Centering Input Boxes - Auto Allowing The Content To Scroll Left And Right?
Jun 26, 2011
I have a div that is set to overflow auto allowing the content to scroll left and right. This is because the content I am putting in it (a series of input boxes) is considerably wider than the containing div. The way it sits, when I start in the first input box and continually tab to the other input boxes, the focus goes from the left of the screen to the right. Once it hits the input box to the right of the screen, some of the input box is hidden to the right. As I tab to the input boxes to the right, each one has a portion of the element cut off by the view window.
What I want to happen is when I start at the left most input box and tab over, as I reach the center of the viewable part of the container, I want the input boxes to continue to center themselves until I reach the last ones. I think that telling each input box to center itself in the visible window of the containing div as it gets focus would work, I just don't know if there is an easy way to accomplish this using javascript I am using the mootools framework if that helps my case any.
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Jul 23, 2005
Somebody asked me if it would be possible to add auto-advance to a web
form where there are a lot of repetitive 5 character fields. I took a
look around the web and found a script, which appears to work in the
couple of browsers I tried it in. However, when I look at the script it
appears to have the wrong number of brackets. Then when I changed the
script to the way I thought it should be, it still worked!
I'm totally rusty on javascript. I think I remember that you're allowed
to omit brackets when you only have 1 line following the if (or while,
or whatever).
A couple of questions:
Are the brackets in the original script below wrong or am I missing
Can anyone recommend a different auto-advance script?
Or, is auto-advancing a bad idea all around from a usability/accessibility point of view?....
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Nov 4, 2009
I'm using a javascript to center my absolutely-positioned left-aligned site. However, it's not perfectly centered in the browser and I'd like to fix it. I set the width to 788px (embedded Div Layout CSS). Here is the link to the site: [URL]
Below is the javascript code:
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/, ''); };
function positionPage(){
Width = 0;
Width = window.innerWidth;
Width = document.body.clientWidth;
}Left = Math.floor((Width - 992) / 2);
if(Left > 0){
document.getElementById("Div-Layout").style.left = Left + "px";
function MM_reloadPage(init) {
//reloads the window if Nav4 resized
if (init==true) with (navigator) {
if ((appName=="Netscape")&&(parseInt(appVersion)==4)) {
document.MM_pgW=innerWidth; document.MM_pgH=innerHeight;
onresize=MM_reloadPage; }}
else if (innerWidth!=document.MM_pgW
|| innerHeight!=document.MM_pgH) location.reload();
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Oct 26, 2009
I have absolutely positioned left-aligned elements that I'm attempting to center with javascript.The page briefly shifts to the left when the page is loaded before it centers the page.(I realize that this goal could be achieved with CSS alone but I am hoping for a cure for this javascript solution for now.)The javascript that I'm using is common.js, the onload command is positionPage(); and the div is DivLayout.I don't know if I need to adjust the div, javascript or I can correct the shifting issue?Here is the link to view my issue: http:/
Below is the javascript code:
String.prototype.trim = function() { return this.replace(/^s+|s+$/, ''); };[code]...........
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Sep 18, 2009
A client has a 1440 wide flash move in .swf format that serves as in intro to the site. They want the flash movie centered on the screen even if the resolution is lower, at 1024 or whatever. At this point my idea is to wrap the flash object in a div and center that div using javascript so that it centers no matter the screen width, but I don't know exactly how to do this.
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Feb 4, 2011
I need to separate the scremm into 2 areas (2 div´s), and inside each div, I have boxes (div´s) with information that I need to move from left to right and from right to left .... the boxes are generate from a mysql query ... and after a submit buttom, I need to save where are each box, on left, or on right, and reload the page with the boxes on the final place.
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Aug 16, 2011
i have a container div with many other nested divs inside e.g.
<div id="thisOne">
div>Div 1</div>
<div>Div 2</div>
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Mar 24, 2010
I have some code below that I use in a contact form. Initially each text box has a default value, and when focus is placed on the text area, the entry disappears. What I would like to do is scroll the entries to the left, but I don’t know how to do that. I tried sliddToggle, but that doesn’t work.
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Apr 11, 2011
so I spent all my time making this website [URL]html work on IE. And now it turns out it is Firefox that is trying to ruin me. I am using a simple JQuery by Sam Dunn [URL] to slide boxes on the upper left of the landing page. But in Firefox (may be it is just FFX4) it won't run. I can't fathom what can be the problem.
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Aug 27, 2010
Is there a way of making a cycle slide scroll when either left or right are pressed? I've tried searching here and there and the only thing I've come across that seemed to word was [URL]. If you'll be so kind to check that page, you'll see that the script requires a link with a class to "find" where it is, that in my cycle would be .activeSlide (I think) but it does not work. As you may have guessed, im really not in my turf with js but i think the problem is that the a.activeslide is applied by cycle to the html after the keyboard script searches for it. Is there an easy way to allow keyboard navigation? I only need left and right.
Here it is working [URL]
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Oct 29, 2005
I have a website on angelfire and they give me little access to the cgi-bin cause its a free site but they do have a form_handler_file & a form_handler_mail that i can use so there isnt much room to work with the only thing i did not like about it is that all the new additions to the File were at the bottom of the page instead of the top, so with the addition of this onload script, all is well.
<body onLoad="javascript:scroll(0,99999999999999999)">
It took exactly 17 9's to be compatible with firefox & IE and still scroll to the bottom of the page no matter how long the document was. I also put the page within an <iframe> so there is no problem on scrolling all the way back to the top just to navigate.
BTW i use the form_handler_file to make a news post so i dont have to always edit the news page and upload it everytime i have some new news to add.
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Mar 8, 2010
What I am trying to do is create a slider that auto scrolls 3-4 images from right to left with no controls. And if the user hovers over it, it stops so they can read the content that is featured. Everywhere I search there are bunch of plugins i.e. easyslider, s3slider, etc. that have tons of code that is greek to me. I tried using the easyslider code and changing things around for it to do what I want, but I was unsuccessful.
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Jul 20, 2010
How can I change direction in ScrollVert to (bottom to top) and in scrollHorz to (left to right).
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Jun 28, 2011
How is it possible to slide right/left within a horizontal scroll window for as long as the mouse-down action is triggered (preferably with jQuery)? Couldn't find any examples // functions to do that..
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Mar 23, 2009
[URL]... I would like to add a auto to the carousel does anybody know how its done.
An example of it is here but not sure what to do[URl].. I have used this framework from this site to build the one i am currently using but not sure how to add the feature.
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Jul 26, 2003
Anyone know how to make a page scroll down after a certain amount of time, automatically?
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Aug 23, 2006
I have a site that is about 1200px high and want it so when a user clicks on a link in the main menu it automatically scrolls to the designated page. Anyone got a script that can do this?
I would also want the horizontal menu to be sticky so it always floats at the top of the page ..
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Nov 15, 2010
Im having a bit of an issue with a website im building for a band.The band want a site that is 2500 width so that when the page loads you can either scroll right or left to view the out of screen material...i cant find a way of the page loading is always loading to the far left and all i can do is scroll right...i have uploaded the site to http:[url].... for you to have a look at so you see what i mean.I origionally posted this thread in the CSS forum but was instructed this would be a Javascript issue.
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May 19, 2010
I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)
how to do it or show a snippet of code?
I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found. I'm not trying to ask for you to code it all for me (unless you really want to)
Here's the site: [URL]
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Nov 22, 2010
i been poken around on here and have not found anything on this as of now, so i thought i would ask. i have a table of data that is positioned in the middle of one of my pages, rather than change the layout i thought it would be nice to just have the page auto scroll down to the middle of the page when the page loads so that the user does not have to constantly scroll down.
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May 20, 2010
I'm trying to make my sidebar show 3 images then scroll to the next 3 automatically every 3 seconds or so. (vertically)Can anyone help me out with a reference I could look at how to do it or show a snippet of code?I've looked up various scripts for scrolling the pictures I have on the right vertically, but I can't seem to implement any of the ones I've found.
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Jan 19, 2011
I need some help with a couple things. I am not good with or really familiar with Javascript much if at all. What I am trying to do is create a scrolling gallery like this:
I basically was able to grab the code and reworked it and got it scrolling and what not, the issue now is, the pagination links are not working, meaning they are there, working correctly but numbers/links are not click-able.
Here is the code:
<div id="slider1" class="sliderwrapper">
<div class="bannerframe">
<table width="575" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
What the heck am I missing. I have the appropriate files referenced, and its working but I just cant click the links on the pagination.
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Jun 21, 2010
How to window scroll automatically to a certain position on page load using jquery?
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Jan 8, 2009
I am designing a website and I just want that if a user open it on any resolution then it will fit it self to that resolution and no scroll bars will come like google, yahoo etc. I know it is possible but not know how?
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Nov 8, 2011
I'm wondering if anyone has an example or can guide me on how to position selected item automatically WITHOUT SCROLLING DOWN.
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Aug 1, 2011
In order to make my site scalable (down to 1024x768), I need four layers to vertically scroll so that their contents doesn't force the main page to scroll. However, on higher resolutions, there'll be more space below the layers which means I don't necessarily want the layers to scroll if there's enough space to fit the text in.
I've tried CSS - I had to specify a height of 250px (the most I can use before main-page-scrolling takes effect in 1024x768) and set overflow: auto. The problem with this is that this is static formatting - no matter what resolution I use, the layers are always going to scroll because the height has been set to 250px.
So I was wondering if there's a way, either a CSS property/function (or maybe this can only be done in java script) - to make the layers scroll only if there's a risk of the main page scrolling?Or do I need to attack this with a crowbar and have a separate style sheet for every single resolution where I specify the height of the layers for each one?
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