Adding Content Until Scroll?

Feb 22, 2009

I have a page that I have JS adding content wrapped in <li>s and the content inside the <li>s is never the same length. I want to keep adding a <li> to the stack until the page is full without making the page scroll.Am I clear enough? It'd be easy if everything was the same size or if everyone's resolution was the same but the world isn't perfect.Here is a simple HTML and CSS test case:

body {


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Adding Scroll Bar To Dropdown Menu

Feb 4, 2007

I have a verticle dropdown menu, which works nicely. The problem is when the window is resized the menu and submenu stay's in it's fixed position, this means that user has to scroll down the page to access bottom links of large submenus. Is there a way to make the menu's shift up depending on the elements in them and the size of window or even have a scroll bar.

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JQuery :: Cycle Plugin : Adding A Fade-in To The Horizontal Scroll Transition?

Feb 10, 2011

I'm trying to add a fade-in and fade-out effect to the default scrollHorz transition.The code I'm currently using is as follows :

speed: 1000,
timeout: 3500,


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JQuery :: Using Scroll To Asynchronously Change Content Of A Div?

May 5, 2010

Is it possible to disable the default action of the mouse scroll....and use the up and down scroll of the mouse to change the content of a Div.....(usually text)? The page would be designed to have all content 'above the fold' and scrolling down the page would not be necessary.

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Fading Or Vertical Scroll News/Content?

Mar 6, 2009

I have been googleing and searching Sitepoint for a fading or vertical scroll multi browser script with no luck.

Can someone help me finding a good script that work on most popular browsers such FF, IE, Safari and Opera to scroll of fade news. The news content has an image, text and link.

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Create A Verticle Scroll Bar In A Div - View More Content ?

Sep 14, 2010

How do i create a verticle scroll bar in a div so i can scroll down to view more content?

I also want to customise the scroll bar.

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=> Scroll IFrame Content To Desired Position (JavaScript)

Jul 23, 2005

How can I scoll the content of an Ifram to a desire Position?

The function should be:

BUT how do I have to use this function so that applies to the IFrame content.

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JQuery :: IE7 / IE8 Scroll Bar Not Recalculating Content Height, When Using .slideToggle()?

Nov 23, 2010

IE7 / IE8 scroll bar is not recalculating content height, when using .slideToggle(); so content panels when expanded are lost off the bottom of the page - see screenshot. Has anyone else had this problem? What is the fix? I have tested in Chrome, firefox, opera (it even works in IE6) just not IE 7 and 8. I have attached a screenshot. The weird thing is the slider I am using for the areas causing the problem (pictured) I am using because they allow multiple instances of the slider on the page.

There is also an old one on the page also that does work in IE7 & 8 (the page expands as if there was new content in the page).


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Jquery :: #page Div Not Expanding To Fit Content Using Local Scroll

May 25, 2010

I'm using the localscroll jquery plugin to scroll through content in a div by using an unorder list navigation. I have the containing div (#page) set at a certain height and the overflow set to hidden.. the problem I'm having is I want the #page div to be elastic so that it grows and shrinks to fit the child div it scrolls can view the scroll plugin in use here:


its activated using the product list nav toward the bottom of the page on the left.How would I set it up so that the #page div shrinks or grows to contain the full visable size of the child div (.scroll1, .scroll2, .scroll3, scroll4 etc)

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Control Iframe Content Width To Avoid Horizontal Scroll

Apr 19, 2010

I have a page on my website where I put an iframe and display inside it another website, something like this:

<iframe frameborder="0" height="100%" scrolling="yes" src="" style="overflow: scroll; min-height: 600px;" width="100%"></iframe>

My problem is that my page have a fixed width of for example 800px which the iframe width is 100% of this width, but some external websites I put inside the iframe have a wider fixed width than 600, for example if the external website have the width of 1000px then my iframe will have a horizontal scroll. I don't want the horizontal scroll to appear and at the same time I want the iframe to show the whole width of the external website. Is there a way that I can control the width of the external website and make it 100% of the width of my iframe instead of their fixed 1000px for example? I don't think I can but I thought I would ask anyways maybe it's possible!

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AJAX :: Scroll Div And Site Position - Set The View On The Div After Content Is Loaded?

Jun 29, 2010

I have scroll div on the buttom of my page. This div is autoloaded after pressing link via AJAX technology. Everything is ok except position of the web. Right after I press link the view of the page is going to the top. How I could set the view on the div after AJAX content is loaded.

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Jquery :: Sliding Content - Image Scroll Up To Show Bottom

Apr 7, 2011

I thought this would be easy but I'm stuck and I can't describe what's really simple so I've drawn a diagram. [URL]. I have a div containing an image like 1 in the diagram. I only want to show the top of the image like 2 in the diagram. When I hover over the div I want the image to scroll up to show the bottom of the image like 3 in the diagram. [URL].

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"
<html xmlns="[URL]" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>

<style type="text/css" media="screen">

<div id="wrap">
<li><a href="#" id="one"><img src="img.gif" width="250" height="200"/></a></li>

<script src="[URL]"type="text/javascript"></script>
$(this).find('img').animate({top: + (-200) + 'px'},200);
return false;

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Centering Input Boxes - Auto Allowing The Content To Scroll Left And Right?

Jun 26, 2011

I have a div that is set to overflow auto allowing the content to scroll left and right. This is because the content I am putting in it (a series of input boxes) is considerably wider than the containing div. The way it sits, when I start in the first input box and continually tab to the other input boxes, the focus goes from the left of the screen to the right. Once it hits the input box to the right of the screen, some of the input box is hidden to the right. As I tab to the input boxes to the right, each one has a portion of the element cut off by the view window.

What I want to happen is when I start at the left most input box and tab over, as I reach the center of the viewable part of the container, I want the input boxes to continue to center themselves until I reach the last ones. I think that telling each input box to center itself in the visible window of the containing div as it gets focus would work, I just don't know if there is an easy way to accomplish this using javascript I am using the mootools framework if that helps my case any.

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JQuery :: Synchronizing Vertical Scroll Of 2 Divs Based On When Waypoints Inside The Content Are Reached?

Nov 1, 2011

To synchronize the vertical scroll of the following "left" and "right" divs only when the beginning and end of each "blahN " div is reached inside the left div. Both divs have a finite height, which basically insures that the scroll bar will be present. The left div outputs text-based content from various database procedures while the right div outputs images corresponding to the text. The text is nothing more than pages from the website and as you can see inside the left div, each is encapsulated within a subsequent div with an incremental class (i.e.- "blah1", "blah2", and so forth.) When one scrolls through each "blah" content inside of the left div, I would like the right div to output the image that corresponds to the text (again, this data comes from the website through previous transactions.) Here's an example: John Doe comes to the website and starts reading the various pages listed inside the left div.

There might be 2 pages loaded inside the left div, or, there might be 20, but in any event, when he loads the entire page containing all this, the first page will be displayed along with the first pages' image. When he scrolls past this first entry (page) inside the left div, the corresponding image related to it inside the MySQL database is then output as well over in the right div and so on with every other "blahN " piece of content. Right now, the jQuery I'm using has synchronized both divs to scroll at the same time, regardless of specific waypoints that might be reached per-scrolling.

Here's the basic markup I'm using right now:

<div class="left">
foreach($obj->field_page_objs as $k1=>$v1){


few other websites and the responsiveness has been minimal-to-nonexistent. I'm sure this is because of both how I've explained the problem combined with the overall difficulty (or niche-ness) it introduces. In any event, I apologize beforehand if this carries over into this website.

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Html - Adding Content To A Table Row (<TR>)?

Aug 29, 2010

I have a table as follows:

<td>col 1</td><td>col2</td>


You see it doesn't want to output the I have specified. The actual script is a lot more complex and so unfortunately manually adding each using an appendChild or similar function would be far too time consuming and probably rather resource intensive. Is there anyway I can just add a 'chunk of html' to this table row and in this chunk define the table columns?

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Adding A Moseover Pause To Rotating Content?

Apr 26, 2011

I have a rotating content js, and I want to add a pause to it when its mosed over, heres the current code:

<a id="imageurl" ><img id="Rotating1" border="0"></img></a>
<script language="JavaScript">
function RotateImages(Start)


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Saving The Document After Adding Content Dynamically

Apr 21, 2006

I am facing a certain problem when I try to add a content to a page dynamically and then save the page. I add a content dynamically to the page on a mouse click and then after the content appears in the screen, I try to save the HTML file from the browser. When I open the saved HTML file, I am not able to see the dynamically added text. This happens only in IE.

This is the code that I use.

"document.body.insertAdjacentHTML("beforeEnd", "<div id='idCanvas'> Sample Text </div>");"

This code successfully adds the new text to the page. But, when I try to save the page from "File -> Save As" and then open the saved file, I am not able to view that text. I need to get that text in the saved document as well.

I also tried using:

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Jquery :: Jflow Content Slider Adding Second?

Jan 21, 2009

i'm having loads of trouble with the jflow content slider I've managed to get it up and running but now I want to add a second jflow content slider in a div below it. Im not sure how I go about renaming the second one's properties so that the second lot of buttons target the second slider. An example of what im doing can be viewed at:

My site example I do not know how to make them independant of each other.. has anyone else tried doing this?

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Jquery :: Append Does Not Properly Resize Div When Adding Content

Jun 12, 2009

I'm creating a page that lists the available songs that I have for karaoke, and I'm having some difficulties with formatting. I'm using jquery to retrieve an XML created by php, and outputting it to the html page using jquery's append() function. However, when I do this,the DIV that contains the data (the one I'm appending) simply does not re-size with the data - so I have a div that's a few pixels high, and a data list that just floods out of it in the emptiness of my body background (white).I've tried setting a % or px height to the div, with no change in behavior. Oh, it happens both in Firefox and Internet Explorer equally.

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JQuery :: Adding .min.js - Tabbed Content Box Feature That Calls

Apr 10, 2010

I have 2 separate things going on my homepage using jQuery. One is a menu calling the following jQuery:

The other is a tabbed content box feature that calls the following jQuery:

Everything works with great with the menu until I call jquery.min.js then the tabbed content box works great and the jquery for the menu is broken. If I'm not mistaken, I cant use jquery no conflict because that only separates jquery from mootools or something like that. So, what is the solution when jquery interferes with itself?

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Measuring Column Height And Dynamically Adding Content?

Jul 21, 2010

I have a 3 column CSS layout design. The page length is dynamic depending on how much content gets fed into each respective column. For this reason one column might be considerably longer than the other two, as a result the page length opens us white space in some columns.

Given the white space that appears if some content in columns is longer than in others, how could I measure the white space and depending on its height dynamically add in further content providing it fits (say additional side banners)?

I'm told this is possible in JS? I guess PHP is also a viable option?

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Problem Adding HTML Content Loaded Using Document.load()

Jul 23, 2005

I'm building a tree control that lazily loads branches of the tree
using the document.load() method.

The external XML document that is loaded is generated by a servlet as
XHTML. What I would like to do is to add the new tree branch to the
correct place in the document in the browser window using the innerHTML
property of the parent node.

The relevant code snippet that I've written to do this is:

var target = document.getElementById(parentId);
target.innerHTML = xmlDoc.documentElement.xml;

This doesn't work, furthermore looking at the W3C DOM API it would seem
that the document.xml property is a Microsort proprietary extension
which makes it unsuitable for my application.

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Drop Down Boxes Return To Default When Adding More Content With InnerHTML?

Jan 26, 2010

I am adding drop down boxes to a div using javascript on a user action, if these boxes are assigned a value by the user then the user adds more boxes the values previously selected are cleared.

It does not happen if an option is selected in the HTML when the page is loaded.

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Make Body Content Scroll At The Same Time As An Iframe Located Within The Body?

Feb 21, 2011

I'm trying to make my body content scroll at the same time as an iframe located within the body. This has to do with the age old problem of mouse focus on iframes. When my mouse reaches the iframe and it takes over focus, I would like the body to keep scrolling until the iframe is right at the top of the screen. After that I want to relinquish focus to the iframe. I don't mind if the iframe starts scrolling as soon as the mouse reaches it, so long as the main body keeps scrolling for a while.

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JQuery :: Adding Specific Class For Loading Content Using Load() Not Working In Chrome/Safari?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm using a function to load a page into a div. When I add the class of the element I want to show (.contentpaneopen) Chrome and Safari show no content. It works OK in IE and FF.When I ommit the class it works on all browsers.

function loadContent(elementSelector, sourceUrl) {
//Works in Chrome en Safari:


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Application To Scroll The Table Header From The Same Amount Of Pixels And In The Same Direction When User Scroll Horizontal Bar In Div1

Feb 24, 2009

i have 1 div with scrollbars and another div with a table inside. when user scroll horizontal bar in div1 i want application to scroll the table header from the same amount of pixels and in the same direction. i did not find anything under jQuery about that.. :-(

1. how can i detect in which direction the scroll is done (to the right, or to the left) ?
2. how can i determine how many pixels this scrolling is about ?
3. how to scroll the table header (table tag or th tag) from the same amount of point ?

i found just scrollLeft for now and i'm not successful to use it

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