undefined"){

The dataIsLoaded method in there is a callback that is triggered when the JavaScript file has been loaded:
function dataIsLoaded(){
console.log("loading js file done")
dataLoaded = true;
data = new Data();

DataLoaded is simply a global boolean that is per default false and the 'data' variable contains all the data I want to display on my site. While the JavaScript file is being loaded, the browser continues building the site. When it gets to the <body> that wants to access some information from the data variable, I get the unsurprising error that 'data' is undefined. I looked for a way to wait until 'data' is defined and then continue with building the <body> but couldn't find a solution.

Alternatively I wanted to reload the divs in the <body> when the 'data' is available:
function reloadDivs(){
console.log("data available, reloading divs");
document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML = document.getElementById('someDiv').innerHTML
console.log("data is not yet available");
setTimeout('loadReportData();', 500);
This does not work, I get a blank div when I do that.

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Refresh Multiple Images - Every Time Page Gets Refreshed The Images Need To Change

Oct 5, 2009

I need to refresh multiple images on my site. So every time the page gets refreshed the images need to change. It worked fine with the script below, but this is only related to 1 image

I tried to copy the script and change the "ID's" but this does not do the job.

What should I change/add to the script below?

In head:

In body:

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JQuery :: Grab A Bunch Of HTML And Exhibit An Excerpt?

Sep 20, 2009

I've cobbled this script together to help me implement 'read more.[URL]... It does the job, but I lose all the mark-up in the process :[ It doesn't cater for a bunch of tags like <img>, <ol>, <ul> etc. slice()
ain't being too kind to me. // create a 'read more' link, and hide remaining text, if post content


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JQuery :: Setting Up A Bunch Of Listeners With A Looping Structure

Apr 30, 2010

I'm trying to come up with a better architecture for dealing with multiple listeners in a multi-page questionnaire. Here's the general structure I'm looking to implement:

1. Set up CSS for animation

2. Look for preconditions

3. Initialize listener

4. Execute animation

Some issues to consider:

1. Some questions have dependencies that show or hide depending on what is selected in a parent question.

2. Needs to be IE 6 compatible.

3. It should be simple enough so that all you need to do is add a new question to a JSON object, which is what I have set up right now.

Some code (the looping structure that reads each question):

var newQ = eval(q);
$.each(newQ, function () {
// 1 - Setting CSS for each listener
$(this.css).css({'width': '1500px', 'float': 'left', 'clear':'both'});


The problem here is that when I do a console.dir on $.each(this.value.length), it counts each character, as opposed to counting the number of elements in the array. Should I be doing an eval on q? Why or why not? If I could get this up and running, it would make my life 100x easier, as there are hundreds of questions, and I'd want to make this all data driven.

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Display Images From Array?

Jun 6, 2009

I seem to keep chaging my mind about the best way to do this. I am trying to make a gallery that will display images on a page (without a database!) from a folder when a link is cliked. I have used PHP to read the file paths into an array - and this seems to work perfectly. Its output is similar to this:

galleryarray[43]="Autumn 08/Allt Ddrew (7 9)/DSC_0315 (3).JPG";
galleryarray[44]="Autumn 08/Allt Ddrew (7 9)/DSC_0332 (3).JPG";
galleryarray[45]="Autumn 08/Misc/100_7515.JPG";
galleryarray[46]="Autumn 08/Misc/DSC_0042 (5).JPG";


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Jcarousellite - Won't Display More Than 3 Images

Aug 17, 2010

my site is [URL] and on the homepage i have a jcarouselLite that came with the wordpress template that im using. I cannot get it to display more then 3 images, even if i put another <li> item in there.

I've copied and pasted the last image 2-3 times over and it won't display. I've also tried changing it to a new image and putting it at the end and it still won't display.

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