Add Nofollow To Links Created By Array ?

May 4, 2010

How would I cause the links generated by the below javascript to include "nofollow" tags so that I don't bleed PR by using this?

The script rotates clickable image links.


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Creating Links In A Dynamically Created Div

Sep 20, 2009

im trying to create a script for greasemonkey but its still written in javascript. so here is what im trying to do. Ive got a dynamically created division that aligns to the right of the browser window. Now im trying to put links inside it as you normally would with like a document.write statement or other methods. The only problem is, any method i try wont work for me. heres my code, maybe someone could give me some things i could try.


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Show / Hide Subnav - Generates A Menu With Links To The Pages Created In The Admin Area

Nov 30, 2010

I have some wordpress code which generates a menu with links to the pages created in the admin area.


The id of active is on the currently selected menu item. In the above code the home page. How can I get the subnav to show only if the main menu item which contains a subnav is active? The rest of the time I want the subnav hidden. I have found the effect I want on another site [URK]. If you select advanced treatments a sub menu appears. If you select say jobs then the subnav for advanced treatments disappears.

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Remove Textnode After It Is Created From The Array

Mar 17, 2006

I have created an array that holds three textmessages, how can I
remove the created textNode and feed the next message in line? Is
there also an issue with cleaning any whitespace too?

A code snippet:

var altTextBanners = new Array(

altTextBanners.currentIndex = -1;

function initRotate() {

if (!document.getElementById) return;


var text = document.createTextNode(altTextBanners[altTextBanners.currentIndex]);
var message = document.getElementById("message");
// how to remove the created TextNode and get the next one in the array
// ... ??


<span id="message"></span>

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Are Form Values Automatically Assorted Into An Array When Created

Sep 14, 2010

I have a list of buttons in a javascript hangman game: (studying javascript with a hangman game someone else made)


<body bgcolor="f4a460">
<form name="board">
<font face=courier>


What I'm wondering is if the '.elements[i]' part of the above function automatically refers to the array created by the form. I didn't know that forms could automatically be referred by the elements dom without having a name or an id assigned to it. Does a form, when created, automatically assign its values/buttons into an array that can be referred by DOM?

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Adding Data From PHP+MySQL To Dynamically Created Array?

Feb 9, 2011

I am running through a MySQL database using PHP and extracting all of the makes of cars in that database and trying to create a JavaScript array named after each make. Then I am trying to fill each array will all of the models for that make. When I just try to display each Make and Model in an alert box it seems to come up right. And my arrays seem to be getting created but they won't populate with the models (even though my alert msg shows the loops and everything is working).

PHP Code:

while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
//Used so each model is added to the array starting at 0 and ++
$make = $row['make'];//PHP var used to extract data from MySQL


Haven't used JavaScript since a college class a couple of years ago and haven't used it in the real world for even longer. Never with PHP like this. But I am working on this marketing site and need to be able to list products by type according to each brand and as they can be added to a MySQL database it needs to be dynamic. I have the whole thing working by stepping through separate pages using PHP to populate select fields with the data but I want to be able to dynamically add the content to select field using JavaScript so it can all be done on one page and thought that if I could create these arrays on page load then the right information could be selected client side.

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Adding Onclick Handlers To Items Created From Array?

Feb 3, 2009

I am dynamically creating page elements by looping through an array and adding them to the DOM. Each element has an action that should be performed when it is clicked. This action (or a reference to it) determined by the current array value as well. Because the code called in the onclick handler is not executed until the event fires, the value of the current array item (at the time the onclick handler is attached) is not preserved resulting in the expected behavior not happening.Here is an extremely simplified example of the problem I'm facing:

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">


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Add Links To Array ?

Jul 23, 2010

I have used this daily changing image script, it works well but I would like to add html links to each image. But I don't know how to do it.

So instead of the array '1_side.jpg' '2_side.jpg' I would like somethinlike this:

Here is the code:

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Modify Array To Allow For Links?

Oct 5, 2010

I'm using this code for slideshows on my page. But I want to make it so that I can put a different link for each image. How can I modify this to do that?


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Add Links To Images In An Array?

Dec 14, 2011

I know I probably have to recode this, but is there a simple answer?

var ImageArr1 = new Array("images/sponsors/deanst.png","images/sponsors/vroom.png","images/sponsors/lfest.png","images/sponsors/beontrack.png");
var ImageHolder1 = document.getElementById('Rotating1');
var ImageArr2 = new Array("images/sponsors/paulmitchell.png","images/sponsors/sinnersaint.png","images/sponsors/pinksofa.png","images/sponsors


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Adding Links To Array Images

Nov 7, 2005

I have a random image JS that I need to add links to ( well, the same link but to all images) something I am doing is not working. I just need to add a link (asp/course_tool/default.asp) to each jpeg. Code:

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External .file With Array Of Menu Links

Feb 24, 2011

I have an external JS file with an array of menu links called (menu.js).

The code is shown below:

I have called the javascript in my websites main page (index.html), but it does not work.

The html code is shown below:

The javascript for the array of menu links works when it is inserted directly within the html file, but when it remains external and is called in index.html it does not work. I am not sure why this is the case.

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Adding An Array With Links To A Photo Gallery?

Oct 5, 2011

I've got this little chunk of code running on my freelance portfolio site - on each page (different sections of my portfolio) I have 6 thumbnails and a full sized graphic with some descriptive info, you click the thumbnail and it switches the graphic and other info, that all works fine.But on one page I have some web stuff and I'd like to make the var 'clientinfo' into a link to go to the client's website. I know I need to add an array with the website links, but then I'm not sure how to implement it into the html, I've tried various things I've found on here but I'm not getting anywhere on my own. I know it's something pretty simple (for someone who knows what they're doing) but I just can't seem to grasp it.

the js is like this:
$(function() {
$(".image").click(function() {


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Links To Array - Make A Link Harvester For Chatroom

Aug 11, 2010

I'm trying to make a link harvester for this Chatroom. Because my friends post way too many links and I never get to view them all. So I was trying to make something to fix that.

Html is roughly:

My javascript was:

I want to make sure that I'm not saving the same links over and over. So I want them to check through the array first. But I keep getting the value undefined.

The chat site is: [url] If that matters.

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JQuery :: Buttons As Links - Working In Firefox And Safari - But In IE Links Do Not Work

Apr 30, 2010

I am new to jquery, and love it so far, but I am more of a designer, not a developer. I am learning jquery to enhance my sites, and I am having a problem figuring out buttons.

I have them working in firefox and safari, but in IE links do not work.

Here is the script I have, and the button code.

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JQuery :: Menu Navigation - Submenu Links Have A Rounded Box Appear Under Them Instead Of Being Underlined Links

Aug 26, 2009

My menu navigation(Home, Hosting Solution, etc..)

1. The submenu links need to be centered in the middle of the div instead of aligned to the left.

2. Can the submenu links have a rounded box appear under them, instead of being underlined links. Like these at the top: [url]

3: The top tab needs to stay gray/active/on when the mouse is moved down to the submenu or when it is the active button.

Here is the link of the site [url]

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Jquery :: Create Some Links With Method - When I Alert What Is Being Built, The Links Don't Work?

Mar 10, 2010

I'm using jquery/ajax to create some links with method. Here's the relevant code:

type: "GET",[code]..........

Basically, when you click a link a function is called with a parameter based on the particular link you run. Then the code runs through an xml file, and if the parent of the nodes I've cyling through has a value equal to the parameter past to the function, that node is used to create a new link with function attached to it.It all works, or seems to, and when I alert what is being built, it looks right to me, yet the links don't work.I've attached a copy of one of the alerts of one of the links as it's built.

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JQuery :: Text Links Trapped - But Not Image Links

Nov 28, 2010

I have an image wrapped inside a link tag.<a href="somepage.html"><img id="content" src="img/some.gif" /></a>

I want this .click target to be the link: $('a').click(function(e){

Instead, the target returned is the image [HTMLImageElement].

I have tried using closest()and currentTarget:

But they all still return the image, not the link.

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Create An Associative Array Dynamically Pulling The Index Values From An Array (propertyArray)?

Mar 2, 2009

I want to create an associative array dynamically pulling the index values from an array (propertyArray); Associative array is created inside create function and then returned. But after it is returned, I cant use index names to retrieve values. It returns undefined as below code shows.

Code JavaScript:

var propertyArray=["a","b","c"];
function create(){
var array=[];


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Return Array - C# Code - Connecting To Database And Creating A Array - List

Jan 21, 2011

Modifying my code:

I have this C# code that is connecting to database and creating a array(list)


I'm trying to pass it to a javascript function so I can then pass it to a silverlight page so I was able to create this easy javascript that show a aleart box on startup of the list(array)


But I want to do something like this and can't get it:


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JQuery :: Submenu From Array - Function ToggleOptions Takes 3 Variables - Target - Array - State

Feb 15, 2011

I am trying to understand somecode. I don't think I am understanding everything correctly. Can someone confirm or add to my understanding?

Here is the code, below is my explanation:

- CODE 1 - is saying if the the class subnav_dd is called on an anchor tag on a li, then make the function in the if statement "live". (Live in a sense binds the function to the condition, but unlike bind it allows the condition to be used more then once. ) So if the class subnav_dd is the parent, and has a class of .dis then prevent anything below it from firing. CSS - If code 1 is true, then I will only get the first li to fire, the remaining ones will not.

- CODE 2 - This one is a little tricky. Function ToggleOptions takes 3 variables (target, array, state). The condition is if the div subnav + target have siblings, then check to see how many siblings are there. Put the amount of siblings into an array, then check the state of each sibling. I don't completely the rest of it.

I think if the div subnav is called and something is found in the array then the class dis is either added or removed. Then what? I don't understand why I still need the else that adds a class to #subnav_

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Correct Syntax For An Nested Array Where Each Array Element Has 3 Elements, A Number And Two Text Strings?

Sep 17, 2010

What is the correct syntax for an nested array where each array element has 3 elements, a number and two text strings?


array = ['1, Old Man, Old Man','2 Black Sheep, Black Sheep',....]

should the text strings be in double quotes("")?


array = ['1, "Old Man", "Old Man"','2 "Black Sheep", "Black Sheep"',....]

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Sorting Objects Inside Of Multidiminsional Array For Main Array?

Apr 25, 2011

I am really hoping someone is willing to take the time to read this post and take a minute to take a look at my code. What is happening is there are some matches for a script I made and then an area for segments during an event. If you notice on the segment part of the form is that there is a dropdown that asks for where in the event that segment needs to go. With the Introduction or the different numbered matches. What I need to happen for a subArray I need it to take the introduction, all the matches, and all the segments and order them accordingly. With the introduction first, the matches in order based off there match number and then the segments in between the introduction or matches based off the user's input.[URL]..

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Convert Php Array To Array And Populate Form Text Fields

Nov 3, 2010

I am working on a page where the user will select a location from a dynamically generated dropdown list. I was able to create the php multidimensional array (tested and working) from a MySql database using the users information at login, but I'm having problems converting it to a javascript multidimensional array. I need to be able to access variables that I can pass to a number of text fields within an html form.For instance, if a user belongs to a company with multiple addresses, I need to be able to let them select the address they need to prepopulate specific text fields.

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Use Array.slice To Divide The Array Into Two Equal Sized Arrays?

Jul 21, 2011

is this correct

var mid = math.floor((0 + array.length)/2)

from here you could use array.slice to divide the array into two equal sized arrays?

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Comparing Array Values To Select Unique Array Elements?

Apr 10, 2010

This one is throwing me off! Either I am making a stupid mistake or I'm doing it totally wrong I have an array, and I am trying to select unique values from it and assign it to another array. Here is the code:

var flag;
for (i=0;i<=pdfs.length-1;i++)
flag = 1;
for (j=0;j<=pdfs2.length-1;j++)


The problem is that the if (pdfs2[j] == pdfs[i]) statement ends up never being true. There are URL's to pdf files in the array. On the other side, if there is a much easier way to select unique values from an array, please feel free to point it out.

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